whitelightning9999 · 11 months
Mystery Kids Episode 2 Trailer
Coming Soon!
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whitelightning9999 · 3 years
Button Kids Part 9
First Prev
Warning: implied eye horror, minor blood, slapping a kid, bug squishing and description of a bad sunburn ——————————————————————————————————– He moaned, pushing himself up. His limbs shaking.
Not a footstep.
Not a sound.
Not a thought.
He roughly swallowed. Shivering as if something long and forgotten crept closer.
It’s ok.
It’s not like there is anything out there. Goggles took a breath, smiling. “I just need to find the others”
He took a shaky step
“Just one step at a time”
“And hey. My headache is gone even”
Another step. His foot crunching down on something. Feeling the ooze between his toes.
Followed by six small legs running over his foot.
Goggles screamed, kicking his foot around. 
A cold hand grabbed his shoulder.
“It’s alright dear. This is what you wanted” His mother’s soft voice said. “It’s just a bug after all”
“A what?”
“A bug. Didn’t my daughter tell you about them?”
Beldam let out a small chuckle. “Well, my dear, a bug is a small creature. They live all over the world”
“All over the world?”
“Yes. Everywhere. There are many different kinds too. Some bugs will suck your blood.”
“Yes. Do you know what blood is?”
“I, it’s red?”
“Yes. and everything has it. Like animals”
“Like bunnies right?” Goggles smiled a little. 
“And sharks.”
“Sharks. They love nothing more than to eat humans like you”
“But, they’re not common right?”
His mother smiled. 
“Right?” Goggle’s voice cracked.
“The world wants to kill you, my son. Everything out there in the real world. It exists to destroy you.”
“That’s not true. I mean Coraline-”
“Is not your mother.”
“No that-”
“I know it’s hard to accept, but if you go out there, you’ll only die”
“You’re so fragile.”
Goggles shook his head. “That’s, not true”
“You are, why even the sun can hurt you”
Goggles shook his head. 
“It can burn you, slowly and painfully. To the point your skin will slowly peel off”
“It's the sun though”
“That doesn't make it good”
“But Whispers and Coraline”
“Whispers has forgotten a lot. And Coraline? She is tricking you.”
“No, she’s not”
“Oh, so she didn’t wrap the two of you up in some hair-brain scheme. Convincing you that the real world is better.” The Beldam mimicked “She loves to play her little games. Not once caring if you get hurt”
“But she's nice to us”
“It’s just a trick” Beldam put her hand on his shoulder. “A way for you to do what she wants.”
“The world you want to go to is full of scary things my son. Why would Coraline be any different?”
His mother tilted his chin up. Forcing him to look at her mask.
“I only want to protect you, my son. You and the rest of my children.”
She reached down kissing his forehead.
“It’s ok, my son. I am here. I’ll keep you safe”
“But nothing Goggles. Do you want to get hurt?”
“No but-”
“Do you want to be tricked?”
“I don't but-”
“Do you want to die?”
“No!” Goggles’ eyes became wet.
“Do you want your family to die”
Goggles looked down, shaking his head. 
“They will if they go out there. The only way to protect them, keep them safe, is to force them to stay here”
“But Mabel”
She smiled warmly at him. “Will be safe. And we’ll all be a family”
“I, don’t want to though” Goggles balled his fists.
“You, don’t want to”
Goggles nodded, looking up. “I don’t want any of this. I don’t want to be in that room! I don’t want to listen to you anymore!” 
The Beldam swiped, hitting the boy across the cheek and sending him to the ground. 
“You don’t want to? You want to die?”
Goggles touched his cheek, feeling something wet and warm under his fingers.
“You want me to kill you all?”
He took his hand away staring at the red. 
The beldam stalked closer. Taking out some scissors. 
She stopped. 
“I, don’t want to.” Goggle’s curled in on himself. The fight leaving him. 
“I, want to stay here, with you Mother. I want to go back to the room”
Goggles nodded.
“Good. Let’s go now”
Goggles slowly stood, coming over. Following her into the darkness. 
“Yes, my son?”
“C-can we come out of the room this time? And see color?”
“You may”
“Thank you… do you have any more stories? About the real world?”
“Of course.” She smirked, not looking at the boy. “I’ll tell you all about the real world.”
Coraline froze. Eying the clean needle. 
“So sharp you won’t feel a thing. I’m sure you remember”
She’s wrong.
“And then Goggle can fill you in”
It wasn’t sharp enough
“Help you remember what a flower looks like. If he wants too of course”
Coraline watched the needle grow closer.
“And it will just be you two this time. Won’t that be fun?”
Just us two? Coraline looked away from the needle.
“I’ll leave you alone for last too. Just to let you watch”
What about the others?
“Knowing you could have stopped me”
Are they-
“But you weren’t strong enough”
Coraline shut her eyes kicking. “NO!” Pushing away as she felt something solid.
The Beldam screamed as Coraline hit the ground. The blue haired girl looking around wildly.
“You wicked-“
Coraline spotted it, scrambling for the shiny object.
Coraline turned, rushing toward the cracked face of the Beldam.
“No! You!” Coraline gripped the object, driving it forward.
She pulled back feeling the satisfying blow to the monster’s face.
“You leave Goggle’s alone! You leave Whispers alone!”
The Beldam screamed.
“You leave all of us alone!” Coraline shut her eye. Forcing herself to keep stabbing.
Then everything was quiet.
“We’re not your children… We’re not your food” Coraline dropped the clippers. “We’re just us”
“We’re just kids”
The monster stayed quiet.
Coraline took a deep breath turning around. She needed to find her family.
She looked at the orbs around the room.
“Goggles!” Dipper’s voice called.
A hand rested on the back of Goggle’s head. Keeping him from looking up.
