robot17 · 17 seconds
The Tale of Oshin - By Arhat (7.5/10)
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A dragon-blessed queen with two powerful, handsome husbands? It sounds too good to be true, because it is. The King who loves her is a brand new ruler who used to be a barbarian, so he is surrounded by enemies. Her dragon husband is even worse. His godly powers are questionable at best. The magic eyes he gave her as a wedding gift don't even work that well. How will Oshin cope with power, with her meek personality, and two deeply flawed lovers?
Oshin is kind of dumb and pretty. Her mother was the same way. Both of them attracted countless men with their naive sweetness and beauty.
Oshin is a terrible Queen. It really shows. She doesn't command respect. She doesn't even punish people who do disrespect her, because she wants the palace to be peaceful.
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Her first husband, King Naskaya, is always away at war too. The King is also close to a female aide named Suren, who is a genius strategist.
Oshin never speaks out against Suren...even though she currently has way too much sway in the palace.
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Naskaya the former barbarian, who now has to step up and be a King, is madly in love with Oshin. This is very bad. He indulges her. He never forces her to learn. Oshin thinks she's an idiot, because she cannot follow along at war meetings...but that's because Naskaya refuses to teach her. He wants his wife safe, happy, and pretty. I'm not saying Naskaya is a bad person. It's very sweet that he cares deeply for Oshin, and her health and happiness....but he is a new King in a volatile land that doesn't fully accept him.
Oshin has no children yet.
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Oshin gets captured by the Dragon...or the salamander. Oshin nursed a little salamander back to health...and it turns out that the little creature was her stalker.
I'm going to be clear here. Dragon is a very boring character who exists to make Naskaya jealous. I do not see his appeal, BUT he does give Oshin her powers.
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The Dragon's Eye is a great blessing. Having Dragon Eyes can allow you to.
- read minds.
- see hundreds of miles away.
- see glimpses of the future.
It's an extremely OP power to have....if you're smart. Oshin isn't smart. She is am uneducated and spoiled wife with no confidence. Also, using the eyes too much makes you sick....so Naskaya doesn't let her use them much. Even when she wants to...
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Naskaya is a big scary barbarian. He does allow Oshin to take the Dragon as her second husband, but he does it to protect her. He knows more people will bother his wife now that she has special powers. Only the Dragon can be trusted to be her bodyguard, basically.
He's way crueler when Oshin isn't around.
When she reads his mind briefly she sees that.
- Naskaya lusts after her to a scary degree.
- He's willing to kill his own family and friends to keep her as his wife.
The truth is to terrifying Oshin, who believed that Naskaya stayed with her out of obligation after he rose to power. He became King after their marriage, but she lived in fear of being tossed aside...because he was away so often.
It's hard for her to accept the truth.
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Oshin has no children....because Naskaya doesn't want her to get pregnant. His mother suffered horribly over the course of multiple pregnancies. If Naskaya wasn't a King it's likely that he would have kept his marriage childless. He finds pregnancy as a whole disgusting and he doesn’t want to put Oshin at risk....even though she actually wants a child with him very much.
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Suren knows Naskaya is a little crazy. She plans to take revenge on him.
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Naskaya killed her true love while he was busy trying to become King.
So she wants his new country to fail.
The rage of a woman is just like that. A slow poison. She is a formidable enemy.
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The Dragon doesn't even appear for ten chapters its hilarious. Also most of the time when Husband #2 is on screen Naskaya is jealous in the corner. The Dragon did stalk Oshin as a salamander, but he's not very intimidating.
It's neat that Oshin has to grow up and demand her Queenly rights. It's neat that Naskaya is overly doting to the point of insanity but the Dragon is reaaaallllyyy boring and the art isn't great.
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robot17 · 17 minutes
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robot17 · 4 hours
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good pets deserve gentle love.
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robot17 · 4 hours
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robot17 · 5 hours
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loving the way time and context has turned dracula into a comedy
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robot17 · 5 hours
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Here's my own tutorial on how to sleep with your kidnapped victim partner. I did not take comfort as factor btw I think this was a trend?? I don't know I just remember seeing similar drawings before.
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robot17 · 5 hours
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robot17 · 8 hours
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robot17 · 8 hours
Don't forget the lesbians when transbiansmen pretend to be women force them to have sex with them and their complete penis testicles and then call them "homophobic" for rejecting them. 🤦‍♀️
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Today On The Internet: Deluded Person Makes Deranged Demands
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robot17 · 8 hours
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robot17 · 1 day
Did you hear the hilarious news of a woke GLBTPNZQetc pride parade clashes with another woke pro Islam Palestine parade and that both parade started 🤣 to fight? Sadly, no one on tumblr is talking about it.
I've not heard anything but it should be obvious to anyone intelligent enough to operate a chair that that's about the most predictable and inevitable outcome possible whenever those two groups come into contact with each other, if one just stops and thinks about what each of those groups most prioritizes in their lives.
