scvcnt · 2 years
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“i   just…i   don’t   feel   like   i   can   trust   you   right   now.   like   i   feel   like   you’re   keeping   something   from   me   and   i   can’t   get   you   to   open   up.”
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“i’m living a double life outside of you and have a secret family outside of town,” callum couldn’t take this conversation seriously. he was tired, annoyed and just wanted to come home and not have an argument. “if you can’t trust me why are you with me?”
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scvcnt · 2 years
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“you say it like i was doing it to spread mindless gossip or for fun. i thought you could use some help, or more people to talk to - and i thought if i told them they could offer some kind of advice that i wouldn’t be able to.”  
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“that’s where you’re wrong- i don’t need help. i don’t need yours or anyone else’s.” gazal loved the attention more than anyone but only when people were talking about her or the drama she caused- not when they’re judging her. “whatever you think is wrong with me, that’s none of your business.” because now people were blowing up her phone, as if she’d had a drug problem. “you’re ruining my life.”
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scvcnt · 2 years
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“no, you have a disease and it’s called being a dumb bitch- so sit down and stop drinking,” had she known that the night of drinking would turn into a drunk argument audrey would have just stayed home.
open  to  :  m/f/nb
plot  :  just  based  off  that  line  from  parks  and  rec
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       “  oh,  i  have  a  medical  condition  alright.  it’s  called  caring  too  much.  and  it’s  incurable  !!!  “
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scvcnt · 2 years
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jade had always been someone considered flightly and hard to keep track of, but on alcohol it was a lot worse. she was impulsive and overly friendly and it certainly gotten her into and out of trouble. “i’m playing with an old friend,” she said having no ill will to her ex. it wasn’t like they had a disastrous breakup. “what, you scared?”
open to: females
idea: ex or old fwb who is currently dating someone else, they are friendly but old feelings are coming back up. 
please do not like my starters
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zachariah couldn’t help but shake his head in amusement at her antics. he hadn’t expected her to be there given how long it had been. though he knew that she and him were in the same social circles. he had no idea where her current boyfriend was but he doubted she would like how close they were getting. his hands went to her hips as she got closer,” i’m starting to think that you shouldn’t have had that last glass of wine,” he teased,” do you have any idea what you are doing right now sweetheart?” 
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scvcnt · 2 years
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The femme is right that the whole night has been quite the shock to Declan. From finding out who Jade and her family really were to the insane outbursts that took place at the wedding. Not to mention her mother trying to pay him off to break up. He’s quiet for a long moment after processing her words before bursting out in laughter. “Leave? Jade, if I wanted to leave I would’ve done it an hour ago when you’re mom was trying to make a check out to me to break up with you. Lord knows I could use the money.” He joked, shaking his head. “Babe, I don’t give a fuck about a single thing that just happened in there.” Gesturing back to the estate, before waving it off and scoffing. “I don’t feel a single way different about you than I did this morning when we woke up.” Stepping towards the woman, he places his hand on the side of her neck before pulling her forward to place a kiss on the top of her head. “I do have to say I’m a little less confused about why you’re with a simple guy like me now though.”  
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It honestly felt good to hear. Almost like a weight had been on her shoulder’s, she didn’t realize she was so tensed until she was finally breathed. “You’re honestly too good for all of this,” she said wit a sad smile, to think that the day would be this hard. “I’m with you because you’re the best...” He had no unnecessary drama, he was nice and he was someone she could see herself being with despite her family. Her arms wrapped around him as he pulled her close before taking a few deep breaths. “Don’t worry though, we don’t have to meet my family often...God knows I don’t.”
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scvcnt · 2 years
“but surely, you watched. and looking at other women like that is cheating.” farrah didn’t want to admit to her being paranoid but she had a history of cheating boyfriends and all the signs were pointing to callum being another name on that list. “what?” she muttered in shock, turning around to continuing facing him as he passed her. “you can’t be serious. why wouldn’t you want our relationship to be fine?”
