rileshuds · 5 years
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rileshuds · 5 years
I’m not planning on sticking around here for a long time, just until the dust settles and issues get ironed out. My body is already itching in all of these sweaters and coats, despite them being cashmere or goose-down. I miss L.A weather already, although, it’s been a bit cloudy since you moved back here.
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Yes, Ivyhill is a great loss for our family, but it could be worse. No one is dead, so lucky there. I think I’m all set for the time being, I’m sure the welcome wagon is on it’s way to give me a proper greeting.
All the things, huh? Good to know that things don’t change.
I’m not actually surprised that you’re not staying long. God does it make it complicated that you’re only here for a short time... I don’t know... regrets might happen... but I don’t know which I’d regret more... You’re much too big of a fish for this tiny pond. And I know what you mean, I actually did a Google Image search of my favorite beach in L.A, just so I could feel less cold because of all the snow we’ve been getting. But I can’t say I’m not thankful that you’re bundled up in layers instead of shirtless looking so...you...and...irresistible... It helped bring a little feeling back to my freezing feet but then that could have also been the fuzzy socks. Oh gosh, please stop. Always such a flatter and I appreciate that but we both know that you’re more than enough to brighten up any cloudy day. Holy heck... I’m already being pulled back into your gravitational pull...why do you always have to be so...hot...
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I’m glad to hear that everyone is alive. I can’t imagine how hard it would have been if you had lost your home and your family too. Still, this can’t be how you expected your homecoming to be. I don’t know about the welcome wagon, per se but if it’s all the same, I’m available... to buy you a cup of coffee and something to eat at Bethany’s cafe, to welcome you back. If you’re interested. It’s just coffee... no big deal... at least it shouldn’t be... Grilled Cheesus, why am I so embarrassed, like you haven’t seen me naked already... 
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rileshuds · 5 years
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Life is so precious and it’s such a gift and I think you just have to stay connected to that and respect other people. I mean, I think you just have to do that and then take it from there.
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rileshuds · 5 years
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rileshuds · 5 years
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Alycia with flowers is a separate kind of art.
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rileshuds · 5 years
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rileshuds · 5 years
“My head says no but my legs are open to the possibilities.”
— Michael Faudet (via lovequotesrus)
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rileshuds · 5 years
PEY: Yeah, that's true and I'm happy, too. Like, I'm happy that we hooked up that one night back in October. Yeah....I felt kinda lost without him talking to me.
PEY: Ugh, she did not learn that from me. Me no longer having a boyfriend because she's going to have him wrapped around her little finger, so want to be my wedding date since your daughter is going to steal mine? Like I'm not even mad about it, I've accepted that I had a wonderful month with the guy I love and my niece is going to steal him from me. Yeah I know. 😍😍😍 Hopefully this one isnt cut short like last week was but I get it, he had to get all sweaty by beating up a boxing bag, shirtless with Dare. Its cool.
PEY: True, we had Finn marry us in your backyard and we had a mud pie for our wedding cake. That's also true, Samuel needs to ask you for your permission. Same goes for you too, Riles. 😘😘😘😘
PEY: I don't know how I wouldve survived seeing a body without your help, Riles. Hell, Samuel scared me shitless when that went down. I like him for me, too. He does and I, I'm really grateful for him.
PEY: Tequila has good & bad perks and I'm here for both.
PEY: Worse how? Like sex?
PEY: How is sex, never mind. I answered my own question.
PEY: Did you just com-[ DELETED]
PEY:....Riles, who did you have sex with, that was amazing?
RILES: You felt lost? That's cute, Pey. You know I love, love. But after the year you've had and the you-know-who thing... which by the way don't think I didn't notice you two talked... I just want to make sure you're not falling into deep too fast. You know what they say about the flames that burn the brightest burn out the quickest. There's nothing wrong with a slow burn and going slow.
RILES: If you don't think I'm going to be tour wedding date either way, you're wrong. I can't imagine going to Jackie's wedding with anyone else. But I'm sure that Smlex is going to at least let you have visitations with Samuel eventually. I'm still sad that your last date night was cut short. I know the Serpents have a lot going on and when their leader calls they gotta go but boxing hardly seems like a need to leave a date early situation. Hopefully Darius will give him the night off this time.
RILES: It was truly a beautiful wedding. Finn cried. Mom made mac n cheese for our reception and our wedding rings were daisy chains. Samuel is lucky that I love you so much that I let him have you and I didn't even put him through half the ordeal you put Cap through 😉
RILES: You can handle anything Pey. You are one of the strongest people I have ever known. You go through Hell and back and never stop fighting. I admire you so much for that. I hope you and Samuel are always there for each other, ready to share each other's burdens and struggles. Hopefully he talks to you and leans on you when he needs it. And vice versa.
