riskypoodles · 3 years
Sky Ice
From this video... https://youtu.be/FpW18WCuqZQ
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riskypoodles · 5 years
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Network, 1976, 43 years ago.
Everyone loved the movie.
Nobody listened or heeded.
Now there's just 6 major corporations that own all communication companies?
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riskypoodles · 5 years
Earth Pond shared on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2R8nuNi_xY
whyter Odd tv OG flat earther https://www.youtube.com/user/MrDoseman
Uap for flat earth and tartaria/mudflood https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnK3gIeVugsW_MzkG82pcUQ
Dr Jon D, measurements for FE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrV1BQhaufM-PsEtMjjehDQ
D marble, fe observations/ research https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOP7kv7dFIQzGxqDRuWtUCw
Red pill philosophy, globe skeptic https://www.youtube.com/user/LifeLibertyNow
Russianvids, flat earth OG autohoaxer, https://www.youtube.com/user/BuildingNumber7
Jeranism og flat earther https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS_FY5mR4g22L_E9t1D_ExQ
Eric dubay Og flat earther https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0_CSKUIVVFlfocgezQEBDg
Marty Leeds for gematria and general info https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjcYXazpAS5g9uUEeQMAC4Q
Jon Levi tartaria/mudflood/architecture https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5vXBfxN7rxKeJHJxS8dNDw
Globe busters Sunday FE talk show https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXIovaBdnA4UHdd-TZ-MqRg
Nathan Oakley debate flat earth https://www.youtube.com/user/NathanOakley1980
The NASA channel og flat earther https://www.youtube.com/user/TheNASAchannel
Rob skiba, fe fesearch/observation, Bible https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoiIt_v1D-6z75LmrdIU2aw
Balls out physics Brian Mullen https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYEzK9HvAh5jI_Mr-w_6nscAUvhPHqBqc
Fe paradise, fe philosophy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrMtGn3xwOY2Q7BbyYBkAnQ
Aplanetruthinfo lots of goodies https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoCRM1rq5P3ODxC6RbfWEXw
Taboo conspiracy flat earth and more https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU-1R9qMNQcSupm6o1TfSTQ
Truth unveiled777 current events and Yahushua https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9YuzFsaIfCH25tSmPRvqyA
Decimal z, fe research and observation https://www.youtube.com/user/MrZtotheO
Feed your mind2, fe research https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9FeyiPyDG92NkxXzZr98qg
Bro Sanchez, fe livestream and more https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC--mKMTBMxilVT1yGSp2ZUQ
Authentic intent flat smacking https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUyESujKVvSpP6Z6FvyPwQw
Horry sheetshow online flat smacking https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRCIfeu2VvYUZQepykHYzDA
Ranty flat earth, observations https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6XOkw6bHnw_tb5Iijc8LPg
The morgile, FE research https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMorgile
DITRH, FE research and more https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz6s_ScG0PZThdwhKsUFSRw
Subtle infinity, FE philosophy/research https://www.youtube.com/user/l3ano
Jewrassic liars, exposing Zionism https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClV46NgvFqqmUJdHZvltbNg
Hacking the headlines, exposing NWO https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCIn_o5NUBDGph7CQ3zrT3w
Jay dreamerz, fe and more https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXYJURtHaPHC5F-mhs0kbcg
Paul on the plane, fe research https://www.youtube.com/user/HealthyEcoBaby
Antonio subirats, fe discussion https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZb1vcqOPq2BhkRkja81NXw
Wide awake, fe observation https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkxN0iPWExvmFGvbT-zvL6Q
Jungle surfer, exposing lies OG https://www.youtube.com/user/TheJUNGLESURFER
Mike helmick, fe, NASA expose, scripture https://www.youtube.com/user/omnix32
World history official, FE research https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuV7s0h4ZzM9LzsQ1Hho0cg
Fe doctrine, fe research and scripture https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqg2KuhD4-XsmcRTNFzKm8Q
Celebrate truth, FE and scripture https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz81IIi1Fu_TRUvrc_iiVDA
Chris Van Matre, fe observation and more https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGHF5iXb_m5Kvt9KAf8cROA
Fe music Guru, fe music and more https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnle0nUC3Fx0lkchpmZy0Lw
Fe sub genius, fe philosophy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYNNXLvI9lDvrSSZzwZJEhw
Polarization nation media, unified code https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiPSZHLiY_xQhOyqiZDT_Bw
The Potter’s clay, fe research and more https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpEdOLvL6olNghR-BWghUQA
Stinky cash, fe OG https://www.youtube.com/user/jwalstein1
Probably Alexandra 
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riskypoodles · 6 years
This Land is NOT your land
This land is NOT your land This land is NOT my land From California to the New York island; From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters This land was NOT made for you OR Me. As I was walking that ribbon of highway, I saw above me that endless skyway: I saw below me that golden valley: BUT This land was NOT made for you OR me. I've roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts; And all around me a voice was sounding: This land was NOT made for you OR me. When the sun came shining, and I was strolling, And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling, As the fog was lifting a voice was chanting: This land was NOT made for you OR me. As I went walking I saw a sign there And on the sign it said "No Trespassing." But on the other side it didn't say nothing, That side was NOT made for you OR me. In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people, By the relief office I seen my people; As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking Is this land made for you and me? Nobody living can ever stop me, As I go walking that freedom highway; Nobody living can ever make me turn back BUT This land was NOT made for you OR me.
