roadsafetyprobe · 2 years
@WDRemembrance Join us for the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims in Lucknow, U.P., India. This annual event provides a platform for road traffic victims and their families to remember all people who were killed or injured on the roads @WHO @UN_RSF @RoadSafetyNGOs
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roadsafetyprobe · 2 years
#Ganesha symbolizes the highest level of all-encompassing intelligence. His oneness with creation is signified by the use of natural elements in the creation and dissolution of his form. May you celebrate him consciously,with involvement & devotion.
Blessings #GaneshChaturthi2022
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roadsafetyprobe · 2 years
elixir of freedom
Listen to the call of Mother India, Destroy the vices and evils within.
@RoadSafetyNGOs @WHO @UN @UN_RSF @MORTHRoadSafety @MORTHIndia @PMOIndia @nitin_gadkari @KTRoffice
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roadsafetyprobe · 2 years
Driving under the influence of drugs is a serious threat to road safety.
Furthermore, in the previous five years, the majority of Victorian drivers and motorcycle riders who died on the road and were tested had drugs in their blood.
Even in low doses, drugs can significantly reduce your driving skills.
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roadsafetyprobe · 2 years
Every year, tobacco kills a million people and destroys our environment, further endangering human health. Choose health over tobacco.
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roadsafetyprobe · 2 years
Every year, tobacco kills a million people and destroys our environment, further endangering human health. Choose health over tobacco.
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roadsafetyprobe · 3 years
Operating a motor vehicle when you're enraged can be dangerous. Research shows that angry drivers take more risks and have more accidents. “When you're angry, you're primed for attack, so it's not a good time to jump in a vehicle." @RoadSafetyProbe @IRSPC_RSP
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roadsafetyprobe · 3 years
Intercontinental Road Safety Probe Confederation Wishes You A Happy #MahatmaGandhiJayanti
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roadsafetyprobe · 3 years
On this #WorldHeartDay, let us reflect on how we can preserve and safeguard our hearts in a healthy way.
To avoid cardiovascular disease, eat a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Say "No" to an unhealthy diet.
Speak up for the sake of your heart.
Do not stay. Time to be alone
If you smoke, you should quit since smoking does not make you a stud.
The carbon in the ground is converted to mud.
Exercise, on the other hand, will definitely assist in decreasing fat by allowing blood to circulate more freely.
Keep in mind that we are all aware of the importance of prevention.
Let's establish a strategy for our future.
Maintaining good heart health takes a small amount of work.
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roadsafetyprobe · 3 years
Parking Rules In India #RoadSafetyProbe @RoadSafetyProbe
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roadsafetyprobe · 3 years
Stop, Look, Listen, Think & Procedure
Take an adult's hand in yours (for younger children)
Choose a safe crossing point where you have a clear view of traffic in all directions and drivers can see you.
STOP one step back from the kerb or road shoulder if there is no footpath.
LOOK in all directions for approaching traffic
LISTEN for traffic approaching from all directions
when the road is clear or when all traffic has stopped.
Cross the street in a straight line. While crossing, KEEP LOOKING and LISTENING for traffic.
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roadsafetyprobe · 3 years
Every drop of blood contributes!!!
Don't squander it; VALUE it!
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roadsafetyprobe · 3 years
Please obey the traffic rules.
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roadsafetyprobe · 3 years
We We IRSPC support 30 kph speed limits in commercial, residential areas.
Pedestrians are at a much higher risk of mortality when the impact speed exceeds 30 km/h. This is especially true for the young and old. A 30km/h automobile can stop in the distance, while a 50km/h car is still travelling. Speeding reduces driver’s peripheral vision and slows their reaction times.
Setting the speed limit within towns and cities to no more than 30km/h (20mph) is quite safer for people and good for the environment
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