rpthunts · 10 years
using my mom to make this post bc im too fucking lazy to go look for my jack gifs. anyways a group of friends and i were thinking about doing that "populate your own town" type of thing. mostly bc we want to rp without having to fucking bother with activity checks && cliqueyness (not to mention ppl using big gifs and being all around trashy rpers). though it might be cool for more ppl to be involved so if you're interested just hit me up!!
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rpthunts · 10 years
Hello gays and gals, I just woke up and I'm in a productive mood, so -- ll be around doing some opinions. Send me all & any shit you people want me to do!
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rpthunts · 10 years
dylan is currently yelling at me about rping on the dash with my 1x1 which is apparently not allowed?? srsly tho, idgaf i'm just here to have fun. whatever, send me some stuff??
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rpthunts · 10 years
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rpthunts · 10 years
chilledrp is an exclusive rp now, i think it's pretty cool that they want to focus on their current members to ensure that everyone gets enough interaction as opposed to picking quantity over quality. what do you think?
i think they’re on point with their reason, though i do feel like it might die out a bit quicker. ppl often lose interest fast so if no new ppl can join, eventually it’ll die?? but maybe i’m wrong, i hope i am tbh bc they seem cute af.
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rpthunts · 10 years
i made my stupid ass 1x1 which u can find here,, so if anyone's still interested in rping with me just hit me up!!
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rpthunts · 10 years
i'm desperate for a m/m step sibling or teacher/student plot rn so if you're interested just hit me up bc i'll be setting up a 1x1 blog later!!
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rpthunts · 10 years
suggests 1x1,, bae hangs up
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rpthunts · 10 years
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rpthunts · 10 years
our friend is currently remaking the theme to an old rp of ours && it looks fucking amazing. so while i sit here astoundished of what a ps goddess she is„ why don’t you come send us some fun stuff to reply to??
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rpthunts · 10 years
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rpthunts · 10 years
keep in mind that this is my personal opinion && that if you’d like it taken down then feel free to message me so.
tbh the color scheme is rly fucking cute but it doesnt rly match with the graphics, at least not the png in the middle. ngl but you should probably change the url bc its a bit confusing without the rp part of it. i dont have a lot to say tbh seeing as its appless && what not. but i’m going to rec it regardless bc it’s cute af. 
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rpthunts · 10 years
joining rps with dylan is stressful af as he’s too fucking lazy for bios && full apps. opposites attract, right?? so if you’ve got any appless oc recs, hit us up!!
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rpthunts · 10 years
do you follow ppl back?
most of the time we do, unless you’re being blatantly rude bc we don’t fuck with that. spread love && positivity, ya feel??
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rpthunts · 10 years
Hey there, this is a slightly odd message since it's coming from another talk blog but, sadly our posts aren't showing up right now in the tags so would it be possible to get a mere shout out? If that's a problem feel free to ignore this message and don't worry your cute little head about it.
tbh you’re too cute to ignore?? plus phoebe && dane are hot af. so go check them out!!
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rpthunts · 10 years
keep in mind that this is my personal opinion && that if you’d like it taken down then feel free to message me so.
ngl, the first thing i said to dylan when entering the page was “this is not as trash as i though!!”, in the nicest way possible. tbh i love this?? low key freaking out over the face claims on skype rn. i love the graphics && i love one tree hill, like the only thing you might want to change is the url. i’m gonna rec this && possibly join if dylan says yes bc we can’t do anything by ourselves.
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rpthunts · 10 years
dylan just saved gaysofrp && im low key feeling it
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