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riskypoodles · 6 years
Gleem : 20/. WHY HAS THE ICE WALL NEVER BEEN SEEN? Absolute NONSENSE. The Ice wall was documented by a 7 year study by Cambridge University who concluded 95% of the coastline is ice wall/shelf: Drewry, D.J., ed. (1983). Antarctica: Glaciological and Geophysical Folio. Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. ISBN 0-901021-04-0. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctica#Geography   19/. WHY DO BOATS DISAPPEAR BOTTOM FIRST? An intrinsic quality of being close to a large surface you will have the floor fill up your field of view. To empirically test this removing any account for curvature, lay down on your side, outside, and you will see approximately 37 meters radius around you. When you stand up you see 5000 meters radius around you, so what was blocking you from seeing 5000 meters laying down!!?? The FLOOR... This is the same if you walk up to a wall and put your nose on it, then step back. You will see more of the surface with distance away from the surface. To test this when you lay down look around and cars and houses around 50 meters will have their bottom cut off by the physical floor in front of you (you can even do this by closing each eye, and you will see more with the eye furthest away from the floor than you will the one closest). Again you are full of babble around the topic, please try keep it precise as you throw a lot of confusion in the mix on each question. 18/. HOW ARE LUNAR ECLIPSES POSSIBLE AND ALWAYS CIRCULAR? To start with eclipses were first predicted by Thales using the maths of the gnomon from Anaximander, both of which flat earthers with flat earth models. And a flat piece of A4 paper can make a spherical shadow on a spherical surface, i.e. the moon. Now to the explanation of how it works. 100% of the time on a flat earth on a lunar eclipse, the sun and moon are 180 degrees or directly opposite. There is, on both models a large magnetic vortex coming out of the north pole, of which this vortex on a flat earth is DIRECTLY inbetween. We know that magnetic fields polarise light via the Faraday Effect and also Fred Espanak himself has tested magnetic floppy discs for solar filters and found they are rubbish as a solar filter as they strip off most of the light leaving a "dullish red"... Correct me if I am wrong but on EVERY lunar eclipse there is a dullish red on the moon!! 17/. HOW IS EARTHS MAGNETIC FIELD GENERATED? The globe earth cannot explain this, they have a theory but have zero experiments confirming this theory, so the same should apply. All matter has energy/electrostatics to allow it to stick together, see Chemical Bonding Process. When you put electric in motion it creates magnetism as it longitudinal component. Aether fills the flat earth model as a static background energy, and when the sun and moon, planets and stars revolve around it, this creates a magnetic field from the aether. (Don't ask me to confirm aether as MMX confirmed it with a 0.0113 fringe shift) 16/. WHAT KEEP THE SUN AND MOON FROM SIMPLY FALLING TO EARTH? Sun = Net negative, but surrounded by a positive corona Moon = Net negative, but given positive charge from the sun Earth = Net negative earth, but with a rising potential electrostatic field responsible for lightning Saltwater = Net positive charge as when salt is moved it creates charge Freshwater = Net neutral charge Van Allen Belts = Series of charge separations both positive and negative. This explains how they levitate, how tides work and what gravity is, all you need to understand is CURRENT DENSITY EQUILIBRIUM and POLARITY. This can also explain the increase and decrease in velocity from tropic to tropic. 15/. WHAT POWERS THE SUN ETC? The medium... Or the aether which is the medium. In current science they call this dark matter and dark energy. If you look up the suns physics you find that it defies the second law of thermodynamics as its millions of degrees hotter in the corona just off-surface than it is on the surface. This means that the sun is getting powered by the medium around it, which the globe earth science still cannot explain to date. 14/. WHAT ENERGY IS REPLACING GRAVITY? Electrostatics. Dr Morton F Spears has discovered that the electrostatic attraction of 2 hydrogen atoms 1 meter apart is almost identical than the force of Big G: An Electrostatic Solution for the Gravity Force and the Value of G http://www2.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/mfspears/ElectrostaticSolutionforG.MFSpears.GED2010.pdf This replaced gravity locally where the measurements are still the same, but it does not suffer from the same Galaxy Rotation Curve Problem of gravity which means you cannot explain 95% of the globe earth universal model and have to fudge it with unscientific dark matter and dark energy with absolutely no other scientific evidence it exists, apart from how it "interacts" with the same failed theory. Make the universe much smaller and the issue goes away. Interestingly enough the main scientist who worked on the Galaxy Rotation Curve Problem stated “I personally don’t believe it’s uniform and the same everywhere. That’s like saying the earth is flat.”, and the data that we get back from the CMB is that we are almost uniform throughout the universe, see the Horizon Problem. Earth is NOT accelerating upwards, this is a nonsense view of the flat earth society.. 100% of genuine flat earther believe flat earth is motionless. 