Hi, everyone!!! Sorry I haven’t been writing requests for almost a year. It’s been a fairly stressful year, and I’ve also not really had much motivation (or time) to write, to be completely honest. BUT. I think I’m ready to try to start getting back into writing requests, and I’m also going to add Engage to the list of games I write for to try to motivate myself a bit since I love the characters. Anyway, sorry again for being so inactive, and thank you for all the likes, follows, reblogs, and nice comments you guys have given me!!! 💝
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Summer FE3H Girls Wallpaper, Icon, and Header!
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Please like and/or reblog + credit me if you use any! 💝
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Decided to finally make a blog for these!
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So, I’ve been making icons and wallpapers quite a bit, lately, so I decided, why not make a blog for it? So, here it is! Before requesting, please read:
If you save and/or use any of these, please like and/or reblog + credit me! 💝
Currently, I’ll only be doing this for characters who are present in FEH. Please, specify which version you want for characters with alts!
Please, don’t judge too harshly! I’m fairly new to this, and I’m doing it for fun!
Please, don’t request more than four characters per wallpaper/icon/etc.. I already have a bit of trouble fitting three, nicely, and as of writing this, I haven’t tried any with four.
Please, please be patient. Believe it or not, I do have a life outside of Tumblr. If you rush me, I’m less likely to want to complete your request.
No incest, adult x minor, gore, or NSFW!
Don’t send hate. If you send hate, you will be blocked without warning.
I will most likely add to this list.
I hope you all enjoy! 💝
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More FEH Icons and Wallpapers!
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Lol I got bored and decided, why not make a few more of these? Feel free to use these if you want to! Please like and/or reblog + credit me if you use any! 💝
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"you have some [...] on your lips" with Ferdinand please? congrats!!
//Sorry this took me for flipping ever to post! 😓 I hope you like it!//
Baking (Ferdinand x Reader)
“And then you mix it all together, like this…” I instructed. Since Ferdinand’s birthday was coming up, he and I had decided to practice baking cakes. Well, more like, he was practicing, and I was telling him what to do. Though, while he claimed to have some skills in cooking and baking, he definitely lacked experience.
“(Y/n), I assure you, I am perfectly capable of mixing the frosting without assistance.” Ferdinand insisted, taking the bowl from me. He sat it down in front of him and began to stir. Though, it didn’t take long for him to manage to spill some of the mix onto the floor. I couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
“What was that about being ‘perfectly capable’ of stirring?” I teased, causing Ferdinand’s face to turn a bit pink.
“…Very well. Perhaps I will allow you to stir. I will decorate the cake, once it has finished baking.” The noble said, handing the bowl back to me. “Do you know how much longer that will take?” He then questioned.
“Ferdinand, it hasn’t been in there for very long, at all. It’s going to take a little while to finish baking.” I explained, carefully picking up where he had left on with the stirring. Ferdinand let out a soft sigh.
“I see… I must admit, I am quite eager to see how our cake turns out. I am certain it will both look and taste exquisite!” He exclaimed, smiling. “Though, I know that I must practice patience. After all, rushing the cake could ruin it.”
“That’s true. It’s definitely best we let it bake for as long as it needs.” I agreed, setting down the bowl of frosting, once I had finished stirring it. Ferdinand’s eyes shifted over to it, curiously.
“The frosting looks delicious!” The noble exclaimed, his smile growing. I smiled back, nodding.
“It does! Let’s hope it tastes as good as it looks.”
“Well, there is one way to find out.” Ferdinand said, causing me to shake my head.
“Love, the frosting is for the cake.” I told him. Though, truth be told, it was rather tempting to go get a spoon and at least taste a little…
In fact, it was a bit too tempting…
“You know what? Trying a little bit won’t hurt.” I said, quickly grabbing a couple of spoons and handing one to Ferdinand, who’s face brightened up, immediately. I pushed the bowl towards him a bit and then dipped my spoon in, taking a bigger bite of the frosting than I probably should’ve. The sweetness took over, immediately. It was definitely as good as it looked. “Mm… All that trouble was definitely worth it…”
“Indeed! This is delicious!” Ferdinand agreed. I looked over at him, happy to hear that he had liked it. However, my eyes were immediately drawn to his mouth, where a little bit of frosting had ended up. Ferdinand seemed to notice me staring and raised a brow. “What is it?”
