ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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It’s a GIRL!!!! Lula Beth Hernandez aka Lula B. Hernandez. The name means Famous Warrior, Oath/Daughter of God. Both names are in honor our our grandmothers. We couldn’t be more excited to meet our sweet girl ❤️ (at The Bowtie Kitteh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIwknKJBVU6/?igshid=24hceclfegot
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
April 2021. We get to meet our second child and couldn’t be more excited. 🙌🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0mYQahw4N/?igshid=1wkgxpu0l55j8
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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Here’s to more dreaming and dreams fulfilled. Here’s to more creation and more relaxation. Here’s to continually becoming and loving every facet of ourselves and each other. Happy 8 year Anniversary my handsome. ❤️ (at Belmont Hotel Dallas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CErpKnNh26M/?igshid=q8vrj93fah4w
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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I’m In My Zone A zone where I have more good days than bad and I’m feeling more like my true self. ✨ Where I feel content with my body because it is healthy and capable of amazing things. 👏🏼 Where I feel strong in my desires and work/life balance for mine and my family’s future. 🔥Where I focus on what I like and what I want and 100% DGAF what others think anymore. Don’t apologize for nothin’ no mo’. 💖 Where it feels good to feel good and understand and believe to my core that I’m capable and ALLOWED to feel good...And believe deep down in my heart and soul that is what God wants for us. How did I get to this zone? I’m not an expert, but for me, it takes CONTINUALLY (yea not just once) of putting in the deep effort of healing on all fronts. Getting to the root and doing the hard work of cutting out the shitty routines, people, and mindsets. It can feel like you’re losing a lot of branches, but only by pruning can your energy be focused on your new growth and fresh fruit. It takes courage to stand up for yourself and turn from old avenues. It takes saying no to what you know makes your stress hormones overtake your body to levels of inner destruction. It’s not easy and it’s not fun or pretty in the thick of it. The new growth takes time, but nothing changes if nothing changes friends. Note to self (& raise a hand if this resonates with you 👋🏼🙋🏼‍♀️): keep cutting towards your zone of excellence and happiness in life. You’re capable and allowed to. And to be honest, do you really want to live your one life so stressed all the time? I DON’T. ALSO - GOD DOESNT WANT THAT FOR YOU EITHER. (at Little Elm, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6MULHBbAA/?igshid=vq59c26nopsy
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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documenting - these happy vines that make me happy that may or may not be gone soon (what are you doing Kim?) - ➡️ this new comf zone set @thedudejunior got me (at The Bowtie Kitteh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDcoy8th3FR/?igshid=1tqndi502vlrs
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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rn its time for #gaelinglasses https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZtVcVhT1f/?igshid=1xjgfaiub96pl
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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Sunday Nails feat. my fave non-toxic nail polish from @sundays_studio My mom was a nail technician/manicurist and some of my earliest memories are of her trimming and painting my nails, so this is one of those little things I love to do for myself & find a connection back to where I remember my creativity coming from. 🤍 (at The Bowtie Kitteh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZJQFTBXBy/?igshid=suz0nsfo3n8p
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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#ChallengeAccepted from my sis @cherduck 😘 Pictured: Me, Just Air Dryin’ & Smilin’ Fave quotes lately (not sure of origins...I just saw them randomly somewhere and they stuck with me)... ❤️”You can’t hate your way to loving yourself” 🥰“What if you spoke to yourself the way you speak to your best friend?” I’m in a really good place right now mentally & emotionally which in turn has helped my physical body release toxicity and weight and underlying issues. It seems to have happened fast to some people, but really it happened slowly over time as I keep taking steps to what I truly want and giving inward focus on what I truly need. I want to never forget (and help others realize for themselves also) that I can’t truly help or love others if I don’t have healthy boundaries and if I haven’t taken time to replenish and care for my well being & foundations first. What have you worked on (or not worked on 👏🏼) for yourself in the past day or week? (A month is too long, friend) Tell me in a comment! https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMqRWrheGe/?igshid=33r66ucoaeqn
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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Just A Sunday Vibe Check (at The Bowtie Kitteh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC1jVuNBNrQ/?igshid=1tp7nih9ejck
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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HEAL⁣ ⁣ I read something today that said something to the degree that as followers of Christ (and as human beings in general) our identity is found in healing, not in our perceived faults or past & present problems.⁣ ⁣ That’s such a great reminder for me because some circumstances at the end of the month of May and beginning of June had pushed me into a sad and negative emotional and mental funk.⁣ ⁣ I got to a point where I was so sick and so tired of peoples bull$#!+ and decided I’d had enough pessimism.⁣ I muted lame rudeheads and took time off from devoting my precious time to my apps and my phone & anyone who wasn’t immediate family to me.⁣ ⁣ I took time to just simply be and walk and talk through what was happening and heal with family.⁣ ⁣ Through the time I was able to be in Texas, God blessed me with true healing for my immediate problems and peace in the areas I needed most.⁣ ⁣ Now I feel enlightened and ready to share my love and joy and life and works from that place of love and peace rather than from a place of turmoil. I know that if I want to make a difference in this world, that’s the real work I needed to do in my own life and heart first.⁣ ⁣ Today and everyday, how can we choose to heal ourselves and spread hope and healing rather than continue the cycle of hate and hurt by throwing shade and shame? (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRmxIbBQbf/?igshid=1ix5vu3gqefyd
