rreiven · 4 years
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“Did you take the pic??”
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rreiven · 4 years
The school systems messed up
Okay can I go on a rant?? Well, im going to anyways. So I have been in school for a while now and ive always known that it messes with you head, and of course my last year has to be online which makes it all the more tough. You know, I used to be this extroverted ray of light but now im afraid of eye contact. That is partly because facing teenage girls and partly because all the stress and pressure that school systems portray. GOD can they just give us a break?! Im already stressed about finals and shit even though its a while away.
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rreiven · 4 years
can I just leave my country now? And I’ll just go to Mars or something.
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rreiven · 4 years
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These are my cats🌸
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rreiven · 4 years
Why do people always have to try and be the main character of your own life?
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rreiven · 4 years
So people are actually starting to like my posts now?? woah you must be bored lol same.
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rreiven · 4 years
Yes I like all my own blogs
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rreiven · 4 years
The Darkest nights produce the brightest stars
Some google image
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rreiven · 4 years
Introvert life
Okay so Im an introvert. My entire family is a bunch of extroverts. Imagine how that goes.
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rreiven · 4 years
Girl problems
Dear invisible audience,
Ok, so I decided to describe myself and what my personality is like. My pen name is Rei (you wont know my real name less you like my post). I have long brown hair, blue eyes, and weigh 107 bounds, and im 160 cm tall. Aaaand im 17. Can you picture me? or do you picture a model? I hate math but am good at it. I am introverted but if you get to know me i’m genuinely joyful. Alright thats all you get. Im at this weird hair low. I dont know what to do with it. Braids? no. ponytail? no. bun? no. I honestly give up. I wanna go crazy and cut bangs and dye it hot pink. teenage girl hair glow down. Girl problems am I right?
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rreiven · 4 years
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Yah im a cat person... what of it?
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rreiven · 4 years
blog i guess
so i understand that this is the first time i have blogged to my invisible audience for a while.. Heyy :3 people suck. ( period) I have been feel sooo bored lately. I have literally nothing to do :(. Right after school I have actually been doing homework... you know, the calculus shit, that I literally never do but started doing. Who else is on online school? it sucks.
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rreiven · 4 years
Humans are harsh
I totally understand that having a friend can be the best thing in the world, but if you have the wrong friend it can be the worst. Sometimes i wish that we didn't have to have human interaction to survive. I mean common this whole quarantine things has made my introvert kingdom rise. Talk about “Introverts... assemble” moment. My current friend is great and all but it seems like she is a little too superficial for my taste. Maybe Im being too picky but after I watched Firefly Lane on Netflix it made me pain to want that. I feel like i’m being somebodies unpaid therapist and its EXHAUSTING. Can anybody relate?
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rreiven · 4 years
Guys suck
Me: *Talks for the first time with a new potential guy friend*
Guy: "What are you doing?"
Me: "Im doing homework"
Guy: "If you were homework I would do you all night long ;)"
me: *Cringes so hard the fore fathers witnessed*
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rreiven · 4 years
First blog
Ok let me cut to the chase, Im going to make my life sound as interesting as possible (Duh), but the truth is don’t take things that everything in my life is amazing and exciting, because it is really not true. I am just trying to live a life worth while because what is the point of a life if you don’t try. These days making friends is very very difficult. especially with studying abroad(which I have yet to do). People are awful and you just have to try to be the least awful person that you can be. God, i promise I will get better at posting on here. Im not the best writer currently, but I have always found it fun to give advice rather than taking it ;). If my family or friends found this account they would probably learn more about me than they ever have. Im learning Japanese right now because I am going to study there once COVID ends. (And no it is not for the sake of anime because i have only watched like 2). Im going to Japan because it is the polar opposite of where I currently live and I want to get out as soon as possible. Of course I assume that money will be an issue but I have never let that hold me down and I do not intend on it for my mere future. Today I had to take a unit test on AP human geography and it was one of the hardest tests I have EVER taken. Considering the fact that I have many enemies. Enemies may not be the best word, but I have many people who do not like me and I am not exactly sure why. i guess I have made more mistakes than the amount of successes. i think that that will be all that I am willing to share tonight but I am going to write every night to my very existent audience that totally exists. Goodnight everybody!
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rreiven · 4 years
Hi im new
Hi guys! im pretty new here and dont expect to get much recognition, but I am currently traveling across the world. I love to write about so many diverse things from my discoveries to my comedic encounter. Im a teenage girl and I will also share about my struggles to my other sisters lol so stay tuned. Im honestly going through a world of mental wars and a delusion about who I am and who I am supposed to be so Im sorry if I go on relatable rants. Who knows, it might help you feel a little less... alone:) thank you to the 5 people that have read this XD 
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