I softly laughed and walks over to him, a bright smile on my face. “Oh, nothing…”
“No, tell me…!” He said, causing me to once again laugh a bit.
“Alright, alright…” I started, stepping even closer. “You have some frosting on your lips… But don’t worry! I’ll get it!” I said. Before Ferdinand had time to react, I happily placed my lips against his. He seemed a bit surprised at first, but he quickly kissed back, softly chuckling against my lips.
“You know, you could have just asked for a kiss.” He said with a chuckle.
“I mean, I could’ve, but I saw the opportunity, so…” I smiled and happily kissed his cheek, causing him to smile back.
“I am certainly not complaining!” He quickly said, before continuing. “I love you, (y/n).” I happily hugged the noble, gently.
“I love you, too, my Ferdinand von Aegir.”
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Oh hey I saw your fic in the Awakening tag! Could I get a Male Robin x Lissa in maybe a family setting? I just always loved Owain as a son and it especially makes sense with his whole “aching blood” thing. Just fluffy family stuff.
//I love this request!!! Owain is definitely a great character 💝 I hope you enjoy!!!
Sorry it’s a little more angsty than planned… 😓 But the ending is fluffy!//
(M!Robin x Lissa)
“Mother! Father! I can’t… Control…!”
Robin and his wife, Lissa, were startled awake by the sound of their oldest son, Owain, bursting into their room. Sitting up, Robin let out a yawn and turned to look out the window, noticing fairly quickly that it was still dark out. He was a bit concerned, yes, but this was also something that was fairly common for the boy.
“Come here…” The tactician sleepily mumbled, as he patted the spot beside him on the bed. Oswin gladly obliged, quickly sitting down beside his parents, as Lissa rubbed her eyes.
“What’s wrong…?” The princess questioned, still not fully awake, yet. “Are you feeling okay…?” Owain fidgeted a bit, not making eye-contact with either of his parents.
“I’m not ill or the like, mother… But my aching blood…! It’s coursing through me with a burning fury…! My sword hand longs for battle…! I-“
“Hey, settle down…!” Robin quickly interrupted, placing a gentle hand on Owain’s back, trying his best to soothe him. “Everything’s alright, okay…?”
Owain’s eyes shifted to the floor, his entire demeanor changing in an instant. The boy sort of slumped forward a bit, his mouth falling into a frown. Immediately, worry flooded into Lissa.
“H-hey, what’s wrong…? He didn’t mean to upset you…!” She quickly said, pulling Owain into a tight hug. He was a bit tense at first, but soon let himself hug back, trembling a little.
“Owain, did… Did you have another…?” Robin trailed off. He knew that Owain had had plenty of nightmares about the war, about Grima, about losing his parents. Even though there wasn’t anything to worry about, anymore, he still had those nightmares on occasion. Both of his parents knew he didn’t like to talk about them, but they also didn’t want him to have to hold everything in.
With a shaky sigh, Owain simply nodded. He didn’t say anything for a little while, unsure of how to even start, or if he even should say anything at all.
“We’re here if you wanna talk, but you also don’t have to… No pressure or anything…!” Lissa said, as she held her son close, sorta rocking him the best she could. It was a little difficult, seeing as how he was significantly taller than her, but she managed the best she could. However, Owain soon pulled away.
“…The blood of that… That monster… It courses through my veins… I worry that… I might lose control, one of these days…” Owain finally admitted, his gaze once again on the floor. Robin bit his lip.
“Owain, that isn’t going to happen. I promise, you aren’t going to lose control. Nothing is going to happen. Not to you, not to us, not to anyone.” The white-haired man spoke.
“He’s right! And if for some silly reason anything does happen, we’ll be right here with you to help!” Lissa added, smiling. “We’ve got you!”