13/. HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN SATURNS SPHERICITY!!? A common question is "Why are all the other planets spheres and we are not?" when you have not clearly used your intellect here... Which of those spherical planets harbour trillions of life forms from plants to animals?? Answer is NONE!! So why would you think Earth was like those?? I would say this is an obvious win for the flat earth as NOW you have to explain why you think dead spherical planets with no confirmed lifeforms are the same as one with trillions of life forms, and the panspermia theory is not going to cut it as this means you are saying "GOD OR ALIENS DID IT" which would always require intelligent design. Not that the Cosmological Constant already scientifically confirms that life on earth is so finely tuned you would be a fool to think it is NOT by design. 12/. HOW CAN 2 FLAT EARTHERS AGREE ON THE SUNS CURRENT ALTITUDE? You use distance away from an object to create this job, so PERSPECTIVE is the answer, the maths and diagram have recently been shown by Phuket Word and it confirms the correct angles will view each other at the same time... You only agree on the globe as you insert an arbitrary radius of a sphere value assuming its a sphere. Assume its flat and the co-ordinates just transform from spherical to cartesian which cartographers have been doing since Martin Belhaim in 1492 taking lots of flat maps and projecting them on a globe and then many other projections back to a flat surface since.. Its a lie that you are saying they would have to lie to each other, which is not intellectually honest. 11/. WHY DOES THE SUN NOT SHRINK OR GROW? It does, but due to curvilinear paths and your perspective and the atmosphere this slight effect is not noticeable by cameras and telescopes. Look up pinhole solargraphy to show a whole year of sun tracking and watch its path grow and shrink. This does not suffer from any lens glare or distortion and shows clear evidence of shrinkage WITHOUT technology getting in the way! Here is an example of when it is most noticable, and you will see it not even set over a curve: https://www.facebook.com/alexdepelichy/videos/10153722696646452/ And there are multiple analysis of the sun changing size WITH A SOLAR FILTER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCtGnH_bQ6A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=885F6VrC7x4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu9oYb4_AAo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzw1Ug4tOo8 10/. WHY DO SUN HALF DISAPPEAR? See the answer in 2 and then follow the instructions below: Test 1 = Does the floor restrict your field of view? Lay on the floor and you will see ~37 meters radius around you in your field of view. Stand up and you will see ~5000 meters radius around you in your field of view. What was stopping you from seeing 5000 meters laying down? = The physical floor is blocking the distant surroundings. Test 2 = Does being close to a surface restrict your field of view? Stand with your nose on a wall, you will see ~50cm radius of the wall around you. Step back and you will see +200cm radius of the whole wall. = Being close to a surface fills your field of view and restricts you from seeing the whole surface. Test 3 = Can you see more by moving away from a surface on a large scale? Stand on the floor and look around your neighbourhood, and you will see a row of houses. Now stand on your roof (do not try this at home) and you will see hundreds of houses. = Yes you will see more of a surface the further you are from it. Test 4 = Does perspective make the floor in front of you APPEAR to rise up to meet the horizon? Go outside look at the horizon. Did you have to look below your feet as a sphere geometry would dictate? = No you looked straight ahead and it appears to rise up, but this illusion keeps on happening and when I look at the same area of land from a side view I know the land is not really rising up. So this must be a perspective limitation phenomenon which does not happen in real life. Test 5 = Can this same perspective hide half a building? Or half a sun? (This one is the most difficult to get, but I will make it the most easiest with this 3 step analogy) a/. Understand that the maths of the human eye angular resolution limit is 0.02 degrees. Which means that 2 x 6ft people would disappear from each others view at 3.25 miles. Bring it back ever so slightly so they are both ON each others horizon at 0.021 degrees and you get a figure of 3.17 miles... Using the MetaBunk Curve Calc you get ~6ft drop in the curve of earth: "With Angular resolution calculator we compute that the angular resolution during the day is ? ˜ 0.02°." https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/angular-resolution#what-is-the-angular-resolution-of-the-human-eye "Angular resolution: about 1 arcminute, approximately 0.02° or 0.0003 radians,[1] which corresponds to 0.3 m at a 1 km distance." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_eye "The maximum angular resolution of the human eye at a distance of 1 km is typically 30 to 60 cm. This gives an angular resolution of between 0.02 and 0.03 degrees, which is roughly 1.2–1.8 arc minutes per line pair, which implies a pixel spacing of 0.6–0.9 arc minutes.