rosilement · 6 years
remember when dash drama looked like this
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rosilement · 6 years
ah, the good ole days
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me: dad take a video of me playing Rey’s Theme dad: okay, go. me *plays piano* dad: oh wait Emma, it’s a picture.
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rosilement · 6 years
choose your fighter:
this is like how a dream feels
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rosilement · 6 years
yes i realize it’s peek instead of peak- i was drunk with my brothers snake on my shoulder fuck off
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rosilement · 6 years
Azriel everybody
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rosilement · 6 years
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rosilement · 6 years
Wow! The Bee and PuppyCat: Lazy in Space teaser just hit over 200k views on YouTube! Thank you! If you haven’t watched it yet, you should!
We can’t wait for 2019!
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rosilement · 6 years
Fuck your own food
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rosilement · 6 years
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rosilement · 6 years
Okay I wanna share this.
So, my father reminded me of why I was kicked out of primary in the mormon church.
Yes, my family was mormon
So, the mormons believe (or so my church taught) that you see your life before you chose to live it. Meaning, your soul in heaven had seen it’s destined life, and decides when it’s the right time to start.
Okay so I was like 5? Maybe 6
and my dumb ass
it was necessary
to shout
“What about abortions? Do they just take one for the team? Like, ‘be back in 5 guys’”
Around a range of young kids.
They expelled me from class and I was shunned to the point where we just ended up leaving.
Thank you
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rosilement · 6 years
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rosilement · 6 years
someone hit me with a bus
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rosilement · 6 years
I really liked this
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so my brother drew the picture on the left a long, long time ago. I just found it, (while going through my old house)ruined and peed on. I really loved that drawing so much and I know he did too, soooooooo boom I re drew it c: her name is Queen Anna
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rosilement · 6 years
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rosilement · 6 years
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rosilement · 6 years
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I want adventure in the great wide somewhere I want it more than I can tell
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rosilement · 6 years
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