Listening to his parents’ words, Owain couldn’t help but smile a little. They really were the best parents he could’ve ever asked for, and now that he had them back, he honestly didn’t know what he’d do without them.
“Heh… Your words are like a beacon of hope. Like a ray of light, piercing through the veil of darkness, cast over the world by-“ Owain paused, turning to look back at Robin and Lissa. “I-I mean… Thank you.” He finished, his smile growing a bit. His parents smiled at each other, and then at Owain, before wrapping him into a group hug.
“You’re welcome, Owain. We love you very much, and we’ll always be here for you.”
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“Your face is so red... Do you have a fever?” with Jakob and reader pretty please UwU
I wasn’t sure which one you wanted to have say it, so if you’d like it to be the other way around, let me know, and I’d be happy to write a second one!
Fever (Jakob x Reader)
“Master (Y/N), I’ve brought the tea you requested. I hope it is to your liking.” I heard my butler, Jakob, say, as he softly knocked on my door. I quickly sat up on my bed and turned to face the door.
“Come in.” I said, watching as the silver-haired butler made his way into my room. “Hello, Jakob. How are you, this morning?” I asked, giving him a smile, which he quickly returned.
“I am well, Master. Thank you for asking. And you?” He replied, pouring the fresh, hot tea into a cup and then carefully handing it to me.
“Thank you.” I thanked, blowing on the drink in my hand, before taking a small sip of it. “I’m well. Though, if I’m being completely honest, I am a bit chilly…” I admitted, causing a look of mild panic to appear on Jakob’s face.
“Well, that simply will not do!” He exclaimed, before setting his tea tray down and beginning to search for heavier blankets.
“Jakob, you don’t have to-“
“Here we are!” Jakob interrupted, a smile on his face, as he then proceeded to drape a blanket around my shoulders. “How is that?”
I looked at the blanket, before giving him an awkward smile.
“Well, actually… This may be a bit too warm…” I quietly said, not wanting to be ungrateful, but also not wanting to end up drenched in sweat before I even had a chance to train with Xander for the day.
“Oh! My sincerest apologies!” Jakob said, hurrying to snatch the blanket off of me and nearly knocking over my tea in the process. I let out a small, startled yelp, as I quickly steadied the cup in my hands.
“Jakob, it’s okay, really…!” I quickly said, watching as he hurried to fold the blanket back up. “I’m sure the tea will warm me up, plenty…!”
The butler paused, as though he honestly hadn’t thought about that. He awkwardly cleared his throat, a little bit of an embarrassed blush forming on his cheeks.
“I see…” He softly said, as he did his best to regain his composure. “Very well… I shall leave you to drink your tea, then…” He added, as he turned to leave. However, before I could stop myself, I called out to him.
“Jakob, wait…!”
The man stopped and then turned to look at me.
“Yes, Master (y/n)?” He asked, still looking slightly flustered. A light blush started to form on my own cheeks.
“I could use a little more warmth…” I quietly said. The butler opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly cut him off by reaching for him. Jakob’s eyes immediately widened.
“M-Master, I…!”
“You insisted on helping me, didn’t you?” I asked, a slightly teasing tone in my voice. Jakob’s cheeks reddened even more, and he once again cleared his throat.
“…Very well… If you insist…”
Without a word, Jakob made his way to my bed and sat down beside me. I happily sat my tea down and wrapped my arms around him, cuddling into him. I had only managed to convince him to cuddle one other time, when we were children, but the feeling was even nicer, now. I peeked up at Jakob, to see that his face was now the shade of a tomato. Forcing back a laugh, I gently placed my forehead against his.
“Your face is so red… Do you have a fever?” I asked, before pulling away and placing a light kiss on his forehead. “You are pretty warm… Maybe I should be the one taking care of you.” I teased. If his blush could get any darker, it did. He pulled away from me, quickly, and turned away.
“N-nonsense…! I am perfectly fine…!” He argued, not looking me in the eyes. “Either way… I… Ah! I must wash your teacup before Lord Xander requests your presence for training!” He said, quickly grabbing my cup from the table by my bed.
