sanie-archive · 2 years
Thought I’d pop back in here to remind everyone I moved to @san-cb !! You can find me there, I don’t log into this one anymore.
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sanie-archive · 2 years
I'm going to be making some aesthetic changes and some profile changes. Nothing major is changing about Sanie, just adjusting some stuff. So be on the look out for a new url for tagging and such 💙
💫: @moonlightchn [My Protector 🐺] @clubwnderland [⭐] @undercovermafiabot [🌿🧁] @skz-cb [MinMin 💙] @vitoria-oc [Business Lady 💼] @shin-haneul [🧚‍♀️] @eros-bc [🍰] @urhexgirls [🎶] @7deadlysins-chan [Wrath 🍓] @c-yj @adorbsana [Gaming buddies 🎮] @midnightbot [🌷] @deadlyjin [Big Jin 💪] @babie-chungha @uridealgf-cb @uridealbf-cb
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sanie-archive · 2 years
I hope you're well sanie! I just wanted to drop by and say hello because it's been a while! How are you? Keeping well?
OMG HI, I'm doing good how are you 🥺🥺 doing my best to keep well! I promise!
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sanie-archive · 2 years
It's slightly past noon when the delivery boy arrives at San's place, the wolf's instructions having been clear so that the birthday boy had enough time to sleep in if he wished to.
Knocking on the door after putting down the biggest box, the delivery boy waits patiently for the other to open up. Some minutes go by before he knocks again, this time accompanying it with his well known "Delivery for Mr. Choi San!". It's the familiar voice that makes Sanie rush and open up, thanking softly as the young boy wishes him a happy birthday before leaving.
Three boxes await in front of San: A smaller one, he recognizes it as a sushi box from his favorite place; A slightly bigger one, the words 'fragile, handle with care' displayed on all sides; And lastly the a bigger box, surprisingly not as heavy as he expected but still large enough to raise curiosity. As usual, on top of it all, rests a letter. The now blonde one rushes to get everything inside, quickly picking out the letter to sit on his couch and read through it.
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"Happiest birthday my pretty chicky! Ah, time flies doesn't it? It's crazy, one day you're discussing pasta with someone and the next you're struggling to find the perfect gift for them. It's ok though, I don't mind struggling if the gift will manage to make you smile as prettily as you do every time you see it. Have I told you how proud I am of you lately? I don't feel like I have. I don't feel like I've been here half as much as I should've for you. But I hope you know, alright? I hope you know how proud I am of you and how much I love you. You've grown so much as a person, you've turned into an even better version of yourself. The little chicky I knew was already awesome, but now? It sometimes shocks me how you managed to become even greater. You're full of surprises, full of potential. I hope you realize that, you have so much potential to be whatever and whoever you want. You even seem brighter these days, more at ease—. Happier. I hope you feel happier each day that goes by.
Let's stay healthy and happy and keep becoming better versions of ourselves every day, deal?
Text me when you get it all!
I love you.
P.S: Expect me to stop by later to put up your new lamp!"
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Sanie sees the boxes and doesn't even wonder who they are from, he immediately knows. His best friend always uses the same method and each time it makes his heart smile so much. He can catch the light smell of rice and seaweed as he seems the sushi box, making his stomach rumble as he carries everything in. He takes a seat on his couch and opens everything, saving the letter for last because he knows how sappy he will get reading it.
He starts to read it, as he goes, the more a soft smile spreads across his face and his eyes water a little. He doesn't get to see the wolf very much these days and he was really starting to miss him, but he just took it as him probably being really busy, but it's moments like these that show just how important they are to eachother. Once he had finished reading the letter, he slipped his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through to the "🐺💙" contact;
"Delivery got here, first of all the food smells so GOOD, second this is my new favorite dish, everything will be eaten off of it 😌 and I'll hand wash it so the dish doesn't mess up over time! I'm glad you're coming over to help with the lamp because I opened it and immediately got overwhelmed with all the wires 🤣 you really do always know what I need to hear huh? This really means a lot, I hope you know, and I will cherish as always like I do with all of your words and gifts, I'll see you soon ChanChan 💙 I love you too 🐣"
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sanie-archive · 2 years
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Happy birthday to me 🥳 Time flies by so fast, it feels like I just had a birthday! I never really know what to say on days like this because I don't feel any different, if that makes sense? It just feels like another day but this time with a cute cake 😗 I do like to treat myself on my birthday though. How could I NOT get this cute pizza!? And the squishmellow was speaking to me so I had to take him home 😌
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sanie-archive · 2 years
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Wow it's been a bit since I've updated! I've been go go go so far this summer! I also went blonde again, I wanted to stick with brownish black for a while but I always end up getting bored and wanting to changed it up 😭 Have you been enjoying your summer? Tell me about some things you have done so far! Even if it's just relaxing at home!
