rokushii-blog · 11 years
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
I recently moved into this apartment, creepy as shit I tell you!! 
I've been talking with the other kids in the complex, and it turns out this place has ever right to be creepy. They try and tell me it's a true story, but seriously, it just sounds like one of those urban legends people like to tell.
As the story goes, there's this boy named Sen, who just moved into the apartment. He's into all kinds of creepy stuff, oujia boards, summoning and ritual games. You name it, he probably did it.
Eventually he learns of a girl that killed herself in the same apartment complex he moved into. This, of course, excites him. And he tries right away to try and make contact with her. And it worked! He was really excited, cause usually his attempts would fail. But somehow, he was a little scared too.
Later on, his dad's girlfriend gives him a pair of headphones. Saying it was a gift from his dad. Sen is caught off guard by this. It was his first time meeting his dad's girlfriend, but she seemed nice enough. So he took them with out a second thought, and continued on with his daily life.
On his way to school a few days later, Sen is waiting in front of the elevator, listening to music with his new headphones.
A loud static noise, followed by a girls voice interrupted his music. It was weird, that shouldn't happen? Listening, it almost sounded... like the girl was talking to him...
"And today, as you might know, seems to be an unlucky day. The woman on floor 3 will have a heart attack tonight in her sleep, how unfortunate. A young boy, on floor 6, will trip down the stairs. Giving him a concussion. But don't worry, he'll die a week from now. On floor 7, a man is going to commit murder. He'll hide his wife's body in a closet, and no one will know of this for almost 3 months.
Ah, and as for you. You should really take caution as well, elevators can be very scary. Please take care."
Sen is in total disbelief, unable to move. So he lets the guy next to him go in the elevator alone.
The wires break, and the man is crushed to death.
He can't take much more of this, it goes on for days.
"Then play a game with me. 1, 2, 3. You can't scare me. Turn off all the lights and hide. Count to 3. If you can make it to your front door you win. If I find you though, I WIN."
Sen is found the next day, hanging inside his closet.
Whatever, just sounds like a suicide story to me if anything. Ghosts, spirits? Come on, get real. To make it worse, those kids tell me that the apartment that guy lived in, it's mine now. Yeah, sure good story.
The only annoying thing about my apartment, is that thumping noise I hear at night, it can get really annoying.
This girl, she really likes her tv. Sports, cooking channels, weather, you name it and she would watch it. But her favorite ones, were the ones they play after midnight. You know those really cheesy infomercials, things like that.
Ah, it's about midnight, time for that special time of day! The girl clicks on her tv, ready to see what kind of wacky product they'd sell tonight.
But instead, what was reflected back to her. Was what seemed to be her friend. But not like they were in a show. It almost looked like live footage. And what made it weirder, it didn't look like they knew. It was so odd... but even so, she kept watching, maybe it was just a prank on her! But nothing happened, she just watched her friend do their usual routine in their room. And eventually went to sleep, which left the screen a pitch black.
This went on for days, everyday at midnight. It was always a different friend, and it would always end with them going to sleep. The only thing that ever changed about them, was that each time it looked like there was a figure standing in the room. And each day it would get closer and closer to the bed.
On the last day, the girl went to click on the tv. Though this time it was not one of her friends. But instead, the back of her head. 'How can this be?! There's no cameras in my room! I'm being watched!'
Terrified the girl clicks off the tv, and turns off all her lights, so that it can't record her anymore. Curling up in her bed, she tried to sleep it off. A few moments past, and she could hear shuffling in her room. Think think think, what happened in all the videos she saw?! Could it be...
That girl was found dead in her room, face down on the ground. You wouldn't be able to tell it was her by her face anymore. 
I love video games, it's what gets me through the day. My aunt buys me games all the time! Today it looks like she bought me a used game, there's no cover, so I don't know what it's about. Let's go find out!
Well I played it for awhile! It's pretty cool,  I made a character, this time I decided to name him after myself. I think the object of the game is to make as many friends with the people in town. Really it's just a game that you play out a normal everyday life, it can be pretty addicting.
I played it again today... it was weird... one of the people in town died. I didn't know that could happen here, it looks so bright and cheery. Like a rated E for everyone kind of game. It gets even more strange, the town mayor had everyone attend the funeral. I was talking to the people at the funeral. They all say it was a murder. That it must have been 'that' girl. They told me, that if I knew what was good for me, I would keep a look out. Man this game is keeping me on my toes!
Another person in my town died again today. It's strange... everyone is ignoring me in the game now... and even more strange... all my friends in real life are ignoring me now too... seriously this game is just... really weird now. When I went to my house in the game, it was also torn apart. What the hell is going on? I asked a neighbor, all they said was 'I told you didn't I? It's too late for you now..." Seriously, this game is way too creepy, I don't think I'm gonna play it anymore.