“It’s ok Sweetie. Mommy will tell him”
“Goggle’s wh- Get away from him!”
“Dipper, was it?”
“No. It’s my original name to you” Dipper spat. Tightening his grip on the stolen limb. “If you can remember it”
“Now Dipper I’m you’re-“
“No, you aren’t. And you’re not Goggles’ mom either!”
“Dipper, stop trying to fight her” Goggles spoke up. 
Dipper looked at the smaller boy. 
“She’s, we can’t do this. Don’t you get it Dipper. We can’t win. We can’t beat her. And the real world… it will” Goggles’ throat tightened. His mind, thinking of all the ways they could die. 
Dipper watched the 10-year-old hug himself. “What did you tell him?” He glared at the Beldam.
“I told him the truth Dipper” She smiled. 
“No! You lied to him! You always lie to us!”
“Like your parents?”
“Your parents were liars too. They said they’d take you to the zoo.”
Dipper glared. “No one asked you”
“So, you don’t want to know about them? You don’t want to know about-”
Dipper swung the limb at her. “Shut up!”
She backed up. “Dipper attacking your-”
“No! You’re just a monster! You don’t care about any of us so you don’t get to tell us anything” He walked forward only to be stopped by Goggles. 
“Dipper stop! She’s protecting us. Don’t you get it? The world out there we’re lucky to be alive. Coraline’s lucky to be alive.” 
“Stop listening to her!” 
“No!” Goggles grabbed the arm. “I don’t want you to die!” 
Dipper glared. “I’m getting my sister out.”
“But, she’ll get attacked by viruses. She’ll go to sleep and then she’ll never wake up. They’ll make sure of it when they bury her underground. And-” Goggle’s scrubbed at the tears in his eyes. “And that will happen to everyone. All our family will die Dipper. And we can’t. We can’t fight back”
Dipper crossed his arms.
“I, don’t want my family to die just to see the sun Dipper. Mother, she’s promised to be better. She’ll make a fake sun. A safe sun.” Goggles gave the other boy a weak smile. “So please?”
“She’s not my mother. And she never will be”
“Dipper” Goggle’s looked away. “Then, I’ll stop you” —————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————– Still kicking.
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whitelightning9999 · 3 years
it's the weekend and i'm thinking fondly about the interns again, so short fic where they all team up to scam a bunch of agents out of their lunch money
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whitelightning9999 · 4 years
We are friendly! Just cursed by the universe
Looking for a Mabel
Hey guys. So to put it simply my roleplay group is looking for a Mabel.
The RP is centered around Mystery kids with everyone being a kid from a magicalish world where they are destined to fight the Beast, Beldam, and Bill Cipher. We are about the same rating as Elder scrolls Skyrim.
Our system uses Discord and google docs for simplicity purpose and we play every Sunday from 2 pm CST to about 5ish.
If you are interested or have any questions, please message me.
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whitelightning9999 · 4 years
Mystery Kids and the Case of the Whispering Rock
Summary: Norman, Neil, Coraline, Wybie, Raz and Lili arrive at Grunkle Stan’s Summer Camp with the hope of having a summer of fun, or in the case of the two Psychonauts, with the intent of investigating a psychic disturbance. When they meet two twins that seem to be experts on the secrets of Gravity Falls, they find themselves reluctantly teaming up. But how much can they actually trust each other? There are secrets in this town, but more surprising are the secrets being kept from each other.
Table of Contents
Chapter 22: To the East
Mabel hovered over Dipper’s shoulder as he stood in front of the cabin looking at the symbols on the door frame and then back at the symbols in the book they found called Wards, Runes and Protection Magic. Mabel knew Dipper was itching to get out journal number 3 and compare the symbols in the new book to the ones in the journal, but she also knew he wouldn’t bring out the journal in front of the other kids.
Normally, when Dipper was doing boring nerd stuff, Mabel would explore. Coraline was still exploring the rest of the cabin with Wybie, Neil, and Norman, and a part of her wanted to be with them. However, Mabel found that she couldn’t tear herself away from what Dipper was doing. More accurately, she couldn’t stop thinking about those symbols. 
They gave her a strange, happy feeling that made her feel safe and protected. She liked them and she wanted to put them on everything she owned. When she asked Dipper if he felt the same way about the symbols, he just gave her a confused look. None of the other kids seemed interested in them like she was.
Mabel wondered why her artistic muse was screaming at her so loudly to draw these symbols. 
“Mabel, I think I’ve figured out what these symbols on the door mean.” 
Mabel leaned closer to her brother to get a better look at the book. 
“The one that looks like a sideways hourglass… I think that means day or rebirth.  And the other one, I think it’s a rune of protection.”
“Told you they weren’t bad things,” Mabel said happily. “Can I see the book?” 
Dipper closed the book slightly and held it away from her. “As long as you promise not to draw any of the symbols until we know more about them,” he said sternly.
Mabel huffed, but nodded. “Fine, fine! Just let me see it!” She grabbed the book from her twin. The open page was littered with pictures of wards and ruins, each one incredibly distinct in it’s design. 
“They’re all really similar,” her Dipper said. “Some of them I can hardly tell apart.”
Mabel glanced up at her twin in confusion. “You’re crazy, Dip. None of them are the same, can’t you tell?” she asked. How could he not see, or feel, how different they all were?
“Hey nerds!” Coraline said as she exited the cabin door, her hands on her hips.  “It’s getting late and I’m getting hungry. I think it’s time we head back.”
Keep reading
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whitelightning9999 · 4 years
Button Kids Part 8
First Prev Next ——————————————————————————————————– Goggles stared. His buttons following every groove in the old boards.  