RILES: You're not wrong. I'm not complaining or blaming the tequila but thank God we aren't doing that ever weekend like we used to do back in LA.
RILES: Yes. Probably. Sex would have been probably the worse.
[. . . ]
RILES: Okay. So here's the thing. I went a very long time without sex. A year at least. A year without an actual orgasm because between Cap, moving back to Riverdale, work and having a toddler, even if I had a couple of free minutes or hours sleep or showering won that battle.
RILES: And then there was Rory. Sleeping with Rory. Falling into Rory again. Sleeping with Rory and all the things I felt for him once amplified everything. And it was like waking a dragon... like a super hungry and powerful sex dragon... that burned everything up.
RILES: but I don't know how to feel about the more complicated parts of things with Rory. I loved the little bubble we made, almost like we were falling into place of being a tiny family. But I don't know if that's a good thing for our girls or for us.
RILES: Logically and maturely I know I have to talk to him. I have to figure out where things are going or more likely ending. Which I hate because we were good at being friends and now I don't know. He's full of so many secrets and surprises, but not good surprises. He deserves someone who can handle surprises and complicated. Which I could do but as his friend where there is a safe distance for the tiny life I made who is my entire world. It would be selfish and unfair to Grace to hold on to him knowing we can't be more than friends who slept together.
RILES: But anyway. I rambled and went off point. My original point was, sex is good. I missed sex like someone would miss cheesecake when they've been on a diet for too long. And there is a mindblowing, toe curling, back arching, make you believe in God, multiple orgasmic piece of cheesecake in Riverdale again.
RILES: and my adult responsibility is telling me no but then my whole body that remembers what it was like to have him between my legs or behind me is begging for a cheat day to have cheesecake. Like I know there would be no expectations or confusing complicated feelings. No secrets or insecurities because he isn't telling me things or hurt feelings because he's calling someone else his number one girl.
RILES: I mean, you've met Austin. You know how he is and how upfront he is about what he wants and what he's going to give. I doubt he'd ever want to meet Smlexi or date. I wouldn't have to worry about confusing her or our friends. Or setting up movie dates or hangouts between shifts. Worrying if I'm going to get a call or hear secondhand again at the hospital about him being hurt for the millionth time. No Ghoulie or Serpent vendettas endangering my kid.
RILES: It's simple. Austin is simple in terms of sex is just sex. Really, really good sex. Like if he charged for sex, he'd be richer than Elon Musk or that Amazon guy or if sex was like an Olympic sport, he'd hold all the records and all the gold metals because holy wow. And it's hard not to want it again.
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rileshuds · 5 years
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riley matthews: a summary
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rileshuds · 5 years
She’s like warm days, sunshine, honey and love.
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rileshuds · 5 years
Alycia Debnam-Carey + Shiseido
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rileshuds · 5 years
PEY: Well I didn't want to go to bed because that means that I have to sleep the next night away from Samuel and I kinda hate it. However, I kinda blame the club sometimes.
PEY: She's basically a Niffler, Riles. There's no point of sugar-coating it, honestly. She has more than 20, she has like 50. And she still hasn't met him yet. Oh god, please put a stop on that, we don't need that kind of talk in our household. Oh, Im on it. I shoved it into my bag, that way I can drop it off to him in the morning. Since he's at work right now. OR I can always give it to him tomorrow night, since its date night.
PEY: Before you propose to me, make sure you get Samuel's permission since Im sure he will miss me or even start to schedule visitations. 😂 Have I told you that I fucking love you? Because I do.
PEY: Me too, Riles. Im so lucky to have you in my life too and Im so lucky to have Smlex in my life too. I'd be so lost without you guys and thank you. Me too, but you're right, he does make me happy.
PEY: What kind of mistakes, Ms. Hudson? Sleeping in the shower with your clothes on, hm?
RILES: You're so cute I can't stand it sometimes. Seriously I'm so happy to see you happy even if it was a little sad that you had to be without Samuel.
RILES: 😖 I know. She's my little Niffler and I'm Scamander just following after her trying to put back the things she's thieving. God of Thunder Almighty, can you imagine what it's gonna be like when she meets him? 😫 Aww date night 😍😍😍😍😍😍 you guys are so cute I love it.
RILES: Light of my life, we're already married and we've been married since we were like 5 years old. Samuel should be asking me for permission. I'm kidding but don't worry, I think I voided our marriage when I got married first. But I love you too, so very much. You will always be my life partner, my soulmate, my biggest and greatest love.
RILES: We'd be lost without you too. My life has been a whirlwind since I came back to Riverdale but without Mom, Jackie, Aston, Bethany, Finn and especially you, I don't know how I could have survived it. I like Samuel for you, Pey. He brings out the best in you.
RILES: Oh gosh. I can't believe I did that. Seriously tequila needs to come with a warning label.
RILES: I mean more texting Rory or worse...