[15][16]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_acuity b/. So to recap, the floor restricts your field of view the closer you are to it, and your floor appears to rise up to meet the horizon blocking everything the same height as you at about 3.17 miles (using just angular size on a flat plane). To envisage and replicate these perspective findings picture yourself on the centre spot of this circular open roofed football, where the physical stadium represents your limited field of view (3.17 miles squashed down to about 500 meters diameter) and the rim of the roof is your horizon line. This means the rows of seats in lines going back with distance replicates the apparent rise in floor. https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/w/images/7/73/Maracana-stadium-brasil.jpg c/. While you are standing on the centre spot of this open roofed stadium, picture a crane carrying a wrecking ball pulls in to the car park. You cannot see it firstly as the physical stadium/rows of seats/apparent rise in floor is blocking you from doing so. But as it drives nearer the stadium you will see the tip of the crane peak over the rim of the stadium roof. Then as it drives nearer you will see the top part of the wrecking ball, then half of it with the bottom cut off by the stadium, then finally all of the wrecking ball the same way the sun rises. Then exactly the same on the other side as the crane drives around and away from the stadium, it will appear to disappear bottom first exactly like the sun does. Obviously to make this analogy more real life the stadium would need to be 3.17 miles radius and the rim would be at your eye height and the sun would need to be ~6500-8000 miles away to drop far enough to be blocked by the physical stadium seats which only are 6ft high at 3.17 miles distance. 9/. TOURS TO ANTARCTICA? Antarctica EXISTS but just like any other country you need to let them know you are coming, and each country which is a part of the Antarctica Treaty requires a special permit, either organised by the tour operator or directly with your local government. The military thing is crazy as this was a blag from Cool Hard Logic who mistakenly showed you how to use an AE map and then immediately mis-uses it on purpose to imagine how many frigits would it take to encircle the earth. Do not be silly, basic radar and Navy from each local countries assigned to the waters govern their own areas. For example Jarle Andhøy got caught going there without a permit and got arrested by  Norways authorities. Fishers from spain were illegally fishing off the coast of antarctica but towards Australia and China's Navy picked them up... 8/. WHY GRADIENT AIR PRESSURE? Err electrostatics... If you knew anything about earth you would know we have a rising potential by 100volts per meter in altitude. Here look at these richard feynman diagrams on how they interact with humans: http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_09.html Now for the fun part: Earths electrostatic field becomes 0.1% of the surface value around 50km (31 miles) Earths air pressure gradient becomes 0.1% the surface value around 50km (31 miles) Earths gravity field becomes 0.1% of the surface value around 199558km (124000 miles) Which is the odd one out? And how can gravity even act on any molecules when electrostatics is 1000000000000000000000 times stronger than gravity? There is 400,000 volts surrounding earth at all times, how can gravity even govern anything with its weakness? 7/. WHY CANT YOU SEE 303 MILES? You can under the correct conditions, if you believe the atmosphere alone can recover a city 50 miles away, then why not 200 miles? I bet you that you could see it from extremely high altitude so the assumption you cannot see it is false... There are multiple considerations where just 1 cloud near you could block the whole thing! And as explained in 10 the human eyes/cameras have a angular resolution limit which will restrict your view, but the longest distance recorded using a photo requires refraction to explain why 1000 meters is visible when it shouldn't be, and to top it off globe earthers neglect any perspective effects in the metabunk analysis. 6/. WHY IS THE NIGHT SKY COMPLETE DIFFERENT? Because the stars are much closer and would have completely different magnitudes due to distance. If you study this you will find that they are not so dissimilar... All that has been done is you print out 2 do-to-dot drawing and on 1 connect the dots in numeric order, and on the other 1 do any random number.. You will end up with 2 different pictures from the same dots. Now heres a starter for your studies, center = Crux = Cetus, edge = pegagsus = cepheus and for further studies download stellarium and record your screen looking directly north from the 30 degN and then record another looking directly south from 30DegS and then run them side by side, you see the dipper coming in BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH at the SAME TIME = impossible on a globe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9dgO__ylUI&t=2m12s 5/. SEASONS? The sun is further away causing winter.. This is a basic inverse square law and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. 