riften-starks · 4 months
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Hello ^^ I’m writing this wondering if anyone would be interested in helping create Prestige Paws/a new Dog sim game. I’m the only person doing the art and coding at the moment, and progress is slow but steady. I’m writing this wondering if any of you would be interested in speeding up this process. I’m looking to find/fill the general roll of 3 positions. For the time being these positions will be unpaid while it is a passion project, but hopefully sometime soon kickstarter, ads, patreon, and contracts will begin to fund positions & servers. Any participants in the game will receive early access keys, and once more of the game is fleshed out more rewards may be given.
Story/Concept Writer(s): The game needs concepts such as stores/buildings, events, competitions, seasons, locations, NPCs(maybe?), lore, etc. to be more fleshed out. Bios, descriptions, and tutorials need to be planned and conceptualized/rough drafted. Progress and documents need to be tracked. This person(s) would be in charge of writing/creating new concepts for the game. Ideas will be brought and bounced off. This is an important backbone for the game when it comes to art/design. This position interacts with everyone but also needs a backbone where decisions and progress can be tracked/made. Daily interaction is not needed, but the story/concept may be worked on daily by other members.
Concept Artist: Maps, Logos, Sketches, colors, voting. Sketching/concept art takes a long time. Working together with the concept writer(s) and having a rough outline/description greatly streamlines the art and coding process. I’ll be working closely with this role to plan designs/markings/backgrounds/colors/etc. that the team decides is most appealing. This role also works closely with the writers to envision the future of the game. Working on end game art is not expected. Daily interaction is not needed, but art/concept may be worked on daily by other members.
Management/Media: Game updates, discord servers, and such need to be made and managed. Unfortunately art and coding is taking a lot of my time. Depending on how hands on/off these volunteers are, I’m afraid I don't have enough time to create a player base for the game and manage things such as social media. If daily interaction is not possible, multiple people may fill this position.
Thank you for reading! If any of you are interested please send me a message or check out my DA!
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riften-starks · 4 months
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Concept art for a darpg/dog sim browser game.
Prestige Paws is a browser-based dog breeding simulation game that focuses on realistic dog breeds and genetics, incorporating both real and imaginative markings. Alongside true-to-life breeds, players can create unique crossbreeds, shaped by community-driven decisions on names and distinctive markings. The game honors the spirit of breeds known for their roles in herding, guarding, protection, detection, hunting, and retrieving. It encourages a journey of ethical breeding and the respectful treatment of animals, where every dog embodies the essence of great spirit.
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riften-starks · 5 months
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Drawing Overwatch Interactions - Episode 01: "The Cute Guy" I drew this last year and it's still my favorite hero interaction in OW 2 so far! Reposting this and labeling it "Episode 01" just for fun. I'll definitely make more, I just don't know how consistent it will be. LOL
Here's an animatic version where I also put the actual voice lines in just for fun! (Turn on sounds!)
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riften-starks · 8 months
Hi. I never really post here. I mainly just lurk to keep myself informed on what is going on in the community.
I think about a few days ago or so, I saw that someone made a post asking about a user I had commissioned for custom decor a while ago. I don't want to scroll down and find the post, so you might have to just take my word for it. I wanted to wait a bit longer to post this, but I feel I have waited long enough as is. You are free to ignore this post but if you do read, I respectfully ask of you to not harass/witchhunt the user mentioned or myself. I do not have a desire to "cancel" anyone. I am sure this individual is a decent person. There is absolutely no resentment I hold towards this individual either, just disappointment towards my own mistake. I am only posting this to inform others of my experience and hope it doesn't happen or has happened to anyone else. If you have trouble reading long paragraphs like I do, scroll down to where it says "Long Story Short" in bold.
Almost a year ago I had commissioned #105942, a decently known custom decor artist for two pieces of custom decor. One was going to be a mane+fluff, the other other was wing+tail attachments. One other was going to be commissioned as a Christmas gift for a friend but I had not sent a deposit since there was no response on if it would be accepted in game since the custom decor had pot leaves. I had to save up GB from sales so I could send the deposit and get the CD rocks. I had told her I would buy GB and send the deposit in a week, but due to my financial struggles, I chose not to buy the currency and I failed to communicate on that. I hold full accountability on my lack of communication. I did eventually send the deposit of 80GB (I swore it was 70GB but she said in messages it was 80GB) on 01/20/2023 and I recall purchasing both rocks on that same day, which is an additional 20GB (but that's on me). I had 50GB set aside in my bundles so I could pay her later once I was able to approve the first WIP of the pieces. That never came.
I can say in full confidence I failed on my part to communicate more with her. It takes two to have a conversation. I didn't want to bother her as I felt I would rush her in the art process and simply waited for her to reach out to me. We didn't speak again until I made myself message her on 07/17/2023 and she replied stating she was busy with her baby, which I completely understood. She said she would have an entire weekend to work on my commissions and would have an update by Saturday, which would've been on 07/22/2023. There was no update.
I didn't reach out again until 11/30/2023 when I decided to message her. I kept her situation, with her now having an entire life to care for now, in mind when asking for a refund. I said I couldn't quite remember if the amount was 70GB or not since I could not find the receipt in the "Sent Messages" folder on Lioden, which I assume was because she deleted the gift notification from her folder. She said that life was hectic with her baby at the time, which I understood, and stated it was 80GB she owed and would get it to me after she had sold a lion of hers. I agreed.
Messaged her again on the 12th of December to see how the sale was going. She said she was still waiting for it to sell.
