rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
getting mad at a cashier who has just turned off their lane so they can take their break won’t make them work over their break for you - stop being so fricken rude, we’ve been on our feet for hours, sometimes we only get 15 min to sit down so chill. stop feeling so entitled.
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
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work and life has me going all over the place but i’ll be posting replies and starters most likely TOMORROW afternoon 
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
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Is this what art looks like? 
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
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work and life has me going all over the place but i’ll be posting replies and starters most likely tomorrow afternoon 
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
customer: i'll be right back it'll take 2 seconds!
me: okay... that sounds fake but okay
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
“dude, what?”
he takes the stuffed toy in one hand, fingers wrapped around its plush body as he stared the inanimate object in the face, brows furrowed in utmost confusion, lips down-turned at the corners as he tries to figure out what it all means. he isn’t exactly one to talk about his feelings, so how the hell did jay know he’d been feeling lonely?
finally, his expression changes and he lets out a laugh, an expression born out of amusement as he places the small thing on his shoulder, patting it on the head. as strange as it was to be receiving the thing out of the blue and for jay to be as perceptive as he is, it’s still a kind gesture, and one that ian is grateful for, despite his confusion earlier.
“strawpurry sounds perfect,” he laughs, adding in a quieter tone, “thanks , man.”
A laugh escaped him, “You look like you’re about to kill something, or someone - maybe it’s your natural thinking face. Either way, I’d rather see a smile. Less cause for worry.”
As the other thanked him, Jason gave the younger a pat on the back.
“Sure, anytime.”
And he meant it.
Now, usually Jason was a bit of an asshole. But when it really mattered, he could be a real cool guy. His lips twitched upward as Ian approved of the namesake of the strawberry colored kitten, before leaning back a bit and resting on his hands.
“You know, we haven’t hung out in a while. Wanna have a sleep over?” a thing that normally teenagers do, Jason felt was just as fine to do as an adult. Why not hang out at your friend's house overnight?
“We could watch movies or play video games or whatever.” basic sleepover agenda. That and order too much pizza and stuff themselves until they can’t eat anymore. Jason was fond of doing that.
≧◔◡◔≦ . strawpurry
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ pointless facts pt.1
Jason enjoys video games way too much. 
He honestly spends 80% of his free time in his boxers and fuzzy socks playing his Playstation/Wii or with his laptop propped up on his lap while laying in bed. He ponders making a gaming channel on YouTube, but doubts he’ll have the motivation to keep updating it. He’d also have to keep it censored which he isn’t sure he can do; Jason tends to curse very loudly in English when playing video games.
List of games include;
For Honor
Final Fantasy ANYTHING
Resident Evil
The Last Of Us
Mass Effect
And many more...
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
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king hansol 👑
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
in theory, men were supposed to be amazing at putting together these kind of home-y projects and it was supposed to foster a true sense of bonding between the gentlemen involved. they would laugh over some beers. be served food by some gorgeous girls. kick their feet up. it was kind of an ideal situation for a man’s day of relaxation and yet…
“it’s like you need to know fucking quantum physics to figure out the angle to put the screw in.” he was busy with some grumbling of his own as he held the unfolded instruction manual far away from his eyes as if some distance would help paint a clearer picture. he didn’t have bad eyesight. he just saw people do this a lot and hoped it’d work for him too.
“sure. if the chimp was caesar from planet of the apes.” he griped as he looked over at the contraption they had built. “you know what. maybe it’s like some super modern fancy ass three-legged desk.” he was grasping at straws. “and that one is like an extra in case one breaks.” it sounded good until he was met with the face of a very functional and very apparent four-legged desk on the front of the manual.
“…or not.”
“Should we have paid extra to have it built for us?” it was an option, but when given said option, Jason felt like it would be a jab at his ability to build something so simple on his own, so he had declined. Now that he thought about it, he should have lt his pride crumble just so he could have his fucking desk already.
Crouching down, Jason reached for one of the screws - “It really doesn’t look like it would fit anywhere else. It must though, it has to.” if Jason could cry right then he would, but then his crying might make him seem childish; and even though he was a bit childish, he didn’t want to seem that way.
“Bobby, should we start over? Ya know, from scratch? Or look up a YouTube tutorial...do they have those for IKEA shit?”
All hope seemed lost.
ikea ッ
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
≧◔◡◔≦ . strawpurry
“Please take this kitten. You get homicidal when you’re lonely.”
It wasn’t an actual kitten, Jason couldn’t afford an actual kitten. But it was a cute little stuffed plush of a pastel pink kitten, with a little bow on it’s head and a heart stitched on it’s cheek. His gaze shifted towards his fellow American born friend, as he raised the plush to boop his nose.
“You know you can’t resist this cute little thing. It’s the epitome of cute and soft and pure - so smol, so amazing.”
He didn’t know exactly why his friend was feeling so lonely lately, but Jason had seen the toy at work and couldn’t help but spend a couple bucks on making his friend at least crack a smile. It was the least he could do for the younger.
“You should name it strawpurry.”
