rosehenning · 4 years
Liam hadn’t realized just who he was talking to when he first spoke up, concentrating instead on trying to find his towel.  Realizing that it was Rose laying on a towel, Liam smiled and waved in greeting.  “That’s fair.  I should have been paying better attention myself.  How have you been Rose?”
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“Hi Liam.”  Rose gave him a bright smile and set the book down on the towel and waved a little greeting of her own.  “I’m sure it’s around here somewhere, it’d be a bit silly if someone up and walked away with it.  And I’m doing alright, closed shop up early.  What about you?”
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rosehenning · 4 years
Valentine hummed. “I suppose it wasn’t too terrible.” He paused. “But I messed up the last quarter of the song.” He looked at her in returned. “Really?” He asked supposedly intrigued. “How many years was it exactly?” 
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“If it helps, I don’t think anyone but you noticed.”  Rose reassured the man with a small smile and a shrug, pausing for a moment at the question.  It had been a long time since she’d tried her hand at the piano and she’d been pretty little at the time.  “I think I did a year of it, mostly because my mom figured I should try and learn some kind of musical instrument.  I didn’t really have the attention span for it, to be honest.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
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I really want to do a Western. I want to be the dude who is riding horses and doing exciting things — something where I get to do something physical and have to train for it. I don’t want to be the damsel.
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rosehenning · 4 years
Case of the Missing Towel - open
Despite his job keeping him on the water all the time, the beach was one of the few places in Pansaw that Liam could go to really spend some time out in the sun and nature.  Coming back up onto the beach after swimming for a while, Liam walked to where he though he’d put his towel, confusion etching his face when he couldn’t find it.  “Excuse me,” he asked the closest person to him.  “You didn’t happen to see a blue towel anywhere did you?”
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If Rose wasn’t busy with work or doing something for HAMER, she could usually be found at either one of her favorite cafes or -- more recently -- the beach.  She’d closed the shop earlier and sent her employees home for the day and had headed out after wrapping up a few things.  The blond was currently stretched out on a beach towel with a book open in front of her, only to pause and glance up at the question.  “Oh, no, sorry.”  She moved to sit up after closing the book.  “I haven’t really been paying that much attention, though.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
It’s been a while since Valentine played the violin. He hadn’t touched a violin since the Nephilim attack. Ever since it felt like a symbol of mediocrity. What he could have been- an orchestra violinist playing every night. Funny how powers can change a person. 
As he continued playing Bach’s Sonnata No.1, all the memories shifted back to his old placeholder days. The days he just wanted to impress his parents guests and his siblings with his skill. He would have been lucky to be considered the next Hilary Hahn but he could play in the best orchestras if he wanted to.  
Valentine felt hmself stop playing and put his violin down. There was some dollar  bills and change in his case. Valentine shook his head. “I can’t believe someone put money for my playing.” He said to no one in particular. “Any professional would have scolded me, don’t you think?” 
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Rose had been stepping out of her favorite cafe when she heard someone playing a violin and went in search of the musician.  It took little time to find him and she just listened for a second, debating giving him some more money before he spoke up.  The blonde smiled and shrugged, raising the coffee cup to her lips for a quick sip before replying.  “I don’t think so.  I think you played pretty good.”  She cocked her head, considering him a moment.  “Though I’m nowhere near a professional.  The only instrument I’ve ever played is a piano and that was ages ago.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
As soon as Hunter turned around he was a little speechless for just a moment, his bad mood decreasing rapidly and his expression becoming a little softer at the sight of the blonde woman in front of him. Damn. Diesel sat with just one simple mind-command from Hunter. “Oh, uh, nothing. It.. doesn’t matter. All good.” Lame. He was usually a smooth fucker when it came to attractive women – or men – but this one had caught him off-guard.
“This may seem like an incredibly forward question, but.. are you free right now?” He asked, shooting his shot and hoping he would be successful. It had been a while since he’d enjoyed some incredibly hot company.
