ruby-pan · 5 years
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ruby-pan · 5 years
Part 2: With You
This is a fanfiction about you and the members of SHINee after the incident of Jonghyun, with all respect and love. This story isn’t about love but you pulling each other up and help to recover them all. This is my way of memorizing my beloved Jonghyun and hope you guys enjoy.
Also linked here on Wattpad:
I hurried up the bus. I started looking for him as soon as I'm on. My eyes fixed on his figure. He sat beside the window and was looking outside. His finely chiseled face with a cloudy expression reflected onto the glass. His eyes were dull, and the little smile he showed me has long vanished.
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I slowly approached him, looking for a seat where I could look at him without getting caught. As I was about to sit behind him, he turned his head around and look at me.
"Would you mind sitting next to me?"
I went blank for a bit, then quickly replied,
"Sure, of course."
I sat down next to him, but he didn't seem like he wanted to talk, since he resume to look outside, with his chin resting on his hand.
I wanted to start a conversation, but I couldn't think of any. "He must be so sad about Jonghyun as well," I thought, "that must be the reason he's looking like that." But I wanted to ask him about this so badly, to ask him why did he and the members let him do that to himself.
Of course I know not to ask.
It's weird to me as well, that I didn't feel excited or frenzy seeing him. I should be fangirling, but in stead, I felt confused, difficult, and wanting to be mad at him.
Probably the irrational anger towards him is only me trying to find a person to blame and to take it out on him.
"Sorry," he muttered, "I just want to have some company."
"I can be your company!" I bursted out way too soon as my inappropriate thoughts got disturbed.
He turned and look at me. I swear I almost see another smirk. "Something happened and I don't know how to deal with it." He said.
"Well, do you want to talk about it?" I encouraged him.
He didn't said anything for a while. And I thought I took a wrong move. "That's it." I thought, "That's the end of our encounter." As I almost gave up waiting for him to reply, he started again.
"It's too early to talk about it." His eyes dimmed even more. "I hope none of this is real."
I nodded, lowering my head. How unthoughtful of me to push him. He is sure to be grieved and hurt, and instead of making him feel better, I was all about listening to the story from his perspective, like a delinquent interviewer.
"Where are you heading to?" He looked at me and asked, changing the subject.
"I'm heading to the city center. I work there." I smiled.
He showed a little relief in his eyes. "Me too. I'm there for a little getaway."
"You sound like you need some vacation."
"I sure do."
"So where exactly are you going to? The seaside? The museum?"
"I don't know. I'm just wandering at random stops. I don't even know where I am now." He looked through the window.
"What? Uhm... okay then. Are you sure you're fine alone?"
"I didn't bring anything with me."
"Not even your phone?"
He nodded. Probably felt a little guilty after answering me, he lowered his head.
"It's okay! I can lend you mine if you want!" I added, flustering.
He didn't move his pose, but I could hear him sobbing a little.
Seeing him like that, I raised my arms intuitionally, and wrapped them around his shoulders. "It's okay Taemin. It's okay." I didn't notice that I bursted out his name.
He froze, and I felt awkward that I didn't move away either.
"So you knew me, huh?" He said it with out any surprise in his voice.
"I......" I didn't know how to explain myself to him. But I quickly let go of him. To my astonishment, he grabbed my arms and pull me back onto him. I was in so much shock I responded by not resisting everything he did. "Please stay like this for a while," he whispered with a pensive tone, "I need this." I nodded again. We stayed like that for a while, non of us speaking. I could tell that this was a console to him and he hadn't got one properly after the incident. He smelled warm, like hot-chocolate-and-blankets kind of warm. His soft black hair tickles my nose as he gently buried his head into my shoulder more and more. He doesn't felt skinny, but his grasps sure was weak. The atmosphere around him was just too unwell, and I could felt it just by holding him. I wasn't nervous nor excited, holding a way-too-hot idol in my arms. I was rather all about comforting him. It never feels right to see such a beautiful face grieving.
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Finally, he raised his head and look straight at me with his sad puppy eyes, "Can you stay with me for the rest of the day?"
"But..." I hesitated, knowing that I would definitely loose my job if I didn't show up at all today, "I have work..."