RILES: Have you ever been on a diet or something? And you know you're supposed to avoid things that are bad for you? Like cheesecake. All that sugar and fatty goodness would just derail all the progress you made and you'll hate yourself in the morning.
RILES: But then there is a cheesecake in front of you, looking so sinfully delicious and you know it tastes so good because you've had it before. And it's a really good cheesecake. The kind of cheesecake people stand in three hour lines at six in the morning to have a piece of.
RILES: But it's still so bad for you even if you just want to have a snack or nothing else from the cheesecake but indulgence.
RILES: Anyway... cheesecake came back into town and the last thing on my mind should be snacking because he's going through a tough time with his family and I feel so guilty
RILES: But holy wow... Knowing he was back and having him mention my name... immediately I could practically hear my clothes trying to fly off and begging to have some cheesecake.
RILES: That was the kind of mistake I was trying to avoid but I'm not sure if it would be a real mistake because I know it would be just junk food indulgence... empty calories and endorphins euphoria...
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rileshuds · 5 years
“They weren’t so much best friends as they were extensions of each other. The thing was, they could function without the other. They just didn’t want to.”
— a.g. (via billylewisjrrps)
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rileshuds · 5 years
PEY: Oh, no, no. That was me towards you, because I got up now lmao. I have missed you dearly too, platonic soulmate & life partner.
PEY: Me either, knowing her, she would take it to class and keep it there, or stuff it into her little backpack. She truly is my niece, my heart. Do you remember what color it was because I've stolen some of his flannels and I might want to put some back before he realizes that half of his flannels are gone? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
PEY: Its because we're platonic soulmates, and we've been together for ages now. Sounds good to me.
PEY: The club's doing great, the shop is doing great and the constructions doing great. The night went really well. Aww, honey. Me too. Im sad that I didn't get my annual sloppy cheek kiss from Smlexi. What about you?
RILES: My dear heart, love of my life, sunshine in my sky, beautiful rose. I'm glad that you got some rest and that we keep the same weird sleep hours 😂
RILES: I'm thoroughly convinced she is one of those pack rats kind of creatures. if it's shiny or pretty she wants to add it to her collections of thingamabob because she's got 20. Oh jeez. Now she's stealing flannels from a guy named Samuel. Next she's going to want to go on hunting trips and start using words like gank and lore. But really I think it was maybe a blue flannel that should probably make it's way back to Samuel before she claims it as her own.
RILES: I'm so deeply in friend love with you. I don't even remember what my life was before you. I'll order all your favorites and we can swap and share.
RILES: I'm so glad everything is going good with you. I already told you how proud of you I am but I need to say it again. You are so amazing, Pey. and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. Smlex and I missed our annual NYE rituals but we are happy to create new traditions because you deserved to spend the beginning of the new year with someone you love and makes you happy.
RILES: I had to work so it wasn't my favorite way to spend the beginning of a new year BUT I'm also thankful that I had to work. It kept me from making mistakes.
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rileshuds · 5 years
PEY: Mornin' lovely, or should I say, night??? What is time? That's okay, I kinda passed out when I got home, so I feel that entirely. I also think that Smlexi was in my room at some point since now her shirt that I got her, is on my Captain Marvel Jacket.
PEY: Ughhhh if you do, get me a BBQ bacon burger with mozzarella sticks with a large chocolate-cherry milkshake. I don't trust that chia seed pudding.
PEY: To be honest, Im in the mood for both? Like what we don't finish, we can always eat later. GOOD.
RILES: RIGHT! Sorry. I skipped all the greetings because I'm on the verge of hangry. Good some time of the day, platonic soulmate and life partner. I have missed you dearly.
RILES: I saw her running around with the roombas a bit ago playing Web Slinger with the mask you bought her but I wouldn't put it past her to want to wear auntie Pey's Captain Marvel jacket. the other day I caught her trying take one of the shirts that I believe belonged to Samuel.
RILES: You are speaking my language lady. I'm saying we Gilmore Girls it up and order way more food than we're ever gonna eat and live off of the leftovers for the next week.
RILES: But also while I'm order, tell me everything happening in your life and how your night went for NYE. I was sad we didn't get to ring it in together.
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rileshuds · 5 years
RILES: I just woke up from the best mini come after the longest 12hr because of NYE shift to ever exist.
RILES: I'm ravenous and I might eat everything in the fridge. Even that weird chia seed pudding Aston eats in the morning.
RILES: or I might just order a metric ton of Pop's food, I might be in the mood for a Hawaiian burger and jalapeno poppers plus a mint chocolate milkshake.
RILES: Or should I do Chinese instead? Just be more pork dumplings than person?
RILES: What are you in the mood for because if I'm gonna pig out I'm making you help. Also maybe Jackie if she's not busy.
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rileshuds · 5 years
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mint chocolate chip ice cream
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