Today I woke up... my room was totally destroyed. Someone went into my room at night and did total chaos. I'm seriously scared, forget this, I need to get out of her!
I'm in the elevator, I'm gonna get out of here and go to the cops.
Ah, it stopped? The door opened, but no one is there? I looked out of the doors to make sure. I shrug and turn back around, hurry up and go down, I just want out of here!
Ah. What's this? A sharp pain in my side.
Ah. What's this? A warm liquid is pouring out of me.
Ah. Who's that. A girl in a mask. My vision is blurry. She has an ax.
Ah. So that's how my game ends. 
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
Ok uhhh this should be pretty quick I think--!
Anyways for the most part sense her story deals with 'phones' the general plot that you gave me for that, I kept because it was really interesting!! The only thing I changed was that at the end I leave it up to you if she really was just crazy, or it really was someone she heard on the phone.
Sense you already know her plot then more or less, I can at least talk about her a little!!
She has a huge stalker crush on Sen (hence the matching clips, she starts wearing them after she meets him) she doesn't try to make any moves on him though for one reason or another she just REALLY likes him, and for this reason she does whatever he asks happily.
Kio is her step sister for 3 years now, but they've been friends even longer then that. Mia has troubles controlling her constant outbursts, and has troubles deciding if she should act on how she feels or not. Kio is the person she always goes to for advice and counselling, for that she loves her very much.
When Kio dies, is when she finds the number to the hot line, and uses it as her new advise and conscious. 
She starts to take things out on Dai around this time, because the hot line tells her it's a good way to take out her stress.
In the end it is actually Mia who killed Dai, axing him to death in their elevator.
I also leave it up to you if she died of supernatural causes or not. What it seems that happens though, is that she fell from the roof of the apartment, 20 stories up. And it seems she has a large gash across her throat.
Andddd last but not least! If Sen is the "main" character then I would call Rin, like... the Rika of the story. Kind of like a secret "main" character!
After he obtains the CD and paper from Sen, he goes to try and crack it. As he's trying to decode the paper himself, he notices a new file on his desktop. It's just a simple notepad, titled 'Important Notice'
When he reads it, it simply says 'I ask that you please stop while you're ahead. Failure in doing so, will result in undesired consequences'
While a bit creeped out, he figures it's his older brother messing with his stuff, and brushes it off as nothing.
Ahhh shit I gotta go--- I'll put in the rest when I get back!!!
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rokushii-blog · 11 years
LOL I'm not making this look nice though cause IDK *ALL* the details yet and honestly it's probably gonna be confusing cause plots???? idk lol but imma try!
Each character is their own main character for their section of the story. But I call Sen the main in my head, because he's the reason this all happens in the first place
Uhhh how about I break it up into each of their stories, for what I have decided at least
Anyways Sen moved into the apartment about a year ago, though I think I want to bump that down so he really feels like the new kid there.
He quickly makes friends at school with his very likeable and easy going, charming personality. Of course at home he's much different, with a strong interest in the occult, scary stories and legends etc. He legit enjoys being scared and frightened, it's the only thing that gives him a strong sense of feeling? 
Kio is the first to befriend him, she sees it as her job to greet any of the new kids in the apartment.
Sense they're only two floors apart, and the first he meets, he latches on to her quick. 
He asks her of course, if there is anything creepy about this building. Any old legends or something of the sort. 
While she knows nothing of the sort herself, she takes him to Rin, who's been living there his whole life.
Rin does have one story for them, that happened before he was born. The apartment right above Sen's, ironically, is supposedly haunted. The story goes there was a girl that lived there that hung herself. And ever sense then, the apartment had been empty, no one living in it.
Sen is really excited, but also a little disturbed by this. He had been hearing a low thumping noise coming from above his bedroom almost every night. Like something thumping against a wall.
For the next week Sen tries to communicate with the ghost of the girl. Nothing happens, until he convinces his brother, Kio and her step sister Mia to do the oujia board with him. His room goes black, and Sen feels something behind him, but is too scared to turn around.
Things go back to normal more or less afterwards. A few days later Sen comes home to find a woman he's never met before. She introduces herself as his dad's girlfriend. Sen is a bit surprised sense his dad never brings his girlfriends home. She gives Sen a gift, saying it's from his father, as an apology for the fight the two of them got into, and for never being home.
Sen is happy to see it's a new set of headphones, his old ones destroyed by his dad during their last fight.
Things are normal for awhile, until his headphones start to pick up a weird station. It's a young sounding girl, talking about seemingly uninteresting things. Until she starts to bring up a list of people who will die in the town that day, describing in detail about what will happen to him. Right before the broadcast ends, she then addresses to Sen "And to the boy who is going to cross the street right this moment, please stop and look before you keep walking. One should be more aware of their surroundings  or else punishment awaits. Thank you, and please do take care." 
