rosemarriedalbum · 5 years
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Hey everyone! Did you enjoy the Rosemarried Wedding Album? Do you want some lovely swag decorated with art from it? Do you want to support the artists that participated in it? Thanks to Redbubble’s change in policy, individual artists can now sell licensed Homestuck merch on the site, and you can support those artists by buying some beautiful art! The above image is only a sampling! Check out the full selection at the merch section of the page here: https://rosemarriedalbum.tumblr.com/merch And please reblog/signal boost!
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rosemarriedalbum · 5 years
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do you like wlw content? are you an artist, a writer? someone whos sick of seeing your favourite characters reduced to narrative foils?? do you see female homestuck characters and say “is anyone going to lovingly craft meta/backstory for them?” and not even wait for an answer? well we might have the project for YOU!
we are excited to announce that we will be hosting the 2020 Ladystuck Fanfiction/Art Exchange! this is a project designed to celebrate our wonderful homestuck ladies and create more content for them that we can all enjoy.
please check out our about, rules, and faq for more info about the project
sign ups are available on our google form! (close feb 10th)
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rosemarriedalbum · 5 years
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TEREZINE- A Terezi Fanzine
1TS YOUR B3ST FR13ND - and we’re hosting a zine about her! Check us out here or on twitter for updates and more.
Applications open on May 20th 2019
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rosemarriedalbum · 5 years
Reblogging the Zine for 4/13!
The Rosemarried Album is Here!
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Scooting in just in time to still technically be Valentine Days! Sorry for the long wait! Link to the Album and Credits are below the cut!
Keep reading
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rosemarriedalbum · 5 years
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And the last piece I made for the @rosemarriedalbum project.
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rosemarriedalbum · 5 years
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Some of the illustrations I made for @rosemarriedalbum !
This Fanzine is full of lovely drawings, and made with very cool people !
I’m realy glad I was part of it !
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
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apply here
rules here
these close on the 30th get yer dirk zine here before it’s too late
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
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Your fave is (in)valid, and they’re taking part in Pro8blematic Fave, a Homestuck Fanzine, as we pay tribute to the good, the bad, and the morally grey!
Applications open March 21st!
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
Fantroll Friendsim Applications are open!
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What is it?
This project is about fans coming together to make friendsim games featuring their fantrolls! Everyone who participates is expected to help others as well; this is a collaborative effort after all! It’s also a tribute to the Hiveswap Friendsim games and our mutual love of Hiveswap and Homestuck!
How does this relate to the original Friendsim? It’s an unofficial sequel.
We highly recommend you play the original first! There will be spoilers, starting with the following sentence!
MC wanders through Scratch’s mansion between reading homestuck, and stumbles into alternate timelines. This is assumably all part of Doc Scratch’s plans. The details of the story are not cemented and will be decided by the writing team, which could include you! This also means we’ll be able to accept fantrolls that might not fit into the canon storyline, as paradox space is vast and he need not visit only the alpha timeline.
Are there any rules?
Only some basic ones. You can see them here! https://fantrollfriendsim.tumblr.com/rules
How do I join? Via the roles page ( https://fantrollfriendsim.tumblr.com/roles )! There’s a list of all the roles needed to make the game, as well as applications for fantrolls! You can apply to as many roles as you want, though only apply once to each roll. (You can still edit applications later!) Then, when you’ve submitted all your applications, you can start submitting applications for your fantrolls! You can apply for as many fantrolls as you want, but remember, the more you have in the project, the more work you’ll have to do!
What do you mean, more work?
Because this is a group collaboration project, we’re working with a method of proportionate exchange. Essentially, for each piece you do for yourself, you also do the equivalent for another person’s fantroll. No one’s segment will be released until they have finished their portion for someone else. As an example, if you are doing troll sprites, you’ll have to do a set of sprites for another person (let’s say one of the writers!) before your own will be put into the game.
What’s the deadline?
We will be announcing the first set of accepted participants on 4/13! However, as long as we have people willing to help put the friendsim together, we want to keep going with more fantrolls, so even if you’re not part of the first group, it doesn’t mean you’re out of it all together! The biggest limiting factor will be variety.
What about other fan friendsims?
They’re also awesome and you should support them too! This is not in any way mutually exclusive! Your fantroll can appear in one of them and here and anywhere else you please! We’re also happy to spread word and support of your personal fantroll friendsims if you have them! Just tag us or send an ask!
I have another question, or am confused by something. Asks are open! <3
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
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My third and last piece for the @rosemarriedalbum !! I think I love drawing Nannasprite???
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
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Second piece I made for the @rosemarriedalbum, a softer close-up!
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
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Rose and Kanaya posed photo I drew for @rosemarriedalbum
The album turned out lovely <3
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
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One of my pieces for the @rosemarriedalbum zine(+close ups)!! I wanted to challenge myself and make a more environmental piece with a focused palette and a bg and all, and I’m really happy with how it turned out! Although, how could I not smile at the lesbian vampire wedding?
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
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My 2nd piece for the @rosemarriedalbum zine!!
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
The Rosemarried Album is Here!
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Scooting in just in time to still technically be Valentine Days! Sorry for the long wait! Link to the Album and Credits are below the cut!
Keep reading
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
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These are my full size pieces that I drew for @rosemarriedalbum  💕 💕 Check out this post [link] to see the album! 
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rosemarriedalbum · 6 years
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One of the pieces I did for the @rosemarriedalbum !!
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