4/. MOON CRATERS? Geeze these are basic first day on flat earth questions!!! If they were creators then where is the meteorites that hit um? The fact is they are scarification of lightning discharged which the electric universe can replicate exactly how they look WITHOUT DEBRIS of a massive rock hitting them. 3/. QANTAS 12 HOURS? Jet streams and not using a globe earth projected map, look up the channel FLAT EARTH MAP / FLAT EARTH MODEL and he resolves this exact flight on a flat earth. It would help if you done a direct line instead of going around the houses as you would on a globe!! See when you stop using globe earth maths to depict flat earth maths it fits.. 2/. SHADOW UPWARD FROM A MOUNTAIN? Earths albedo reflects light from any part of earth, like 20% of it for soil and about 90% for ice.... by any chance was there ice on the mountain just just before it and the sun? YES 1/. CLOUDS BE ILLUMINATED? See question 2, same thing!! Please do not do anymore videos before actually learning about the flat earth, as I can ask you just 3 questions that YOU WILL NEVER ANSWER and probably wont even get why I am asking them: 1/. What is the difference between dark energy and aether? 2/. Why does the globe model require 95% dark magic (dark matter, dark energy, virtual particles, anti-matter and blackholes) none of which have any direct scientific confirmation? 3/. How does gravity govern ANYTHING in such an electrically rich environment here on earth and in space? These unanswerable questions are the total reason why flat earthers exist. Yours sincerely, Mach Earther (Neither flat or globe, but both are possible)
From Gleem https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKCSoJjQS6weofmVFzl7dVA on this 20 questions video www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLevv0LxXqI Thought it shouldn't just be a reply on one video
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riskypoodles · 6 years
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Comment from Youtube https://youtu.be/8Rgij_tQ28Y
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riskypoodles · 6 years
Nixon's fake phone call to the moon reveals that the fake space race and fake moon landing was about unity/conformity"    "Hello Neil and Buzz, I am talking to you by telephone from the Oval Room at the White House, and this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made from the White House. I just can't tell you how proud we all are of what you have done. For every American this has to be the proudest day of our lives, and for people all over the world I am sure that they, too, join with Americans in recognizing what an immense feat this is. Because of what you have done the heavens have become a part of man's world, and as you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to earth. For one priceless moment in the whole history of man all the people on this earth are truly one--one in their pride in what you have done and one in our prayers that you will return safely to earth."
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riskypoodles · 6 years
Re: the ISS:   That's great and sounds plausible, until you see the fake shots they take from inside the ISS, you know the harness and cables?   The weird hair standing straight up as if the ceiling had super gravity pulling women's hair.   Look and you'll see these "problems"   Never mind that NASA images look silly, they look too good, almost like umm, CGI??   The Earth looks perfectly round, yet they say it's not.   I suppose that's some kind of camera that makes everything better...   I want to see believable photos not composites not pretty pictures, reality!   Maybe if they took some photos with an iPhone? Oh no cell service up there huh?   I was gonna say go live to Facebook or YouTube but they already do and it looks so stupid.   The Earth doesn't seem to spin cuz it's so fast and yet it's so pretty. Your arguments are textbook perfect but they conflict with what we see in real life.   Not a damn thing goes 17,000 miles an hour and yet takes perfect video except this solar panel football field sized hunk of international metal that all the countries that literally want to kill each other (at times) built together in perfect harmony just like they all agreed that Antarctica was so special that they wouldn't fight over the oil, the gold, the minerals or even the penguins. Cuz science!!   How come science can't prevent war in Iraq or Israel or terrorists? Science can't stop a pipeline from spilling.   I know you guys are smart, maybe too smart, memorize all these facts about centripetal forces and orbital mechanics and rocket thrust but do you not ever just once ask yourself,   What if it was all bullshit?   Would the world end?   No, probably not, but you'd be a moron then, your education would be worthless. You'd be a flattard, ridiculed for going against the great big NASA and textbooks.   Who wrote those books, I don't know, but I've read them too.   Honestly, I have never bothered to look at the ISS, we don't hear much about it on the news or in causal conversation.   It's an amazing accomplishment, it goes really fuckin fast and no one talks about all that much.   Do you think the Patriots deflated the football?   Ahhh, yes, people cheat, they lie, They steal, where do your tax dollars go, some of it goes to NASA, I suppose .   Do you believe in government waste? Is anyone ever critical of our political system?   That runs perfectly right?   I guess space is special, maybe because we, you and I, the real morons can't go there.   I have no answers, I really don't know, I hope that thing is real but it doesn't bother me to look into the possibility of it being an elaborate hoax.   I would be mighty impressed, all the people who kept quiet. Imagine the power they have to compartmentalize and control every bit of information.   That would really be amazing if they pulled it off.   You see, some of us you call names, actually think the government isn't filled with idiots, we think they might be more cunning and brilliant than one can imagine.
