roedoki · 4 years
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17.2 (?)
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roedoki · 4 years
to those of you who are discouraged when you see you only lost 1 pound in a day think about it this way; if you lost just one pound every day, after a month youd be down around 30 lbs. same thing goes for losing half a pound a day, in one month youd be down 15 lbs. the process is slow and discouraging my lovelies, but any progress is progress.
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roedoki · 4 years
so apparently the “bad vibes” I’ve been feeling are actually “severe psychological distress”
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roedoki · 4 years
Step 1: realise you’re not healthy
Step 2: decide to go on a diet and exercise healthily
Step 3: ???
Step 4: ED
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roedoki · 4 years
i hate how hyper-aware i am of my body at all times. my thighs are touching, my stomach has rolls, my clothes are too tight. i want to stop thinking about the fat weighing me down and i feel as if i can’t until it’s completely gone.
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roedoki · 4 years
i got snakebites should i use this as an excuse 2 eat less
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roedoki · 4 years
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roedoki · 4 years
17 calorie AMAZING strawberry ice-cream!
okay guys so I was super craving something cold and sweet and tried this out and this tasted SO GOOD. If you want it a bit more creamy add more of the milk of your choice, but this proportion is my fave so far!
(This recipe makes 2 servings, but I could only eat one it’s so filling - I had it for lunch)
🔆 6 medium frozen strawberries (24 cal)
🔆 40 ml of your milk of choice (Alpro coconut almond - 10 cal)
🔆 0 cal sweetener (stevia)
🔆 Lots of ice!
So place all your ingredients in a blender, blend until all the ice has broken down and enjoy! If its runny pop into the freezer for 10 mins and it should firm up to more ice-cream-like consistency 💖
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roedoki · 4 years
it rlly never gets better huh
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roedoki · 4 years
attempted recovery for 1 (one) day which apparently meant to my partner buying and eating a shit ton of fast food was on the table even though i only asked for some fries and literally a day after i still feel uncomfortablely full and can taste the food!!!! literally so triggering that i’m not gna bother recovering lol why do they act like this
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roedoki · 4 years
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Dear girls who have an ed/looking through thinspo right now.
Sorry to break it to you but: Nearly all of the pictures you see on Instagram, Tumblr, etc are posed a certain way and stomachs are being sucked in to have that "toned and hot" appearance to them. There's nothing wrong with a sexy toned body at all as long as you're at a healthy weight. Regarding the bodies you view on the daily mostly regarding the tumblr thinspo tag are very much underweight. Being underweight isn't healthy at all and it shouldn't be a dream goal. Being underweight can cause vitamin and mineral defiencies, hair falling out, fainting, obvious eds, heart problems, slow metabolism, and then some.
The pictures shown above are of myself, I am 5'4 and I weigh 115. The top pictures are how my body looks naturally and unposed, I got a little bit of thickness to me which is completely normal and should be accepted. Could I tone up a bit more? Of course. Are my thighs big? Darn straight. That's my natural appearance. The bottom pictures are my stomach sucked in and I'm posed a little bit. It looks like I barely eat and I look kinda toned in the stomach area which seems to be a goal for many.
See how deceiving pictures can be? There's more pictures I could post of myself to prove my point but I won't do that.
If you're trying to lose weight as long as it's for good reasons, that's absolutely okay. Good reasons being: You're overweight/obese and want to be at a healthy weight, you're suffering with health problems worsened by your weight, you're dealing with weight insecurity. Please don't be afraid to eat, your body needs those calories and carbs. Don't be afraid to eat 1200 calories and especially over that, it won't harm you or your goals. Best thing you can do is intuitive eating in my opinion.
All bodies are different. Some are more skinnier, some are more muscular, some are more curvy. And that's how reality is. Goal weights also look differently on everybody as well.
Stop focusing on being a "skinny legend" and focus on being healthy instead. Yes, being thin is nice and has its perks; but so does being healthy and praising your body for however it looks now! 🌻💕
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roedoki · 4 years
Body check 💕
I weighted 100 lbs today!!!!
Since I’m extremely close to my ugw, I decided to make some gifs and body checks.
The last 2 gifs are just me goofing off around the house haha
Stay safe everyone💕
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roedoki · 4 years
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some low calorie junk food if anyones interested…
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roedoki · 4 years
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Haven’t weighed myself of recent but I’ve definitely lost weight. As my waist is smaller. No binges in 3 days either which is a huge achievement for me! I feel like I’m gaining a sense of control which is great! Cannot wait for people to notice my weight loss!
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roedoki · 4 years
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roedoki · 4 years
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Did You Know?
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roedoki · 4 years
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