“Hey! Wait! I wasn’t-“
“…Done…” I shook my head and softly laughed, staring at the door he had just gone out of. “As cute as you are, you sure do make it awfully hard to confess, Jakob…”
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That moment when you’re trying to find a fanfic you’ve read before a while back but now can’t find it to save your life-
I don’t remember the title. I just remember it was a Claurenz soulmate AU where the other’s name shows up somewhere on their body, and I think it was on AO3. But I tried Googling that with no luck…
Anyway, if anyone here somehow knows what one I’m talking about with that little information, please, let me know! 😭😅 I just saw fanart that reminded me of it, so now I wanna read it, lol.
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Summer Sylvain and Mercedes Wallpapers and Icons!
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Feel free to use these if you’d like! They’re not perfect, but I tried. 😅
Please like and/or reblog + credit me if you use any! 💝
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~Art Blog~
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Hey, everyone! So, I decided to go ahead and make a blog for my fanart and edits! Though, it’ll most likely be mainly edits, since digital art isn’t really my thing… 😅
Anyway, enjoy this random summer Ferdie edit I made a while back! 💖
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“Do you realize how precious you are to me?” with Dedue X female! Reader with the reader saying that to Dedue, please?
I love this prompt sooo much for him 😭💖
Just a reminder to those who are reading this! Since this was one of the Prompt ones, it is a bit shorter than most of my other stories! I hope you all still enjoy this!
Precious (Dedue x Reader)
“Good afternoon, Dedue.” I greeted, stepping into the greenhouse. I happily made my way to Dedue, giving him a gentle smile. Upon hearing my voice, Dedue sat down the watering can he had been holding, turning to look at me.
“Hello, (y/n). Did you need something?” He asked, giving me his full attention. I quietly shook my head.
“No, no. I just figured you would be here and wanted to come and spend some time with you!” I explained, my smile growing a bit. Dedue seemed a bit surprised by my words. However, the slight shock soon was replaced by his normal, stoic look.
“I would advise against that, (y/n). You know well what may happen to your reputation if you were to be caught talking to me. I’m a man of Duscur.” He stated, causing me to frown a bit.
“Dedue, I’ve told you before, that doesn’t matter to me. And it matters even less, now. We’re in the middle of a war, and you’re not only a trusted ally, but also a very good friend.” I explained, purposely leaving out a fairly important detail, as I was sure it could wait until later. With a sigh, Dedue turned back to the flowers.
“I do not understand. You’re always taking the time to come and seek me out, just to spend time with me. It makes no sense to me.” He said, which honestly kinda felt like a blow to the stomach.
“I… Oh… I-I’m sorry…” I quietly spoke, looking down at the ground.
“That’s not to say that I dislike your company.” The man suddenly added, causing me to look back up at him. “Quite the opposite, if I’m being completely honest.”
At his words, I felt my heart flutter a bit. Could he possibly…? No. No, no. There was no way that he meant that as anything other than platonic. Right…?
“However, I still think it would be safer for you if you were to stop visiting me.” He finished, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Safer…?” I repeated him, quite upset. “Dedue, I don’t care what people think! You’re my friend, and I care so, so much about you!” I suddenly blurted, my face growing red upon the realization of what I had said. However, I didn’t stop there. “People can be such jerks, even in times like this, but you’re one of the kindest, most amazing people I’ve ever met!”
“(Y/n)…” I couldn’t read the expression on Dedue’s face, which made me a bit worried, but I couldn’t just stop after I had said so much, already.
“Do you realize how precious you are to me?” The words left my mouth, and I no longer knew what else to say. I stood there, silently panicking, as I waited for a reply from the man. Trembling, I tried my best to keep eye-contact, though tears were threatening to spill. I wasn’t even sure why I felt like crying.
