ricky--henderson · 4 years
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She smiled down Christian and leaned down to plant a very gentle kiss on his tiny head. “I love you, little guy…” She whispered, before using one hand to move back a bit so if Ricky wanted to stand up. “Nope, not at all. I did my truck order and then laid on the floor for an hour. Then went and waited some tables.” She laughed a bit. 
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“And how are you really?” Ricky questioned, after standing up. Looking over at her, it seemed like her family had taken a major blow after Richard’s passing and Imogen’s baby coming on suddenly. “How is your aunt doing and cousins?”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
“No, I haven’t seen her in awhile.“
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“Thanks anyways.”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
“Just asked if you seen my sister around...”
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“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you were saying?” @secretsummerstarters​
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
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“That it is.” Ricky sighed a little bit, as he moved over to her. Clearly she was having a hard time and he hated that for her. “Just a little bit?” He questioned raising a brow slightly. “What happened?” He asked, gathering up her things. “Come on, let’s get you home.” He was planning on taking her home, and told Amanda that he was bring her.
[ @ricky–henderson​ ]
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“Oh, look… it’s my big brother…” Audrey giggled, moving to step off the bar stool and nearly falling as she did. She never usually drank this much, but her goal had been achieved. She was so drunk that it didn’t hurt anymore. “I am just a little drunk…”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
iMessage -----> Ricky Henderson
Audrey: veiry dakij
Audrey: No...
Audrey: -dials the phone to call;
Audrey: -slurs; I understand how very late it is... I am very drunk. Help me.
Ricky: [answers phone] Where are you?
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
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Audrey laughed a bit and shrugged. “I definitely have my priorities straight. Amanda and I have a deal. She feeds me, and I give her all the embarrassing childhood stories.” She nudged him with her elbow before starting to head out of the office.
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Ricky shook his head a little bit. “You better not. Cause there is a lot of crazy stories up there.” He made a gesture and left his office with them. “I can gladly blast your embarrassing childhood stories.”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
“Nah, the gossip’s been pretty stale lately. The place is in need of a shake up.” She chuckled.
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“Oh, damn. That can’t be good.” He chuckled lightly. “I miss it at times.” 
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
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Her boys… she loved them both so much. If she were asked a year ago if this was where she would be, she would never have known. Things looked so different now then they had then. She loved this picture much better. “Yeah… but it is so hard to risk waking him…” She leaned down and picked Christian up. “My day was very boring… not worth talking about really.”
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Ricky never thought that he would have this but yet he did. He felt like the luckiest man alive to have them both. Sure, he never pictured this but he wouldn’t change his life at all. “I know.” He handed Christian over to her carefully. “Nothing exciting happened?”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
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“Shush…” Amanda whispered, leaning down to pet Harley as she set her bag down. She then headed deeper into the house. A soft smile perked across her lips as she saw Ricky and Christian asleep. She couldn’t stop herself from stopping to take a picture. She loved her little family. She moved forward and reached out to take Christian’s little hand and gave it a gentle kiss before hearing Ricky’s voice. “Hey, handsome…” She leaned up to kiss him gently. “Sleep well…?” 
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This was his home, his family completely and he loved his life now. Even if at times he missed Lisa. And he had told himself that he moved on and he had. Clearly. He smiled as he kissed Amanda back. “I swear we just fell asleep.” He told her softly. Sitting up slightly. “We should get him in bed and then you can tell me about your day, love.”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
“Perfect. Though I don’t think you’ve missed too much.”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
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They had fallen asleep trying to wait up for Amanda. But as soon as the door opened, Harley started barking which stirred him a little bit. There was apart him that knew it was Amanda. So he wasn’t worried. When she came over to them and kissed Christian’s hand, it only confirmed what he knew. Opening his eyes, he glanced at her. “Hi, love.”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
“It certainly won’t!”
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“One drink and you can fill me on the gossip at the station.”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
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She wished there was a way to make it easier on him, but she knew there wasn’t. In a way, it made her hate Greg working here even more. He was practically a constant reminder of Lisa. “Ooh, that sounds like a great idea. I am starving and I think today’s special is burgers…” Audrey laughed a bit, picking up the diaper bag to fling it over the back of the stroller. “Everybody else wants to see Amanda and I just want food.” She laughed a bit, shaking her head slightly. 
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There wasn’t anyone that could make this easier on him. Ricky was doing the best he could with what he had to work with. And sure, having Greg work with them probably wasn’t the best idea but he didn’t hold anything against him. “Nice to know all you care about is the food.” He teased her. Heading over to the stroller, he placed Christian back into it. “You have your priorities straight.” He chuckled. “Come on, let’s go.”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
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Ricky couldn’t close the file fast enough She saw the name and resisted the urge to sigh. Her brother had been so in love with that woman. Even now, she could see his pain. He may have loved Amanda, but Lisa would always be there in the corner of his mind. She gave a smile though as he agreed. “Good. See, Daddy, is gonna go walk with us. So, you can smile now…” She said in a sing song tone before holding the baby out to his dad. 
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All Ricky wanted was answers but he wasn’t finding any. And that was something that sucked big time because he needed the answers. Had it been -A? Had it been someone else? He had loved Lisa, really loved her. Like he did with Amanda but Lisa was always going to be there. The two of them were going to start a life together and finally be together and just like that someone had taken her from him. Standing up, Ricky moved over to them and took Christian from her. “Yeah, daddy is coming with. Maybe we can even walk and go see mommy.”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
“One drink won’t kill me, I guess.” 
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“Come on - at least one drink! It’s no fun sitting here by myself!”
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ricky--henderson · 4 years
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Ricky sat in his office, looking over at the file in front of him. Lisa’s file. That was one case he would never give up on until it solved. Hearing his son, he glanced up at his sister and Christian. Closing the file. He nodded his head a little bit. “You are right. We probably should get us both out.” 
[ @ricky–henderson​ ]
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“Look, little man…” Audrey cooed softly, holding Christian in her arms as she walked into Ricky’s office. “Daddy is right there.” His eyes were brimmed red from the little crying fit he had just endured. She walked over and took a seat on the edge of her brother’s desk, watching him closely. “You’ve been working diligently all morning. How about we go for a walk? Get cooped up baby and cooped up daddy out all in one setting…” 
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