Of course Sen stops in his tracks, because it sounds like she's talking about him. The boy next to him though on the sidewalk, keeps walking. And gets plowed down by a semi that ran the light.
Sen freaked out, wants to know now if anyone else hear's this creepy station that seems to forecast the events in town. So he gets all the kids he knows that lives in the apartments and gathers them in his room.
Kio wears the headphones, but only hears static no matter what station she turns it to.
Mia hears a sharp ring so piercing that she throws the headphones off right away.
Dai hears what sounds like distorted 8bit music (think like Lavender town from Pokemon)
Rin hears a consent beeping noise.
No one else hears any music, much less the creepy station. Every day though it doesn't change, and if anything the voice always sounds like it's talking to him, not just an audience.
Deciding he wants to go into the apartment it's self, thinking it has something to do with it, breaks into it.
He finds an old fashion radio transmitter, and mic. He breaks it, hoping that maybe that was the cause of it. Exploring a bit more, he goes into the room that would be above his. In there he finds a diary, as well as a CD. 
He tries out the CD first at home, but asks for a password. When he tried  to guess, it made his computer crash. 
He opens up the diary and there's a slip of paper that he thinks if you decode it, it will be the password for the CD.
The diary itself, is about a girl who calls herself A. With each page the contents would get more and more creepy and disturbing to the point that Sen couldn't even look at it anymore.
Wanting to know about the CD he takes it to Kio, which she directs him to Rin, sense he has the computer knowledge. Rin takes it and the paper, confident that he can get it cracked in under a week.
From here I don't know what happens sense I haven't decided all the way yet.
But Sen does die at the end. He's found hung in his closet, his body making a thumping noise against the wall over and over.
His death was supernatural, though it comes off looking like suicide.
Ahhh fuck I actually---- don't have her story figured out at all. orz I only know what she does in everyone elses story. She's probably the most least developed OC wise and story wise. I think I can think of things to say about her though uhhh lets see-
Her and Rin used to be pretty close as kids, but as they got older they sorted of drifted away from each other. They're still on good terms with each other.
Mia is her younger step sister, but she sees her more as a friend who gets to sleep over at her house everyday lol. She is the person Mia always goes to for advice, and she realizes how much Mia relays on her. 
Her death is supernatural I'm 95% positive
Dai is, simply put a boy with no personality. As well as feeling little to no self worth. He has no opinions, and will let people push him around and decide things for him, sitting there and taking it. He doesn't see himself as an important person, a side character at best. 
Both his parents died when he was younger, not that he is particularly sad about it, seeing how they weren't good parents. He moves in with his aunt at the apartments when he's about 8. She's very sweet to him, and he loves her greatly. But her job makes her away from her place for long periods of time going from days to weeks. Sense she feels bad about leaving Dai so much, she showers him with various gaming counsels and video games, so he can entertain himself while she's away.
He meets Rin when he was walking home one day from school, and a bunch of boys started to pick on him and beat him up. Rin basically out smarted the other boys and beat them up. Dai was at loss, that someone even noticed what was happening to him, much less acknowledged it and went to help him. To him, Rin was much like the main characters in video games. Very cool and collected, always knew what to say and do, good looking, everything you would want in a main character.
This is basically where their friendship took off, and where Dai's obsessiveness with him grew. To the point where in video games if they asked for a name for the main character, it would be Rin's name he would put. To him, Rin was truly the 'main character' in his life.
For Dai's story... I have a lot of different ideas I want to do--- so for now that's all you get on him at least!
But for Dai I will say he died of not supernatural causes. And was axed to death.
