ringless-blog · 10 years
Ask the mun time!
1. Why did you choose the character you play?
2. Do you associate yourself with this character in any way?
3. What do you like most about the character you play?
4. What do you dislike about your character?
5. Has your character grown/changed in any way since being brought to the Hive?
6. Are you confident in this muse?
7. Do you have role models among the muns?
8. Do you see yourself keeping this muse?
9. How do you deal with writer’s block?
10. Are there any songs you associate with your muse?
11. If you could tell your character something right now what would it be?
12. Do you think you and your character would get along in real life?
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ringless-blog · 10 years
Heliconia, daffodil, locust
Heliconia: Do you like when it rains?
Rain, yes.  But no more than that.  I haven't got enough of a god complex to believe that I am exempt from the forces of nature.  Lightning strikes rarely, and even more rarely upon a human being, but these things do happen.  To dance outside in the rolling thunder may be tempting for foolish, green, daring children, but is no means smart.  So yes, I do enjoy the rain, it's a welcome change of pace from the heat of summer.  But only if it comes without a storm.  
Daffodil: What's the most thoughtful present you've ever received?
In a very twisted, backwards way, the Sennen Ring is probably the most thoughtful present he's ever received.  But he isn't about to say that, or believe it. 
My father gifted me a small music box when my sister and mother passed on.  It was my mother's, and her mother before her.  She intended to give it to Amane when she came of age, but -- 
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Locust: What was your favorite book as a child?
I had a old, worn down copy of a book of ancient rituals that I never ended up returning to the library.  My family never saw it, though.  Being Catholic, anything regarding black magic was heretic, so I'd hide it beneath my mattress to read when nobody was home.  
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ringless-blog · 10 years
✿ flower questions ✿
Daisy: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Carnation: If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?
Jasmine: What color looks best on you?
foxglove: Name three facts about your family?
Allium: What's the best thing you can cook?
Orange Blossom: If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you?
Calla Lily: If you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral?
Poinsettia: Favorite holiday dish?
Oxlip: Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?
Primrose: Favorite kind of soup?
Daffodil: What's the most thoughtful present you've ever received?
Rose: Are you currently in love with someone?
Amsonia: Would you ever become a vegan?
Peony: What's your favorite hot beverage?
Tulip: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for?
Myrtle: Do you like going on airplanes?
Hibiscus: Did you ever play an instrument? If so what?
Zinnia: Who was your best friend when you were six years old?
Poppy: What color was your childhood home?
Hydrangea: Starbucks order?
Violet: Do you like where you're from?
Locust: What was your favorite book as a child?
Rhododendron: What's the scariest dream you've ever had?
Queen Anne's Lace: Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?
Magnolia: Favorite kind of candy?
Aster: Would you rather be cold or hot?
Marigold: Do you listen to what's on the radio?
Heliconia: Do you like when it rains?
Azalea: What's a movie you cried while watching?
Dandelion: Do you think you're important?
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ringless-blog · 10 years
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Name:  Brianna Personal account: planthecker Age: 20 Birthday:  April 24th Nickname(s):  Bri, Empress of Chodes, Puppi but nobody's called me that in literally years Reason for nickname(s): I used to host tinychats all the time and somehow we ended up talking about whether heat would hurt a persons chode and I said "chodal heat" in bold and it was important, long story short I am the empress of chodes Roleplay character(s): In Citta: Ryou Bakura, and soon Kiyotaka Ishimaru-! Roleplaying History:  I started when I was in some horrid aol chat and then started just rping casually, found some wolf rpg once but I was a thirsty pos and ended up quitting because i wanted to write smut omg Character(s) I’d Be Over the Moon To See In Citta: Anyone in the yugioh cast tbh \o/
Advice to RP with me: I'm the slowest partner of all time so just please be patient with me ah ;;
about the mun!
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ringless-blog · 10 years
//Hey guys!
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I'm  so sorry I haven't been on, I actually have four dogs that have gone through dental surgery within the past week!  So almost all of my time has been spent taking care of them!  I know I said I was going to make a small starter or something for the festival, but my own dog just got out of surgery an hour ago and isn't feeling very well.  So I'm gonna have to take a rain check on that-! 
If you need to get a hold of me or even just want to chat, I'll be on and off of my personal when Leo starts being able to sleep.  I respond to messages pretty quickly there, so! 
Sorry again guys!  Have fun at the festival for me!!
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ringless-blog · 10 years
So as it turns out, Ryou appears to be rather underdressed. 