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riskypoodles · 6 years
Why is veganism being pushed? One reason is probably because it does not favour organic farming , it favours artificial fertilisers, novel pesticides and herbicides and even GMOs. These things all make huge profits for giant multinational corps. And favour big industrial sized farms. A second reason could be that the powers that be know it tends to make people tired, yet overly emotional. Easier to manipulate Cults use sleep deprivation and emotionallly based sermons. Or because they know most long term vegans need many more supplements than those who eat a good meat /dairy etc diet. Big pharma has been buying up supplements companies for some time now. Once they get enough control, they can raise prices of supplemnts even higher. Or make high dose supplements prescription only. Next they make them all prescription only. By that point they will have an incredible amount of power over us. Because while it is fairly easy to independently grow food, virtually none of us can produce supplements The European govs have already been talking about making high dose supplements prescription only or illegal for about a decade. See Codex Alimentarius . Powers that be know damn well that most people do very badly as long term vegans , and even short term, it is very hard for the average person to learn enough about nutrition to be able to get it right (even if they have vegan genes I. E able to convert well). They also know the average Joe can never afford all those supps. It just doesn't make sense they would push something with such a high failure rate unless there was something in it for them. There has to be.
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riskypoodles · 6 years
Let me explain something very simple to you.   For the past 3 years we have been showing verifiable evidence - not theories - that the world is not what you believe it to be.   We have shown multiple real life images impossible on the globe - yes impossible even with refraction, have shown gyroscopes displaying no apparent drift whatsoever, have shown boats 'disappear from sight' reappear with telezoom, have shown how molten iron has no magnetic qualities, have shown the errors with your google earth map, have shown impossible flat and level laser shots.   These things we have shown. They ought to have been shown by well-equipped, well funded and well trained professional scientists working for universities or other accredited agencies and organisations.  But they weren't, they were shown by flat earthers.   Any of these examples - and there are many others - individually disprove your globe theory but combined they absolutely ridicule it. You, meanwhile, behave as if none of these things disprove any aspect of your theory, despite the bloody obvious.  But the most interesting thing of all is that you write as if these videos were made by flat earthers to re-educate you globlings.  They are not.   They are made by flat earthers to help others understand the details underpinning the fact that the earth is, despite protestations of people like you, flat.  And when we see mainstream media give you such facile explanations and you accepting them we pity you.  We really do.   I don't know if think that you are saving other globlings from 'falling for the flat earth' with your comments, or that you might rescue some flat earthers and help them back to the fold, but a quick scan of the comments will show you that this battle is lost, and it was lost because the truth cannot be killed.   It can be buried, sure, misrepresented, sure, but not killed, and it certainly fears no investigation.   You see, the truth is not a living thing that dies and has feelings...
from a YT video on ‘mirages’ 85 miles away
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riskypoodles · 7 years
AWESOME SONG! lyrics: I met a man the other day Who thought the earth was flat I said man you must be crazy Where the hell's your tin foil hat But he spoke with a lot of conviction And he believed the words he spoke Something deep inside me knew this couldn't be a joke But why would he believe this why believe in such things Coz everybody knows the earths a ball and that it spins You must be pretty crazy If you think the earth is flat Coz we all know that it's a globe And that's a simple fact So I said What about the photographs That nasa takes from space He gave a knowing smile and told me Man those things are fake But what about the videos That I've seen with my two eyes What about them he replied You heard of cgi? Chorus nasa's faking everything That you have ever seen and as for flying to the moon Well they ain't never been Indeed my friend they're lying scum It's there for you to see Just take some time, look into it The truth will set you free Well I was kinda sceptical But I have an open mind What he said was interesting And I've a got little time So I grabbed my self a doobie And started watching vids If nasa's really lying Then they're lying to my kids As I watched I got angry As I learned of the deceit The global earth deception Was right there at my feet Well holy shit this could be true What if we're not on a globe? The more I learned, the more I yearned The more I started to probe I upturned every rock of information I could find I started to unlock the truth the war upon my mind I had a thousand questions I just couldn't understand I had to meet that man again The flat earth man Chorus I called him up that evening And he agreed to meet He was very welcoming And showed me to my seat He said I see you've done some research My open minded friend I know you have some questions Which we'll get to in the end First take a look at whats on these walls Paintings of a globe I painted every single one of these Don't you know You see back in the day before computers I was in demand An artist painting everything I saw upon