roguesdepravity · 2 years
What are your headcanons for a romantic relationship with BTAS Scarecrow? I just came across your blog today and I’m curious
I can make a list for sure! It looks like tumblr hates me because just searching for anything on my blog is pretty bad.... These are just the ones that are romantic sfw content based on BTAS! Scarecrow as the main influence. For the most part, I actually ended up writing most of the characters more general/ based on all the versions I've seen of them in some way.
I found one nsfw one as well so I'll put it under the cut!
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
That’s actually super interesting, but kind of sad cause I would have loved to have had it.
I hope the Riddler Mountain Dew is real. I would love to drink some of his piss.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
I ended up making the server like I mentioned before! :> Feel free to join if you like. We can talk about Batman stuff ❤
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
Scarecrow s/o just randomly saying "Phobias are basically mind allergies."
-Putting down his book, he just states at you for a moment to collect his thoughts.
-He wants to tell you that that's not true, but the more that he thought about it the less he could deny it.
"What an interesting comparison. I am fascinated that you would even come to that conclusion, but in a lot of ways, that's correct. Specific stimuli trigger a negative behavioral response in a way that pollen would do for those who are allergic."
-He continues to mull over the thought as he pulls out some literature. Perhaps your amusing thought has give him an idea on what new experiment he could run.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
Would you consider hcs for a male/androgynous reader helping Telltale Harvey Dent with mental health? Sorry if this is vague haha
High Key going to be spoiling things so don't read if you want the plot points spoiled for you!
Spoiler Warning for Batman the Telltale Series
-You see Harvey hurting, and unlike everyone else, you don't let things go. Whether its his new appearance or the aftereffects of the Children of Arkham's drug, you are much more concerned for his wellbeing than others. This leads to him telling you about Two Face before anyone else.
-Since Selina never came to visit him, he relies on you a lot to help him learn to cope with things. At first it seems like he is getting a bit better with you helping him.
-Eventually, he gets well enough to leave the hospital to visit Selina in person. Of course, he comes back with his trust and heart broken. He took little solace that you didn't abandon him, but it felt like you were the only person who didn't.
-When he gets out of Blackgate or Arkham, he might find it hard to get motivated to take his medication and go to therapy sessions, but if you ask him to keep trying he will.
-With that said, its still hard. He hates his new appearance/actions, and he feels so hurt and angry that sometimes your words and gestures aren't enough. Sometimes the therapy that you make sure he goes to isn't enough. Two Face can still gain control at any time, but even he can't deny that its admirable that you stick around. You are patient with him, and do your best not to get angry back at him.
-Sometimes after a fight with you he expects you to leave and never come back, but you still come to visit him. He is so thankful for you to keep trying. He doesn't know what he would do without you.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
BTAS Batman x reader relationship headcanons? no pressure and thank you for taking this request
The big bat himself ooo. Sorry I have some thoughts on him GHFJD. Also there are so many contingencies here. At least I think Batsy would be proud. And thank you for requesting! I might be rogue-focused, but I like a few of the Bats too.
- Meeting him as Bruce would be the easiest way to get to date him. Though a trust fund kid might find it more difficult to foster a true relationship with him than an employee who he flirts with occasionally after meetings.
-Bruce is a charming man in a lot of ways. He might act dumb more often than not, but occasionally he will be forced to show just exactly how he manages to keep Wayne Tech afloat among his other business ventures. In those moments you get to see why he is considered reliable and just might make you consider giving him a chance.
-Meeting him as Batman first, would make it a bit more difficult unless you are actively fighting with/against him.
-If you caught his eye as a hostage he saved, he might find out who are, and see if it would even be reasonable to meet you properly.
-No matter exactly how you first meet, he would prefer you have an actual relationship with his unmasked persona above everything else. You would be safer without the connection to the vigilante, but also early on, he can't risk you knowing his identity even if he wants to tell you everything. Maybe an unwarranted fear, but Catwoman falling for Batman and leaving him for his masked persona left an impression on him.