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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If You Know, You Know | Obscurity “We automatically think that going to a lonely desolate place will be draining and must mean weakness. What if this place is actually marinating and massaging and branding who you really are in a deeper part of your life? What if my predisposition is to not share all of my life or struggles online. We want to share because it’s quick and gives us the feedback we want - it’s cheap consolation. But it’s not doing the hard work of obscurity...where we need to sit in it believing it’s part of the blessing, not the curse. Because there’s only one way to heal and it can’t be found online, at least not in its fullness. Sharing trauma or even good things while we’re in the middle of it short circuits the entire process - it crosses the wires and creates sparks... loud sparks... noise... adoration...things like ‘Oh, I’m so sorry.’ ‘I love you you’re amazing.’ or even hateful statements in some instances. Sparks usually mean a bad connection. What if God wants to speak to us alone? Do we trust He has what it takes? You do need a support system, yes. Close friends and family to go through it with and rally around you and support. Am I more concerned with my own healing specifically...or am I prone to sharing too quickly with the world (the internet) before I have truly processed, dealt with it, prayed about it, gone to trusted therapy, etc. and healed? If that’s the case, my true place of healing (Jesus) is most definitely drowned out by the world. He’s the true place of wholeness and restoration. In a painful but true way, we need obscurity.” These are notes I have from listening to this very interesting and helpful book this past week called “To Hell With The Hustle” by @jeffersonbethke ...Chapter 6 is about obscurity and how Jesus modeled this for us. When you know what’s going on in my personal life, it’s because you’re a part of my support system or you’re on a need to know basis. And if you don’t know, it has nothing to do with me not being honest or authentic. (at Kingston, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBZpRehBvJo/?igshid=1aqqklsjhk8i5
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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⬛️ #blackouttuesday https://www.instagram.com/p/CA810RSBYIS/?igshid=1byni6de2cf6i
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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My boy brings me joy https://www.instagram.com/p/CA4Dp4JBmGw/?igshid=109cprhwz3x3s
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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A day that felt like heaven happened today. Just hung around the house In our jammies Ate some yums Did normal things around the house Slow paced Built a fort Read books Ate more yums Cuddled Gaél was randomly the sweetest today — with lots of coming up to us and embracing while saying “hug” and freely giving kisses and “I love you’s” and asking “you okay papa?” And just being so happy and playing and singing. He still had his unruly toddler moments of course, but overall today he was just SO SWEET, I caught my heart swelling so many times. We have definitely found one of our elements with keeping consistency in finding joy while staying home together. Today was a beautiful reminder that when you choose to use your power of staying graceful, grateful, joyful, intentional, and hopeful, you can truly manifest days like we had today. • • • • • #gratitude #stayingpower #hope #honestmotherhood #motherly #boymom #parenting #momlife #joy #grateful #charlottemoms #thebowtiekitteh #wesleyheights #toddlerlife #toddler #manifestationbabe #manifestation #monathair #portra400 #120mm #mamiya645protl (at The Bowtie Kitteh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAl_SVFBTNe/?igshid=1w1kk4iirhwcp
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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MOOD when you have a long weekend + finally get a day of sunshine + major quality playtime with buds • • • • • #feelslikesummer #summer #toddlerlife #motherly #purejoy #stressfree #cutekid #cutestkid #toddlersofinstagram #babymodel #toddlermodel #zarakids https://www.instagram.com/p/CAjecv_BaZF/?igshid=19got1utghjk9
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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How can you think or say something won’t work for you if you don’t even try (like consistently, not just for one day...)? So often I feel like a lot of us don’t give ourselves the chances or credit that we deserve. The chance to start on a different business or career path. The chance to let go of what work culture has looked like for other generations. The chance to try again and again....and again. The credit that we are creative. The credit that we are beautiful. The credit that we are able. I look forward to the compounding growth & experience I will gain from consistently giving myself more chances to change my narrative for myself and my family. I look forward to the confidence I’ll continue to gain through giving myself credit & permission for my human existence and dreams. Let’s thrive, not strive • • • • • #wearefreedomcollective #monathair #monatgratitude #manifestyourdreams #abundance #abundancemindset #milkmakeup #charlottecreative (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAg2hKEhpHv/?igshid=hagkgik0euys
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ronijanehernandez · 4 years
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ABUNDANCE I love my boy and being a mama is what you make of it friends - I choose to enjoy our life and make it as fun as I can - not everything has to be so serious all the time! Number one advice I’ve been given from my mother-in-love is to enjoy it. To enjoy means to invest - it’s something to work at...it does not just magically happen. I’m continually looking for what I can actively do and focus on that helps foster our enjoyment of each other and life in general. This is for all people, not just moms—What can we shift within our mindsets and actions that will allow us to feel life being given to us rather than taken? • • • • #abundancemindset #motherly #momlife #boymom #wearefreedomcollective #charlottemoms #charlottenc #thevillageclt #motherhood (at The Bowtie Kitteh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAF6hhghL0e/?igshid=1p6ahqrjzp7kw
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