runawayrailway · 1 year
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runawayrailway · 1 year
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BARBIE (2023) dir. Greta Gerwig
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runawayrailway · 1 year
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she’s everything 💕
tw: death mention
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runawayrailway · 1 year
I hope Barbie is so good and successful it makes every executive that’s turned everything bright and fun made for young girls into edgy boring teen dramas for the last ten years spontaneously combust into flames
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runawayrailway · 1 year
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Barbie (2023) dir. Greta Gerwig
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runawayrailway · 1 year
i think men are too emotional to own websites
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runawayrailway · 2 years
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runawayrailway · 2 years
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runawayrailway · 2 years
Try to have some respect the queen just DIED. It's not like she was evil or anything
And why should I do that for the head of a family that oversaw the British Empire's legendarily brutal concentration camps in colonialist Kenya during the 1952-1960 Mau Mau rebellion, has personally and repeatedly shielded credibly accused rapist Prince Andrew and tried to get the scandal to go away, personally paid Andrew's financial settlement while the family treated Meghan Markle terribly and gave her none of the same protection, exerted a huge amount of control over UK public finances without any transparency or disclosure (while also receiving huge amounts of that money), got to personally edit laws according to her likes and dislikes, enjoyed sweeping legal immunities that are described as a "threat to UK democracy," is the most visible figurehead of British colonialism even as her descendants put on a horribly tone-deaf Caribbean tour (twice in one year!) that was basically about unreconstructed imperial imagery of the kind that is poisoning Britain, while the entire country buys into the fantasy that she is an impartial, uninvolved, kindly and benevolent grandmotherly figure....?
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runawayrailway · 2 years
tag game where were u and what were u doing when u found out the queen of England died
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runawayrailway · 2 years
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Your reminder that the queen is not a sweet old lady who represents an oppressive institution. She’s also personally a bitch.
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runawayrailway · 2 years
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runawayrailway · 2 years
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runawayrailway · 2 years
[shows up hours late with starbucks] what is UP y’all let’s party
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runawayrailway · 2 years
he has one eye. he has one horn. he can fly. he's purple. he eats people. i didn't say any names but he popped into your head didn't he.
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runawayrailway · 2 years
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runawayrailway · 2 years
life update: my birthday was thursday and i tested positive for covid yahoo so i’ve been sick
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