runawayfridays · 7 years
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The benefits of a heartbreak.
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runawayfridays · 7 years
I Dyed.
So, I've finally decided to dye my hair..yes, again.😂 I had it dyed to an ash brown color with blonde highlights. My original plan was to have the ends dyed with a blue shade but since I'm going with my grandmommy, I opted to go with a little "normal look" as to not freak them out.😥 I call this style the "Choco Caramel Sundae", coz it looks like someone spilled caramel over my head 😂 (Maybe I'll do the blue dye next time😁) And also, I've decided that it's about time my bangs should return. According to my Mama, Tita and Mommy, my hair looks nice and it suits me. But if you would ask my brother, this will be his face: 😣😡😠😬 He was so pissed! Well, sorry not sorry, but I do understand him tho. He waited the whole day (literally) just for us to finish, especially me who was covered with hair dye for five hours😅 And after that long wait at the salon, he has to pass through that traffic going home. Well sorry brother, but you better be patient for every girl is like this 😂
Note to self: Never ever ask your brother to go with you to the salon. If you don't want him to annoy you the whole ride home☝
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runawayfridays · 7 years
Do or Dye? 🤔😟
So, there has been an ongoing debate on my head. And, the question that has been bothering me lately was to do or to dye?
In my entire existence, I always make sure that everytime I stepped out of the salon everyone could easily point out the changes. May it be a new hair style or a new hair color, it just have to be different. And, for almost 6mos now, my hair has been on "hiatus". I decided to grow it long and dark to give it a break or a rest from all the hair colors I've tried. And now, I find it boring and I think it's about time to bring it back to life! But!!! I am so torn between getting a new haircut or to dye my hair again 😣 I think I really need to get a haircut because of the damage the dye has done to my hair. Besides, I always wanted to get a bob cut. But, I also feel like trying a new hair color based from all my kpop hair-spirationssss. I really can't decide. I guess we'll just see what happens when I'm already seated at the salon. 😥
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runawayfridays · 7 years
Trick or Treat! 🎃
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It’s Halloween! The time where our office transforms into a new dimension and cute little monsters appear to ask for some treats. This year, the concept was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. And, everything was covered in polka dots and has mouse ears. It was just too cute!
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But what I enjoyed the most was the Harry Potter inspired floor. They really did a good job at decorating their office. Everyone will enter “Hogwarts” from the brick wall complete with a cart as props. Inside, they prepared games such as shooting a pingpong ball through a hoop while riding a broom and a room with floating candles and hat. I’m just so envious they get to have this concept and everyone has to wear the uniform and the cloak. i just hope we’ll get a better concept next halloween.
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runawayfridays · 7 years
One book down and more to go!
By Erika
I highly recommend Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. It’s about learning what school doesn’t teach in class which is financial intelligence. If you want money to work for you and stop working for money, this is the right book to start with.
I have two more “untouched” books I bought earlier this year which are A Work in Progress by Connor Franta and The Diary of A Young Girl by Anne Frank and one free epub I got from the author that I’ve been meaning to read and then maybe at the same time I’ll re-read Red Queen to finish the series. I want to finish these before the year ends otl.
Anyway tons of tbr on my list I’m so excited! All the positive reviews I see about these books makes me want to dive into it. One of them is John Green’s Turtles All the Way Down. I have no intention to read this at all, I was skeptical about it to be honest BUT THEN when I saw positive feedback from the people I follow who are not a really huge fan of his, I. am. sold. They were saying the same thing like literally “...my favorite book I’ve read this year!” ( ̄ω ̄;) So okay maybe I’ll love it, maybe not who knows!
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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Strong Independent Woman Pt. 1: LISTEN
To help you kick ass enemies and deadlines at school and/or work. Know you can do it and remember you are more than pretty because you got this (hand pointing on the brain emoji).
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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I pray for you every night and day, I hope that someday soon I can see you once again.. -Missing you Ya'll better listen to BTOB's 2nd Album: Brother Act, it's so 💘
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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Can we talk about Daya for a sec? 🤗
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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Wanna smoke?🚬 By Jen A very rare moment when I get to taste this sweet bud again. It's been so long, I almost forgot how it tastes. I grew up coughing my lungs out because of this sweetened milk powder. Sipping non stop coz it's so addicting. And I bet ya'll tried and pretend that you're smoking by blowing out Mikmik powder in the air when you were still kids, coz I did too. 😂
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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It’s Girls' Generation by Erika
This is a very relevant throwback of my pictures of SNSD four years ago. 4 years ago… Now that they’ll only be running as a group of five members from eight or nine, I feel very lucky I didn’t let the opportunity slip to go to Dream Kpop Fantasy Concert way back 2013. I dressed up in pink t-shirt with Minnie Mouse print which Yuri (my favorite) likes so I can represent my love for them and for Yuri at the same time. Had I known that’ll be my first and last time I’ll see them complete, I should’ve saved 70% battery for them. They were the last performer of that night and holy molly I cried. I have this long unfinished and handwritten fan account on my notebook where I wrote everything from the start (down to the things I brought, rehearsals and the main show). It was a memorable experience also having to go with a group of fan boys behind us who screamed their names, so funny. I really had a great time with my friend and fellow Sones I’ve met on the line.
SNSD will always have a special place in my heart. I’ve seen them grow as an artist, actor and as a person (fan POV of course). Knowing they have different opinions about staying in the company is quite expected but it’s still hard to believe it’s already happening. I know they have a strong bond hence this will not be a reason they will grow apart. Fighting! 지금은 소녀시대! 앞으로도 소녀시대! 영원히 소녀시대!
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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Listening to this song last night. A reminder that it's already a "Brand New Day" and I am still on street making my way home from work. 😥
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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These songs were made for a reason. 🖤 I sing these songs for a darn reason! 😿
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runawayfridays · 7 years
By Jen
Verb. The act of ditching reality to be present in your own imaginary little world; A moment to be lost and drowned in your fantasies.
I've always liked having dreams. I sleep for hours to make a beautiful dream longer and dream more when I'm awake. Most of my daydreams are just a bunch of "What If's" and lots of stunning hot boys. (Aren't y'all daydream of these too?)
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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Hello October 🍂 🎃 by Erika
Originally we have two huge trees on this side of our house but we cut it to one and cut the branches short a month ago because I’m afraid when I look up I might see an S which I told my mother of the amount of fallen leaves. It’s kind of pretty — the branches — every time I look at it. 
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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Oh Wonder, baby! 💞😎👌
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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Slow dance these summer nights Our disco ball’s my kitchen light🌌
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runawayfridays · 7 years
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Luhan is back with a new song. 😢 This one really suits his voice. Kind of tired of the autotune I hear from his previous songs to be honest. Like a dream is really good.
I’m draining my phone battery with these three songs/albums. LOL
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