riverzombie15 · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder, if I posted about my characters, would people engage? Or do I truly have to only do fan work?
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riverzombie15 · 1 year
Me everytime Y/N is sticking her nose in someone elses business
Me reading an X reader fanfic:
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riverzombie15 · 1 year
Id understand if it was a school project but fanfiction?! You are supposed to enjoy writing your own fanfiction. Its not an obligation to post, you can take your time.
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kind of wanna reinforce this here. because i’ve seen ai writing become so popular on tik tok.
ai writing is not okay.
it’s literally theft. just like how ai art steals, ai writing steals. it’s using authors’ very real work to generate whatever you type in. and this also needs to be said as well.
writing is a form of art. fanfiction is a form of literature.
seeing this all over my fyp is REALLY discouraging. fanfic itself is already a labor of love and we love it when you interact. but please do not use ai writing for your fanfic needs when this writing literally steals from fanfic authors.
genuinely don’t know if this post will go around because my interactions outside of hcs are shit, but i hope it does.
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riverzombie15 · 2 years
Maru x miner! Reader
This is my very first completed x reader one shot so please keep your criticisms as polite as possible. I am actually trying.
You had moved into Pelican town cause the farmer suggested it. You are a miner and they said that Pelican town has a cave filled with random gems and ores that anyone can take. Its a dream come true.... at first.
Originally the plan was to get as many gems and precious ores as fast as posible and leave in a week or two. But somehow you found yourself exploring the welcoming little town. You went to every store posible and tried meeting everyone, some where more welcoming than others obviously, but everyone got accostumed to you rather quickly.
One day the farmer said they needed to buy some wood and that they would appreciate it if you went and got it. Thats how you ended up walking up to the carpenter shop and stopping in your track. There was a girl sitting there as if waiting. She didnt look up at you, you took note that you had not seen her before but it was probably due to leaving the mine at night and going in the morning. No matter, you still needed wood.
"Uhh is Robin here?" You said
The girl looked up in curiousity and then her faced changed to excitement.
"Oh the new comer." She paused with a smile "No she left for an emergency repair in town. Do you need something?"
"I just need 20 stacks of wood but I can come back later-" you started before getting interrupted by a light chuckle
"No its ok I can do it for her" She got the 20 stacks of wood and handed it to you. You payed for it and she smiled.
"So I heard that you go in the mines all day. Have you found any quartz yet?"she said curiously.
"Yeah, plenty actually" you said enthusiastically.
"I love quartz but my dad would kill me if I went into the mines" she said sighing softly to which you responded by giving her one of yours. You had many and in that weird cave you'll probably find plenty more.
"Here" you said simply to wish she almost freaked out. Almost.
"Are you sure?! This is a super gift!" She said grinning wildly as she looked at the different dimensions of it. "Thank you-??" She looked at you expectingly.
You gave her your name to which she responded with "Maru, i hope we see eachother more" You nodded and waved goodbye as you walked out. Maru. Yeah I hope I see her again.
The next few days you tried catching it her at the house with varieties of success. You had gotten to know her better. She loves science and helps her dad out in his scientific endevors all the time.
You couldnt explain it but you wanted to see her all the time, talk about anything and relax. She was so lovely to be around. However you had to remember you were here to make money not make friends. What would happen when you left? You were leaving....right?
As you made your way down the mines you were distracted with these thoughts. Would you guys even stay friends? Would you even come back? The gems here are wonderful but how often could you come here? The towns people would probably welcome you with open arms(for the most part) but do you want to leave??
Because of this you got corned by 4 monsters. You couldn't take all the attacks at the same time. You panicked that heres were your life would end, in a cave full of monsters while you panic about the logistic of long distance friendships. You feel awfully exhausted as you slowly close your eyes unable to stand for much longer. You sigh before passing out.
You woke up in a panic, sitting up abruptly which led you to pain and dizzyness. You look over your body to find a lot of bandages and then look up to an unrecognized room.
"Oh you are awake" you head snapped to Maru wearing a nurse outfit. What kind of fucked up dream-" you passed out in the mines. There was bruises and cuts all over you. Please be more careful from now on"
Oh yeah, you thought you died. "How long was I out?" You asked wincing at the pain in your back and limbs.
"Only a few hours but its still the next day. Mom said you dropped some items and shes gonna search for them where you were found" she said looking at you a little worried.
"She doesn't have to do that!" you said in a panic. Worried that her fate would be the same as yours or worse.
"Don't worry she's strong and shes not going in for hours with no food" Maru teased trying to lighten the situation.