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Waiting patiently for a response, Rose tucked her earbuds into her pocket, eyebrows raising in silent question.  His almost stuttering drew a small smile from the blond and she hummed.  “If you say so.  It seemed like something.”  At least he seemed a little less irritated now.  The very forward question caught Rose by surprise for a second and she blinked at him for a moment.  “Oh.  Uh.”  A little laugh escaped her and then Rose cleared her throat.  “I am, actually.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
Petrichor looked up at the sky, with his arm casually across the back of the bench, his hand almost touching her shoulder. He crossed his leg over the other and nodded. “A music festival, full of rides, snacks, dancing..” He looked over to her, a mischievous look on his face. “I mean, what’s more perfect in a festival…” He held his hands out toward the music, then to her. “Than a beautful blonde?” Petrichor smirked and checked his watch. “I’ll bet you I can win you any prize you want. Just name it.” 
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Rose really hadn’t had any interest in heading to the festival, but if there was the offer of company (handsome company at that), she wasn’t going to turn it down.  With a smile, she nodded and glanced behind them at the festival for a moment.  “Hm, sure, I think that would be fun.  Although I’m a little worried I might be cliche and say a teddy bear or something.”  Rose teased, laughing a bit.
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rosehenning · 4 years
As knowledgeable as Rowan was when it came to the sciences, when it came to mechanics she was absolutely lost. So when the blonde asked her what needed to be looked at, she simply gestured to the entirety of the car.  “All of it, maybe?  The engine I’m guessing, and the starter to begin with.  The thing is old as crap, I’m just hoping to get a few more years out of it.  It may not look like much, but I love this heap of rust.  We’ve gone through some times together and I’m not ready to say goodbye to the Green Bean quite yet.”
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“I’ll see what I can do with it.  I know how it is.”  Rose’s motorcycle wasn’t much to look at either, but she absolutely loved it.  Though it maybe wasn’t quite as old as the other woman’s car appeared to be.  “I don’t really have time to look at it tonight, but I can slide you in for an appointment tomorrow.  Or you could leave it here and I’ll take a look at it first thing in the morning.  Whatever works best for you.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
“You’re welcome.” Rose offered a warm smile and then shook her head, settling back against the seat.  Not that she had anything against riding the bus, but it was just quicker and more convenient to take her motorcycle everywhere.   “Oh, no, I don’t typically take the bus, I’ve got a motorcycle.  It just needed some repairs, so it’s out of commission for the next few days.”
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When Rose had agreed to go out for a couple of drinks with her friends once she’d wrapped up work, she had planned to be out a little bit later.  Except there had been some kind of drama at the bar they’d gone to after only a few minutes there and instead of going in search of somewhere else, Rose had just decided to head home.  Her motorcycle was currently being worked on back home, so she had to hitch a ride on one of the city buses and Rose wasn’t surprised by how empty it seemed to be considering the hour.  She made her way toward the back, pausing for a second as she heard someone singing.  It took the other woman a second to realize someone else had joined her on the bus and Rose grinned a bit, waving a dismissive hand.  “Nah, don’t worry about it.  Nice voice, by the way.”
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���Merci, mademoiselle,” Auralie offered shyly, cheeks burning red in slight embarrassment.  It wasn’t unusual for her to sing for Hugh as they took the usual route back to her apartment, the music keeping them both company through the nighttime streets of Pansaw.  But only when the bus was empty, which it clearly no longer was.  “I don’t believe I’ve seen you on this route before, miss.  I believed I knew most who rode this bus regularly.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
“Oh, I highly doubt that, Rosie,” Kaden said, flashing her a disbelieving smirk. He’d been getting away with it for a good twenty years with Rose, he’d come to the conclusion that his adorable puppy face would always work on her. He gave his friend a playful salute before he walked out of the shop and back into his car, swinging his keys around his finger out of habit. 
The agent started up his trusty GMC Acadia (affectionately named Pearl due to its pearl white color) and drove it around to the back of the shop to meet Rose, tapping on the brakes a few more times than necessary just to test the brakes for her benefit while she was outside of his car. “You hear that?” he asked, turning the engine off after parking it properly. 
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“Yeah, yeah.  Go get your car, dummy.”  Rose playfully rolled her eyes and swatted at Kaden’s arm, knowing that he was right.  It was very, very rare for her to actually say no to her friend when he gave her those sad puppy dog eyes.  She started around to the back to open the bay door and waited for Kaden to pull in, settling just to the side of the car as he tested the breaks, a small frown settling on her lips.