-His dates as Bruce are extravagant in public. Whether its trips to famous resort destinations or expensive galas, he loves to show you off if you are willing to indulge in that. However, dates at the manor are more intimate and quiet. Most of the time he just enjoys chatting with you on the couch watching tv as Dick or Tim bug Alfred over how happy he looks.
-Bruce loves to just hold you in his arms and whisper how much he cares about you. Sometimes he has a hard time letting go because of how much he is afraid to lose you.
-You make him genuinely smile which Alfred would tell you hasn't happened in a long time.
-Gifts are expensive but meaningful. He only wants to give you things you would enjoy because he does know that his money can be intimidating.
-The best thing you can get for him is a picture of you for him to keep. He is always looking at the portrait of his parents, and if anything happens to you he wants that for you as well.
-He'd never tell you, but he has spent many nights with Alfred talking about whether or not he should stay with you. How can he bring someone else into his crazy life, but how could he deny himself of someone so wonderful either?
-If you happen to be a rouge, just know he is counting down the seconds till the relationship ends. He has been burned with Selina and Harvey by hoping that they really did want redemption and so he won't allow his feelings to muddy the waters if you ever do want to quit crime. In turn, he would never give up his life of crime-fighting, and he can't risk you using his secret identity against him. He cares deeply about you, but it just wasn't meant to be. He would just have to do his best to get over you.
-If you are also a vigilante, his life is a bit easier as he has no qualms about telling you who he is at the right time. Since you are working along side him, he is even more protective of you than if you didn't.
-For a civilian he will try to be there for you as Bruce. He isn't acting as much as people might believe he is as the playboy millionaire so when he tells you how much you mean to him he hopes you can believe him. Even if things don't work out between you, as long as you allow him, he will still try to reach out to you. Whether its getting a new job at a new company or supporting your love of the arts with a donation to the local theater, he won't forget what you loved and cared about beyond him. It wouldn't even matter if you broke Bruce's heart, he honestly cares so much that he would still put himself out there just to make sure that he at least tried to make things cordial between you.
-Telling you he is Batman would have to come after many complicated nights. If he did want to marry you, he'd have to tell you to feel good about it.
-If somehow you manage to start something with him as Batman, he is a lot more handsy and protective than he'd normally be. He doesn't know how long he will have with you, and he is trying his best to keep you around for as long as he can. That also means that he might only see you once a week if you are lucky. Not being able to be Bruce with you eats at him slightly, but its just how things have to be. Though he is normally rough with his rogues, when it comes to you he is extra violent. It gets to the point that only Joker would dare try to involve you in his schemes.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
you got a discord??
So I did have a Batman rp discord advertised on this blog a few months ago. The link is no longer on the blog cause it's dead. LMAO The server still exists though, and I'd be willing to fix it up if anyone is interested. It just won't be for rp.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
Would anyone be interested in me updating my Batman discord? I kinda want to, but I'm not interested in rping personally so it would be just chatting about stuff and sharing hcs. Personally I'd love to talk with people about my ocs.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
Riddler's s/o worrying about being too stupid for him headcanons please.
-The first mention at you not feeling intelligent enough for him surprises and slightly upsets him.
-"Dear, I know my genius is intimidating, but you should hardly be worried about something so trivial. I don't expect you to be my equal in knowledge. No one, not even Batman could compare to me in that way. You are my partner, my love. You have things you are brilliant at and that is all you need. "
-If you continue to push him he might add:
-"If I deemed you unworthy of me I would have left you already. And I promise I'm not going anywhere."
-He gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before going back to whatever he was doing confident that his words are enough to console you.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
I didn't know you didn't have to use the afterburner boost much!😭 It was like playing on hard mode for no reason.... Also I beat Firefly too so now I can do more on the main story!
Oh and this might be a bit of spoilers so I will put it under a cut...
EDWARD CALLING BATMAN FATHER 😭😭😭😭 I feel so SAD. My heart is so broken for him. I haven't beaten him yet because of the trophies, but he doesn't deserve to be hurt so much. I wish I could hold him and tell him I'm sorry!