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rokushii-blog · 12 years
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rokushii-blog · 12 years
Clips - Asia, Finn, Naoto, Risa, Carli, Takashi, Takaya, Dakota, Miki, Saki, Harumi, Mako, Maci, Aaron, Ruth, Misty, Paris, Samii, Vivi, Jinsey, Keiichi
Glasses - Noah, Kamilla, Kei, Jun, Rue, Megumi, Benjamin, Evey, Ivan, Kei, Lino, Miki, Charlie, Kouta, Saki, Kyle, Rinji, Genji, Sano, Umeko, Faust, Ojii-chan, Leon, Jen, Tetsu, Rimo, Kylie, Mina, Raine, CJ, Joel, Roxy, Keiichi, Akamatsu, Tomoya, Myla, Mick, Akio, Hyousuke, Suzuki
Headphones - Chris, Koto, Arata, Kara, Tetsu, CJ, Jinsey
Hats - Nia, Serena, Nathan, Benji, Miyu, Cray Face, Fletcher, Tenji, Umiki, Adarra, Charlotte, Lino, Saki, Chisato, Iori, Sano, Frida, Mari, Aster, Maci, Raidin, Ryoji, Leo, Dimitri, Levilika, Levito, Remi. Rowan, Blake, Eve, Bianca, Jesse, Skippy, Chase
Goggles - Damien, Fletcher, Michi, Sawyer, Aster, Kyouya, Shiro, Jinsey, Ty, Chloe
Headbands - Himawari, Rin, Saika, Koumi
Flowers - Roi, Leanne, Nana, Suri, Aiyana, Lily, Hana
Ribbons - Alicia, Rina, Akari, Hazuki, Miyu, Mimi, Hinachii, Namie, Vaika, Chiyo, Amelia, Carli, Mallory, Taila, Lexi, Kimi, Clear, July, Hhikari, Yurimi, Amane, Mai, Alyssa, Anise, Brigette, Eliza, Lance, Levilika, Lunon, Izumi, Yukari, Corra, Yui, Seraphim, Akiko, Eva, Momo
Piercing - Xion, Minoru, Miki, Arata, Micah, Hiro, Mako, Tetsu, Jimmy, Dimitri, CJ, Savana, Vivi, Matt
Eyepatch - Ace, Yuuji, Bossman
Grey area - Rina, Miles, Yuki, Rio, Hikaru, Elliot, Van
Hood - Takuya, Minoru, Tucker, Ruth, Kyouya, Shiori,
Bandages - Carson, Koto, Hitomi, Shawn, Leo, Davis, Maxwell, Caiden, Tenji
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rokushii-blog · 12 years
"I-I think that plan, sounds a bit... scary and risky..." She gave a nervous smile. "But at least, you're thinking of something else aside from dying." Which was good, she needed some positive thinking and ideas. Left on her own, and all she could think of was dead ends and negative thoughts.
Yasu had no problems giving him her number, the boy gave her no reason to distrust him. And it was better to have some kind of ally, instead of facing this alone. "Heh, so you think, I'm a loser, yeah?" She cracked a grin that was a bit out of character for her, to show she was just teasing him. After all she wasn't denying the fact she pretty much was a loser, or at least viewed herself as such. "Alright, I don't mind. Even if it's just emotional support, it's better then nothing at all, yes?" Taking out her other number, she quickly added his into her phone. And then took his phone, adding in her own number as well.
Handing the phone back to him, she bowed her head down in gratitude. "Thank you so much for all that you've done. I feel much better knowing now I have someone to talk to, I feel like I'm in your debt, thank you."
[ the game ]
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rokushii-blog · 12 years
Holding up a baggy sleeve to her face, she wiped away the tears that were threatening to spill down her face. Taking a few deep breathes, she was able to calm herself down, and was already feeling a bit normal again. If there was one thing she developed over the years, was that she was able to recover quickly from things. And the fact he was taking the time to try and make her feel better, even if it was just him rambling away. Well it was sweet coming from a kid like him, she supposed.
"I guess... all those points you bring up, could happen. I feel the police catching him sounds to be the most likely." Please, let them figure this out, they felt like the only real hope she had to cling to. "But ummm..." She paused for a moment, playing with the ends of her jacket nervously. "I don't think I quite get you. What do you mean by... umm... an act?" Did he mean they put on an act themselves? What sort of act?
[ the game ]
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rokushii-blog · 12 years
"I see, you must be quite brave then." You gotta do, what you gotta do? Right? In the end it was self defense anyways, they weren't the bad ones here. Right? And who's to say they would even be sought after first? Then again, they would be targeted eventually once the numbers dwindled down... 
Yasu on the other hand didn't hesitate to answer his question. "I would run, and avoid it at all cost. If I can get away and avoid it all together then I will." She paused, and then added on to the end. "But if there's no chance of that, I guess that... would be that..." She looked back down to the ground, staring at all the small cracks in the concrete. A useless girl like herself was an easy target, she couldn't do anything, and she very well knew it. Had she accepted the fact that she more then likely would die? No, not entirely. But really, what could she do? It was better then to lie to herself, right?
"I really... hate all of this. I'm so scared... you know?" She felt her entire body start to shake now. Having no one to talk to about this, no one to hear her out, it was slowly starting to take toll. It felt so good to get even just a bit out, even if it was to a total stranger. At least he would understand her, know where she's coming from. "I don't want to die, but this game... it feels like that's the only real option. Like we were chosen to die... i-it's not right..." Ahh no, you hold back those tears. It was hard though. She dressed and looked like a boy, but in the end she was really just a scared girl, who felt as those her options were little to none.
[ the game ]
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