“We should get moving” Dipper said rising to his feet. “We, we need to find the others.”
Goggles nodded, ignoring the little bit of bile in his throat.
Dipper sluggishly moved forward.
Goggles bit his lip. Maybe we should-
No. he doesn’t want to hear that from you. You’re too weak.
The younger boy pushed himself up.
‘Why is he still following me?’ Is probably what he is thinking.
He pushed himself faster.
I can do this. I just need to move faster.
Just need to push myself.
I can do-
Goggles fell against the floor. His head pounding as the world rung around him. Swaying slightly.
“Goggles?” Dipper paused, before walking over.
“I just need a minute.”
Dipper bit his lip. “I’m sorry” The boy reached out a hand to him.
Goggles stared at it, before grabbing it.
“Do you think you can walk?”
Goggles nodded. “L-let’s get out of here”
Goggles pushed himself up using Dipper’s hand, pretending not to notice the boy’s frown.
A disappointment.
“Right... right I think we were going this way?” Dipper stated walking into the darkness.
Goggles pushed himself forward, his head throbbing with each step. He could do this. They would eventually get out of the darkness anyways. He just had to hold on until then. He could do that. He could do that.
Everything will be fine.
Dipper glanced back at him.
We can do this.
The older boy paled.
Everything will work out.
Dipper opened his mouth, lunging toward Goggles.
Coraline hit the ground, rolling over the hard floor.  
The girl screamed, turning over. The Beldam’s leg impaling into the floor a centimeter away from her nose.
“Let us go you old hag!” Coraline yelled, grabbing the hedge clippers. She thrust upward, trying to drive the sharp metal into the Beldam’s chest.
A needle hand grabbed hers. The sharp points poking into the skin.
“My Dear. I only want what’s best for you”
“No, you don’t! You only want us to be your-“
The Beldam reached up, tracing Coraline’s buttoned eyed. “Do you really thing the other world is any better?”
Coraline growled kicking herself away. “Of course, it is!”
“Really? Tell me my dear what is your plan? To go to your parents. They didn’t even want you in the first place. Why would they want more kids?”
She got up again, looking around for another weapon.
“And what will you do about the buttons? Removing them might work… but how will Whisper ever see the sun?”
“It doesn’t matter” Coraline growled.
“You’re not thinking.” The Beldam turned to her, smiling. “Even if you don’t remove them. Someone will.”
Coraline clenched her fists.
“And all those wonderful sights? All those colors. Will be gone”
“It’s better than being eaten!” She ran forward, swinging her fists.
The Beldam hummed, grabbing her. Dragging the girl closer.
“No!” Coraline dug her heels into the ground.
“So much like a child. Always throwing a tantrum when you don’t get what you want”
“Let me go!”
“But don’t worry.” The Beldam’s legs curled around Coraline. “Mother will make it all better”
Coraline struggled as the witch pulled out a needle and thread.
Dipper groan, pulling himself to his feet. Looking around at the endless void.
“Goggles!” He cried. “Goggles!”
He bit his lip. Where. Where is he?
Did… Did Goggles leave?
I know I haven’t been…
“Goggles! Goggles where are you!”
I know I’m not the best of friends but…
He shouldn’t blame Goggles. He would have run off too.
But… “Goggles Please!”
“Why would he come back?” A voice echoed.
“You weren’t very nice after all”
“Why if I were them, I wouldn’t even be looking for you”
“Please this isn’t funny”
“When is being like this ever funny”
Dipper hugged himself, taking a step forward. This is a trick. This is just another trick.
“After all, as the future Beldam”
A hand of needles grabbed Dipper’s arm, yanking him around.
“We have to be mean”
Dipper gulped, staring at his own face. “Y-you aren’t real”
The Dipper Beldam laughed, tossing the boy aside. “Not real?”
“Please I’m your future Dipper. You’re just too weak to admit it”
“Why do you think Mother left us in the room?”
“I… I don’t know!”
“Well I do. She was testing us. Seeing who should take her place. Don’t you see Dipper. The world is full of cruelties. It’s our job to help”
“By eating children!”
“They want to be here. You were the same a long time ago. Don’t you remember”
“And look what you did to Goggles?”
“I d-didn’t mean-“
“Yes, you did. You wanted him gone. You wanted him out of your life. He was going to replace you after all”
“Don’t be stupid. We both saw it. How he treated Mabel. He was trying to replace us”
“Wouldn’t do that? Please. We saw the same thing. Mabel even called him brother”
Dipper looked at the ground.
“And what are you? Hm? The boy who she refused to open up to? The boy who put her in that state?”
“I-“ Dipper gritted his teeth.
“Face it. He’s gone and deep down you are happy about it. Now you can have Mabel all to yourself”
Dipper swung. Hitting the fake version of him. “I don’t know what you are, but I am so done with being the Beldam’s puppet!”
“Don’t you-“
“No! You aren’t real! None of this is! You are just trying to distract me!”
“Do you really want to find him though?”
“… Yes. I do. And you can tell Mother that we are going to see the sun together”
The fake Dipper growled. His skin changing. Becoming sharper. More like Mother’s.
Dipper paled backing up.
“You want to see the sun?” The fake Dipper changed into a mutant version of him and the Beldam. “Well you’re going to have to get through me”
Dipper bolted.
“Get back here!” Beldam Dipper screamed. His feet scraping against the floorboards.
Dipper put on a burst of speed.
“You think you can run from me, you little freak!”
Dipper glanced around, looking for something, anything to help him.
A lone door stood out in the darkness.
He didn’t hesitate. Changing directions.
The screech of claws on wood came from behind him as Beldam Dipper turned.
“You cannot escape your destiny!”
He grabbed the knob and twisted it. Throwing his weight into the wood. The door crashing into the plaster with a loud bang as he hit the ground.
