rip-and-tear-my-ass · 2 years
i do gotta say the fucking old ai art where it was a barely comprehensible representation of whatever was asked for was like an actually interesting art form that seems to have very quickly died off which saddens me because like that shit was so cool. like you ask it for a wizard and it's just this scary blob of light colours that barely makes a human shape
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 2 years
Reblog if you
Are part of the LGBTQIA+ community 🌈
Support the LGBTQIA+ community 🌈
Love frogs 🐸
Love plants 🪴
Love space in general 🌙💫✨
And/or just really appreciate glow-in-the-dark stars ⭐️
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 2 years
Some less often asked questions
1: Would you prefer a large home or a small home?
2: If you could convert a decommissioned missile silo / underground bunker into a home, would you?
3: If you had the money to buy a private island and build a custom castle on it, would you?
4: Have you ever attempted to start a micronation?
5: Would you ever wanna start a micronation?
6: Do you like to dress fancy?
7: Have you ever considered running for office? Either on a national or subnational level.
8: Do you have any famous family members? What are they famous for?
9: Favourite James Bond film?
10: Where’s the most “exotic” place you’ve been to?
11: Have you ever voted in a national election? What about local?
12: What do you identify as, politically speaking?
13: Would you move to another country if you fell in love with someone from that country? What about state (or other national subdivision)?
14: Do you wear hats often?
15: Would you ever enlist in your nation’s armed forces?
16: Would you ever consider mercenary work?
17: When you go to a sandwich shop (such as Subway), what do you normally get on your sandwich?
18: What would perfect date be for you?
19: What do you like in your coffee?
20: Have you ever been to a formal party, other than prom, a wedding, or homecoming?
21: Of the many obscure languages of the world, which would you most like to learn?
22: How many children do you wish to have?
23: Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for?
24: What is a show you love that not many people would know you love?
25: Have you ever jumped out of a window?
26: Do you like to dress fancily?
27: If you could bring back any style of fashion from history, what would you bring back?
28: Do you like to dance?
29: What is your favourite style of architecture?
30: Do you have a favourite flag?
31: What is something you like to eat that others might find odd or gross?
32: Have you ever fired a gun? If not, would you like to?
33: Do you like to cook?
34: Do you keep a journal?
35: Linux, Mac, or Windows?
36: What does your ideal house look like?
37: Do you prefer playing on a computer or a console?
38: If someone offered you a secluded cabin in the woods, with all modern conveniences (such as internet and running water), with no strings, would you accept the offer?
39: Have you ever accidentally left the house without an article of clothing?
40: Do you enjoy documentaries?
41: Do you have a favourite letter (of any alphabet)?
42: Where is a place you’d like to visit that people don’t generally think of as a big vacation destination?
43: Prefer you the City, Suburbs, or Country?
44: Do you collect anything?
45: What is the worst injury you have ever received?
46: Do you have a favourite coat of arms?
47: If you could have your own coat of arms, or flag, what would it look like?
48: What is one food that everyone loves, but you hate?
49: What sort of car do you drive?
50: Who is your favourite historical figure?
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
Squish :)
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
creds: @sinful.cats
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
Shut the fuck up. Im going to suck your fucking nipples off
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Fantastic Fungi (2019)
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
My list of favorite phrases/words (not in order, will be updated, come back every once in a while bros)
1. Apeshit
2. Shit
3. Funky
4. Sus
5. Im losing my shit
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
Hemlo !! Im back, and im as gay as ever
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
<3 i feel sick rn <3
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
No, it's just really cheap and shitty cereal i feel sick after eating it
I'm eating chocolate cereal and it tastes like shit
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
If mosquitoes are here use the opposite and say "lots of mosquitoes here today" and they will all leave out of spite
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
Some of you aren't okay.. Almost 50 people liked this?? It's about eating shitty chocolate cereal????
I'm eating chocolate cereal and it tastes like shit
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
Party in hell everyone! except its just two people and its dark and one is aggressively eating ramen in the corner. At least i hope so
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
I only watched a bit of it but holy shot I never thought about it like this
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why none of them got into The Good Place
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
I'm eating chocolate cereal and it tastes like shit
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
Wait but like we would become attractive and then gain more interest, and then together we can be the ultimate pretty bros and no one can even be with one of us because we together 😳 so it would cancel out,, but we would be pretty. So win win. Have a wealthy relationship where we accepted eachother even when we are ugly, and THEN turn pretty!!!!!
This could be us
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But you aren't into ugly bois :'(
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rip-and-tear-my-ass · 4 years
It's always "eat the rich" until you actually are rich.
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