the land Landscapes where my favourite I was awfully good at those Many people told me that They looked just like photos And then one day I got a call From a real important dude He asked me if I'd like a job Said the money's good What's the job I asked him Then I wait for his reply You'll be painting globes for NASA Then he promptly said goodbye Well I was sworn to secrecy I could not tell a soul That I'D just got myself a job With NASA painting globes My work was published globally In every magazine To fool the people of where we live A truly evil scheme See we don't live on a globe he said The earth is truly flat I've been on the inside And I know that that's a fact Chorus Well we talked until the sun came up And my mind was truly blown This man had challenged everything That I thought, I thought I'd known And finally it was clear to me To why these bastards lie Finally it's was clear to me About the reasons why It's all about control you know To get inside your head It's all about the money too They get an awful lot of bread 50 million dollars man What could you do with that That's what NASA gets a day To hide the earth is flat You see if they can get you to believe That your on a spinning ball Well things like god and creation Just make no sense at all It all exploded from nothin right With their theory of Big Bang It's true satanic mind control From the freemasonic gang You see it's only Freemasons That get to go to space They're the evil bastards Who are lying to your face Yeah NASA pretty evil man The whole things such a fraud The only reason they exist Is to hide a loving God Original video https://youtu.be/PLjMH2UZmBI
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riskypoodles · 7 years
" What we know: There is no measurable curvature. There is no visible curvature (unless there is a go pro lens involved). There is no movement of earth that can be detected or measured or felt. EVERY picture we have every gotten of a whole earth is 100% fake fake fake NASA gets 50 million bucks a day Images of satellites and from satellites are all fake fake fake We do however, for SOME REASON, have drones, high altitude air crafts and weather balloons to take the real images we do have
What we don't know: What earth is. Where it came from. What we are. What we are doing here. How long we have been here. What an eclipse is. Why the shape of the earth is so important that they lied about it. What they're doing with ALL OF THAT MONEY they get for those cartoons. If there is a dome, or if we are in bubble. (this cannot be known) Who created the globe lie. "
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riskypoodles · 7 years
WHAT IF? What IF indeed. #flatearth ?
What if they told us earth isn't a sphere? That it's a flat plane and could be enclosed by a dome or other barrier or it could be an infinite plane with unexplored land? What if they told us the cover up was being done by every powerful country? That back during the Cold War this decision was made to hide the truth and the cover story was that there was a space race. They knew we couldn't get to space but looking like we were there legitimized the idea we lived on a finite, spinning globe. What if they told us there's no space, no space travel, and that you can't land on planets? What if they told you the ones you've seen are artwork and don't exist as terra firma but are instead bodies of light that excellent independent photographers have taken video of? They're stunning shimmering lights that look like glowing cells under a microscope. They may even exist above us in (believe it or not) water! It sure looks like it (but it's just a theory). Look through a telescope yourself and see the lights, but look what NASA shows you- revolving balls they claim to know the mass of and even what is at each of their cores. Meanwhile on earth we haven’t managed to drill more than eight miles down! What if they told us ships don't disappear over the curve of the earth? That with modern camera zoom lenses we can zoom in on a ship that you saw disappear and bring it back into focus and watch it as far as our zoom lens and the atmospheric conditions will allow? What if they told us that we can see farther than we are supposed to see, based on scientist's calculations of the earth's curvature? You can't see through the ocean or land masses so there's no curve! What if they told us there's no e.t.'s "out there" so no ancient aliens, that there's no such thing as gravity but instead the forces are density (heaviness) and buoyancy. What if they told us that we aren't spinning or shooting through space nor are we revolving around the sun. In fact we can see it circles us, is the same size as the moon, and both are a lot smaller and much closer than we have been taught? What if they told us that they've been stealing our tax dollars forever to fund a fake space program and to teach our children lies? What if they told us they fool us by filming space walks in pools underwater to mimic "zero g"? What if they told us the ISS interior shots are done in a studio using a green screen and the astronauts are hanging on wires in front of it? What if they told us that the ISS isn't up there at all so no one is on it, but instead it's path is mimicked by perhaps high altitude planes? What if they told us that satellites don't exist, and that all satellite tv, navigation and communication is done with towers on earth above ground or in the sea? What if they told us that the Challenger astronauts didn't die when it exploded and most have been found under a sort of witness relocation program, older, with good jobs and the same names? What if they told us that the astronauts have all lied from the ones who flew on the original Apollo missions to those supposedly on the ISS? What if they told us that these almost daily revelations that there's several new earth like planets they just found light years away in