rowdydissonance · 4 months
Since I'm drawing so many grubs and all now I'm curious how did Melosa look as a wriggler?
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baby is REAL. looked like a cicada nymph....
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
I read through your lore document (love this kind of world building) and I noticed some details. Is Melosa still in her first molt?
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nice catch!!!!!!! yeah she is! molts can be delayed due to stress, stunting growth. claudi's stress is over a lack of security and autonomy, and melosa's from a lifetime of conflict from not having a lusus. Melosa and claudi's molts are like, linked together with their character growth. Helping each other helps them realize self-actualization. somewhere in the narrative they'd have an epic moment, trusting in each other and themselves, and get their epic wing transformations just in the nick of time i think!! :D like how in the pokespe/pokemon adventures gold silver crystal manga, the protagonist's starters all evolve at the same moment in competition and cooperation. these 2 are the same way :]
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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the jades put her in the art tract because she needs a sweep to catch up on missed schoolfeeding basics, and its impossible to fail out of art class. yes melosa you were supposed to look at art history to understand modern art rules and find an era to imitate but 'highblood splattercore' is NOT a viable era to pick even if your thesis is logically sound
(gold rule trolls paint with pigments, not blood, but the cultural context of painting with colors not within your caste is Weighted. students have to pass history and skill tests to earn other colors for painting. this has not stopped melosa from making some Very Edgy Art.)
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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floria, it's safe, and really cute, but your art is kinda vapid and meaningless... and cut out the pale PDA!!!! we get it, you're moirails!
(melosa thinks floria's art is so adorable and unimaginably lame it only makes floria way more pathetic. these two are ridiculous.)
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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i dont think i ever posted these but i drew Melosa in a bunch of outfits and added a few to her original set. LEFT TO RIGHT:
godtier theater outfit. Godtiers aren't real in Gold Rule, they're just costumes, and Melosa is crazy cute in one. She's a Sylph of Rage.
COMBAT OUTFIT. she's got reinforced bracers around the bottom of her horns so NOBODY CAN GRAB EM!! Also shoulder cannons, hearing protection, and she's FREE of that ankle bracelet.
Lusus riding outfit. Yeah, this one was made by Floria and it's just cute. He's got her in a little ribbon band on her hair with the pom-poms and bells... SO CUTE. It's very warm for the cold, mountainous parts of the bottom layer.
Delving/Climbing outfit. Melosa wears durable clothing for traveling between the unused paths of the dark layers of the complex.
6+7. five is her normal outfit turned around, 6 is pre-claudi incident outfit+shorter hair, 7 is for scurrying around while pretending to be a purpleblood.
8. Floria made her an outfit specifically for her to wear during art tract classes. Her purpleblooded-moirail loves making her accessories and clothes, and he only has access to purple fabrics. Her normally lopsided hair is also evened out. She's pretending to be Totally Normal Art Student and Not A Chaotic Revolutionary, and this outfit isn't only adorable but part of the act. I think her stripey sketchbook harness and purple ribbons around her horns instead of her normal spikey collars is THE CUTESTTTTTTTTTTT AAHHH. this ones probably my favorite.
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
I'm giving the littol bug toys for enrichment if that's fine
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YOU ARE SO NICE!?!??! TO ME???? NICE TO ME AND KIND TO ME AND ALSO NICE AND KIND TO ME????????? enriching my babies my little guys my little sweeties my. most beloved little creatures...
i slam my first on the ground and say they hadta grow up fast.... they both didnt get to play with friends growing up...... ;_; BUT. youre so nice i gave them toys an drew them playin around. melosa's favorite toys are all noise gimmick toys--even though she's literally able to mimmick sounds and probably shouldn't need all this, she ABSOLUTELY ADORES silly noisemakers and instruments. It's what she takes as payment when helping trolls. They're kept in her sylladex (the shout sylladex).
Her instruments collection contains crash symbols, tambourine, bass drum, snare drum and trumpet. She’s actually pretty alright with the trumpet, but it’s super obnoxious. She also has a bike horn, a bunch of animal calls(bird, duck deer and frog), a hand clapper, rattle drum, giggle sticks, a whistle, and a slide flute. All are bug themed too!!
Claudi's favorite toys are GO GO GALAXY RANGER action figures. he LOVES super sentai, watching all the shows and knowing all the facts. its a pre-colony piece of media, but there's some trolls putting on an ongoing show down below. melosas likes playing along with him because her best friend is totally happiest when talking about his special interest. :) psychic powers are also the BEST for playing pretend.
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
She initially seems ecstatic to be called 12, only for her pride to deflate a bit when she realizes this lady’s treating her like a kid. She starts to brag.
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“Heh.... Don't worry about it. Hard to kill what DONT EXIST!!! Dads? Mom? Any dumb ol' lusus? I never NEEDED ONE!! If you’re BAD enough, you can raise… YOURSELF. BY YOURSELF."
