rosebin1-blog · 2 years
Simmtronics beefing up tablet manufacturing
In order to capitalise on the growing demand for tablets, Simmtronics Semiconductors Ltd has increased its manufacturing capacity to 3 lakhs a month at its plants in India. The company is looking at further increasing its manufacturing capacity to 6 lakh tablets a month by the end of 2012.
Simmtronics claims it has an order booking of over Rs 100 crore. The company said it had orders of 2 million tablets in the year 2012-13 and includes 7-inch and 10-inch screens, both resistive and capacitive variants.
“This will help us to meet the ever growing demand of our products in India. In addition to India, we are also exporting these products to countries like Dubai, Europe and South Africa,” said Mr Indrajit Sabharwal, Managing Director, Simmtronics Semiconductors Ltd.
In October, the company had closed a deal with US-based VIA Technologies Inc, under which Simmtronics started manufacturing tablets powered by WonderMedia PRIZM SoC (System-on-Chip) platforms in India. Under the terms of this partnership, Simmtronics was to manufacture the devices in its new dedicated production facilities in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
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rosebin1-blog · 2 years
Simmtronics, IBM and Canonical bring $190 Simmbook to emerging markets
Simmtronics' Simmbook netbook has been floating around for a few months now, but it's just gotten a considerable boost thanks to a partnership with IBM and Canonical, who have teamed up with the company in an effort to bring the netbook to emerging markets. That confluence of companies means the netbook will run on Ubuntu Netbook Remix and come pre-loaded with IBM's Client for Smart Work, which includes Lotus Symphony and access to various cloud-based services. As for the netbook itself, it's about as basic as you might expect, including the usual 10-inch display, Atom N270 processor, 1GB of RAM, three-cell battery, and a 160GB hard drive (with a few upgrades available). Then again, it is available off-the-shelf for just $190 right now, and IBM and Simmtronics are apparently working with various clients to offer the netbook at "a competitive price" to other countries around the world.
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rosebin1-blog · 2 years
Simmtronics Semiconductors Ltd. India’s Leading IT – Telecom Manufacturer Under Threat
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Is Simintronics under a Takeover Bid ? Do Bank Managers ruin Companies ??
Simmtronics SemiEanductofs Ltd , a 29 year old Technology Company founded by Mr. Indrajit Sabharwa! whicn ruled over the Indian tech scenario has been under stress far the past few years. As per our research, this stress has been caused intentionally by Chinese Smanphone companies fuelleo by certain
Bank official s of the few Indian Banks or could this be a Competition foul play ???
Simmtronics growth was Steady over years and one of the Most RespeCted companies in India and many countries. Simmtronics had RD and manufacturing facilities in India and were manufacturing IT Components — Memory Upgrades, Motherooards, Smartphones and Tablets. Covered by the leading Newspapers globally and various awards from various agencies, magazines and tecnnology houses in India. Ranked as India No.1 Tablet PC and Memory company. SimmtroniCs was the manufacturing arm for many companies in India and globally including Micromax and others in India. Simmtronics was a True "Make in India" mover and the first in the technology space.
Its important to note that Simmtronics was the 1st Company in India to manufaEture Components and also
Smartphones and TabIels. Smartphones and TabIels were manufaclured by SimmlroniEs in lheir plants in India in 2010. There vrere no Chinese companies in India at this stage Simmtronics was known and acknowledged for its quality and support.
However due to unknown motives by external players, Simmtronics SemiEonduEtorS Ltd — a true Indian manufacturer was pushed into situations which were beyond their control. Its worthy to note that Simmtronics situation of Manufacturing in India was the first and the stress caused to Simmtronics gave rise and opened the doors to Chinese companies to enter India. Indian Brands — Micromax, Karbonn, Intex, Lava — a few of them who worked closely with SImmtroniES has to literally face the onslaught of Chinese mobile companies and could not survive.
Were the Chinese Companies responsible for Simmtronics or was it Indian Ban ks ? However its quite certain that a Company of lhat History and Repulation globdIly Eould only have failed due la foul play by exlernaI agencies.
Mr. Indrajit Sabharwal the Founder Chairman of Simmtronics was the Blue eyed boys of the India Technology sEenari Who has been a Chief Guest as various technology functions in India and overseas We have tried lo contact Mr. Indrajit Sabharwal the Founder Chairman of Simmtronics but he is unavailable for Eomments.