another galaxy were just lies? That there aren't black holes, dark matter or even light speed? That the theory of relativity is false? What if they told us that ALL pictures you have seen of earth from space are not real but computer generated images (CGI)? That there's never been a full picture of earth from space because they can't get out there? What if they told us that there's no rover on Mars and that it's being faked on earth in perhaps Greenland, with the ground and sky tinted red? What if they told us that there may not be any Van Allen radiation belts but if there are, how did they get through them for all their moon missions? What if they told us that rockets that are shown shooting into "space" simply go up, make an arc shape and go right back into the sea (when they don't explode first)? What if they told us there's no videos or photos of the ISS being built in space? There's no footage of an astronaut entering and exiting an airlock? What if they told us there's no Hubble telescope and no probes taking pictures of Pluto? What if they told us there's no "vacuum of space" and when you think about it, if a rocket could go from the atmosphere and pierce the vacuum it would create a hole and suck all the air out and kill the world? What if they told us there's been no curvature measured or motion of the earth detected? What if they told us pilots would have to nose down the plane during each flight as they went over the curve of a ball but they don't? What if they told us we on earth are the center of everything and this whole lie is to keep us looking outward instead of inward? Imagine the results: Lawsuits, panic in the street, overthrow of all governments, a revamp of the entire educational system, riots, death, fires, utter chaos. Or, a fantastic world where things are the way they should be? The “powers that should not be” hide the truth because it puts them and their evil agenda out of power and out of business Their matrix of lies and ability to create money out of nothing keeps them on top. Only a few know the entire truth and they pull the puppet strings and that’s why this lie is easy to perpetuate. Most people don't know. Nice people building rockets really do think they go into space. Local small town politicians really do think they can change the world. What if they told us you didn’t evolve from a monkey and dinosaurs were not real, but instead are cobbled together bones of many species of animal. Even the ones in museums aren’t real bones. Ask next time you visit. They need dinosaurs to perpetuate the theory of evolution. Yes, it’s a theory, not a fact. Think about why they need to say there was a big bang where everything you see came from nothing. What if they told us we were created and this plane we live on was created? It matters because this is your home. There would be so much to learn about what this place is and who we are as humans. Our history has been twisted and our purpose here has been thwarted. We are forced to exist in a material world, deal with their "selected not elected" politics, mistreatment of animals, fake global warming, gmo's, vaccines, harsh taxes, government funded terrorism pinned on ISIS, hoax mass shootings/bombings, false flags and fight their created wars while living with limited resources. Think about it! We have to pay to live here! Meanwhile all other creatures do not. That is craziness. Meanwhile they know the secrets. This is how they control us. They laugh at us as they do what they do and can't believe how easy it is to fool us with a few news headlines and bad CGI. Getting more and more people to know about this, getting more independent experiments and media coverage COULD change the world. They know this and all the space propaganda movies, advertisements, space themed children's toys, and onslaught of fake news stories about new galaxies, near hits by asteroids and promises of "we will fly around the moon next year" keep us "on the ball". It's not a ball. We know and we want everyone to know. -- attributed to Patricia Steere https://twitter.com/misssteere
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riskypoodles · 7 years
The List: #reaList
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riskypoodles · 8 years
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
Douglas Adams
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riskypoodles · 8 years
Tumblr media
fun with numbers. 33 77 144 oh my
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riskypoodles · 8 years
Viva la Vivarium
When you create a Vivarium, don’t you want to watch your captives having a good time, loving their limited & controlled environment & having all sorts of involved social & solo orgasmic relationships? Don’t you love them, mostly from a distance & hope they do the right thing for themselves & their fellow captives?
So.. As Above, So Below? We create ours as ours was created? We treat our zoo & circus captives well & hope they get along with all the others?
Enjoy your captivity. It’s yours & yours alone. Only the well known get to die to the public & get reassigned elsewhere. Some may get a Second Chance from the lives they’ve messed up if they make a deal with a representative of the owners.  New name, new town, new start. They only have to pull off one half hearted media event & they’re reassigned. Some like it so much they’ll go from one to another. Others just go elsewhere.
What goes on behind closed doors is nobody’s business.
Anyone trying to expose the racket gets shunned, shut up & shut down.
Viva la Vivarium. Life’s multilevel marketing scheme. Have you seen the sign? Did it open up your eyes? Did you find where you belong?
You Are the Sum Total of your choices. Only you have to deal with yourself when sleeping.
Take risks. Do what you gotta do to survive & make it meaningful & worth it for you.
Viva la Vivarium.
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