"That’s what it’s LIKE to be a troll.” She seems confident, but her claims sound kinda unrealistic, like a vast simplification, or perhaps entirely untrue.
“But listen!! Don’t let your feelings get too hurt—I think your gross face can be kinda BAD, too!!! Like, everyones gonna know you’re a tough…” She squints. “A tough whatever-you-are!! And NOBODY messes with you. THATS EPIC. CHANG CHANG!!” She nods smugly, her goofy horns rattling. It’s kind of a cute and silly sound. “See, over here... ITS TOUGH being a troll kid!!” She grimaces, folding her arms. “The SYSTEM. Always MESSIN with ME. See, I bet if I looked as tough as I am inside on the outside, they'd lay off a bit!!”
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"So, you probably don't know me, and the fact that my skin isn't some sort of off gray color trips you up."
"But i've been in space for the past three something years... do you, guys have years? whatever. i Need. to speak with someone, The communicators have been silent."
[Best way to do an IC judgment meme with her! i'll probs rb this again tomorrow cuz it's Ass o'clock, BUT this is Lucia, she despises fleet trolls, maybe has a bit of a hatred towards all of them but as long as they're rebels or don't bear any fleet insignias she won't go yelling at em]
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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Melosa leans in to the transceiver, going quiet and straining her ears to better pick up the strangers voice. She’s a little hard of hearing, due to being the LOUDEST THING IN THE ROOM at any given time—fortunately, lil’ cicadas like her have built-in dampeners for when they REALLY gotta up their volume, preserving their remaining hearing. She can’t pick up everything they say, but gets a pretty clear picture, waiting patiently til they’re done talking.
“sorry, bigears!!! didn’ mean to scare ya!” She attempts to mimic their whisper, voice squeaking with the attempt. It’s like she’s using a secondary set of vocal instruments to make a ‘quiet voice.’ It’s not bad, but she’s struggling a little to keeping it up, peep or a squawk breaking out occasionally. “im not verrry used to er, kEEp’n it quiet—“ she continues, “but ill give it a shot!! hope thAts better, mumbly. mr. mumbly the not-dead!!” Melosa grins, tapping hands against the ground with excitement. “or do you got a rEal name?”
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Incari || Judgement meme
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Vibe checking judgements,, woah,, mayhaps you wanna drop by one of your muses by this ''musician'' (loosely) with voidrot? [Incari's intro here for info!]
Multiple reblogs are allowed and welcomed! (Please do keep it one character per reblog, you're allowed to submit as many as you'd like however ^^)
Judgebacks are always welcomed and encouraged, but by no means required!
You are more than welcome to info dump ooc or provide additional info with your judgement (optional)!! I love learning about other's characters :)
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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Over a somewhat noisy video feed, a small, curious jadeblood comes into focus! She peers into the reception intently, her eyebrows shooting up as she sees another troll. "Who's there?!? I'm seeing... swan-lookin' horns. Comfy lookin' fit with the sweater and hoodie, goldblood... You hearin' me!?! CHANG CHANG!! Wait--WHERES YOUR EYES AT???? Are you a GHOST!?!?"
((Here's Melosa!! :D))
Incari || Judgement meme
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Vibe checking judgements,, woah,, mayhaps you wanna drop by one of your muses by this ''musician'' (loosely) with voidrot? [Incari's intro here for info!]
Multiple reblogs are allowed and welcomed! (Please do keep it one character per reblog, you're allowed to submit as many as you'd like however ^^)
Judgebacks are always welcomed and encouraged, but by no means required!
You are more than welcome to info dump ooc or provide additional info with your judgement (optional)!! I love learning about other's characters :)
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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MELOSA TRAQIL Melosa is a 6 sweep old jadeblood with rotten attitude. She wears red chunky spiked collars around her neck and horns and practical cargo pants. Oddly, she has 4 arms and a thorax, but this is normal for trolls on CAESER. Her sign is heart-shaped and printed on a long-sleeved shirt. Over a screen, it’s hard to see the tracker around her ankle, fastened over her left boot. Her eyes are a pale green but flash red reflecting strong light. Her hair is curly, unkempt, and kinda thrashed. It seems to be cut unevenly. Cicada-like chirps and trills accent her words.
Others won't know this, but due to the rejection of her lusus, she grew up by traveling from hive to hive, stealing food and attention from a variety of troll's lusus by imitating their voices. Eventually she realized other kids had bad lusus situations, and has sworn to look after fellow wrigglers in solidarity. Despite her brash attitude, she uses substitutes swears because she doesn't any of the very young wrigglers to pick up bad language.
Melosa hates adults, and is probably attempting to use her long-distance communicator to torment them without consequence. To ‘troll’ them, if you will. Melosa can be aggressive towards other kids because she likes picking fights, but she doesn’t want to scare anyone.
A princeling named Claudi gave her the communicator and she’s been fussing around with it for fun. It has a screen that records video and a bunch of dials to pick up transmissions. CAESER may or may not be living in a parallel universe—as the trolls on it have buglike traits like multiple arms, thoraxes and wings.