He loosened his hands that was grabbing my arms and lowered his head again. "Oh... it's okay, don't worry. This is too much to ask for anyways, sorry bout that." He moved back awkwardly to his seat while giving me a seemingly assuring smile, but deep down I knew exactly that he was disappointed and was really hoping that I'd say yes.
I didn't manage to talk to him again on the path. I wanted to though, but I hated the feeling that I just had to disappoint him, especially knowing what he had been through.
After a few stops, the light screen on the front of the bus lit up and showed the sign "Suruga Bay Stop". It was a few stops before mine. He stared at the sign for a few seconds and decided to stand up. "I think I'm gonna get out at this stop. Nice meeting you." He said, smiling, while walking to the front door of the bus.
The bus stopped unhurriedly, and he walked out. I could almost see a trail of sadness leaving behind him. I knew that he didn't know where this stop would led him, and I knew he's just gonna make himself disappear somewhere and ended up missing.
I sighed, knowing what I was gonna do next was going to make me regret myself. "It's not like I'm going to keep my job anyways." I rushed to the door and jumped off the bus before it shut.
"Taemin!" I yelled. The bus drove off and left me alone under the Suruga Bay sign.
He turned his head around, looking surprised.
"You..." he stuttered, "you're...here?"
I smiled brightly and replied,
"Can I stay with you for the rest of the day?"
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ruby-pan · 5 years
Part 1: The Encounter
This is a fanfiction about you and the members of SHINee after the incident of Jonghyun, with all respect and love. This story isn’t about love but you pulling each other up and help to recover them all. This is my way of memorizing my beloved Jonghyun and hope you guys enjoy.
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    As striking as it is, Jonghyun passed away last night. This sorrowful news was on every channel. I hated how the media sprang to report this, like it was some kind of competition to have it exclusively on their own channels.
But I get it.
He was our favorite idol. Not only does his amazing ability of singing and dancing gained our adoration, but also his humorous character and warming little gestures to the fans had us fall deeply in love with him.
I became a huge fan of the group when I was in junior high. Their song back then was catchy and novel at the same time. The choreography was astonishing, and their moves were so consistent. I couldn't find any one better at this than these boys.
I especially loved the lead singer. Whenever his voice came along, my heart just palpitates like crazy. Something about his bright and resonant voice that just intoxicated me every time listening to him. I would always tell my friend that he is my definition of perfection.
But when I got into college, all the studies and new fun stuff had used up all my time. I slowly forgot myself being a fangirl. It's college, you know, I just wanted to try everything.
When I heard the news last night, I was so shocked I glued my eyes on the same page on my phone for 10 minutes. I just couldn't accept it. I believed no one in the world could. I dug out all the music videos of SHINee and watched them with tears. All those songs used to be the best accompany when I was studying. And now what's left are only use to be's.
It's already noon but I still don't want to get up. I kept thinking over and over how this could have happened. Why is there nobody there to help him? How come he is only left with this choice? I stare so hard at the ceiling like I can find my answers there.
"Get up! You're late for work!" My mom yelled.
"Alright!" I replied, reluctantly pushing myself up the bed.
I still have a job to do. Though grieved, I should still go on with my life. There's nothing I can do to change this. There's nothing I can do to help.
My heart aches, to think of how helpless and incapable I am. A few drop of tears roll down my face. I quickly wipe them off with my clothes, fearing that anyone would come into my room and see me.
It was very cold outside. I stepped out of the door, exhaled and watched the air coagulated into mist. I walked on the frosty sidewalk toward the bus station, thinking to myself again of the reasons for this to happen. It was a long way to the station. Wind was heavy, making everything blurry. My mind began falling into old times.
I didn't tell you this, that I had a hard time as a teenager. I was moody and passive, the only time I enjoyed thoroughly is when I'm alone, that I could hear myself clearly. But as a student, you need friends. Fearing that nobody would want to be friends with such a weird girl, I put on a mask. I pretend to be an outgoing and cheerful one with a constant smile on my face. Guess I was acting pretty well, cause nobody founds out. They loved my character, and I was the center in class. They wanted to hang out with me, but they would never ask me about my feelings or something deep. I guess they never wanted to know the real me.
Fake me with my fake friends. I hated that but there's nothing I can change. To survive in this world you gotta pretend. But I would still always enjoy the time after school, when I lock myself in my room and play the musics loud. SHINee was my getaway. And Jonghyun was my sacred belief.
