rihaydenjames · 6 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
AU where Aaron and Robert co-host Britain’s highest rated home remodelling show that gets picked up by Netflix and they become international stars bc the world loves to see them bicker and flirt at the same time, bless
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
i need more gay friends, reblog if you also do
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
this scene was so fucking important!
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Love, Simon (2018) dir. Greg Berlanti
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
I'll never not be bitter that sally and tim won over robron! At least this year we have the reunion ep for people to compete with
its frankly the biggest disgrace in soap award history nonnie. whoever wins though, we will be getting some 10/10 dryan content and life is sweet.
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
sign petition to have Leelah Alcorn's correct name on her tombstone.
On December 28, 2014, 17-year old transgender woman Leelah Alcorn stepped in front of a moving vehicle after her family refused to accept who she was, isolated her, and sent her to conversion therapy in an attempt to change her gender identity. They murdered her.
Even after her suicide, Leelah Alcorn’s parents refuse to call her by the correct pronouns.They will be putting “Josh Alcorn" on her tombstone and continue to call her their "son.”
Sign the petition here to ensure the name Leelah would’ve wanted gets engraved on her tombstone.
“My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say “that’s fucked up” and fix it. Fix society. Please." -Leelah Alcorn.
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
Last night Tumblr user im-not-sick-and-disgusting made an attempt at suicide. 
For right now I am only calling it an attempt because I have no clue whether or not he is alive. I have waited up all night for him to say something but, nothing has come up. 
I am begging the Tumblr and transgender community to please come forward with any information; if you know where he lives notify the local authorities, if you follow him I encourage you to blow up his inbox with kind words and show him that he is loved. 
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I tried to contact him more directly and I got this.
I also got his Facebook info from another person and tried to message his closest friends and tell them about the situation but, I haven’t received a response from any of them. 
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
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Transgender suicide hotline For my brothers and sisters who are struggling. If you need help, reach out. Your life is worth it.
More information about the hotline - https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/americas-first-transgender-suicide-hotline-is-now_us_5a3d253ee4b0df0de8b0648c
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
Friendly reminder for non-dysphoric "trans people"...
…That roughly 40% of transgender people attempt suicide at least once throughout their life.
…That most transgender people have been feeling off in one way or another since childhood or tweens.
…That transgender people sometimes suppress their feelings for years.
…That most transgender people are petrified of coming out.
…That many transgender people self harm.
…That transgender people are more likely to be victims of nearly every crime imaginable, among which are abuse, rape and murder.
…That the majority of transgender people are depressed or at least struggling with their mental wellbeing.
And do you, you non-dysphoric “trans” person, think that this is because being trans is so cute and cool?
Do you think it’s because trans people love their body?
Do you think it’s because they just don’t like dresses and pink?
Do you think it’s because they just don’t like football and blue?
Do you think it’s because they’re perfectly fine and not suffering a serious illness?
Because if you do. You’re wrong.
It’s because trans is more often than not a living hell and doesn’t have a single upside outside of tumblr.
It’s because they dislike or even hate their body and feel dysphoric about it.
It’s because they were supposed to be men but were put in a female body- fashion has in most cases nothing to do with it.
It’s because they were supposed to be women but were put in a male body- fashion has in most cases nothing to do with it.
It’s because they’re not fine at all, and honestly- how could they be? They are suffering a serious mental illness.
Trans is not your aesthetic.
Please stop this ridiculous trend and leave the trans community alone. You’re fucking everything up for us and making us into a big joke.
-sincerely, a dysphoric trans person.
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
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Can we get some justice for Blake Brockington? He was an eighteen year old transgender boy who committed suicide recently in Charlotte, North Carolina. He won homecoming king (the first transgender at his school to do so, actually), and was a wonderful human being. His parents kicked him out at seventeen, and he was living with a foster family as the boy he knew he was. Please, you reblogged Leelah like crazy, and rightfully so, but I want some justice done for Blake.
Rest in peace, Blake. You’ll be missed.
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
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Her name was Leelah  / His name was Zander
Half of all the proceeds will go to transgender suicide prevention organizations and trans youth centers in an effort to prevent these tragedies and give trans kids a voice.
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rihaydenjames · 6 years
when a transgender girl commits suicide, you don't fucking put her preferred name in quotation marks that’s fucked up 
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rihaydenjames · 7 years
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I really stan the softest and prettiest character, wow
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rihaydenjames · 7 years
raising all of my fucking limbs tbh
If dysphoria is kicking anyone else’s ass on this fine afternoon raise your hand
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rihaydenjames · 7 years
you know what I’d really like a big ol cup of “i feel like my body is mine” juice
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rihaydenjames · 7 years
I would say definitely Robert! For a number of reasons really, but mainly for the chemistry the two characters have on screen. They also write so very well for them and opposites do attract. I’d say Jackson and Ed were maybe a bit too soft and let Aaron get away with things too much. With Robert, he’s met his match and they’re both very aware of it. I’ve also had much more time with Ryan Hawley to evolve it into the relationship that it’s become.
Danny Miller answering “Who’s best for Aaron – Robert, Jackson or Ed?” (via robronspoilers)
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