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whatever was left, that was ours for a while.
sunrise - louise glück
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brown works so hard and does so much and everyone is so mean to her. coffee chocolate hair leather tea wood eyes broth a warm coat autumn leaves caramelized onions the crust on a loaf of bread. all things good and warm and kind are brown. bitch!
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The gods are with me
Aphrodite is in my sparkling hoop earrings, in my love for myself, in the confidence a well put together outfit gives me, she shows her self in my partner's eyes and in compliments from friends.
Athena is with me at my most focused. When my body knows what to do before my mind does. When I land a good hit or when I disarm someone with only my words. She is by my side when I speak to a crowd with passion and fire.
Persephone is with me in my duality, she is in my constant softness and kindness, and my bravery and brutality. She is my growth, my defense, and my hurt. She shows herself when I fall and she burns with me when I rise
Artemis is with me at my most wild. She holds my hand when I run through the woods. She leaps with me when I jump and she laughs with me when we sit around the fire. She is my escape and she calls me when I crave adventure and swims with me when I need the peace of an escape
Heistia is with me when I keep the home fire burning. When I bake and clean. She guides my way when I create new recipes and mend my friends clothes. She kneels beside me while I garden and doubles the amount of care and love I put into things
Hera is with me in my loyalty. She fuels my fire when someone hurts one of mine. She knows I would burn the world for my people and she will hand me the match. She is also the soft kindness to forgive and to welcome back with open arms. She is there in the respect I give to my partner and the respect I receive in turn.
The goddesses are worshipped in my life and they worship me in turn. They cannot die so they have never left
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song of the simple truth: the complete poems - julia de burgos / a september day - george henry / excerpt from a letter to aurelia plath - sylvia plath / french autumn - artem tolstukhin / earthquake weather - janice gould / blue shutters - kim english / a girl ago - lucie brock-broido / little women (2019) dir. greta gerwig / september garden party - jane kenyon / constanze saemann and charlotte foubert photographed by ryan brabazon / september 1st - dante émile
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I'm craving the open road. My soul aches for new horizons, new streets, and new constellations. I want to finally give in to this wildness inside of me and never look back. To see my hometown, my childhood, in the rearview mirror and then never again.
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and when I write about her eyes, I cannot stop. the stretches of black ink I have bathed helpless paper in, as I wrote again and again about her beautifully almond, deep brown eyes. those soulful orbs were my muse alone. rich and enthralling. gentle and kind. and they bring me to tears every time I remember them. they captured my heart and breathed purpose into my soul. and I never told her, but I like to tell myself she knew. I hope she knew.
god I miss her eyes.
- monica mauriello
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She wasn't a thunderstorm. She's the subtle fresh smell of earth after heavy rain. Every time I see her, I believe in God a little bit more.
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**cries in Sylvia Plath**
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“This is what I like about photographs. They’re proof that once, even if just for a heartbeat, everything was perfect.”
— Jodi Picoult
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Right now, I'm cuddled up in bed listening to soft music and I can't help but think how proud my past self is of who I've become. At 16 I couldn't even picture being 22 but here I am. I've got some really great friends who challenge and support me but ultimately just have fun with me! I finally got that nose ring I always wanted and I finally cut my hair. I came out and every day I'm becoming more confident. I cut out toxic people from my life and I never turn down the opportunity to have an adventure. I don't love my job but I love my life. I love who I am. I've gone through hell and some days I'm still there. But I'm still here.
I'm still here
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I've been carrying my body since the day i first began to move. My legs have faltered and stumbled but they have walked me both into bad times and out of them. My eyes have seen awful things, but they have also seen my best memories and breathtaking moments. My arms have pushed bad things out of my life and pulled my friends and family close. I have made every good moment in my life happen for me and I have survived every bad thing. Why did I ever doubt my body or think of myself as weak? I am one of the strongest people I know. On every bad day, I picked myself off the floor and into the shower, dried my tears and put myself to bed. I did that for me. Nobody came to save me.
I am the one I have been waiting for all of my life
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Its morning, the sun is up and warm against my skin. My brain and eyes are peacefully heavy with sleep. The soft couch underneath me cradles my body and the warm, purring cat on my lap fills me with contentment. I can hear the whir of the gas fireplace to my right and the birds softly chirping outside. I stay in this moment longer than I should, I have things to accomplish on my day off. But in my little bubble of peace this morning, I feel happy and complete.
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