robbinflight · 2 years
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robbinflight · 2 years
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In this nation, we do not stan Coral, I repeat, we don't stan Coral
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robbinflight · 2 years
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A Moonwatcher design because I was bored at 1 am one night. Made her squishy. Tried to make some of the patterns look like moons. Also a bonus Clearsight for funsies
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robbinflight · 2 years
peril literally had a spidey-sense when clay was bitten like she just so happened to be flying by no she had a sense she was looking for scarlet then her senses were going off and she was like "gasp! my clay-is-hurt senses! where is he?" and flew as fast as fucking possible to the stronghold like tell me I'm wrong
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robbinflight · 2 years
Sunny wof in 5 + a3 :]
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my aaaaaangel
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robbinflight · 2 years
#3: Clay
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I know Kestrel and Webs should be before Clay but I have already given up trying to make a good design for Kestrel. Also I'm way more excited to draw the DoD anyways. Clay my beloved, what did Tui do to you
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robbinflight · 2 years
I haven't actually compiled my wof blorbos in a list before. here they are:
peril <3
I am always rotating them in my mind. I'm making a playlist just for these guys so I can rotate them faster.
feel free to tell me what your wof blorbos are!!
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robbinflight · 2 years
The bestest thing that has ever existed in the wof universe is that fucking Albatross ghost thing. Literally what was the point. It's especially more funny considering the other two events that happened in the ToP epilogue which consist of Vulture terrorizing a city and Glacier dying. Two important plot beats you know. And then that ghost is literally never mentioned again until the end of DoD where Coral just casually mentions the ghost like it's your average Tuesday
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robbinflight · 2 years
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robbinflight · 2 years
mothwings with starflight OR deep end with tsunami ? :0
I did both B)
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robbinflight · 2 years
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Just know that you're covered if you want to know all the pages where Tsunami's claws are blue in the graphic novel
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robbinflight · 2 years
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Never forget that Scarlet is canonically an expert at roasting people. (Escaping Peril, page 70, lines 1-2)
I see.
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robbinflight · 2 years
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robbinflight · 2 years
I have returned to complain about Bumblebee. There is no point for Bumblebee to be an established character in the WoF universe. She simply doesn't serve any narrative purpose. If her purpose was to prove that HiveWings can't be mind-controlled, well then. guess what, Cricket already exists! Her not being mind-controlled doesn't turn out to be anything plot relevant because it isn't related to the "cure" to the othermind. And I heard someone say that her relevance to the third arc was to get Sundew to not want genocide on the HiveWings and like guess what, Cricket already exists! You don't have to make a completely different baby character to make Sundew think "not all HiveWings!" Also book 13 sucks, sorry y'all. And I'm not expecting a baby to take down the villain or something, but they can be important to the arc of a main character. Cliff, for example. Cliff serves as a branch for Peril's character arc. When Scarlet talks about manipulating Cliff into becoming her servant, Peril realizes that she was manipulated in a similar way. So by standing up for Cliff, she's standing up for herself. She isn't going to listen to Scarlet anymore and she also does her first good thing, not to please others, but because she realizes that it is the right thing to do. And the scene is one of the best scene of the series in my humble opinion. Cliff may not serve a big purpose in the overall story, but he is important in Peril's arc. And even the other babies at least have a reason to be in the plot. Auklet is Tsunami's motivation that helps her discover what has been killing the SeaWing eggs and Peacemaker, as much as we all hate the ending, is the dragon Darkstalker turns into. Bumblebee, in contrast, doesn't do anything, any of her roles can easily be fulfilled by already existing characters
Edit: Suddenly remembered that Bumblebee's eggshell had Othermind goop that helped them find the plant behind it all, but like, even then, you don't need Bumblebee for them to figure that out. For example, you could have Wasp eat some of the plant before she injects the eggs and Cricket recognizes the plant as the same plant from the greenhouse. You literally got the same plot point without there being an otherwise unimportant baby around
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robbinflight · 2 years
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robbinflight · 2 years
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in blaze's defense, it's not like many people cared about her safety the last time she was out during a sandstorm so i mean...
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robbinflight · 2 years
wait you mentioned Peril x Sunny earlier I would love to see your thougths about it :0
the short version is: love me some foils plus look at this quote:
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Long version is under the cut:
Sunny and Peril are both dragons who have been shoved into boxes their whole life that they feel like they can’t escape from so they try their best to adapt to it, but that gnawing upset feeling stays in them.  No one doubts Peril is scary (because she is), people give her their attention and consider her a threat, but of course, they don’t consider her a dragon capable of kindness/she’s a “monster”. Vs Sunny, who everyone loves and treats as a friend, but who no one takes seriously or considers capable of anything dangerous.
I also think Peril’s resentment of Sunny is so interesting too !! I forget where it comes up, but there’s this implication that Peril doesn’t like Sunny, presumably because of her proximity to Clay but also... people seem to like Sunny without her even trying. Peril takes a lot of pride in being strong/scary because in part that’s the only way people ever view her, and Sunny, despite being a small, unassuming dragon with no special abilities, builds connections seemingly without trying. And I think Peril defaults to anger when she doesn’t understand emotions so this ends up turning into resentment, but there’s this like. Note of yearning to it. Wanting to be someone who people don’t look at and immediately assume the worst of (you also have Sunny being a very casually physically affectionate dragon and that is something Peril has never been able to do).
I think Sunny is too emphatetic to have the same kind of turmoil as Peril/too aware of how rough Peril has had it, but like. I think it would be interesting if she had a similar dilemma, of sort of wanting to be like Peril, who commands space without trying, whose presence says “get out of the way.” Sunny’s book is basically entirely about how much she wishes people would take her seriously, and even with her being more self-aware I can picture her... daydreaming about it, what it would be like to be seen as intimidating instead of cute. 