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Haha just kidding he actually look fine as hell what up ladies
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ringless-blog · 10 years
before blaming others, think: whats the 1 constant in all your failed relationships? its that cursed egyptian amulet why do u even have that
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ringless-blog · 10 years
                                            She is the  s u n l i g h t                                                   The sun is gone  
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ringless-blog · 10 years
Normally, Ryou could remain fairly indifferent to the spouting of people who took human lives as though they were their own to take.  Not that it didn't bother him, of course -  it just...didn't surprise him anymore.  So eventually, any effect some sociopathic spiel might have had on him sort of fizzles out in a yeah okay, been there, heard that, bought the t-shirt sort of way.  Most of it wasn't genuine anyhow, so no harm done. 
But this was different.
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It'd been a long time since he'd heard that level of conviction in a person's voice in regards to killing.  The way that she cackled, the way she seemed so genuinely joyful about it made him want to drop the entire thing here and now and stop bothering at all. It'd probably be in his best interest, at the very least.
That sort of self-glorified gloating in this context wasn't unfamiliar, either.  In fact, it was a bit too familiar for Ryou's taste, and he made the decision that this was probably not somebody he wanted to cross, or speak to, or breathe the same air as - ever.  
But part of him was still curious, and he cursed that part abhorrently, and then he cursed the part that wanted to act on the curiosity. 
"And you would go about this game - how?"
[∞] Why would she enjoy it? Now there was a question she’d expected from one of these pigs. Of course, ordinary humans would probably ask why she’d take pleasure in toying with people’s lives. Believe it or not, she wasn’t always like this. But thinking back on it now…
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“Kuha… Kuhahahahahaha~ Why? Would you ask a kid why they enjoy playing with their toys? Would you ask a gamer why they enjoy running people over with their virtual cars or filling people’s bodies with virtual bullets? It’s a game to me! A g-a-m-e~" The sheer amount of glee in her voice a she spoke so casually about killing others would be enough to make anyone’s skin crawl.
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ringless-blog · 10 years
So I've gotten quite a few indie followers as of late - which is fine, you're welcome to follow if you like yes!   But I just wanted to let you guys know that this blog is part of a MFRP - and I really only interact from people inside of it. 
I do have two indies too, if you guys want to interact!  (Both are Dangan Ronpa, but you never know, haha - ) 
I hope you guys understand-!
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ringless-blog · 10 years
"Regardless of the permanence of it, why would anybody subject themselves to something --"
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"...And why would you enjoy it?  Actually, nevermind.  I don't want to know.  I really don't.  Please don't tell me." 
He actually sort of wants to know.  But yeah, okay.  He'll be tsundere about it. 
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[∞] ”I’ll overlook your blatantly disrespectful tone, just this once. If you’re referring to the fact that a normal person wouldn’t just want to die, then I don’t care. And neither should they. Death isn’t permanent in this city anyway. And even if it were, I could just revive them and kill them again in an even cuter way~”
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ringless-blog · 10 years
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"You don't have exactly an overabundance of experience with the way human beings operate, do you?"
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[∞] ”Would anyone be willing to die right now for my enjoyment? Hmph, probably not. If only I had the means to kill someone myself. Fucking stupid city and it’s restrictions.”
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ringless-blog · 10 years
What a beautiful evening in Sector 002.
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The black sludge looks particularly pristine.
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ringless-blog · 10 years
Did you know that having grey hair means you're old. You have WHITE hair. You are the oldest fuck alive
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ringless-blog · 10 years
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ringless-blog · 10 years
What is one thing you would say to your sister if she was alive today?
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I don’t think you understand — I don’t think you could, I don’t think a normal person has the capacity for it - to know how much I miss you. 
There’s so many different kinds of missing, I — I’ve known several of them, myself.  I don’t think I’ve ever experienced love, not the romantic kind at least, so the sort of missing where you know you’re meant to be with someone and you can’t…that’s foreign to me, fortunately enough.  I’ve missed friends that I lost contact with, I’ve missed precious items that I misplaced and never found again.  But it — it just cannot be compared.   It’d be an insult, almost a slander against your name to compare the two.
The sort of missing I’m talking about is almost not missing, because it’s in a complete other league.  I don’t know what other comparisons to make.  I don’t know what sort of…bullshit analogies could even come REMOTELY close to making you see what I’m talking about - what it’s like to lose your baby sister. 
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And I’m so, so thankful for that, in the sickest way. 
It’s twisted, isn’t it?  That I’d almost rather you be gone than to have you understand this feeling.  I’d never wish this on you.  I’d never even wish this on Bakura. 
I’d never ask you to crawl out of that car without so much as a bruise - I’d never ask you to wait by the side of the road for help, trying so hard not to look at your family’s brains splattered across the asphalt.  But you can’t help it.  You can’t help it. 
So maybe it’s better this way. 
Maybe I don’t wish you lived after all.
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ringless-blog · 10 years
questions, comments, general harassment, silly nonsense — have at it!
send me anonymous messages.
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