Why in the world does nobody finds out that he needed help? What are the members doing?" I began pointing finger at the other members of SHINee. "I thought they were close to each other. Isn't Taemin like his best friend? What's he doing then!? Well, I guess that's not the case!" I felt indignant and irritated. I stomped my way towards the bus station. And I suddenly realized that I had arrived, way too early.
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There should be no one as pathetic as me having to take a bus to work in such a cold weather. But, to my surprise, there stood a man in a big black jacket, earlier than me.
I moved toward his position awkwardly and waited with him, hoping that he didn't notice a girl stomping in. I stared at the ground with a blushed face and dare not to look at him.
We stood next to each other and waited quietly. The only sound around us was the heavy wind. Besides a few cars rumbling by, there was nobody else on the street. Only white tarred road reflecting the light of snow onto the lonely houses beside it. I glance at his black shoes and skinny pants. They're modish yet subtle. "Such a nice taste in fashion he has." I thought. He moved a little and change his weight onto the other foot, and I quickly stared back to my part of the ground.
Finally, a honk echoed through the empty street. I looked up and saw the bus appearing at the end of the street.
“Ah! Finally" The release accidentally came out of my mouth. I realized what I had said, then I covered my mouth suddenly in panic.
The man next to me let out a laugh. I turned around rapidly and look at him straight in the face. Probably because I acted funny and looked horrified, he smiled a little and said,"I don't know what you were mad about, but gladly the bus is finally here." He then got onto the bus that has already stopped infront of us without looking back.
I didn't follow him. I stood there on the same spot with shock.
"Are you taking the bus?" The driver asked impatiently.
I recognized that face. That glowy skin with a pair of pumped lips.
That man was Taemin.
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ruby-pan · 11 years
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2nd single lyrics?!
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ruby-pan · 11 years
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I’m so proud of the boys for keeping their promise to Carlee! Nathan told her months ago that he would organize a meet-up and they actually remembered.
For those of you who do not remember, Carlee is a member of the #TWFanmily. Sadly, on December 14th, 2012, she lost her sister Vicki in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Her sister was a hero. She sacrificed her own life to save the children in her class. When Nathan heard about a fan being so personally affected by the loss, he followed her and offered her words of comfort. He promised to meet up with her and now months later, he kept his word.
I know that meeting the boys will never bring back her sister, but I’m sure it made Carlee happy to know that these boys care and as you can see, they made her smile today. 
Moments like this make me proud to be a fan of The Wanted. Its heartwarming to know that a group of guys who have the money and fame actually have compassion for people and care for their fans. 
"We can stand so tall together. We can make it through the stormy weather. We can go through it all together, do it all together, do it all."
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ruby-pan · 11 years
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New Union J wristbands
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ruby-pan · 11 years
Union J meeting fans outside Clarie’s in London today (22/8/13)
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ruby-pan · 11 years
if you think fame has changed the boys you need to look 864 times at what you just said because jj is still the silly little boy who laugh as loud as he can and pretends to be donald and josh is still that attractive little fuck that makes weird noises with his shoulder and jaymi is still a sassy darling that is not afraid to be who he is and will let no one change him and george is still that little monkey that only eats bananas and has the most adorable giggle ever so shut up
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ruby-pan · 11 years
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Are all guys from the UK this good looking!?
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ruby-pan · 11 years
Check out @UnionJ4eternity's Tweet:
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ruby-pan · 11 years
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ruby-pan · 11 years
Union J have recorded their own version of Capital FM Yorkshire’s Hey Porsche parody “Hey Yorkshire”.
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ruby-pan · 11 years
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ruby-pan · 11 years
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ruby-pan · 11 years
poor george, all excited about opening up for selena gomez and possibly meeting her yet all i see in his mentions is “ew" and "don’t go anywhere near her she’s a whore" (yes, someone REALLY HONESTLY tweeted that to him) and "god no" and "no george! stay away" and "you don’t...
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ruby-pan · 11 years
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So my sister’s out for the day and my sister’s room is completely covered in One Direction posters
So I thought “why not cut out 350 shrek faces
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350 shrek faces
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No face left uncovered
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Now we wait
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ruby-pan · 11 years
The Union J boys have a message for you #ssfusionunionj
I just can’t stop laughing!!!They are so cute omg omg omg omg!!!!!!!
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