A hand wrapping around his ankle.
“You cannot run from Mother”
“No!” Dipper sobbed, feeling the splinters catch on his clothes. Another hand grabbed his leg.
“So, you might as well enjoy it Dipper”
He grabbed on to the door frame. Curling around it with one last ditched effort.
“And give into what you really want”
He yanked his leg back, hearing his pants leg ripping away.
“Stop resisting!”
Dipper pulled his leg up to his chest.
“They’re never going to like you”
His toes catching the wood.
“You’re only going to hurt them!”
And he pushed.
The other him’s claws scratching down his ankle as Dipper drug him forward past the doorway.
“You can’t escape destiny!” Beldam Dipper cried landing on his belly.
Dipper grabbed the edge of the door kicking it closed with all his might.
“You’ll always be-“
Metal creaked, bending.
Dipper kicked the door again. Pushing against it with both legs.
“I’m nothing like you!”
Fabric tore against jagged edges.
“And I’ll never be!”
A button fell to the ground. Cracked in two.
“I’ll find Goggles! And we’ll get out of this hell!”
The door slammed shut.
Dipper panted. Tears running down his cheeks.
“I’m not… and I will never be like you” He said to the puppets decapitated head.
—————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————–
I will finish this! It may take a long time but I will finish this!
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whitelightning9999 · 5 years
Looking for a Mabel
Hey guys. So to put it simply my roleplay group is looking for a Mabel.
The RP is centered around Mystery kids with everyone being a kid from a magicalish world where they are destined to fight the Beast, Beldam, and Bill Cipher. We are about the same rating as Elder scrolls Skyrim.
Our system uses Discord and google docs for simplicity purpose and we play every Sunday from 2 pm CST to about 5ish.
If you are interested or have any questions, please message me.
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whitelightning9999 · 5 years
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Norman sat with his eyes closed and his back hunched. He was shaking uncontrollably; his muscles spasming unnaturally.
“Norman?” Neil asked fearfully, pulling on their connected hands.
“Don’t break the circle!” Gideon warned. “Someone is trying to contact us through Norman.” - Mystery Kids and The Case of The Whispering Rock, Chapter 15: The Seance
commission for @c-corvid of the seance scene, including some detail shots that were covered up by the final composition
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whitelightning9999 · 5 years
Hey! Hey you.
Did you know there is a discord server for Mystery Kids?
Check it out
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whitelightning9999 · 5 years
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Artists Needed!
Hello Mystery Kids fandom!
It’s almost the new year and we are hard at work creating episode 2 for you! However, we need some help. Throughout the time we have been working on this project, artists have come and go because of varying life circumstances.
So in order to finish the project, we need more artists on our team who are eager to see this episode finished!
In order to apply, just send in examples of your art the [email protected]
If you are unsure if your art is a good fit, but are still interested, please apply anyway! We have different artistic needs that you might be a good fit for. 
If you aren’t an artist, or don’t have time time to be involved, please reblog this post so others can see it!
Art by @cartoonfumes
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whitelightning9999 · 5 years
Button Kids Part 7
First Prev Next ——————————————————————————————————– Mabel sighed looking around the empty room.
“Mabel” someone called from the kitchen.
“Yeah Mom?” she called back.
“It’s time for lunch.”
“I’m not hungry.” She chuckled to herself. I’m never hungry.
“I still want you to eat.”
Mabel said nothing. Looking out the window she watched the mailman riding by on the bike.
He was always riding by.
Always at the same time.
Always wearing his uniform.
Always on his bike.
Mabel gave a small wave. That was the seventh time.
She had been here for a week.
A week in this boring dry life.
“Mabel?” A voice said behind her.
Mabel turned to Dipper. The black buttons of his eyes staring at her.
A week without her family.
“Mabel are- are you ok? Its- its been a week and…” Dipper stuttered. “I- I know that things are a bit… different but-”
Mabel walked past him.
She walked past her mother.
Past her father’s study.
And up the stairs.
Locking the door behind her.
She took a deep breath.
“Mabel?” Dippers voice came through the door. “Are you ok?”
He continued when he heard nothing. “Mabel I- I know you’re sad about the others but… Mabel our life is great here. We have parents who love us. We can feel the sun. We- we can eat all the bread we want.”
“I’m tired” She said.
This is the perfect life Dipper.
She opened the window.
She crawled out onto the roof through the window pane.
Carefully, she stepped on the roof tiles, navigating to the back of the house, to the rope she had left.
Mabel lowered herself down.
Her feet touching the springy blades of grass.
I can’t be here.
She slipped out through the back gate.
And ran into the woods.
I can’t be selfish.
She kept running.
Ignoring the signs of danger.
Ignoring the signs of wolves.
Ignoring the signs of bear traps.
I won’t be selfish.
She kept running.
Away from that perfect life.
Away from Dipper.
Away from everything.
Not ever again. She thought.
And the world disappeared.
             Mabel smiled for the first time in a week,
As the other world turned into ashes.
Decaying into the white void.
Mabel slowed.
“I’m not going to be selfish again.” Mabel declared as an old wooden door appeared.
She thought of her brother.
Her real brother.
How he would softly smile at her.
How after the Beldam, they could sit together in the sun.
How after the Beldam, they could just smile together.
How after the Beldam, they could be a family.
That would be the dream life. She thought as she opened the door.
She froze.
She was back in the room.
She was back in the room they had escaped from.
“N-no” Mabel voice broke. I don’t want to be here.
She turned around, staring at the white void.
Tears running down her face.
She was trapped.
What would Goggles do?
Mabel gulped and stepped forward.
She let go of the door knob, taking a couple of steps.
The door slammed shut.