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“i was there for business,” he wasn’t really enjoying himself like everyone else had, he’d been tired and wanted to go home. “because i’m tired,” he said as he continued to walk making his way to the couch. “i’m in a relationship where i’m not even trusted, i just want to come home and not have to deal with shit- is that too much to ask?”
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scvcnt · 2 years
i shall find the time to get on tonight.
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scvcnt · 2 years
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#who’s doing it like him
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scvcnt · 3 years
“you know i wouldn’t feel the need to accuse you of cheating if you didn’t give me a reason to think you were cheating.” granted, all she had to go off of was the fact that he smelled of other women when he’d go out and come home late. “maybe our relationship isn’t fine but i want it to be.”
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“or have you thought you’re just paranoid- i was at a strip club for a deal with a boss, didn’t even get a dance.” he said as he let his coat slam against the floor before turning to her. “well maybe i don’t-” he said before walking past her to head towards the bathroom.
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scvcnt · 3 years
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“you can’t tell me that our relationship is fine if all you’re ever going to do is accuse me of cheating.”
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scvcnt · 3 years
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“if you know i’m manipulative and vengeful than why would you go behind my back and tell people my business?”
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scvcnt · 3 years
plot: something like once upon a time
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“...it’s insane that you could have a family out thee that cares about you? fine, then let it be crazy but what if it was true.” because the crazy thing to clara was that there was a world without castles and magic and the princess was confused even more to see the other in such a pathetic life in this world. “however, i’m going to come back here every day till you listen to me.”
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scvcnt · 3 years
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“i told you not to have good expectations from me,” when jade brought him here to meet her family, it was supposed to be her cousins wedding at the estate but it became a giant mess during the reception. parents fighting, uncle getting sent to the hospital, and her mom having offered jade’s boyfriend money to break up.  she of course left out that she was the daughter of one of the biggest oil rigs owners in the country when they started dating because she liked being normal and not having the drama following her. “now you know why i live in that apartment and work at the animal hospital- so you can leave now, i won’t stop you it is a lot.”
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scvcnt · 3 years
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scvcnt · 3 years
i’ll be honest too much happened all at once so i’m overwhelmed and i’ll just do things tomorrow if i have time.
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scvcnt · 3 years
like this for a reverse starter call, and i’ll go through your starters and reply.
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scvcnt · 3 years
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erin’s father had been against the idea, but the moment the captain realized that she made contact with the family she might be their only chance in. in the beginning she was acting, that was for sure, every time she saw his family do something it made her realize that they would harm other people for their own personal gain. still getting to know health, erin couldn’t deny that he made her laugh and often smile and despite their differences they had a lot of similarities. she was going to stop and ask to be  pulled out of this mission but the detectives reminded her what she was there for, so she gave them up. almost everything she overheard, the codes she caught when they thought they were being careful, and yet she still came by to apologize. “i never laughed at you- i was actually always thinking ‘he knows and he’s going to kill me any second’. still it was pretty foolish for you to fall for a pretty face..i might be more foolish, because i think an apology could make up for anything.”
open to: f  plot: our muses have been getting closer only for heath to realise that she was only interested in him for the purpose of selling him and his family out to the local police force for whatever personal reason. 
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how stupid could one guy be? how many times had his brothers warned him something like this was gonna happen getting involved with her? standing in the kitchen heath runs his finger along the rim of a long forgotten beer bottle, anything to avoid looking at her. “i don’t know how you got in here, guess the door was open but you can go right back out it. i have nothing to say to you apart from asking what time they’re coming to search this place? ‘cause i assume you told ‘em all about what’s here?” to say he had been an idiot was an understatement, at least he had the sense to clear out the safe as soon as he could and warn his family — they hadn’t been pleased but it was better than getting hauled to the station. “you must of had a real good laugh at me, huh? poor heath wyatt, what a darn fool..”
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