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robot17 · 1 day
“Although the incidence of heterosexual pedophiles exceeds that of homosexual pedophiles by a factor of about two to one, individuals in the population at large with a heterosexual orientation outnumber those with a homosexual orientation by about 20 to 1. Thus, although there are fewer homosexual than heterosexual pedophiles, the proportion of homosexual pedophiles is considerably higher than that of heterosexual pedophiles. Homosexual pedophiles also tend to be highly promiscuous. [In 1987], the mean number of victims of heterosexual pedophiles was 19.8, whereas among homosexual pedophiles the average number of victims was 150.2. Because they have more victims, homosexual pedophiles have a correspondingly greater likelihood of being apprehended, and this might account for their disproportionate representation among those arrested for sex crimes.”
-Jesse Bering
Recent evidence offers some support for Gallup’s model: men—but not women—who were sexually abused as children by same-sex adults are more likely than non-abused males to have homosexual relationships as grownups. Most researchers believe that there is something like a "sexual imprinting" process that occurs in early development, which may help to explain this, as well as fetishism and paraphilias. Note also that some of the most virulent homophobia today can be found on the playgrounds, which is consistent with the sexual imprinting model. Children and teen’s stubborn reluctance towards tolerating gays and lesbians may itself be an adaptive proscription orienting them away from same-sex experimentation. Gallup points to data showing that boys whose first masturbation experiences are around other boys are more likely to be homosexual as adults than are those who are alone.
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They really did this.
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robot17 · 1 day
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robot17 · 1 day
The Plot of Rockman X Interactive
Portions of the game's story, including mention of new characters, events, and terminology, are described in tantalizing detail within the documents. For now, we only have one page from the story summary that's legible. Here is a scene from "Chapter 01":
"Rockman X・Interactive Story [...]   Plot ・ Chapter01  -"Doctor Neutral, can you hear me?... Father, please respond!" The voice that resounded impatiently in the dark faded out in the distance. □Main Title □Year 20XX
In a distant part of the countryside, Dr. Alex Neutral (55~60 years old) is using his Supercomputer to create a virtual space of a possible future. He uses those virtualizations in his research to predict different outcomes for the future of mankind. His Supercomputer, 'NEUT-3000-EVE', can get hold of information about different disasters that will happen to this Earth, and then adjust the outcome in a new virtualization. It's like the Supercomputer itself was a time machine that kept flooding information about the future into Dr. Neutral's research. The computer (Eve) virtualized then a new future. Someday in the 26th century, a girl around 17 or 18 years old stood by herself, opening a comm line with Dr. Neutral. - "Dr. Neutral, here in the 26th century the world is just wonderful! In this era, there is a boom in weddings between humans and Reploids! Aww, I wish I too could find a boyfriend soon!"  Neutral spoke to her as well. - "Well, you're at that age after all! It was a matter of time for you to get bored of talking to someone around your father's age..." - "Don't say that, Doctor Neutral! You are wonderful as well!"  Neutral just laughed it off - "Now that I think about it, isn't today your birthday?[...]"
Had Rockman X Interactive released, it would have been the first game to establish that humans and Reploids could engage in romantic relations. This concept wouldn't be referenced again until Mega Man Zero 1 (2002) wherein the Reploid Andrew recounts to Zero how he once fell in love with a human.
There's a little more to the Rockman X Interactive story. We'll get to that soon. For now, let's break down what we know:
Dr. Alex Neutral (age 55~60 years old). This is an original character that hasn't appeared in ANY media in the 24 years since the design document was written. He is a scientist who lives in the countryside (region unknown) who uses his super computer, NEUT-3000-EVE,to create visualizations of possible futures. The document says he can "adjust the outcome in a new virtualization". The document then goes on to say that the supercomputer is "like a time machine". "Like" is the keyword here; the computer is not a literal time machine. Rather, it takes in data (from some unknown source) and churns out a possible future scenario. It's suggested that Dr. Neutral can modify the outcomes of these possible future but only in a virtualized form. Dr. Neutral's actions have no bearing on the actual future. It's only a simulation.
NEUT-3000-EVE or simply Eve is the designation of Dr. Neutral's Supercomputer. Somehow, Eve can create virtualizations of possible disasters that will befall the Earth. The 26th century scene that's described doesn't sound all too bad; however, because we don't have access to the rest of Chapter 01, we can only assume this scene could be the precursor to some sort of disaster. The calm before the storm, perhaps?
Teenage Girl (age 17 or 18). Her use of the phrase "here in the 26th century" implies she isn't unfamiliar with different futures. Her language suggests that, like Dr. Neutral, she is an observer. Unlike the doctor, however, it's suggested she is PART of the virtualization. It's quite possible that she is a personification of Eve itself. Both the Supercomputer and this girl are implied to be the creation/daughter of Dr. Neutral, respectively. Could they be one and the same?