Clearly Eddie hates me in particular because I am a fake gamer girl and the second lap took me 3 days worth of trying 😭
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
Hey just a notice. I am closing requests right now. I have quite a few, and I'd much rather give myself time to work on them before taking on more!
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
How would each of the B:TAS Dork Squad react to a child? Like say they find a child in a terrible situation, kidnapped by someone who hurts kids for their own amusement. Would any of them help the kid, ignore it, beat the crap out of the kidnapper, etc?
Not gonna lie I feel like Jonathan would just use the opportunity as a fun experiment for himself. I don't know I always feel like BTAS! Jonny is extra cruel, but maybe that's just my preference. I also feel like Jervis might be more inclined to help especially if he was going to in turn kidnap the kid as his own child if his s/o can't or doesn't want to have a child, but I also feel like if he feels like it would be too much work he would ignore them. However, since I am 1000% sure that these are incredibly unpopular ideas, I will indulge the idea that they would. :V
Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch)
-Jervis can't really say that he thinks the kidnapping itself is wrong. He does it himself obviously. However, if he sees a kid getting beat up he'd actually try to help them.
-Just a single card and he'd have them fighting each other and hurrying the kid away.
-Jervis would stay with them a bit to buy them a treat and bandage them up. He is quite good with kids. He is very careful to make sure that if they had some place to go, he'd take them there.
Riddler (Edward Nygma)
-Edward wouldn't be able to just jump out there and help. Honestly, he would kind of feel like it wouldn't be worth the trouble till he realizes how terrible he'd feel if he just let a kid suffer in front of him.
-He would make his presence known and showboat while the kidnappers get beaten up. He would ask how the kid is doing while moving them to somewhere safe.
-However, before he is too nice, he remembers he has plenty of goons to do things like this for him. Why personally dirty himself? Of course, he is going to expect a video recorded thank you from the kid before having another goon get them home.
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
-Jonathan waits and watches. In a lot of ways, he'd bid his time like Batman would for the best position to rescue you.
-If one didn't know better one might have thought it was Batman coming to save the child. However, the scythe coming out of the shadows lets the kidnappers know they aren't dealing with their normal foe.
-He would easily overpower them with his fear toxin and moves. Obviously, he would scare the kid off and watch in the shadows to make sure the kid got somewhere safe.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
HI i love your writimg so much i slurp it up for breakfast everyday 😔<3 if i could, i'd like to request scarecrow and anyone else you'd like with an s/o who's very serious and sort of intimidating on the outside, but in reality, super sweet and submissive esp when they're with them? thank you so much <\3
I'm so glad you like it! Thank you! 😭
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
-Jonathan can get a bit of whiplash seeing you switch from serious to sweet on a dime when you are with him. He enjoys control so having that not be an issue between you makes his life a lot easier.
-It can be a lot of fun for him to watch you intimidate others along side him, and obviously no one questions you on why you'd want to be with him, due them fearing you too.
Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot)
-Oswald definitely likes seeing you so serious when its time to conduct "business", but he enjoys knowing that you are submissive to him and him alone.
-Its nice seeing you act so cute with him. He truly feels like your connection with him is special.
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)
-Pamela is very interested in those who are willing to follow her without seducing or drugging them so at first she is shocked at how willing you are to obey her after the bravado you normally show to others.
-She feels very comfortable in your relationship. No one can make her feel like she is manipulating you and that means so much to her.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
For Riddler and Scarecrow: They s/o wanted to spend day with them but they were busy and s/o said it's ok. When they came home at night, while their partner was sleeping, they accidentally knocked down their note book. They saw that inside was a note with lyrics (a song for them) and the page with today's date was written Anniversary (yes they forgot about it). They reaction and how would they fix it?
PS. Thank you for writing, it's really cool what you do with given ideas.
Sorry about last time! I will make sure to do them separately. I appreciate that you like what I do with stuff! Sometimes I have some good thoughts:tm:
Riddler (Edward Nygma)
- Edward was so upset coming home seeing you already asleep before he could return. He knows that it is mostly his fault for not paying attention to the time, but his pride wouldn't let him admit that to himself. He gets a bit huffy at seeing your notebook open in front of you in bed, but since it was clear you passed out writing he had to take a look at what you were doing.