She didn’t have to turn around to know it was gone.
So, she continued walking into the room.
Navigating the cramped space.
“Mabel?” A voice said behind her.
“Dipper!” Mabel screamed, turning around. “Dipper?”
The boy was frowning at her. His buttons scrunched up in confusion.
“Dipper!” Goggles screamed, jumping over the wall of boxes. The boy froze upon seeing her.
“M-Mabel” Goggles said.
“Guys!” Mabel cried.
The two boys exchanged a look.
“I- I thought-“ Tears rolled down her cheeks. “B-but we’re together again. We- We can-“
“Leave” Dipper said finishing her sentence.
Mabel wetly laughed, nodding.
“Have you seen the others?”
“I- I think I saw Whisper.” Goggles said. “He- He seemed unresponsive though. Come on”
Goggle took the lead while Dipper fell into step with her.
“A-are you okay Mabel?”
She nodded. “It was just a tough week.” She lied. There’s no reason to let him know of the Beldam’s trap.
“Y-yeah. M-Me and Goggles spent the w-week walking through the darkness”
“Guys” Goggles called, kneeling next to a cavern between the junk.
Mabel walked closer. Making out the dim form of Whisper.
He had been crying. His buttons red and puffy. As she drew near, he curled up, pushing himself farther into the hole.
He whimpered.
“He was like that when I found him.” Goggles said behind her.
“Whisper?” Mabel tried again, reaching out to the boy.
“G-g-go a-away” the boy stuttered. “I-I’m n-not l-le-leaving t-the r-room”
“Whisper?” Mabel said sadly.
“I-I’m n-not le-leaving, o-ok? I-isn’t t-that wh-what you w-wanted?”
“Why… why would I want that?” Mabel said softly. “Whisper, I- I don’t want something that makes you unhappy.” Because that would be selfish.
The boy whimpered.
“Whisper, please” She held out her hand.
Whisper shook his head. “Wh-what if I-I don’t w-want to b-be a f-family”
His word’s felt like a punch to her gut. “Whisper?”
“Wh-what i-if I-I don’t want t-to be a f-family a-anymore”
Mabel looked at the boy. Tears starting to run down her face and with a big smile said, “Alright”
Whisper knitted his eyebrows together.
“We don’t have to be a family, Whisper.”
“Y-you a-aren’t going t-to h-hurt me?”
“Wh-what?” Am I really that horrible.
Whisper pressed his hands into his buttons. “You- you sh-should be hu-hurting me.”
“No- you- you want to be a family. I- I want to be a fa-family. B-but we c-can’t…” Whisper sobbed. “We can’t be a family.” The boy whispered.
“Whisper, I don’t understand.” Mabel crawled closer.
“You’re dead! You aren’t supposed to love me. You- you should just leave me….”
“Do you want me to leave you?”
“No… Yes… I- I just don’t want to hurt.”
“I don’t want to be hurt.”
Mabel bit her lip. I only hurt people.
She backed out of the tunnel. Dipper and Goggle stared at her and she gave them a watery smile.
“Mabel?” Dipper came closer.
“Mother!” Mabel yelled out.
The room buzzed.
“Mabel what are you doing?”
“I don’t want to hurt people again, Dipper.” Mabel softly said. “MOTHER! Come out I know you’re listening!”
“Mabel!” Dipper screamed. “Mabel, Stop!”
“What are you doing Mabel?!” Goggles asked.
“I’m not going to be selfish again!”
“Mabel?” Whisper said. He had crawled out from the tunnel.
“You- you said that you didn’t want to be hurt right?”
“I only hurt people Whisper. I’m- I’m too selfish to do anything else… but I can do one thing. I can make sure you see the sun. MOTHER!”
“Mabel! Stop!” Dipper yelled. He reached out to touch the girl.
“No Dipper! I’m only going to hurt you again! I’m only going to hurt everyone again!”
“I’m doing this Dipper” She smiled at him
“Mabel stop this!” The boy reached out to grab her.
“No!” Mabel screamed, pushing the boy back.
Fire stormed through the darkness. Lighting any thread that she encountered. She knew what the thread could do. She wasn’t stupid.
She just had to keep moving.
She just had to find the others.
She just had to find Goggles.
Fire growled as a bundle of yarn swung in front of her. She set that on fire too before moving past it.
Fire froze. That sounded like a child.
“Goggles! Coraline! Whisper!” The girl cried. “Hello!”
“Why do you think someone with answer you?”
Fire turned, scanning the darkness. Threads, burning and black, cast a bit of light as they hung in the air. Soft dying embers hanging from them like glowing beads.
“Is not here”
Fire twisted around, glaring into the darkness. “Who are you?”
“Don’t you recognize us?”
“Yes. Us… Don’t you recognize our voices?”
Fire pressed two fingers against her forehead. “If you are trying to pick a fight!”
“Now why would we do that?”
“After all,”
Fire glanced around hoping to find one of the voices.
“We’re already dead”
A body shimmered to life out of the corner of her eye. But when she looked. No one was there.
“Sh-show yourselves!” Fire screamed.
Another flicker of light. This time from her left.
“I’m warning you!”
Something brushed against her shoulder.
She yelled, letting out a burst of her power.
An inferno covered the area before sputtering down and dying.
Fire fell to the floor, panting. “I warned you”
“We are the children”
“All sown away.”
“We only wanted to play.”
“But here we are.“
“Locked away.”
Fire looked up. The flickering started all around her. Forming shapes of children.
“Won’t you come and play?”
“We can have so much fun.”
“You only have to say.”
“That you want to be locked away.”
“No! I don’t want to play!” Fire screamed, covering her ears. This can’t be happening! They died!
“Oh, but it will be fun.”