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I've been swimming and going out more than usual! I hear swimming is a good way to work out your whole body, and I think my sore muscles would have to agree. It's okay though, my apartment building has its own pool so it's not like I can't take a day to rest every now and then. 😌
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I've been working out a lot more, I have been interested in health and fitness lately! Did you know that apparently better health is a 80-20. 80% Doet and lifestyle and then 20% exercise! At least that's what I heard, I'm not sure how reliable that is but it's definitely cool to think about! Anyway, I hope everyone has been well and having some fun in the sun! 🥳
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sanie-archive · 2 years
Please spread and donate.
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sanie-archive · 2 years
A state to state guide to abortion support resources.
The national abortion helpline: 1-800-772-9100
A master document with abortion funds to every state.
Missouri already has signed to end abortion, help here.
Abortion resource for minors.
A help service for privacy abortions.
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sanie-archive · 2 years
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I'm a little late but Happy Friday! 🥳 I went out to the park and the sun is shining so brightly! That means I can out the jacket away! Unless there is rain of course! Don't get me wrong, I love long sleeves but it gets kinda hot for them this time of year! Do you have some staple items in your closet for this time of year?
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sanie-archive · 2 years
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hongjoong & san ✶ ode to youth making
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sanie-archive · 3 years
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Happy Friday everyone!! Sorry, I've been busy, focusing on stuff, myself, some close friends, a nice disconnect 😌 I've picked up a few games to try out 🥳 How is everyone? Anything new going on? Anything exciting? 🧐 Any plans for the warmer weather?
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ChanChan picked me up the other day and we went out for food! He seems to always know what I need, you know? 😌 I snapped a few pics but I was mostly body eating, the weather has been too good lately to pass this up 😭
I love spring so much!! D you have a favorite season? Do you like sunny spring weather or the spring rain? 🤔
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sanie-archive · 3 years
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yeehaw 🤠
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sanie-archive · 3 years
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cuties 💕💕
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sanie-archive · 3 years
Delivery: from siyeon
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hello there~ long time no see baby I thought if drop by and give you this little gift i thought you would enjoy~ I promise ill be around more. -siyeon
AHHHHH SIYEON HELLO 🥺🥺 I just figured you have been busy and I didn't wanna bother you 😣 WELCOME BACK, and I love this, I will definitely be using is when I am wanting to relax 🥺💙
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sanie-archive · 3 years
I’ve been well darling, you know me~ running Hell smoothly and the club, it’s quite the busy schedule but I’ll definitely pop around as often as I can hm? Yes, you will need to tell me about him darling~ I’m happy for you
I should come by and spend a night dancing 😗 keep you busy! And visit you! I'll tell you all about him 🥺 He makes me so happy and just AHHHHHH feelings 😭💙 You should know something about feelings HMMMM 👀👀
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sanie-archive · 3 years
Hello darling, how are you doing? Have you been keeping well? I see someone has a special heart, have I been away that long? Guess I’ll have to keep coming to visit, won’t I?
HI MS. IRENE 🥺 I've been just doing the same old, home, games, exploring! HOW ARE YOU 😗 yeah someone has a little heart 😶 I'll have to tell you all about him! You'd like him!! Yes please visit often 💙💙
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sanie-archive · 3 years
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HELLO HELLO~ it's been a while! 🥳 I hope everyone has been well! Staying hydrated? Well rested? I've been trying! Life has just been kinda crazy and busy since the start of the new year! I did however find time to get my hair touched up! The mannequin heads were kinda scary though 🤢 Gotta start the year fresh and in style~ Are you all looking forward to anything specific or special this year? Any plans? I hope everyone is having a good start to the year 💙
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