-Horrified isn't even close to how he felt knowing that he had forgotten your anniversary. It was selfish of him to work so late, but he was even in a bad mood before he realized that you probably waited as long as you could just to see him.
-To try and make up for it, he works all night to try to make it up to you by making you a puzzle box for the both of you to solve together. All the riddles are related to things the two of you like or your relationship just to show how much he really does care.
-He doesn't like admitting mistakes, but he immediately apologizes when you wake up. His pride could take the blow since he would feel even worse at the implication that he doesn't care about something so meaningful especially when you poured your heart out in the song lyrics.
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
-Jonathan is always focused on his work which often marks his days by achievements and failures rather than time and date. He didn't even realize it was night when he came home to you.
-When he was carefully putting your things away and carrying you to bed as he normally did at night, your notebook opened up to today's date. He felt a bit curious at the contents and read it.
-His heart sank knowing that this was obviously meant for him and that he had forgotten such an important date. Luckily enough, he had already picked out a gift, but he didn't know he needed to give it to you so soon.
-Knowing that you get up early, he forces himself to wake up to make breakfast for you to apologize. Once you have talked it out, he will give you a hand bound leather journal. He knows how much you love to write so it felt like the best way to show it. Even if now, he hardly felt like he deserved the words you had written before for him.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
Clearly Eddie hates me in particular because I am a fake gamer girl and the second lap took me 3 days worth of trying 😭
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
Mad Hatters and Scarecrows reaction to a Wizard of Oz theme villain? Please and Thank you
Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch)
-Jervis thinks its cute!
-If you are as obsessed with the Wizard of Oz as much as he is with Alice in Wonderland, then it will be very easy for him to understand you and what you are like.
-If you are willing to be his friend and potential partner in crime, he will absolutely indulge you as long as you indulge him in return. Whether that means acting out scenes or crafting props (read weapons) that are inspired from each of your favorite books, you two would always be able to have a good time.
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
-Jonathan is... much less amused.
-At the very least, he won't say anything to you about disliking the Wizard of Oz as long as you don't try to involve him as "your Scarecrow".
-Its hard to be feared if he is being compared to the brainless and harmless character from the children's book, and if he has been bullied in the past, then its even more of a sore spot. Obviously, he wouldn't just tell a stranger why he feels this way so most likely he would just avoid you unless you both are teaming up with other rogues.
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roguesdepravity · 2 years
hi! could i rq some hcs for being in a poly relationship with btas!two face and the riddler?
-Since you are basically dating 3 people, there are plenty of quicks. Even more complicated Harvey isn't into Edward that much, which can cause some strain on their relationship when Two Face isn't in charge.
-Whether you want to be or not, you end up as the mediator in fights which can be very difficult on each of them when you don't take their side.
-On the other hand, Harvey and Edward both enjoy the morning crossword which makes at least breakfast with them pleasant. Edward would even make you two breakfast just to show off.
-All of them like things to be a certain way so deciding what to have to dinner coming down to a coin flip which often leads to Edward calling for a do over. Even cuddling/sleeping positions can be complicated because its more pleasing for Two Face if you two are cuddling him, but Edward likes being the center of attention, and Harvey always suggests you are in the middle to have things be more fair.
-It isn't all bad though, they really do love you. Harvey can be very reasonable when Ed wants to spend just some time with which makes Edward try to be more understanding in turn. Of course, he loves attention a lot so he makes sure that if when he is good and patient that Two Face and you reward him.
-As men of expensive tastes and flair, they are always gifting you fancy clothing or jewelry so that you look the part of their partner.
-Edward and Two Face don't really team up when it comes to schemes so goodbyes can be bittersweet. Two Face might ask for a kiss for luck from you both while Edward might say he doesn't believe in it in between the quick smooches.
-If you are a villain yourself then they might be convinced to work together but only in phases.
-If you are a civilian, one of them typically lays low with you so you aren't lonely. They see how hard its is on you to see one of them locked in Arkham let alone both of them.
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