rmrutdoodles · 8 years
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We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Ah, it’s been a while since I last uploaded something-- Been so busy recently! But hue I had to find time to draw something, considering Undertale’s 1st anniversary was a few days ago! So have my Memento Mori Chara!
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rmrutdoodles · 8 years
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[pg 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11]
* It hurt.
Cover: Here Previous: Here Next: Soon
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rmrutdoodles · 8 years
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[pg 3, 4 & 5]
* There’s a talking flower that pulled you into some weird place and you don’t understand what’s going on. You don’t know how to respond. You are not happy with this.
Cover: Here Previous: Here Next: Here
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rmrutdoodles · 8 years
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* You don’t deserve mercy, you monster. * You’re laughing at my words. * ...I understand it hurts but you can’t stop, can you? * The only thing that you can do now is laugh and keep going...
Genocide Frisk with a Chara. This happens just prior to these two turning into MM Chara & Frisk. u v u
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rmrutdoodles · 8 years
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*You remember telling yourself you wouldn’t kill.
[ Very inspired by this beautiful ASGORE vocal cover!!
I have a lot of thoughts about the pacifist-leading neutral run where you have to kill Asgore-- When first doing it, it’s absolutely heartbreaking, because you wanted to just go through without hurting anyone. You didn’t realise you can’t not kill him, you have to keep fighting because Asgore doesn’t believe he deserves mercy. Is it all worth it? That feeling was something I personally felt when I first battled Asgore.
On another note, this is the first picture I’ve drawn completely shaded woo! As my short ongoing MM comic won’t be involving the pacifist route //coughs// I think it’s nice just to draw these things to get more feel and practice before I make Frisk a killer hue. o v o ]
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rmrutdoodles · 8 years
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[pg 1 & 2] *You seem to be shaking like a leaf at the eerie corridor before you.
Cover: Here Next: Here
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rmrutdoodles · 8 years
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* You stand quiet, regret filling your mind.
[[Just the cover page of an upcoming very short (probably 3-10 page) comic detailing the background story of my Memento Mori Chara and Frisk! Hopefully I can start drawing them up soon!]]
First Pages: Here
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rmrutdoodles · 8 years
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*You need to stop with the flirting.
[[ //covers face// Ahhh-- I finally got the courage to upload these fanarts hhh-- I’m a huge fan of both of these UT ask/AU blogs. Blind Determination has such an interesting AU and I’m so interested in it, and Choco is just-- I love Choco because they’re just so sassy. Ahhh I hope they look okay-- (Of course I had to add a little of my MM children in here aaaahh. ]]
Blind Determination/ Grimms’ tale AU belongs to @blinddetermination Choco belongs to @askthechara
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rmrutdoodles · 8 years
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*Despite everything.... It’s still *you*.... But I’m no longer the same.
[[ I have a lot of thoughts about Memento Mori Chara & Frisk, and making a post-genocide Pacifist timeline helps a lot to lay more regret onto MM Frisk’s shoulders of what they did wrong. Hopefully I can string a bit more about these children soon! ]]
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