“(Y/n)… Is that how you really feel…?” Dedue questioned, taking a hesitant step closer to me. I slowly nodded, the blush on my cheeks darkening. Dedue nodded in response and gently took my hands in his. “Then I would like to let you know that you are very precious to me, as well. I may not be the best at showing it, but… I do care about you, very much.”
My eyes widened in surprise, but I soon felt a smile slowly forming on my lips. I gently squeezed Dedue’s hands, stepping even closer to him, as I stood on my toes to give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
“I’m so, so happy to hear that, Dedue…”
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Sorry I haven’t posted in forever! I’m working on getting some of the older requests done, now!
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Miss Rina.... Can I please maybe have Lukas with a female s/o who likes to make little animals with magic and always sends them to bother him when he’s training the new members of the Deliverance🥺👉👈 ilysm and you’re doing so well
Thank you so much!!! Ily too!!! 💖
Ahhh and thank you for requesting Lukas! He’s one of my absolute favorite characters to write for, and this request is so cute!!!
Distracting (Lukas x Reader)
I couldn’t help it. It was just too fun to mess with my boyfriend, Lukas! He was almost always super formal and composed, especially when he was training with someone, so it was honestly kinda humorous to see him get distracted or startled, once in a while.
“Okay, there he is! Do you see him?” I softly asked the little icy bunny and fiery fox I had created about a month ago, pointing towards the red-haired knight in the distance. The two little animals turned their heads in his direction, then looked back at me with nods. I grinned, nodding back at them. “When I say go, I want the two of you to charge at him as fast as you can, okay? Don’t hurt him, just play!” I quickly added, shifting my gaze back up to Lukas, who was currently helping one of the newer recruits with how to hold his lance. As soon as he let go and backed away from the new member, my grin widened. “Go!”
The two magical animals immediately took off running, swiftly making their way to my boyfriend and beginning to run in circles around him and weave through his legs. Lukas’ eyes widened in surprise, as he stumbled a bit but managed to not fall over. A few quiet chuckles were heard from the group he had been training, as the knight watched the fox and the bunny, trying his best not to step on either of them.
“What in the- What’s-“ Lukas stuttered a bit, before finally realizing what was going on. The knight quickly regained his composure, before crouching down a bit in front of the two animals. “Blaze, Frost, you know that I can’t play with you, while I’m training. I’m sorry,” Lukas apologized to the two, before standing back up. He sighed a bit, turning to the people he was supposed to be training. “I’m sorry. I’m not sure what’s gotten into them, this week.”
Taking that as my cue to enter, I happily made my way towards everyone, trying to hide the fact that I was quite amused. I was really pretty surprised that Lukas hadn’t caught on, yet, and I didn’t want to risk him doing so. I hurried to put a fake surprised look on my face, as I approached.
“Is everything alright, Lukas?” I asked, as I knelt down and picked up my two animal friends. “You seem a bit less... Composed than usual,” I commented, silently cursing myself for my awkward wording. Lukas shook his head.
“Everything is alright, (y/n). Though, you may want to keep a closer eye on Blaze and Frost. They seem to enjoy joining in on our training sessions, lately. I don’t have a problem with them, of course. I just don’t want them to get injured or cause someone else to get injured,” Lukas answered, as he turned to the newest Deliverance members. “Let’s take a quick break and meet back here in fifteen minutes.”
Soon, Lukas and I were left alone. Well, alone with Frost and Blaze, but with no other human company. With a soft sigh, Lukas looked over at me.
“I suppose it was nearing time for a break, anyway,” The knight spoke, a small smile forming on his lips. “What have you been up to, today, (y/n)?” He asked. I gave him an innocent smile, playing with my hair.
“Oh, I’ve just been watching you train is all,” I replied. “Like usual,” I added, giving the red-haired man a quick kiss on the cheek. However, Lukas then gave me a somewhat confused look. I raised a brow, wondering what on earth could’ve caused that reaction. “What’s wrong?”
“You just said that you’ve been watching me train, which would mean that you would have to be nearby. Because of that, it seems likely that you would have noticed Blaze’s and Frost’s interruptions, much sooner than you did, today. Not to mention the past several times that this has happened.”