“All sown up.”
“And ready to play.”
“All we need…”
“Is you to do one tiny thing.”
Hands wrapped around her throat.
“So, are you ready to play?”
“No!” She jerked out of the grip. “Leave me alone!”
The children froze.
“You... You aren’t real! You’re dead!”
“And who’s fault is that?”
“Didn’t you fail to save us?”
“Yes, she did”
“She let us walk out”
“No, I didn’t!”
“I remember” a boy spoke up. Curi. “I remember she stood there, watching as we all walked out”
“I tried to-” a small hand tugged her shirt.
“Miss? Why did you let us die? Did you not luve us?”
Fire jerked away.
“Of course, she doesn’t”
“She doesn’t like any of us”
“She wanted us dead”
“She wanted us gone”
“No! I-” Fire choked out a sob.
“You let us die”
Fire shook her head, tears running down her face.
A hand grabbed her. The child’s touch burning her clothes. “You let us DIE!”
Fire screamed pushing against him with her psychic energy, blasting the child back.
“Did you see that?”
“She attacked him.”
“She doesn’t want to play”
“She doesn’t love us”
“She wanted us to die”
Fire frantically glanced around, looking for some way to leave.
But all around her, was the faces of the kids she had let die.
Wild. Gnome. Hood
The kids who she had played with.
Mouse. Cruz. Eggs
The kids who raised her.
Scythe. Trick. Mute
The kids she had let walk out of the room.
A boy walked up to her. Her mind filled in the gaps giving him jet black hair and ice colored buttons. He... he taught her how to read.
“Rocket” she whispered. “Please I-”
He gave her a small smile, holding out his hand. “It’s alright Fire. We can play now. Just take my hand”
She sobbed.
“Shh, it’s ok.”
“I’m sorry”
“It’s ok. Just take my hand and we can play”
She shakily reached out to Rocket.
“Leave Her Alone!”
A gloved hand pulled her away. Two Eyed growling and brandishing a switch blade. “Don’t you dare come any closer!”
Fire looked up at him. He had switched faces at one point. Putting on something with three eyes.
“Don’t let her trick you. These are metal threads. I use them all the time. Your fire is likely why they are glowing. And why they aren’t burning like the regular stuff.”
“Metal thr- No they’re ghosts!”
Two eyed twisted around, slashing at one of her friends.
“L-listen I kn-know you don’t like me, but this is a tr-trick.”
Fire shook her head.
“It is. We n-need to f-find the others”
“How do I know that you aren’t lying” Fire growled, tearing herself away.
He stared at her before holding out his hand. “Wh-what seems more likely. M-Me tr-tricking you? Or th-the B-Beldam trying to kill you w-with d-dead k-kids th-that you used to know”
Fire froze, looking into the chilling ‘green’ of his mask.
Cautiously, she slipped her hand into his. “I… I d-don’t want to die”
Two eyed nodded, pulling her forward.
She heard the ghosts howled as they ran through them.
“You let us die!”
“Why do you hate us!”
“Come back!”
Two eyed led the way, twisting and turning as they moved farther and father away from the ghosts of her old family.
Away from the memory of that night.
Away from her guilt.
It was a relief for both of them when they made it to a door. White light shining underneath it. A sign that they had beat the Beldam’s nightmare.
Fire took a deep breath, collecting herself. “Hey… Wybie”
Two eyed turned around. His hand on the doorknob.
“If you tell anyone I cried I will wrap you up in metal threads and set you on fire”
She couldn’t tell if he paled or not underneath his mask, but she liked to think that he did.
“Now come on. The others are likely doing something stupid.”
Without waiting on his response, she yanked the door open.
Mabel’s hands went through her brother’s chest.
“Mabel?” Goggles said behind her.
Dipper made a keep quiet gesture. “Everything is ok Goggles.” He stepped around her, leaving strings on her hands.
Mabel stared at them. Not listening to the boys behind her.
Wait does this mean? Mabel walked over to Whisper.
With the boy’s attention on the other two, Mabel reached out, booping the boy.
Whisper jumped, his black buttons focusing on her.
“Mabel?” Goggles asked.
Mabel looked up.
“Goggles…” Thoughts started to fit together.
“Mabel, I think we should wait for the others.” Goggles said. Behind him Dipper stood awkwardly.
Goggles continued. “If you found the room then the others will find it too so-“
“I’m not staying.” Mabel whispered.
Whisper looked up at her.
“Mabel be reasonable. Coraline and Fire will-“ Goggles argued.
“I’m not staying!”
“Mabel you’re being selfish!” Goggles yelled.
She shut up.
“Mabel?” Whisper asked.
“And what are you” Mabel said, growing louder with each word. “What are you Goggles”
“I’m your brother.”
“Prove it! Prove that you’re not just some trick like the last world!”
Goggles walked forward, grabbing her hand. “See Mabel I’m not a trick”
A hand slapped her stomach.
She looked down at Whisper’s arm.
“You’re lying. You- you’ve been lying.” Whisper proclaimed.
Mabel looked at Goggles, finding the fake boy’s stomach impaled by Whisper’s hand.
Whisper pulled, taking a knot of thread out.
“You little!” Other Goggles yelled. The boy threw up his hand, ready to punch Whisper.
Other Dipper tackled Goggles. “Mabel run!”
Whisper grabbed her hand, pulling her forward.
“Don’t you dare!”
She didn’t resist.
“Don’t let them get away!” She heard Other Goggles yell.
They ran through the mountains of junk, clutching each other’s hands like a lifeline.
Other Fire stepped in front of their path and Whisper slowed.
Mabel without hesitating, jerked the boy’s arm. Pulling him up the wall of boxes.
Other Fire screamed, extending her cloth arm, wrapping around Mabel’s leg. Yanking her down.
