roguejeans · 4 years
hey there i'm lup from the adventure zone: balance and i'm looking for everyone i'm an adult so i'd only feel comfy talking to other adults like/reblog and i'll get back at ya thanks
! ! !
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roguejeans · 4 years
hey, i’m lup from the adventure zone. looking for my barry and taako, and anyone else who wants to chat amicably. 18+ please and thanks! like/rb and i’ll see it & hit u up
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roguejeans · 4 years
Hello I'm Caduceus Clay and I'm looking for my friends!! I'm an adult so I'm only up for talking to other adults so please like/reblog and I'll be in touch thank you!! 🍵
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roguejeans · 4 years
Yasha from Critical Role, looking for 18+ friends and sourcemates. Like this and I’ll send you my discord so we can talk, I don’t use tumblr that often.
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roguejeans · 5 years
i dont know where to put this page wise so im just musing in general because eventually ill probably use this blog to try & contact sourcemates but ...
i have a boyfriend in this life who i love very much!! attempts to contact people i may have had romantic feelings for kin wise in the past are definitely platonic in this life. kin dating also just isnt my thing & not my intent. i wanted to make that abundantly clear
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roguejeans · 5 years
my name is barry j bluejeans and i REALLY wish the j stood for jeans
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roguejeans · 5 years
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                        ❝ STURDY DENIM AND BLUE  ❞
ANON; could i get a somewhat soft/chill sort of playlist for a barry from taz dealing w anxiety rn, with themes of missing family/loved ones but making it through & loving anyway? is that too specific or not specific enough? sorry if this is a weird request! really any sort of calming chill vibe songs might be helpful with a small few edgier gothy things thrown in because i’m still a necromancer at heart, ahaha. if this isnt enough let me know, sorry! thanks for your time either way!! have a great day
            ♡ - mod 🦇
       1)   HOT VENOM ― miniature tigers             2)   MR LOVER MAN― ricky montgomery      3)   MY HEART IS BURIED IN VENICE ― ricky montgomery             4)   SHE ― dodie        5)   UNSPOKEN WORDS ― mxmtoon             6)   PRELUDE ― tessa violet        7)   ARMS TONITE ― mother mother             8)   DREAM ― tessa violet       9)   BODY OF YEARS ― mother mother             10)   STOLEN DANCE ― milky chance
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roguejeans · 5 years
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Hey I haven’t actually posted here in awhile but this is mostly a taz blog now so have a good nerd boy
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roguejeans · 5 years
mems / general info
just a post to collect general facts / mems abt kin stuff for easy perusal!
first and foremost, i had 2 timelines, which does make things a bit confusing because i’m not always 100% sure what memories are from what. i haven’t sorted them by timeline because i’m not 100% what goes where--when i’m more sure, i’ll do that, but for the time being, if some stuff seems familiar but some doesn’t, don’t let that dissuade you, necessarily!
i also only kinfirmed about a month ago, so i’m still sorting all this stuff out (even though i’ve had memories for years; for a long time i just had a big “? - taz balance” on my kin list)
i’m not going to sort these by timeline for that reason; i think my timelines were maybe at least mostly similar & i’ll sort out how they differ later on. the only reason i know i have 2 is because i have 2 conflicting memories involving something specific
i currently have aphantasia, which makes visualizing things extremely difficult (& actually painful, at least in my case; i don’t know if that’s normal but it’s how it is for me); a lot of my more ‘visual’ memories are more feelings because of that
i’ve had success triggering full on visual kin memories during lucid dreams in the past, but i haven’t been able to do this with either of my barry timelines yet. otherwise, my memories are usually based on other senses
i don’t think i had a mullet, or at the very least i didn’t have one as intense as the one in the graphic novel if nothing else. i dont think i looked too much like i do in the graphic novel ... it doesnt feel right
i became pretty close with kravitz post canon! some fanwork likes to portray us as just being coworkers or acquaintances; that was not the case here. we became really really good friends and brothers, more or less. i called him one of my best friends (of which i did, admittedly, have many, but it still counts!)
i was a trans man in at least one of my timelines, but it also wasn’t a huge deal? i’m pretty certain i transitioned fairly early on in life (magic probably helped a lot there), and/or it was a world where it wasn’t a big deal in general. i don’t currently have any memories of talking about it in depth to the crew; i guess it’s genuinely possible they may not have known?
i actually had a pretty good relationship with the raven queen--we weren’t quite as close as she was with kravitz (i think that would take a lot of doing) but she did eventually mean a lot to me too. same with lup, i’m pretty sure
i did forgive lucretia, but it wasn’t as easy as lup made it seem. i don’t know. it was a lot of ... steps forward and back almost, for a little while. in the moment it seemed so easy for lup, to just tell lucretia the whole thing was forgotten, and i wanted to support her, but it was so hard--when she’d sought me ought and vilified me for a decade, taken everyone away from me and left me alone like that. but lucretia was also my sister, and i couldn’t forget that, either. it took me a few months, but i forgave her, even if it took a little doing and it wasn’t totally smooth. lup helped a lot. (i miss you, luce. i forgive you, if you’ve forgotten in this life and needed to hear it again.)
in one of my canons i feel like lup & i got married AFTER the day of story & song? it may have been like. a second wedding situation -- after all, an actual Full On wedding on the starblaster wasnt exactly an option anyway really? so we could have already gotten married really privately somehow?  -- but i feel like i remember... an actual bigger Event happening post taz finale. hmm.
ill update this with more as i think of it
im also more than happy to talk one on one to discuss stuff, including stuff i havent mentioned here!
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