"I had food! I just, you know, ate it all" you blushed embarrassed.
Maru leaned down to you and sighed "please be more careful. I would hate it if something worse were to happen to you."
Your breath got caught in the back of your throat. She was so close. Her lips were right there... wait-
"Ok?" She said a little bit more sternly, she looked cute with a pouty face...omg-
"Yeah, ok" you said trying to avoid her eyes. There was no way, you had a crush on the girl.
But you did. Oh you so did.
Worst part is that she helicoptered you after the incident. She would fuzz over any injury and made sure you didnt over work yourself. That wouldnt have been fine if you werent falling deeper in love with her every second. Could you tell her? Shes an ideal partner but dating her would defintely mean staying here. Here with the sweetest people youve come to love and the strange tasks you seem to get roped into and the strangeness of the place. Yeah no doubt youd love to stay here but Maru is just that final piece of the puzzle that makes this place feel like home.
So here you were with a basket full of gems and everything maru loved that you carefully put together (honestly putting too much attention on the details at times) and wearing one of the nicest outfits you own just to push things in your favor. It felt so exciting yet wrecking to have this lovely crush on this wonderful girl. You wanted to show her how much you actually cared.
"Oh hey" Robin greeted you at the door "Marus in her room" you nodded as a response blushing as Robin not only correctly guessed who the package was for but also smirked at the young love brooding between you and her daughter.
You made your way to her room. Knocking on the door, praying to Yoba that you dont embarrass yourself in front of her. You almost come undone at the door as your anxiety consumed your thoughts with what ifs and buts. But the door had to open.
She looked up at you muttering your name as she was taken by surprised by the gift. "Its not my birthday" she said jokingly but a blush was still displayed on her face.you cleared your throat, eventually finding your voice.
"I wanted to show you how much a care for you... i didnt really know how to put it into words." You said letting out a shaky breath "i like you... at lot and i would like-love to date you if youd take me"
Maru smiled sweetly at the words that left your mouth. She took the gift and put it out of the way before engolfing you in a hug. "Yes id love that, id love to be your girlfriend" she said grinning happily.
You guys hugged a little longer. "Im so happy i came to this strange little town, im so glad i met you."
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riverzombie15 · 3 years
Dont follow me I have nothing worth it to say
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riverzombie15 · 3 years
Remember when we tried to open up to our parents and they invalidated our emotions? I thought we established that was bad? Why are we doing it to victims? Everyone suffers, no one needs help before the other. We all need help at different degrees, having it worse doesn't make you better it makes you more in need of help but that doesn't mean others don't need help.
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
My gremlin brain: i despise you
Me:ohohoh! I see! I shall be the baddest b*tch on the block just to spite you and your pathetic opinion you clump of nerves and anxiety!
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
Why tf do girls wanna date tall guys anyways? Walking with tall people is so uncomfortable. They take one step and they are already there and I have speed walk. Nah man im ok with someone smaller or my size.
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
I have nothing to say
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
I just remembered one time my mom was being robbed and her response to being in danger was "if you find any money tell me" and then proceeded to stab the guy.
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
If someone says (specially if they are a teen) that they are more mature than others their age, they are lying. They are just fucking up in silence and pretending nothing happened.
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
I swear if the people who complain that asexuals will finish humanity are the same as the ones who dont care who they sick with a virus as long as they dont have to wear a mask, i will lose my crap.
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
Im once again stuck between telling people its ok to be rude as long as it is to an asshole or telling them to be nice to everyone.
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
Theres two types of people:
The ones that type the lenny face and the ones that type "insert lenny face here"
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
Imagine people in the pokemon world that don't believe in ghost.
Trainer:this is my ghost type gastly
Person:ghost aren't real he is really just a dark type pokemon
Other person:he is really a projection of your own brain because you are lonely
Poor pokemon trainer he is just a child
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
Unus annus is ending... I am usually very ok with the concept of death but I think that this channel is also taking an old version of me with it. The whole year I didnt make any fanart because I was terrified. Scared that I would never be as good as other artist... But in the last videos I've carefully listened to Mark, and he believes that people shouldn't waste their potential. I dont wanna be that person either, and I wanna try it out. Try making an art youtube channel and sell commissions on instagram. I wanna do that, but I've been avoiding it. With the channel deleted and seeing everything they accomplished with life messing with everything....I think its my time to try, put my fears aside. I cant keep being afraid. Unus annus, memento mori
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riverzombie15 · 4 years
Little unus annus meme I made
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