ripperm97 · 1 year
You'd think there will be little diversity among white, brown haired, nerdy men, but I came to realise that they are super diverse
I mean, we have complete dickheads like El*n M*sk and absolute angels like Brennan Lee Mulligan!!! Tell me that these two are not prime examples of The Duality of (a white and nerdy) Man!
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ripperm97 · 1 year
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Illustrated London News, October 5, 1929
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ripperm97 · 1 year
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Not For Puppies
support me on patreon!
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ripperm97 · 1 year
my ultimate goal is to look pretty but just slightly inhuman.. subtly ethereal.. like hm something abt her is strange but u cant put ur finger on it.
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ripperm97 · 1 year
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ripperm97 · 1 year
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i am allowed to spend my time creating things, even if they are not beautiful.
there is no such thing as a "real job." all forms of work are real and valid.
there is nothing that i need to accomplish to be worthy. i am already worthy.
doing nothing is good for my soul.
i am not defined by what i produce.
my worth cannot be measured by my paycheck, my job title, or a list of professional or academic achievements.
i do not need to monetize my hobbies, it is enough to spend time doing something i love.
i will not let society decide what success looks like. i can define what successful life looks like for me.
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ripperm97 · 1 year
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Reblog to make him lose another 200 billion, like to make him lose 1 billion
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ripperm97 · 1 year
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In honour of disability pride month, we made a disability Pride Knight! Stay proud! ⚔️🌈
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ripperm97 · 1 year
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ripperm97 · 1 year
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What we proposed. What they responded (or in many cases declined even to begin to respond to).
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ripperm97 · 1 year
be honest does anyone seriously enjoy sharing a bed. like im not even talking about having sex I mean literally just sleeping in the same bed as someone else does anyone actually want and enjoy doing that
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ripperm97 · 1 year
(for context: yes, this is related to the last writing prompt post I did, it was with the God of Death, I think it's great)
It has been a while since you started serving the God of Death. Waking up from your nightly nightmares, which have become morbidly pleasant over time, knowing whose life you have to end. You never seemed to get caught, never found, and to your surprise nobody made a lot of fuss about it. No police investigations, no grim titles in the tabloids... nothing.
Your family seemed to grow distant with every kill, too. You all barely saw each other, no one came to visit, even the weekly letters from your grandma have stopped... and the weirder thing was your job. Your boss finally decided to give you a couple of weeks off after the accident, but shouldn't you be back by now? Shouldn't someone send a telegram to see if you're coming back to the factory?
The weirdest part was the killing itself. You always spoke with your... victims? Targets? Doesn't matter. Some of them argued, some of them nodded solemnly, accepting their fate... It's almost as if--
A knock on the door startled you from your thoughts. No one has visited you for months, who could that... No.
It was him. The God of Death stood on your doorstep. "May I come in?" he asked, his voice almost normal compared to the booming voice you hear in your nightmares. You nod politely and let him in, putting the kettle on for some tea.
"So," he said as you returned with the tea and a tin of biscuits, "you have figured it out, haven't you?" You poured tea into two cups, giving one to your guest, 'I was dead all along, wasn't I?' The God of Death nods and sips from his tea, "yes, well... in a way you were, but also you weren't... excuse me, is this oolong? My favourite, it's like you know me-" 'what do you mean,' you cut him mid-sentence, 'I was dead but I wasn't? That... doesn't make any sense...' the god sighed and put down his tea. "Exactly that. It doesn't make sense because it shouldn't... I was training you, you see? To become my... well, replacement."
You almost spat your tea all over him. 'Replacement!? For you? But... you are the literal God of Death! How... what....' the gaze of his burning eye sockets was calming, almost comforting, yes somewhat melancholic. "I am dying, dear friend," he said quietly, "even gods have their time... and my time should run out right about..."
You would think that the God of Death has no respect for life. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, out of all the gods, it is the God of Death who has the most respect for life, for all too often have they been forced to watch mortals throw their lives away.
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ripperm97 · 1 year
early homo sapiens b like help i cant stop making bowls . help i cant stop domesticating plants and animals. help i cant stop developing language and architecture and religion
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ripperm97 · 1 year
On Irish trains we have train magazines for some reason and I would like to inform u that hozier is on the cover
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ripperm97 · 1 year
Okay that is a really good point...
Well, he is some avatar nonetheless.
So, is Mark Zuckerberg an avatar of The Eye or nah?
Have we (the horrible collective of eye-related horrors that is the internet) decided anything about that?
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ripperm97 · 1 year
So, is Mark Zuckerberg an avatar of The Eye or nah?
Have we (the horrible collective of eye-related horrors that is the internet) decided anything about that?
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ripperm97 · 2 years
You wake up, back in the world of the living, surrounded by loved ones who moments ago were sure you are lost forever. The old priest stops mid-prayer and stares, mumbling something about a miracle. That 'miracle' soon seems mundane; in a few days you are out and about again in the smog-filled streets, heading early to your work at the factory and heading back home late, crossing the familiar cobblestone streets under the dim light of the gas lanterns. Life continues at a boring pace...
... until that night.
Tossing and turning, you wake up in cold sweat. All you remember from your dream is the God of Death towering over you, green flames burning in the eye sockets of his skull. "IT IS TIME," his voice boomed, "FOR YOU TO HARVEST A SOUL, AND BRING IT TO ME." He grinned at you as you shivered under his gaze; "DON'T WORRY," he said, "THERE ARE MANY MORE TO HARVEST AFTER THIS ONE."
During a near-death experience, you came face-to-face with the God of Death, and pleaded to be returned to the world of the living. He granted your request, and sent you away with the chilling parting words: “Why should I regret letting one soul go, when I stand to gain so many more in return?”
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