“I do.”  She replied with a small nod, rubbing a hand along the back of her neck.  “Your rotors might need replacing, which could take 30 minutes to an hour.  I can try and fix it up tonight or do it tomorrow, whatever works better for you.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
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rosehenning · 4 years
“I’m Jett love and it’s such a shame that someone as lovely as you has to sit by her lonesome.” He replied with a flirtatious smile. It wasn’t normal for him to just go out and start flirting. But his days in Pansaw had been a little too lonely for his sake. He needed a good time, and maybe a real connection. There was no guarantee that this woman would provide him with either. But at the moment Jett didn’t care “why don’t you join me love?” He scooted over to make room for her in his booth.
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Originally posted by littlemessyjessi
“It’s nice to meet you, Jett.”  The offer to join him for lunch was a little surprising and it gave Rose a moment of pause.  She did hate eating by herself, though, and it wasn’t as if she couldn’t get up and leave if things got weird or uncomfortable.  So with a quick nod and a smile, Rose settled in the booth beside Jett, crossing her legs and made herself comfortable on the bench.  “Have you ever come here before?”
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rosehenning · 4 years
Petrichor took her hand, but rather than give her a firm business like handshake, her gently turner her hand so her knuckles were upwards. He held her ladylike fingers, and then shook, offering a more gentlemanly handshake. He smiled at her, crossing his legs. “So, I’m sure you’re just out enjoying the sunshine, but did you see the event happening across the park? I believe some college kids are putting on a summer festival. “
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A small smile teased at her lips when the handshake turned a little more gentlemanly than she was expecting.  Really, all that was missing was a kiss to the top of her hand, but it was sweet.  “I usually go for a run when I’m not working.”  Rose replied, settling back against the bench once Petrichor had let go of her hand.  “I did notice that, though.  Something to do with music, I think.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
“Are you sure about that? It’s gotten me this far in life.” That and his combat skills of course. As he watched her fawn over the presents he brought he couldn’t help but smile even more. However he did have other reasons for being there today.
“I must admit I do have another project I was hoping I could get your help on,” he told her quietly while casting his eyes around for other customers. “There’s a coworker of mine, a friend of Zeriah’s.” It was a common phrase he tended to use when talking about metas to other H.A.M.E.R. members. “I need something to keep him from digging around in my head on purpose or by accident. Do you think you could help me with that? I promise to make it worth your time.”
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“Mm, I guess that’s a good point.  Maybe I’m a little harder to sway than most, though.”  Though judging from how she’d reacted to what David had brought her, that obviously wasn’t true and Rose knew it.  She paused briefly, listening, and then with a nod held up a hand and moved toward the door, locking it.  It was a little passed closing time, anyway, and neither of them wanted someone to walk in just then.  With that finished, Rose walked back toward David and leaned on the counter beside him, looking thoughtful.
“I might be able to help with that, yeah.”  Rose replied with a nod, worrying at her bottom lip for a moment, blue eyes narrowed in consideration.  “I might just have to play around with these.”  She withdrew the box from her pocket and set it on the counter, taking out the Neuralrings.  “It would take a fair bit of tampering and some time, but I think I could manage it.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
And another success. Kaden knew he could almost always get his way with Rose, though he tried not to take advantage of it too much. Besides, he always offered something in return as gratitude. And it wasn’t like Rose couldn’t do the same thing with him; they’d just reached that point of their friendship in all the years together. “You’re my savior,” he chuckled, flashing her a sweet smile in return. “My car’s brakes have been squeaking a little too much for my liking. Think you could take a look for me because you’re my absolute favorite person ever?” 
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“Yeah, yeah.  You know, one day, you batting your eyes at me and pouting won’t work, Kaden.”  Her smile made it clear that she was teasing and Rose moved to push away from counter.  Besides, she didn’t want to worry about him driving around in a car that might have issues -- easier to look at it now when the shop was practically closed.  “Just bring it around the back and I’ll have the door open for you.”
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rosehenning · 4 years
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Zodiac Sign (Not a quiz, this is up to players to decide if they happen to give their characters birthdays): Sagittarius 
Myers-Briggs: ESFP-T (The Entertainer)
Enneagram: Type 2 (The Caregiver)
Alignment: True neutral
Kinsey Scale: 1 (predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual)
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie
Patronus: White mare
Temperament: Sanguine
Archetypes: Caregiver (63%), Creative (19%), Intellectual (18%)
Soul Type: Server
Bending Type (Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra): Airbender
Greek God Parent (Percy Jackson and the Olympians): Artemis
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rosehenning · 4 years
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Margot Robbie photographed by Joseph Willis (2013)
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