If Melosa gets too loud, her moirail might find out she’s being rude to people and wander over.
Sign of the ebullient. Prospit Dreamer. Sylph of Rage.
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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"Ehhhhh, who the heck is this!?!? Some kinda nasty looking alien--THATS GROSS, BUT KINDA COOL!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! YOU LOOK SO BEAT UP TOO?!? LOLLL!!! CHANG CHANG CHANG!!"
The image flickers in out, before holding steady. It appears to be some kind of unsightly(but very curious) troll child, toying around with a communicator. Can't be older than 6 sweeps. She's got a rebellious-looking big spiked red color around her neck, complete with a cartoonishly large yellow bell matching the color of her unusual horns. Her hair is wild and curly, with a lopsided cut. She's looks at Lucia with open curiosity like the human's a particularly weird and fascinating bug--which is ironic, given the cicada-like chirps and trills that accent her words. ((HIIII i hope this is ok im sorry she is rude >_< excited to respond and rp with people and i thought lucia and melosa would be fun 2 watch interact!!))
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"So, you probably don't know me, and the fact that my skin isn't some sort of off gray color trips you up."
"But i've been in space for the past three something years... do you, guys have years? whatever. i Need. to speak with someone, The communicators have been silent."
[Best way to do an IC judgment meme with her! i'll probs rb this again tomorrow cuz it's Ass o'clock, BUT this is Lucia, she despises fleet trolls, maybe has a bit of a hatred towards all of them but as long as they're rebels or don't bear any fleet insignias she won't go yelling at em]
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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Claudi Aurous
A despondent goldblood princeling who doesn’t want to be the child-emperor incarnation of the martyr that saved the Gold Rule planets. The elders, who were close to the former emperors, put a lot of pressure on him. Due to his excess of psiionic power, they performed a surgery to redirects power around his body, and drain him of energy monthly. He was also isolated from trolls his age. Claudi likes watching Sentai shows, imitating the leaps and flips with the aid of his psiionics. He wants a hero to come rescue him.
Sign of immolation. Thief of Hope. Bee Morph.
6 sweeps: 13 years.
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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Theodochia Bezleb
An unfriendly rustblood who prioritizes her artistic career above all else. She’s not interested in friends, but Floria’s passive nature has irritated her into standing up for him. She paints in a renaissance style. Her name happens to be 12 letters long—which is rare, but not unheard of. Most call her Theo for short.
Sign of known demise. Knight of Doom. Pollinator Fly Morph.
8 sweeps: 16 years.
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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drew these for fun while i was chilling out... meet my little GOLD RULE cast. these 4 are the main characters/more important guys from my silly goldblood ruled planet. the tall one is floria, a mantis+purple blood. the bell horns one is melosa my dear little wretch and favorite little rebel bb. the mean girl is theodochia, and the skinny nerdy insecure looking one who wants to be saved by a power ranger is the child emperor claudi. floria is melosa's moirail/mom and enabler. melosa is trying to rescue claudi (how she was awarded her shock collar and ankle bracelet combo.) and theodochia is the bitchy single holder of the braincell who doesnt want floria to let two impulsive 13 year olds ruin his life, because then she wouldnt have anyone to move her giant canvases without complaint. watch as four childrens horrible disease called friendship tears two worlds apart!!!
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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Melosa Traqil
A noisy jadeblood who wanders between layers of the complex. She was rejected by her lusus after her first molt. While couchsurfing, she learned that other trolls were also being neglected. Melosa considers these trolls her “wards” and will travel to check on their well-being and circulate resources. She loathes adult trolls and won’t follow their rules. Her purple-blooded moirail, Floria, is her favorite person.
Sign of the ebullient. Sylph of Rage. Cicada Morph.
6 sweeps: 13 years.
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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Gold Rule--Purpleblood
Floria Rirrio
A kind purpleblood who loves taking care of things. He likes gardening and painting the most. His artworks are similar to impressionism. He worked hard to get into the art program, and is required to tie his scythes in cloth so his mostly warmblooded classmates and teachers feel safer. He still participates in combat training like the other purplebloods, but is outcast by them. Floria takes his treatment in stride, but it’s draining on him. He loves his moirail Melosa very dearly.
Sign of the patient. Maid of Heart. Petal Mantis Morph.
7 sweeps: 16 years.
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rowdydissonance · 4 months
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here's some more concepts more clearly explained for gold rule. The superstructure complex is formed of three crashed ships. the ships former helmsmen, upon being free and recovering, used their psiionics to restructure the material on hand into a home for everyone, reinforcing the caverns below so they won't collapse. the binary planet system is protected by a barrier made by a helmsman burning out; ships require a psiionic key to pass through without having their inhabitants vaporized. the green patterns are land, the purple seas. finally, a relationship chart for all the gold rule trolls!! its just 4 fun :)
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