At the time of this writing, it remains to be scene why Dr. Neutral has created a Supercomputer to gaze into the future or what he does with that information. Although we're missing the remainder of Chapter 01 and the rest of the game's plot, an outline from the game's second chapter (Chapter 02) adds a little more to the story.
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robot17 · 1 day
LOTKM Chapter One: A Higher Power, Or Whatever
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If I had to choose someplace to die, this would be it.
Maybe I wouldn’t have chosen the journey it took to get here—I’d happily skip the alien abduction and trafficking bit. The rest, all things considered, drifting into a brightly colored unknown ocean is pretty damn peaceful.
I learned long ago that worrying about things out of my control was useless. I could rage, scream, and slam my fist into my plastic security bubble, but it won’t make a difference.
I am going to die, and I’m going to wonder at the beauty of this place before I go. I doubt another human has seen these bright-colored creatures swimming by. They’re fish-like but more torpedo-shaped. A set of googly eyes dangle from long stalks below their bodies. Their scales glint in the sunlight as the schools float around me, almost reminding me of camera flashes back on Earth.
I take a deep breath and try to enjoy their unearthly elegance, leaning my back against the gently curving wall of my security pod.
This plastic bubble I’ve danced in for the past year has become familiar. I know every scratch and ding. Despite how much you claw at its wall, I know it can’t open from the inside.
Whatever space-age plastic the Deenz aliens use is robust. I don’t know how much of the growing pressure it can handle as we descend further into the depths of this seemingly bottomless ocean.
The sunlight from the surface is ever waning, and the waters around me get darker and murkier the further I fall.
Another breath fills my chest as I try to quell the anxiety creeping in from the peripherals of my psyche.
The school of creatures follows me like companions ushering me to the afterlife.
I put a hand against the plastic enclosure to thank them for not leaving me alone. I’ve always loved the ocean. Many of my tattoos are of underwater scenes: the coral reef on my calf, the stingray guarding my bicep, and my favorite tattoo—Aphrodite reclined on the half shell on my shoulder.
My soul has always been called to the water, so I guess this demise is fitting.
Thanks, to the universe or whatever higher power controls this kind of thing, I find myself thinking.
As I try to project my gratitude to these little aquatic creatures and some higher power, I catch a flash of yellow from the corner of my eye.
It moves too fast for me to get a good look at it. Spinning around in my bubble, I search for whatever it was.
As the school of alien fish shift suddenly to the left, I see him.
A muscular canary yellow alien, his head full of pulsating tentacles, gapes at me. The tentacles shift as if moved by the underwater currents. They splay around his head like a lion’s mane. His strong arms and legs pump as he descends with my bubble.
I say “he” because his cock is something you really can’t miss. It isn’t hard, but still floats proudly on display. His dick’s impressive length is nestled in tentacles similar to the ones that surround his head but they’re much shorter. Almost like if you traded out pubes for a sea anemone. I guess that makes sense since his head “hair” is also comprised of tentacles.
I wonder what that would feel like? I think, before quickly scrubbing the thought from my mind.
I’m more than likely going to die, and I don’t want my last thoughts to be about alien dick.
I break my gaze from his crotch, not wanting to be a complete and total pervert. His smooth yellow skin is covered in a pattern of squiggly teal rings. He’s got the physique of an Olympic swimmer, with a broad set of shoulders tapering into powerful legs.
His eyes are blue and bore into me as if questioning my very existence.
“Hi.” I huff, taken back by this strange alien adonis that’s found me.
When I speak, he springs out two of his head tentacles that appear longer than the rest to grip the outside of my bubble. My descent stops so rapidly that I drop to my knees like a stone.
Tentacle Man pulls me closer to him. The strength in those two thick appendages sends a strange thrill through me.
He puts his face up against the plastic and appraises me with his full lips agape.
“What are you?” He cocks his head, his deep voice muffled through the water.
“I’m Lena. I’m human,” I whisper, shocked he can speak.
He screws up his mouth and furrows his brows, “I don’t understand you,” he says, tapping a spot in front of his ear. “I don’t have a translator chip, and I don’t think you speak Andjin. There’s no tech allowed during the great proving—we are only as the Greath Mother created us.”
What in the flying fuck is the great proving?
But even in my confusion, I realize he stopped my bubble from dropping further into the ocean…does this mean I won’t die?
“Are you going to help me?” I say slowly as if that might help him understand me.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know your language. I don’t even know what species you are…but it seems like you’re in danger.” His face softens, and he places his slightly webbed fingers against the plastic.
“Can you understand me? If you can, nod,” He tells me softly.
I nod, and he smiles.
“Well, at least one of us can get our point across….” He trails off as if catching sight of my body for the first time.