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rosebin1-blog · 2 years
China and USA tension causing major issue in global electronics and semi-conductors market
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China and USA tension has been a major issue in the global supply chain, particularly in the field of electronics and semi-conductors. Manufacturing and supply chain challenges of electronics globally, due to conflict with two major economies. The COVID-19 pandemic has added to the challenges and disruptions in the supply chain from China, causing a significant increase in prices of electronics components, chips, and devices in 2021 and 2022.
Almost 100% of the USA companies rely on manufacturing in China, and the recent passage of the CHIPS Act by the USA government aims to increase the number of manufacturing facilities within the USA.  However, even major companies like Apple and Samsung have struggled to successfully manufacture in the USA due to the shortage of engineers and the high cost of production.
One solution to this problem has been proposed by Mr.Indrajit Sabharwal the CEO of Simmtronics, an electronics manufacturing company based in India. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Mr. Sabharwal has a deep understanding of the challenges facing electronics manufacturing in the USA. In an interview, he answered several questions regarding Simmtronics' plans to enter the USA market and compete with major manufacturers in China.
Mr. Sabharwal emphasized that Simmtronics will focus on doing everything in-house, from components to final products. This approach sets Simmtronics apart from other companies as it will rely on high-speed automated manufacturing lines and confidential manufacturing techniques, supported by its own global manufacturing plants. Unlike China, which is labour-dependent, Simmtronics in the USA will utilize machines and robotics to manufacture products. Regarding the shortage of engineers in the USA,
Mr.Sabharwal stated that Simmtronics will have its own in- house training center at its production facility and will hire engineers and technicians to train. Simmtronics has qualified engineers with over 10 to 25 years of expertise who will provide on-the-job training to new hires. Simmtronics is known for its quality products, and the in- house manufacturing process will eliminate the cost of freight and packaging from China. The company offers lifetime warranties on its semiconductor devices, which is a testament to its commitment to quality.
The current China-USA tension is having a huge impact on the electronics industry, and specifically the semi-conductors and electronics components market. With the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting the entire supply chain from China, companies are feeling the effects of the 2021-2022 price increases. Almost 100% of USA companies rely on manufacturing in China, but with the recent passing of the CHIPS Act, there's a push to increase the number of manufacturing within the USA.
However, even big players like Apple and Samsung have struggled to find a solution for domestic manufacturing. That's where Simmtronics comes in. As one of the top manufacturing experts in India with over 30 years of experience, Simmtronics is focused on solving these challenges for the USA market. They have figured out a solution to bring manufacturers to the USA and offer cost-competitive, high-quality electronics.
The lack of engineers in the USA market has been a major issue for companies trying to compete with China. But, Simmtronics is taking a unique approach to solve this problem. With their own in-house training center and a team of qualified engineers with over 10 to 25 years of expertise, they will be able to train and hire the necessary personnel. Simmtronics is also known for its quality and in-house manufacturing, which eliminates the need for freight and packaging costs from China.
Simmtronics is poised to make a big impact in the USA market, with plans to expand to three manufacturing facilities in the next five years and employ over 2,000 staff. They are focused on offering quality electronics at China prices and have global sales channels in place.In an industry where technology is constantly evolving, Simmtronics is ready to adapt to changes in production and technology. They are dedicated to contributing to the growth of the USA manufacturing industry and building a better future. Don't miss the opportunity to read the full article about Simmtronics and the future of electronics manufacturing in the USA. With the potential for investmentopportunities and job growth, it's a story worth following.
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rosebin1-blog · 2 years
What is the USA Missing in Technology?
16th Feb 2023, California, USA From the desk of: Ms. Megan Krim Wall Street News Reporter
America has lost nearly one-third of its manufacturing jobs in the past 10 years. Technology Manufacturing is focused in China. China accounts was over 90% of the Consumer Electronics and Technology products in USA. Most of the Products carry “Made in China” tag.   US Ex-President Donald Trump was focusing on the “Make in America” and Creating jobs in USA but unfortunately it has not taken off.  Donald Trump in one of his interviews mentioned that Apple should shift production to USA and reduce dependence on China. Unfortunately, nothing has happened. Most of the technology products are still “Made in China” and neither Apple nor any company plans to act on this. All our Dollars are going to China making them stronger with each passing day.
China has been floating balloons all over and USA has been shooting the ones entering USA. China and USA stress has been growing and would continue to escalate and this is going to be affecting the electronics, semiconductors and growing EV market in the USA.