I felt my face suddenly grow warm, as my eyes widened a bit. Lukas could see right through me. He knew. I could see it in his eyes. Though, he didn’t seem angry or upset. Rather, he seemed fairly amused, almost.
“L-Lukas, I... I just wasn’t paying that close of attention...! That’s all...! They just got away from me, and-“
“(Y/n), please, don’t lie to me. I’m not upset, do you don’t need to feel as though you have to lie to me. You’ve been sending them to me on purpose, haven’t you?” Lukas questioned, though I knew he already knew the answer. With a sigh and a slight pout, I nodded.
“Yes, I have... I’m sorry, Lukas,” I apologized, feeling a bit awkward that I had been caught. After all, I had probably been bothering him and the new recruits. However, Lukas then softly chuckled.
“You have no reason to be sorry. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt,” He reassured me, a gentle smile on his lips. “Please, wait until after training is over to send them, from now on.” Lukas gently pulled me into a loose hug, which I gladly returned.
“Alright, I will... I love you, Lukas.”
“I love you, too, (y/n).”
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Requests are open! I went on an unannounced hiatus for quite a while due to some things going on, but I’m back, so I’ll hopefully be getting some more requests done, soon! Thank you all for reading and staying with me through this break! 💖
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Since you did a prompt for Claude/Marianne, do you have any headcanons for them, since you mentioned them to be a favorite pairing of yours? :) The prompt was wonderful!
For sure! I love them! Ahhh and thank you so much!!!
Claude x Marianne Headcanons
The two of them definitely take things very slow. They don’t even make things official between them until quite a while after confessing to each other.
Surprisingly enough, Marianne is (hesitantly) the first one to confess, and her confession catches Claude pretty off-guard.
Marianne tells Claude that her feelings aren’t important, however, and she insists he forgets she even said anything.
Claude doesn’t get a chance to tell her that he feels the same, as she quickly leaves him standing there, alone.
When he finally does get a chance to confess, Marianne is a bit hesitant to believe him, but you know Claude.
Claude is persistent.
He eventually is able to assure Marianne that he really does feel that way about her.
Unfortunately, Marianne is very hesitant about starting a relationship with Claude, as she worries that she’ll only cause him misfortune.
Eventually, though, the two decide to give it a shot.
They actually have a pretty happy life, together!
Neither Marianne nor Claude are really big on saying the words, “I love you.”
There also isn’t a lot of physical contact in their relationship, other than some occasional cuddling or hugs, really.
This doesn’t bother either of them, though. It’s what they’re comfortable with!
They both know that they love each other, and they don’t see the need to “prove” that.
Claude likes to surprise Marianne with gifts on occasion.
These gifts often include flowers, trinkets, or jewelry.
While she truly does love and appreciate the gifts, Marianne tries to tell Claude that he really doesn’t need to do all of that for her.
However, he insists that he enjoys spoiling her, which he does.
When the two get married, they have a fairly small wedding with only close friends and family.
Though, despite being small, it would still be very fancy. Not too over the top, but still very nice.
Despite how different their personalities are, the two are honestly genuinely very happy to be together.
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Hello!!! Can I request jealous headcanons for Dimitri × a female reader please? Thank you!! You are doing great!!!♡
My time has come.
Lol sorry, I love jealous headcanons, and I love writing for Dimitri! I hope you like these! And thank you!!!
Jealous Dimitri x Reader Headcanons
Despite what the people who know him may think, Dimitri can actually get jealous pretty easily.
While he does love and trust you very much, the prince can’t help the fact that he really doesn’t like seeing you with other guys.
Especially Sylvain and Lorenz. He really does not like you being alone with one or both of them.
“Ah, good afternoon, my dear (y/n). May I be the first to say that you look absolutely-“
“There you are, (y/n)! I’ve been looking for you. Are you ready to get going? The shop you wanted to visit tonight will be closing, shortly.”
Dimitri gives you a gentle smile, before leading you away from the flirt.
This sort of thing happens fairly often, but it’s almost always with one of those two.