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
she chose to let his attempt at sounding philosophical slide as she pattered about her room bare footed and far too excitable for the morning. normally she was a girl who liked to sleep in and take her time rising to the occasion but the flight patterns of her recent trips had her offset quite a bit. when she would normally be asleep, she now was battling an insatiable energy coursing through her veins. naturally that meant she had to do something about it and what better way to soothe the restless soul than retail therapy.
she’d phoned him after she had gotten out of the shower and she was currently piecing together a look to wear for the day. he may have liked to look homeless but she lived her life in the spotlight. every outfit had to make a statement. something casual but edgy but it had to have sex appeal. it always had to have sex appeal. even in the most conservative of clothes, kaia preferred to assert the fact that she was, in fact, a well shaped grown woman. maybe a bit more casual than she would usually opt for but observing herself in the mirror, she felt like a million bucks nonetheless.
she sat at her vanity and began to rifle through her brushes to start on her makeup. “hm, i don’t know if an hour is going to cut it.” she hemmed and hawed, biding for more time. those who were friends with her knew how important it was that she readied herself for a public appearance. she always had to come at her absolute best. “more like an hour and a half. you can sleep a little more, throw on the hoodie you wore yesterday, spray some axe and meet me then.” she smiled at the not so subtle shade she threw his way. “maybe you might even wear a hat.” she added with a teasingly chipper lilt to her words.
Savage was the perfect word to describe that woman.
 Lip twitching, Jason cleared his throat - “I’ll see you in an hour and a half then. Barbie.”
With a bit of shade of his own, Jason ended the call and rolled over onto his stomach before letting out a rather loud groan. He didn’t want to spend his only day off that week walking around some mall with someone who by comparison made him look homeless.
It took Jason a few moments of just laying in bed before he got the energy to slunk his way towards his bathroom. He had showered the night before, but without drying his hair. He wasn’t so sure what it was with the people in  Korea and drying their hair before bed. In America, it was natural to go to bed with your hair wet and wake up the next morning looking like some sort of hideous beast. Which was exactly how Jason looked. His hair was sticking up in odd areas - and a hat actually sounded pretty necessary.
“I hate when she’s right.”
Splashing some water on his face and grabbing his toothbrush, Jason began a simple morning routine. Make himself look human enough to face the world.
His choice of clothes were just a pair of black jeans and a gray sweater with a cat knitted on the top right of his chest. A small cute little thing his mother had gotten him for Christmas three years ago that was surprisingly comfortable. Throwing on a snapback He shuffled back to his bed and flopped face first before glancing at his phone.
That took fifteen minutes.
“Siri, set a timer for one hour.”
“Setting timer for one hour.”
Back to sleep he goes.
❀ sunday - funday
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
❀ sunday - funday
Eyes tightly shut and phone to ear, Jason tried not to wince at the high toned voice on the other line; his free hand rubbing his stomach as he laid in bed.
“Ugh...Where you see an opportunity to jump in puddles… I seen an opportunity of more sleep.”
“...What -”
“I mean; you wanna go out on a Sunday morning and go shopping. But I want to stay the fuck in bed.”
“Listen Jason. You need new clothes, you’re starting to look homeless.”
Slightly offended, Jason sat up in bed and opened his eyes. His gaze shifted towards his closet, he wore mostly jeans and large sweaters. Perhaps he needed some new clothes, but he wasn’t going to let himself be insulted.
“That was rude.”
“That was honesty.”
Scoffing, Jason fell back onto his mattress, before letting out a puff - “Fine, I’ll met you at the coffee place near my apartment in like ...an hour.”
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
ikea ッ
“Well, that didn’t go according to plan.”
“No shit.”
Jason glanced down at the IKEA brand desk that should have been easy to put together. Should have being the key words there. Honestly, the picture based instructions should have made it easy, but for some reason the two young adult men couldn’t figure it out. Hand resting on his hip, Jason tilted his eye and squinted his eyes as he stared at the three legs connected to what seemed like the bottom of the desk and the other leg was lying on the floor.
“It should fit.” he muttered, loud enough for the other male to hear him. “But why doesn’t it?”
He glanced at Bobby, “Literally, a fucking chimp could put this together. Why isn’t it working?”
Jason was starting to hate Swedish furniture.
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
plot prompts;
choose a prompt and i’ll write a starter based off that - think of it as a quick and easy way to plot something out from a simple sentence lol 
one per person, i’ll cross them out as they’re taken. 
“Why can’t I just stay here and read?”
“I don’t like sitting around. It’s so boring. Come on, let’s do something.”
“I’m tired of getting in trouble. You always get us into it.”
“Where you see an opportunity to jump in puddles, I see an opportunity of more sleep.” (kaia)
“Let’s show them we’re better than they ever could have imagined.”
“Stop, you’re going to get the song stuck in my head, too, and then we’ll both be annoying.”
“Why’d you drag me away? I had them- I had it!"
"I was on the brink of an epiphany. It was so close to my fingertips.”
“I told them I wasn’t going to stop until I found them.” (rksib)
“Look, you can stay here if you really don’t want to go, but I’ve never turned down a challenge.” (sejeong)
“Please take this kitten. You get homicidal when you’re lonely.” (ianrk)
“Just admit that you enjoy having me around.”
“You can say you’re not cold, but I can see you shivering from all the way over here.”
“I don’t like owing favors. You know this.”
“I was literally the only one out of the loop the whole time.”
“I understand you’re angry, but I’m not going to be your scapegoat."
"Well, that didn’t go according to plan.” (bobby)
“Am I intimidating? Do I scare people away?”--“A little bit.”--“Only a little bit? Got to work on that.”
“You were flirting? I thought you were just being friendly.” 
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
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- “Most of the time I’m literally the worst person ever.”
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
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cutie hansol
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rkjay-blog1 · 7 years
yo yo yo
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thanks for all the welcome messages i’ll probably hit those up and reply tomorrow morning. i’m kait and some of you know me and some of you don’t. i’m a returnee to rookies and due to having a slightly better situation than previous times, i’ll probably stick around a lot longer lol 
you can find me here ( twt ) or just in tumblr im 
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