American Manufacturers need to do the following : 1.  Create a Supply Chain in USA 2.  Innovate 3.  Invest in Manufacturing and Factories 4.  Automation and Training One company plans to exactly the same in US. Simmtronics – a technology manufacturer with over 30 years expertise in the Semiconductors and Technology space has plans for the US market as part of their global plans. The Founder - Mr. Indrajit Sabharwal has a thorough understanding of the exact requirements of technology manufacturing in USA and has aggressive plans to change and create a Game changer in the technology world. His vision is to enter the USA market and ensure a sound supply chain to companies and reduce their dependency on China. Components to Final Products is his plan including creating over 1000 jobs for USA work force.
Based on the USA Chips Act and other incentives laid out for manufacturing, 2023 – 2024 can be the years and we can hopefully get manufacturing off the roller coaster and launch into lasting growth and create more job opportunities. The “Make in America” vision needs to happen to make America great again.
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rosebin1-blog · 4 years
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Had to share this @WeHeartIt
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rosebin1-blog · 4 years
Social entrepreneurship is a major area of interest in many social and civic organizations and has a significant impact on many areas of society. Communities are in need of initiatives that will enhance their financial viability and programs that will enhance the overall viability of the population. Social entrepreneurship initiatives are ventures that can serve …
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rosebin1-blog · 4 years
Enlightenment is the space between your thoughts.
In work there is the chance to find yourself. It is not just an activity that generates funds or creates desire – it’s the wandering gestation period, a time in which you earn integrity, start making plans, and get your proverbial act together. Work is when you confront the problems you might otherwise be tempted to run away from. Work is how you settle your financial and emotional debts – so that your travels are not only an escape from your real life, but a discovery of your real life.
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rosebin1-blog · 4 years
Indrajit Sabharwal is a first generation technocrat and visionary. He started his own brand Simmtronics for memory modules in 1992. He took the company’s annual sales to over Rs. 300 crore in 2010-11. Currently, Simmtronics Semiconductors Limited is a Limited Company with a staff of nearly 600 employees. Its subsidiaries are in Singapore, Dubai, USA and it has 11 sales offices globally. Today Simmtronics is one of the largest Tablet PC / memory / motherboard manufacturers in the world and is growing to be a complete products and solutions company in the global hardware space. Simmtronics is ranked among the Top 10 IT companies in the world in its technology space. Simmtronics was the 1st company in the globe which launched the cheapest Netbook in the world for the Global market.
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rosebin1-blog · 4 years
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rosebin1-blog · 4 years
I can probably guess why you’re here.You’re missing a few pieces in the puzzle of life.
And I’m going to let you in on a secret – you, I, everyone has a few missing pieces. Some pieces are lost – irreplaceable. Others add beauty in their emptiness. Still more are replaced, but fail to fully fill the void that was left. It’s how we choose to deal with the emptiness that matters most.
Multiple projects always lead to multiple successes.“No” simply means begin again at one level higher.
I appreciate passion – the things that drives others forward – to achieve more, work harder and go further to get what they want.
I, and you, make small, insignificant choices every day, while others could have such an impact that they shape our path for the rest of our lives. What most people don’t understand is that our feelings after taking these decisions can be the biggest influence on how everything plays out.
There will be numerous people who offer input and insight. But we should always trust our gut in making our own decisions – who knows what you want, better than yourself?
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rosebin1-blog · 4 years
Indrajit Sabharwal
Indrajit Sabharwal is a first generation technocrat and visionary. He started his own brand Simmtronics for memory modules in 1992. He took the company’s annual sales to over Rs. 300 crore in 2010-11. Currently, Simmtronics Semiconductors Limited is a Limited Company with a staff of nearly 600 employees. Its subsidiaries are in Singapore, Dubai, USA and it has 11 sales offices globally. Today Simmtronics is one of the largest Tablet PC / memory / motherboard manufacturers in the world and is growing to be a complete products and solutions company in the global hardware space. Simmtronics is ranked among the Top 10 IT companies in the world in its technology space. Simmtronics was the 1st company in the globe which launched the cheapest Netbook in the world for the Global market. Sabharwal has been instrumental in creating the sub-10k PC the 1st of its kind in the globe. In 1990, he started a proprietary concern SUPERCOM in India, which was primarily trading in memory modules. Sabharwal was a Country Representative for the largest memory module company - Kingston Technology Corp USA and introduced Kingston to Indian market.
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