And really at the end of the day their personalities just mesh in a way I find enjoyable! Both of them are very curious/inquisitive dragons, both are surprisingly practical, while you don’t see it as much with Sunny, she’s aware of the cold/crueler options, she just personally is a pacifist who doesn’t like hurting other dragons. She’s empathetic, but she’s not dumb like her friends assume. They’re not so opposite they could never work together or get along, I think at their core they’re potentially similar dragons, just molded in different ways and with a difference in empathy. They would honestly make a great detective duo, with both of them being observant/smart but with radically different approaches to most situations. 
 I think Sunny gives Peril a space to be quieter and gentler than she feels safe doing around other dragons, while Peril doesn’t condescend to Sunny and takes everything she says seriously. 
Some assorted headcanons to finish this off:
(these are all taking place in my head after Escaping Peril bc we need that good good Peril Growth)
-tall Peril and short Sunny where Peril ends up looming behind Sunny like a giant terrifying condor while Sunny is like “who wants to make friendship bracelets with me and my gf :D” to a group of students
-Honestly Peril seems to really like hanging out nearby her friends/loved ones so I picture a lot of Peril hanging out near Sunny or walking around w her, Sunny’s funky giant orange shadow.
-I think it’s funny if Sunny is very much like “my girlfriend Peril, the girl I am dating whose name is Peril, my girlfriend who I love <3″ vs Peril whose closest public admission of affection is something along the lines of “Sunny is,,,, fine,,,,,,, I guess,,,,,,,,,,” (she is blushing like it is the end of the world and conveniently not making eye-contact with anyone but shhhh).
-Sunny who loves showing things she finds interesting to other dragons, and Peril who might not always care about what Sunny brings her but is always touched that Sunny thought to show her something.
-Sunny who also finds ways around the firescales to give bits of jewelry and home-made bracelets and earrings to Peril, who loves feeling pretty and will 500% show off her new bling.
-Everyone’s brainstorming how to handle a situation, and Peril suggests a typical Peril-style plan (fire, a little bit of attempted murder, probably crashing through the entrance) and everyone expects Sunny to disagree and she just goes “no I like that, let’s go apeshit”
-Sunny who is way too forgiving and Peril who’s like “ok but give the word if you want them dead. Like I know you said you forgave them and I respect that but also. Tell me if you want them dead.” 
-also just. Peril coming to Sunny for comfort and reassurance that she isn’t a monster and Sunny who encourages Peril to grow and never loses faith in her ability to change and be a better person and at the end of the day Sunny who isn’t afraid of Peril !! Even when Peril is scary and messy, Sunny who never loses sight of the potential for good in Peril. 
-Sunny with an animus-enchanted item that lets her touch Peril and Sunny who is always casually in contact with her, twining tails or brushing wingtips, Sunny who has infinite affection to give and Peril who is so fuckign touch-starved and soaking it in.
-Alternatively, if we want to keep Jerboa’s anti-animus thing, Sunny and Peril who find ways around physical affection, Sunny who’s not afraid to stand close to Peril bc she knows she won’t burn her, Sunny who trusts Peril entirely and Peril who takes that trust to heart and makes sure it isn’t misplaced. 
-I think the idea of them in this situation moving sort of in-sync, Peril leans close to Sunny and Sunny without thinking moves away but it’s in this way that isn’t Sunny trying to avoid Peril but Sunny who’s always aware of where Peril is and like. the two of them just managing to be physically affectionate even if they can’t actually touch. Like how birds will sometimes move together like one entity. 
-Sunny is getting talked over in a meeting and struggling to get people’s attention and Peril just bodies her way into the conversation (potentially literally) going “let Sunny speak.” and not budging until they acknowledge what Sunny has to say.
-I’m just a sucker for ships where character A is used to being talked over and ignored and is saying something smart or hatching a good plan or w/e and clearly expecting character B not to really care or acknowledge it but character B just turns and fixes them with their full attention and is like “Keep talking.” I AM A SIMPLE MAN OK 
-I like to think their relationship starts out because of outside circumstance (i.e. they’re stuck together, maybe on a mission or, potentially funnier, co-teachers) and once they start spending time together it just sort of grows 
-Peril also who’s in absolute denial of her feelings to start with and is actively trying to pretend they aren’t happening which just makes her a bit of a mess around Sunny (who is amused and confused about why this is happening)
-I also think with that,,, Sunny who doesn’t even really think of Peril as being an option bc A) the whole Clay situation and B) why would Peril ever be interested in Sunny. Sunny is acutely aware of how other’s percieve her and her lack of anything notable and assuming Peril feels the same way as everyone else/thinks of her as a little sister at best and a nuisance at worst
-And maybe Peril does originally think of her that way (bc hey everyone else does) but the more time she spends with Sunny the more time she realizes how much Sunny is hiding under the surface and starts to grow this strange respect for her, which unsettles the shit out of Peril who isn’t used to respecting most people, least of all this short weird golden dragon, and we get the Perunny ball rolling >:).
-And y’know. Sunny is also in denial but in a different way, I like aro/ace Sunny but I think specifically I’m leaning towards ace lesbian Sunny who kind of views everyone in the same affectionate light and hasn’t ever consider she could like girls but Peril is sort of making her reconsider 
-She’s very much like “haha I’m not interested in Peril I just like everyone :)” meanwhile going out of her way to hang out with Peril and wanting to impress her and feeling sad when she’s not there.
Anyway I love them so much I just want both of them to be happy and I think they could both make each other happy. 
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