“Mabel!” Whisper yelled as Other Mabel appeared at the end of the hallway, blocking them in.
Mabel kicked at the arm holding her. “Whisper run!”
“Not without you!”
“I’ll be-“ Mabel started.
“Leave my sister alone!” Other Dipper screamed from below them, right as Other Fire lost her grip. Mabel took the opportunity. Scrambling up the boxes as fast as she could.
“Come on!” Whisper yelled, moving forward.
The room trembled, and they lost their footing.
“Whisper!” She called, glancing around desperately.
“Over here!”
Whisper clutched the edge of the boxes, dangling above the floorboards.
Mabel ran over helping him up.
Below them, the floor started unraveling.
Throwing herself back, she pulled the boy up.
“Go! Go!” she yelled pushing him.
The floor was completely gone now, leaving a white void of space. The only thing keeping them from their doom was the narrow wall of boxes under their feet.
“Get them!” Coraline’s distorted voice came behind them.
“There’s the mirror!” Whisper yelled.
The mirror stood on the last few floorboards. Floating farther and farther away.
“We- We aren’t going to make it!”
“Oh yes we will!” Mabel yelled. Putting on a burst of speed, she grabbed his hand.  
The end of the boxes coming closer and closer with each step.
“You’re Mine!” Other Coraline screamed.
Mabel leapt off the wall, feeling the puppet grab the tips of her hair.
“No!” Her brother’s voice screamed.
And the puppet’s hand was gone.
The two kids hit the floor boards.
“Mabel come on!” Whisper helped her up, running for the mirror.
Mabel followed, glancing back.
Other Dipper stood on the wall of boxes, giving her a thumbs up, as the room fell apart around him. ——————————————————————————————————– ——————————————————————————————————– I have a goal to finishes this before October!
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whitelightning9999 · 5 years
Here is the new Button Kids Ask Blog.
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// heads up I will not be giving any spoilers on this blog
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whitelightning9999 · 5 years
If I made an ask blog for the Button Kids how many of you all would be interested?
PS: the next update of Button Kids will be out tommow. Hope you enjoy it.
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whitelightning9999 · 5 years
Look! You can torment the MK with questions!
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Dipper: So Mabel thought it would be a great idea to start a blog where you all can ask us stuff… Mabel, why? Mabel: Because it would be fun!
Dipper: Have you told any of the others. Mabel: Nope!
Dipper: …Okay then…
(Hey! So feel free to ask Dipper and Mabel some questions, they have to tell the others about this first before you can ask any of the others… hopefully it will be quick…)
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whitelightning9999 · 6 years
What I find really odd about fanfic in general is that you can almost tell what kind of a person is writing it, you know?? Like some people are really poetic in their descriptions, some people almost drown in the feelings they write, others create dialogue that flows so well it feels like you’re watching real people discuss things in front of your eyes… I just really love that aspect of it, and I love placing writers in a kind of “hey look they’re a descriptions/feelings/dialogue kind of person” box so to speak. It’s such a pleasure reading it when it’s written so individually
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whitelightning9999 · 6 years
Secret Santa
Prompt: Something Parapines!
Word Count: 1225
Dipper sighed, letting his gaze wander. His fingers nervously tapping the table.
Across the road he spied Mabel giving him a thumbs up through the bushes.
This is so stupid he thought. Aggressively sipping his coffee. He was 16, for goodness sake, he didn't need Mabel's help finding a boyfriend.
Dipper swung around in his chair, to find Norman.
"Oh hey." Dipper smiled.
"Hey." The boy looked around, frowning. "Can I sit"
"Yeah of course, man" Dipper smiled, happy to no longer be sitting at an empty table.
"Thanks. I'm um... waiting for someone, you know"
Dipper nodded. "I hope they show up soon. Not that I don't like your company it's just- Ugh sorry."
Norman chuckled, sitting across from him, eying his drink. "Is the coffee any good here?"
"It's ok, not the best but-"
"I guess I shouldn't expect much from a shop who's only gimmick is zombies."
Dipper laughed. "Yeah. You know if you get hot chocolate, they give you these marshmallows shaped like brains."
"I'll have to get some with my date."
Dipper's smile fell. "Oh, I didn't know you were dating"
“Yeah Neil recommended him”
“Oh, that’s awesome dude. How long have you been going out?”
Norman blushed. “This will be our first date”
“Oh, Oh! Shit I’m sorry man, let me just.” Dipper quickly stood up, only to have his phone go off.
“It’s from Mabel” He said laughing. “I should take this.”
Dipper didn’t wait for the boy’s response, rushing behind the building. “Mabel!”
“I thought I told you to wear the red shirt Dipper!”
“What? Why does it-“ Dipper blushed as everything clicked into place. “You set me up with Norman!”
“Well it’s not just me…”
Dipper groaned. His sister could be a real handful sometimes.
Dipper jumped, blushing at Norman.
The other boy held out a cup. “You forgot this”
“Thanks” He grabbed it, drowning the rest of the cup.
Norman nodded. “Isn’t that hot?”
Dipper coughs, his throat burning a bit. “I’m fine”
“Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Yes. I’m- I’m fine” Dipper looked up meeting Norman’s eyes. Blushing he looked away. “Hey man so… about your date”
Norman blinked.
“He’s not coming.”
Dipper looked back at Norman who was trying to disappear into his scarf. “Oh?”
Norman nodded. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised anymore I mean all of town knows I can see ghost.”
“What man? No, he. He’s just a jerk”
Norman peeked up at him.
“Yeah he’s a big jerk. I mean look at you, your like the cutest thing on the planet! Not to mention brave and super cool. And-“ Dipper’s brain caught up to him. Embarrassed, the boy took another sip of the coffee only to find it empty.