Skip ahead to the 22nd of December, I reached out again and asked if her lion had sold. She said no, but she would be buying GB after Christmas and would issue the refund to me after the holidays and I told her it was no problem, since it was nearing closer to the holidays n' all. I understood she would be busy around then.
I reached out again on 01/03/2024 just wanting to peek in. No response.
Reached out again on 01/11/2024 asking if she was okay, since there had been no response, but I could see that she had posted an ad on Discord in a Lioden server she and I are both in and on a thread on Lioden. Of course, I was a tad peeved. I reached out to the Lioden mods, not expecting anything to be done since all conversations she and I had were over Discord and, as expected, nothing was done. I sat on it for bit, wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt. I haven't sent another message, but I know if I do I would be met with nothing anyway. I already know I will not be receiving a refund, but I don't care. I'm not sure if anyone else has had an experience like this with this user. I feel I may be the odd one out, since I haven't heard of any complains in regards to them.
Long Story Short
I commissioned #105942 for two pieces of custom decor almost a year ago. Sent the first deposit on Jan 20th 2023. Was never sent a wip/she never worked on it. Asked for a refund (80GB) in November and she said she would give me a refund after one of her lions sold. Messaged again on December 22nd 2023 asking if said lion sold and was told it hadn't but that she would be buying GB after the holidays so she could issue me the refund ASAP. Reached out on Jan 3rd 2024 to check in and was met with no response. Messaged again on Jan 11th 2024 but never received a reply back, despite seeing some activity on her part on Lioden and Discord.
Link to proof: https://imgur.com/a/fLMPn4n
If the link doesnt work, I'll try again.
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riften-starks · 8 months
I will just make this brief. 
I don’t care about underage users seeing the Feb stuff, I’m sure they’ve seen much more vulgar things than a lion mounting another. My main concern is the blatant lying of your age. It not only endangers you, but everyone else on lioden. You could be lying saying you’re 18+ and someone who is actually 18+ starts speaking to you about things suitable for you guys to speak about. However, this isn’t true. This person can be classed as a predator even if they didn’t know your age. Or they can feel so guilty they didn’t know and just up and leave. Or you can fall into shit with an actual predator, as lioden is easily accessible for those kinds of people and they do target lioden users.
Stop being selfish and wait a few years or at least play without communicating people actively and deceiving them. You’re endangering everyone, including lioden itself. Lioden can actually be entirely banned or erased due to underage members, especially if staff are aware of it or if it becomes a problem. It’s one of the main reasons they are so strict with their rules. 
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riften-starks · 9 months
If anyone is defending Ezra by saying it’s not illegal so it’s fine YALL ARE FUCKED IN THE HEAD LMAO
If you defend that shit you need just as much help as Ezra does 👽
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riften-starks · 9 months
TW for sexual content
"'wah wah, ezra drew pornographic images that i don't agree with so i get to accuse them of irl crimes.' y'all are pathetic. is cub/feral porn gross? yes. is it immoral? no, it's not fucking real and it's certainly not illegal unless you live in a place with harsh censorship laws. don't like don't look."
It's incredibly immoral. Just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it's not immoral, that thinking process is stupid as fuck especially because beastiality is legal in alot of places, would that in turn make it moral? Because it's legal? NO
Anyone who can draw and interact with content that puts animals ESPECIALLY baby animals in sexual situations is someone who is mentally fucked up, needs to get off the Internet and get therapy.
Ezra should absolutely be ashamed and deserves the backlash and hate. You're trying to defend someone who enjoys zoophilic content and that's fucking weird.
"don't like don't look" how about people don't draw animals having sex?? it's not something people should be getting off too or drawing there's a reason it's banned on so many websites 😐
I apologize to mods for the graphic words and that this fuck ass is defending a feral porn artist.
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riften-starks · 9 months
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riften-starks · 9 months
That was me 🤣🤣 wassup y’all
"Didn't your friend harass mods to the point of having no account standing left? I understand leaving the game for content reasons but the three musketeers being broken up is kinda their own fault. Adios amigo." -- PREACH! Finally someone not sucking up to Katie.
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riften-starks · 10 months
Serval has been given leeway after leeway, chance after chance. They've been chatbanned, warned, and had their behavior let slide on occasion after occasion. The fact that they insulted Xy, who does not deserve it and no matter what you entitled little brats say works hard to try and give us nice things was likely the final straw that got them banned. They fully deserved it a long time ago. Jester next.
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riften-starks · 10 months
on the 11th day of christmas lioden gave to me:
serval’s account getting banned permanently 🎄🎶✨
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riften-starks · 1 year
Halsin joining our camp to see that the guy who played with the tiefling kids is now a devil, some pasty elf is biting people in their sleep, a githyanki and goth girl are slapfighting, there's a tiefling on fire, and that wizard just ate a pair of gloves.
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riften-starks · 1 year
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night and day
commissioned by ilgattosultubo
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riften-starks · 1 year
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more studies with astarion!!
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riften-starks · 1 year
there’s so many toxic ass players in this game - I can name a few more that doesn’t include jester or katie or serval. especially one but they sit on a pedestal where they’re untouchable
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riften-starks · 1 year
More on "Judith" - TW Grooming/Predatory beahviour
Screenshots of what was sent to a member of a clan I’m in/mod. this is ltierally disgusting and predatory behaviour.
I’m not blocking out the discord ID they provided because they gave it in order to continue to assault and evade a block from this member. I’m fucking disgusted in this user.
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riften-starks · 2 years
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Cone head chronicles
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