roshan2002-blog · 5 years
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I had to create the logo of the title of the film. So I wanted to find the fastest, quickest and simplest way I could. I used the emoji/picture of a clock instead of the letter O, as in the title sequence of the movie itself, the camera will zoom into the clock and then graphic match into a real bedroom alarm clock that is ringing.
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roshan2002-blog · 5 years
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Preliminary Task:
This task was given about two days ago. We were supposed to write a script for the opening of a film titled ‘Time Out’. Knowing nothing about the format of script writing. I put down the the shots and what was being shot in order. The story of a this opening starts with showing a police officer waking up tired and sleepy. He gets late to work because someone hits his vehicle and the museum where he is posted gets bombed. Everything must look like it was a coincidence that he was late to work, but later in the film, it’ll be shown that it was a coordinated attack.
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roshan2002-blog · 5 years
The importance of Action Match
I don’t think any of us notice or know the importance of action match in a film. It’s so seamless that when we watch it as the audience, we never notice and that is how it is supposed to be. Imagining how hard it must be to perfectly edit the moment of a simple shot such as a track of someone walking from one side to the other, really got me thinking. If action match was not done properly, it would change the entire way the film is portrayed and would change the audiences focus from something they were supposed to see to something they were not. For example, a shot of someone walking and opening a door and another shot of the same thing from a different angle. If this was not seamlessly done, it would change the audiences focus and make everything look unreal and I would say “unprofessional”. I already knew that film making wasn’t easy, but I did not think it as this much work. it takes a lot of work to make everything seamless and perfect. Something about all this makes me more and more interested in film and film-making itself and how important editing is. 
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roshan2002-blog · 5 years
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Our entire AS Media Studies class had to make a story that we were to make through sound. I made a story where there is rain (also noticed that almost everyone had rain in their stories too) and a car comes up where someone gets down and shoots someone. I used different websites to get the sound audio for free.
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roshan2002-blog · 5 years
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roshan2002-blog · 5 years
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Camera Shots
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roshan2002-blog · 5 years
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I took this picture of my friend a few days ago. I captured this with my smartphone and used the portrait effect to create a better looking picture. I made sure the posters were in the background so it would not look empty and plain. To capture the image itself, I did not ask my friend to pose but asked her not look towards the camera and captured the image at the perfect moment when another friend made her laugh. This made the image look very natural. 
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roshan2002-blog · 5 years
AS-Level Media Studies Roshan Jha
Hello world, my name is Roshan Jha, I am 16 years old and currently studying in APL Global school in Chennai, India. I chose Media Studies as one of my subjects for AS Level as the movie industry and everything from taking a simple picture to knowing how green screen works interests me very much. My dad made a few short films when I was younger and though that did not interest me back then, it sure does now. I used to be a child model until I was about 10 years old, and I hated it back then. Camera’s in-front of me was not my cup of tea. Now, it is an entirely different story and the things I hated back then, I now completely love. 
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