“Do you really think that?”
“Sure man. I mean we’ve fought monsters together! You’re part of the Mystery Kids. And if you don’t believe me just ask Raz or Coraline!”
Norman gave the boy a small smile.
“And you know what screw that guy! If he wants to ditch you then that’s his loss! You and I can have ten times more fun on our own without him anyways!”
“I said ok.”
“Oh um… alright.” Dipper blushed, not expecting Norman to accept his offer. “So, um… What do you want to do?”
“I… I don’t really know I was told my date would be planning everything, so I didn’t think about it”
I’m going to kill Mabel. “Really? Well um... what about a movie? That new zombie movie came out this week, right? Or we could go to the arcade. Or um… Um…”
“What about the centaur migration?”
Dipper paused. He had been talking about the centaur migration for a while now. He had been looking forward to it ever since Ford had told him about it. They had been planning on going up there together. But luck was not on his side. A week ago, Ford had fallen hurting his back. Ford told him, that the others would probably go with him, but Dipper never got around to asking.
“Yeah that could work.” Dipper nodded. “It’s a three-hour hike though.”
“Sure, it sounds like fun.”
Dipper smiled. “I’ll go get ready. Meet you at the northwest statue in an hour?”
Norman nodded eagerly.
Dipper smiled, looking over the cliff. The setting sun was casting light on the valley below. Millions of centaurs, young and old, walked through the valley. It was nice.
“I brought some coffee” Norman said handing him a thermos.
“You brought coffee on a three-hour hike? Wasn’t it like really heavy?”
Norman shrugged sipping his own thermos. “It wasn’t really that heavy.”
“Still thank you.” Dipper took a sip. “Hey this is really good!”
“I hope you don’t just down it like the last one.”
Dipper blushed. “Y-yeah right.”
The hike had been pretty nice. They had both gone back and forth about different theories and books that they had read. Norman had given him more to read over the summer, but hey a book is a book.
“Hey Dipper?”
“Yeah man?”
“Thank you”
“For what?”
“For all of this!” Norman threw his hands out. “If you hadn’t offered to spend the day with me, I would have just been back at base, crying into my pillow.”
“What no way man. I should be thanking you. If you hadn’t offered, I would never have come here.” Dipper smiled. “So, I should be the one thanking you.”
Norman nodded. “Today has sure been a great day. I’m glad my date didn’t show up.”
Dipper frowned, watching the half man, half horse creatures. He needed to tell the truth.
“Hey Norman.”
“Yeah Dipper?”
“About your date.”
“What about him?”
“I’m the one who stood you up.” Dipper continued, feeling the other boy’s eyes. “Mabel set the whole thing up and when I found out I just. I couldn’t go through with it and I’m sorry. I know I should have told you earlier but I was afraid and I-“
Norman turned his head, kissing him.
“Y-you”’ Dipper leaned back. His face like a tomato.
“I know Dipper.”
“You what!”
Norman looked down. “I know about the date. Neil told me.”
Norman nodded. “Dipper I really like you but if you want to remain friends.”
“No!” Dipper shouted, surprising himself. “I mean… I like you too Norman. Your really smart and funny and I- I love to be your boyfriend.”
“I’d like that too.”
The two leaned in for another kiss.
“Mission accomplished!” Mabel screamed, leaping out of the bushes.
“Mabel! What are you- Have you been watching us this whole time!”
Mabel stared at her brother. “See you back at the house Bro!” She screamed, running down the trail.
Norman chuckled watching his new boyfriend running after the girl. With a sigh, he started to pack up. “You guys can come out now.”
The rest of the Mystery Kids groaned stepping out of the bushes. Coraline walked over helping the median.
“So, you and Dipper are a thing now huh?”
“Good, I’m proud of you Norman.” The blue haired girl punched him in the shoulder.
Norman smiled. “Thanks for the help.”
“Hey what are we here for?”
Norman nodded blushing.
“Come on we should get down there before Dipper catches Mabel.”
Norman smiled following the other kids.
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@mysterykidscasefiles @maydaygirl-save-our-ships I was your Secret Santa this year! Enjoy!
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whitelightning9999 · 6 years
It looks like tumblr has a nasty habit of eating asks. I've played around with it and it looks like if you format a link like the example below it will work, otherwise it will likely be eaten whitelightning9999 tumblr com (slash) post (slash) 179505663054 (slash) button - kids - part - 6 If you have submitted or know someone who has submitted, please resubmit. To make sure your submission went through feel free to message me after you sent it. The asks work fine with normal text.
MK Discord Halloween Event!
The Mystery Kids Discord server is celebrating the spookiest month of the year with Mystery Kids!
We are planning on having live streams of Coraline and Paranorman, playing a few games, and even having a few contests at 7pm (central).
Come Join Us!
Contest Information
You don’t have to be a part of the Discord to participate in the contests! Either carve a pumpkin, make some awesome art, or write a cool fanfic for a chance to win an award!
Award categories:
Overall Best Award   
Chilling to the bone Award   
People’s Choice Award   
Best Relationship Award
Overall Best Award   
Best Halloween-Themed Award   
People’s Choice Award   
Most Creative Award
Overall Best Award   
Best Halloween-Themed  Award   
People’s Choice Award  
Best Relationship Award 
Fics can be from a chapter of a story as long as the chapter was posted in October. Everyone is limited to one entry per category as in you can’t submit 2 fics but a fic and a pumpkin is ok.
Should you win the “Overall Best Award” you will get a free commission of a 2,000 word MK story by either Me or MayDayGirl. No nsfw stories.
Just send us a link of your work to me on tumblr before the end of the 31st. The results will be announced a week later.
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