runningwiththewords · 9 years
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
How did you meet?” –Louis Weasley (Y/N) Weasley laughed as she sat down for lunch, she finally had a break from her tiring job at the Ministry. She sat with a petite girl whose first day it was, they spent most of the day together chatting and (Y/N) teaching her the ropes. “So I heard you’re married” the petite girl, whose name is Sophia, asked as they began to eat their lunch. “Yes,” (Y/N) replied smiling at the thought of her husband, the two of them had been together two years until he proposed and happily married for three. “So, how did you meet?” Sophia questioned. “It was my first year at Hogwarts, his second, and I was heading up to the (Y/H) common room because I left my potions book in my dorm when all of a sudden I walked into someone and—” you started the story until you got interrupted. “You could say I knocked her off her feet” you heard someone from behind you say, you turned around to see your husband stood their holding a box, “you left this at home so I thought I should bring it to you” he said handing you the box before giving you a chaste kiss. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Sophia Roosewood” Sophia introduced herself. “Nice to meet you to, I’m Louis Weasley” he answered shaking her hand. “I was just telling her the story of how we met” you said as Louis took a seat next to you. “Would you like me to finish?” He asked, in reply you nodded smiling—you always preferred the way he told it. “She fell onto the floor and as I looked down I thought I saw an angel, she was—is—the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. Her books were scattered across the floor so I helped to pick them up and we both reached for her Care of Magical Creatures book—” “It was my History of Magic book” you said cutting into the story. “No it wasn’t, anyway I swear I felt electricity flow through me when our hands touched. I looked up to see her blushing like mad, she looked adorable really. We introduced ourselves to one another and then I walked her to the entrance to (Y/H), the rest is history” Louis concluded the story before pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “You two are so cute” Sophia smiled as you laughed slightly. “I swear it was my History of Magic book.”
**btw I am still on break I just found this on my computer and decided to upload it**
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
Sorry everyone
Guys, I will be going on a small break until the 17th of July at the earliest as that is when I break up from school. Sorry to the anyone who is waiting for me to post..
You may still submit to be a co-owner here
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
talking about my fav: lol look at my loser trash husband oh god he is so embarrassing i'm going to throw his ass to the wolves
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
The Outsiders preference
Warnings: None
His favourite outfit on you
Dally: He loves seeing you dressed up as a ‘bad girl’ wearing a black crop top, black leggings and one of his black leather jackets. (x) Steve: Steve loves it when you wear one of his flannels with a vest top underneath and a pair of shorts. (x) Two-bit: He loves you and he loves Mickey therefore he loves you in your Mickey Mouse shirt, ripped jeans and leather jacket. (x) Johnny: He loves how you dress classy and that you wasn’t afraid to wear your ‘socy’ clothes while you’re with him, his favourite is your white jumper and pink skirt. (x) Darry: He loves it when you wear the cardigan his mum got you with your white lacy top and shorts. (x) Sodapop: He loves it when you the headband he saved up for ages to buy you which you usually paired with a blue top and ripped leggings. (x) Ponyboy: He loves it when you dress casual/nerdy with your ‘pi’ jumper and white jeans. (x) Tim: He loves it when you wear anything that shows of your legs especially your white jeans which usually where with your flower crop top. (x) Curly: He loves it when you wear the necklace he bought, stole, for you and the red jumper which you normally wear with a pair of leggings. (x)
**Don’t forget you can apply to be a co-owner here***
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
We need feminism because changing tables in men’s bathrooms should be a thing. Whether its for gay dads, single dads or dads who just wanna change their baby, men need changing tables too. You can’t just presume its always a mother changing a baby.
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
*Promo/ Apply to be a co-owner and follow my personal:)*
Guys don’t forget that you can apply to be a co-owner here
You can also follow my personal tumblr here
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
How long until your next imagine?
I've been very busy latley so I haven't been writing any imagines but I have been looking for a co-owner to help me getting imagines up.If you would like more information about applying to be a co-owner you can find out more information on my blog at the top where it says 'possible co-owner?'.
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
I’m coming out to my parents
reblog this so i can put your url to show you support me
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
I spent three weeks in a mental hospital and what I discovered there I feel like should be put into words.
we are not who you think we are.
the boy with turrets told the funniest jokes
the girl who raked her nails up and down her skin could create the most exquisite drawings
the girl who abused drugs had the wisest soul
the boy with schizophrenia had the biggest heart
the girl who tried to kill herself told the boy with insomnia stories to help lure him to sleep
the boy who wanted to kill himself had the deepest passion for cooking
the girl with slits and scars all over her body dried my tears and told me I was beautiful
the boy with anger issues gave the warmest hugs
the girl with bulimia told everyone every day that they looked beautiful in their bodies
the boy who was a compulsive liar told us that he wanted us all to get better, and that he was for once telling the truth
the girl who almost drank herself to death stood up for anyone that felt they were feeling bullied
the boy with social anxiety made sure nobody sat alone at meals
we are not who you think we are.
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
He actually told the time
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
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| | Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Louis Weasley | |
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
The dog you get
Warnings: None
Dally: You got pit-bull as he thought it made him seem tougher, truthfully the dog was a sweetheart but he didn’t really like Dally that much so he mainly stayed by your side. You called him Buster, well you let Dally call him Buster. Steve: Steve didn’t really care which dog you get, so he let you get your dream dog Siberian husky which was a really big softie. She really loved both you and Steve and barely went anywhere without her. You called her Winter as she is a winter dog. Two-bit: Two was pretty specific about what type of dog he wanted, a bloodhound which was what type of dog Pluto out of Mickey was—you also called him Pluto, he was pretty goofy as he kept running into things but you both loved him anyway. Johnny: Johnny didn’t mind what breed of dog you got, as long as you were happy, you ended up choosing a border collie. She was a really playful dog but she didn’t react well with strangers and was very protective over you both. You called her Gizmo. Darry: It was Darry’s idea to get a dog as he didn’t want you to be lonely while he was working. You convinced him to let you get a Labrador retriever she was a pretty lazy dog no matter how you tried to get her to go on walks and play fetch. You called her Dixie. Sodapop: Soda was incredibly enthusiastic about getting a dog, you both argued over what type of dog you would get and what you would call it, you ended up getting a German Shepard who turned out to be a very sweet dog always wanting to be played with. You called him Scruffy, in the end Soda won on what type of dog to get while you chose the name. Ponyboy: You’ve always wanted a dog and you’ve also had the perfect type of dog in mind: an English bulldog, which luckily Pony let you get. The dog could be quite aggressive towards people but he is friendly towards the gang and people you and Pony are comfortable with. You called him Tucker. Tim: He only got a dog to make him seem tougher this meant he only let you get a Rottweiler. At first the dog did scare you as he was pretty aggressive but you warmed up to him, the dog loved both you, Tim and surprisingly Dally. You called him Bruiser. Curly: Curly (like his brother) let you get a dog to so he looks tougher meaning you got a Akita, his plan back-fired as she was one of the sweetest and loveliest dogs, she was really playful and always followed you around—she barely ever left yours or Curly’s side. You called her Toffee (Curly didn’t get a say in the name).      
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
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runningwiththewords · 9 years
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John Murphy+tumblr posts
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