I’m wearing the thin, near-pornographic costume that all the trafficked human women wear. Its light blue stretchy material is strapped tightly across my neck, belly button, and nipples. All connected to a vertical strap covering my crotch.
“I like your skin’s patterns,” he says, letting his eyes drag down my body. “But I think there’s something wrong with your camouflage, as beautiful as they might be.”
“Those are tattoos. I don’t have camouflage,” I say practically to myself, knowing he doesn’t understand me.
“Do you need help?” He questions me, his eyes full of sincerity.
I nod aggressively.
I don’t have to die today.
Do I trust the bizarrely handsome alien man in front of me? I’m not sure. He seems kind, but my trust disappeared not long after I was abducted. I don’t know if it’ll ever come back.
I’m not sure how long I’ve been dancing at this point, maybe months? Everything tends to blur together. The Deenz, the hive-minded purple alien fucks who captured me from Earth, give us all kinds of shots.
Downers to sleep, then uppers and aphrodisiacs to “work.”  It doesn’t make it easy to keep track of time, and sometimes it’s better to forget any of the memories you make.
“I’ll try my best to help you…” He pauses, “My name is Kitaico. What’s yours?” He asks, pointing to me.
“Leeenuh,” I tell him slowly.
“Leeenuh,” he repeats. He smiles at me, a grin full of sharp teeth slightly more tapered than mine. I scramble backward, taken off guard by his predatory mouth.
I start to second guess myself–that maybe this wasn’t the best idea, but I’m out of options and apparently willing to gamble on a total stranger for help.
A shadow floats below my bubble as we try to figure each other out. I crane my neck down to see what it is, wondering if they’ll be more beings like Kitaico.
It’s not. An immense creature, about the size of a blue whale, approaches us. But there’s nothing gentle looking about the giant rising quickly in the distance.
While its head is whale shaped, that’s where the similarities end.
The creature’s sides pulse with bioluminescence as it cuts quickly through the water. Its tail is some nightmarish combo of a stingray and a scorpion. A barb at its end flashes with blue light. As it spots us, it lets out a terrifying roar and opens its mouth, filled with jagged rows of fangs.
I gasp, turning back to Kitaico; his skin has changed to the deep blues of the waters surrounding him.  He sets his jaw and turns away from me, and for a moment, I fear he will leave me to be devoured by the creature.
As he swims, I realize his two longest head tentacles are still wrapped around my bubble, and he’s dragging me towards the surface.
His powerful legs kick wildly as we climb. I can tell he’s struggling to keep up his pace. Looking down, I see the monster gaining on us. It snaps its mouth, gnashing its fangs.
“Hurry, Kitaico!” I yell in vain, hoping he’ll understand me. He doesn’t respond, but I can see his camouflage shifting wildly between colors. I wonder if the effort of our escape is pushing his body to its limits.
I push myself against the bubble’s far side as the monster’s mouth closes around the bottom. With a violent crunch, it rips away a chunk of my former prison. It thrashes it’s head like a shark attempting to subdue its prey but putting some distance between us once more.
I barely have time to hold my breath before I’m sucked out of the bottom. The water crashing in makes the air rush out like a vacuum. My muscles clench painfully from the blast of water as I tumble into the warm ocean spinning head over foot. I snap my eyes shut. Soon enough, I’ll be nothing but fish food.
Something snakes around my ankle, tugging the skin so hard I can nearly feel my skin rip. Then there’s something around my waist, drawing me up again.
“Leeenuh, hold on!” Kitaico yells as he hoists me into his arms, “We only need to get a bit higher, the scripiat won’t be able to follow much longer. He can’t survive in the shallows!”
He strokes one hand behind my head and tucks my body into his chest.
I don’t have enough air. My lungs burn as I involuntarily cough, and what little breath I have left escapes bubbling upward.
Kitaico slows and his heart is still pounding against my ear.
“The scripiat returns to the depths. We are safe,” he whispers.
I kick my legs weakly, pointing my finger to the surface. I can’t stop myself from gulping in a deep breath of salt water, choking on its mineral taste.
“Leeenuh, we are safe now. Stay calm.”
My vision blurs and I lose control of my head as it slumps into my alien hero—it’s not his fault he doesn’t know I breathe oxygen.
Darkness creeps into the edges of my vision.
I point up one more time before I lose consciousness.
We were so close.
More chapters are available on my Patreon here.
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robot17 · 1 day
Master Post: Submitting To the Alien Barbarian
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You sign up for an Alien breeding program, and the fact that they're brutal barbarians is icing on the cake.
TW/CW: rough consensual sex, primal play, knotting, breeding, aliens, dominance/submission, blood play, spanking, pregnancy, overstimulation, anal play, gagging and violence.
COMPLETE- Current word count: 20646
| #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #10 | #11 | #12 | #13
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robot17 · 1 day
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