so later on i'll be making starters for the following people
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this is kind of my last chance at this blog and i really really want to roleplay again and if you do by chance want to rp with me then shoot me a message or like this post and if i dont get anything im just going to start reaching out and asking others
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anyone wanna rp? just message me bbs
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I know I said I was going to try and be more active, but I'm honestly not happy with this blog. Even from before I disappeared, I wasn't happy with it.
I keep trying to think of ways to make it better, but for some reason I can't think of anything. I'll try to get over this hump soon, though.
I'll also try and stop being OOC after this.
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Okay, so, I know I haven't been active in weeks. It's my fault, really. I got caught up with life and school and another RP ring and I neglected this blog. I'm really sorry to those of you I was supposed to roleplay with and had plans to.
I want to be more active, so I'm going to try and get a lot of things done on this blog. I want to make Fire better. I want to be a better roleplayer.
I'm officially back now. I don't plan on leaving for weeks at a time anymore.
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Send Me 'Koala-Tea' If You Think My Blog Is Quality
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Fire's Team
The Main
Charizard ♂
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-Dex No.: #006 -Name: Lumose -Type: Fire / Flying -OT: Fire -Level: 78 -Ability: Blaze -Nature: Adamant -Characteristic: Good perseverance -Moves: Flare Blitz; Fly; Hyper Beam; Flamethrower
Dodrio ♂
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-Dex No.: #085 -Name: Dimitri -Type: Normal / Flying -OT: Fire -Level: 76 -Ability: Early Bird -Nature: Careful -Characteristic: Highly Curious -Moves: Fly; Drill Peck; Agility; Tri Attack
Gengar ♂
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-Dex No.: #094 -Name: Gregory -Type: Ghost / Poison -OT: Fire -Level: 76 -Ability: Levitate -Nature: Jolly -Characteristic: Likes to thrash about -Moves: Poison Jab; Shadow Claw; Shadow Ball; Nightmare
Kingler ♂
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-Dex No.: #099 -Name: Kracken -Type: Water -OT: Fire -Level: 77 -Ability: Shell Armor -Nature: Rash -Characteristic: Alert to sounds -Moves: Crab Hammer; Surf; Dive; Ice Beam
Exeggutor ♂
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-Dex No.: #103 -Name: (Sa)Lad -Type: Grass / Psychic -OT: Fire -Level: 78 -Ability: Chlorophyll -Nature: Hasty -Characteristic: Somewhat stubborn -Moves: Wood Hammer; Leaf Storm; Psyshock; Psychic
Jolteon ♀
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-Dex No.: #135 -Name: Jess -Type: Electric -OT: Fire -Level: 77 -Ability: Volt Absorb -Nature: Adamant -Characteristic: Good perseverance -Moves: Dig; Thunder; Last Resort; Thunder Bolt
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I wanna know what people assume about me because of my tumblr.
Put an assumption in my ask. I’ll confirm or dispute it. I’m not gonna be mean or anything, I’m just very interested.
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Name [or Nickname]: Becca is fine, but a lot of people here call me Fire, so whichever you prefer. Sexual Orientation: unsure ha ha Tumblr URL[s]: roguetraveler-reborn, theinvisibilityeffect, kikuchu, wheres-berwaldo, red-eyed-smoke-high, littleroaringlion, gently-decieve, and thugdaddypimp (my personal ha ha). Fandoms: Supernatural, The Office, Homestuck, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Vocaloid, and there's a whole list on my personal you should go check that out yeah.
Muse[s]: My active muses are Fire, Matthew Williams, Kiku Honda, and Berwald Oxenstierna. My inactive muses are Dell Honne, Nero Go-On, and Tsuki Fujisaki (an OC), though these three might get active again really soon.
OC Friendly?: Always~ Multi-Fandom Friendly?: Yup! Ship Your Muse With Any Sex? Yes. Open to SFW RP?: All the time~ Open to NSFW RP?: Indeed I am. Open to Conversing OOC?: Yeaaaah! Open to Making Friends OOC?: Yes I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[[ Introducing the Mun. ]]
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laughing because i forgot fires main team
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"Really? Do ya think I'd be able to handle the Gyms there?" Fire's dream was to conquer every Gym and League of every region, but for now only conquering Kanto would have to suffice. "Would I need a sleepin' bag if it's cold there? All I got is this blanket." Fire didn't really show the blanket, being as it was in his bag. "Goin' on another journey would be fun!"
♥♥ ((Nice to meet you. I regret zilch.))
3. A one night stand
This could be fun! Well, in Fire’s opinion. He had no idea who this other person was, but he was cute! “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of ya~”
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The brunet couldn't help but moan happily as soon as Brendan's mouth was on him. It was not only an amazing feeling, but it was also an amazing sight.
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"Really? I thought I annoyed ya." Deep down he's actually pretty happy.
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Only with Fire. -She nods her head and waves their hands forward and back.- I love to be with Fire.
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"I know we are." The brunet lets out a quiet laugh. This wasn't the Leaf he once knew, but he loved her all the same. "Ya like holdin' hands?"
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Fire. -Leaf followed before walking alongside him, reaching over and taking his hand into hers.- We're on a date.
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When Lucas finally found the Kanto native, he cleared his throat to get his attention. "Um...hi, Fire. Look, I'm sorry if this seems awkward," he said, giving Fire a soft peck on the cheek. He then turned on his heel and absconded, his face bright red.
"All of my dreams have come true within the span of two minutes!!!" A kiss from presh Lucas bby could make anyone's dreams come true, really.
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"A... a date it is then, Leaf! Let's go~" Fire starts walking towards the road Leaf is looking at.  He is still kind of surprised but it's not the bad kind of surprised, it's the good kind.
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>Date. -She repeats, as she looks away from Fire towards the road infront of them- Yes.
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