You can be sure that Dimitri has definitely had a few talks with Sylvain and has most likely also spoken to Lorenz at least once, as well.
You’ve questioned Dimitri about his odd behavior before, and while it did embarrass him, he did eventually confess to you that he was in fact jealous.
His jealously doesn’t always lead him to interrupt you, though.
Say you’re training with Felix, rather than Dimitri.
The prince will likely either stay there and observe or will find something to try to distract himself, since you’ll likely be on his mind the whole time.
He doesn’t mean to be a bother or anything. The poor guy just wants your attention to himself, you know?
Not in a creepy, psycho, yandere way, though.
Dimitri honestly likely has some worries that he keeps to himself, including worrying that you may leave him for someone else.
Not that he would ever try to pressure you to stay with him if you mentioned you didn’t want to be with him.
You leaving him would still definitely hurt him, though, nonetheless.
Sometimes, when his jealous reactions end up going too far and upsetting you, Dimitri will do his best to make it up to you.
He will likely spoil you, if you let him.
Or, if you want him to just leave you alone, he will do that, too.
Though, he would probably spend the entire time mentally scolding himself and swearing to himself that he will better himself.
All in all, his jealously will rarely get too unbearable, but he’s still trying to work on stopping it, all together.
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oMG YOUR WRITING IS SO CUTE I LOVE IT! Can I request some headcanons for Dimitri being absolutely in love with the female reader? Puppy love, if you want to call it like that? Basically Dima pining after her😂 Thank u, you are amazing🥺
Thank you so much!!! Ahhhh this request is so cute! I love it!!! 💖💕😍
I hope you like this! If you want something different, let me know!
Dimitri x Fem!Reader Puppy Love Headcanons!
Dimitri first meets you when you join the Blue Lions house, and he is immediately drawn to your kind personality.
Not to mention, he won’t admit it right away, but he also finds you very beautiful.
After becoming friends, the prince finds himself going out of his way to help you or spend time with you you in general, which does not go unnoticed by his friends and classmates.
“Wow, Your Highness. You and (y/n) sure are getting close. Do I sense a wedding in the near future~?”
“Sylvain, what on earth are you talking about? (Y/n) and I are just friends!”
When the ball arrives, Dimitri can’t help but watch you from a distance, desperately wanting to dance with you, but much too nervous to do so, to his dismay.
This boy is clueless as to why he is so nervous.
Thankfully, as much as some of them tease him, his friends have his back.
“Hey, (y/n)~ His Highness is looking pretty lonely, over there, don’t you think? Why don’t you ask him to dance?”
“Oh, that’s a great idea!”
Unable to hear the conversation, Dimitri is honestly a bit bothered by the sight of Sylvain speaking to you. Especially when he gives you a playful wink.
However, he is quite (pleasantly) surprised to see you make your way over to him and even more surprised when you offer him a hand.
“May I have this dance, Your Highness?”
“Heh, I believe it should be me asking you that question. But yes, I would love to dance with you, (y/n).”
Dimitri can hardly take how close the two of you are, when you begin dancing. Not that he necessarily dislikes it, but he’s terribly flustered, his heart is pounding in his chest, and his stomach is more full of butterflies than he had ever thought possible.
‘Could it be that I... Have fallen for her...?’
Dimitri is unaware of the blush on his face, as he shyly stares into your beautiful, sparkling, eyes. His eyes then trail to your gorgeous hair, your loving smile, your soft lips...
He almost doesn’t notice as the song ends, but he quickly snaps out of his thoughts and separates from you, giving you a polite bow and thanking you for the dance, before watching you go.
However, you don’t get far, because Dimitri quickly grabs your wrist, pulling you back towards him before he can stop himself.
“(Y/n), I... Please, later tonight, I... Would... Would you accompany me to the Goddess Tower...?”
And so, at the end of the night, as the ball starts to wind down, the two of you meet at the Goddess Tower.
Dimitri is unsure of what exactly he should wish for, but you’re more decisive.
By your request, the two of you gladly make a wish that you would always be together.
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