russellwoodsten · 5 years
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so many questions had gone unanswered and with how the conversation was going he didn’t think they were going to get answered. when the other male had walked away it came as a surprise to elliot, he thought they were going well and then suddenly he was single. “i don’t think its difficult for you to hear because again you left. hearing things about you would be hard for me to hear, i didn’t have a choice in what happened between us — it was all you,” a sigh came past his lips, fingertips ruffling around his hair, momentarily dropping his gaze away from the other. “you never looked at me like i was normal, always saw me as something more.. i’m normal and majority of people are going to be good enough for me, if they treat me right then thats enough,” he was easy to please and loved pleasing people, “more about what we had, the heartbreak.. nothing that bad.”
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russell rolled his eyes and looked at the younger brunette male. “it is difficult for me to hear. i am trying to move on and every time i check my phone or turn on the tv you are there. i know i left, you don’t need to keep reminding me that i left.” he knew that it was his fault that their relationship ended, russell hated to admit that he was conscious. he had watched people fall at elliot’s feet and looking at some of them made him wonder if he was good enough for him. russell was trying not to get angry, he was just not getting across to elliot. “well i am sorry that i did not feel like i was good enough for you, seeing people saying that i was not good enough made me question if i really was. i know you are normal, that’s what made me love you in the first place but i was worried that even when i treated you well, you would find someone better. he looked at the other male. “was it good what we had?”
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
@russellwoodsten liked for a wishlist based starter. Based on this post.
Genevieve was sitting in bed with her best friend, watching some movies. Everything was going smoothly until they started to argue about what show to watch next. Of course the argument turned into tickling, which turned to play fighting and somehow, she was now pinned underneath him. 
“Alright, I know you have the upper hand here, but I’m not going to give up this easily.” she laughed, wiggling her hips some. “I’m not watching another one of those weird dramas again. No way.” she smiled, her shirt riding up a bit. “You’re not getting me to surrender, pal.”
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Russell smirked down at Genevieve as she looked up at her, he had her pinned down underneath him and Russell knew she was not going to get out of this one easily. He was going to win. He refused to sit there and watch another romance moving especially ‘A Walk To Remember’. “Oh you will give up, I am strong willed.”
He looked down at her body, her shirt was riding up slightly and her flesh was showing. He lowered his head down to her check and smirked. “I am sure I can make you surrender.” He blew a raspberry on her chest and laughed. 
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Friendly - Genevieve (closed)
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
Cont from   russellwoodsten
Alex felt a small spark through his body when their arms brushed, and he watched his friend closely, breathing in sharply through his nose as he realised just how close they were. It was intoxicating for him to have such close proximity between them, and he glanced away when Russell spoke to him. 
“I dunno. I wanted to tell you but I wasn’t really sure how to tell you, I guess?” he offered, shrugging his shoulders. “Yeah, you were a little off…” Alex chuckled. “You don’t have to do that, though. It’s all good. I’m sure someone will show up. Probably right under my nose or something.” 
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Russell raised an eyebrow as Alex turned away from him wondering why the other always turned the other way when they spoke, Russell just wanted to be able to look into the other’s perfect eyes as the spoke. He wanted him to see the want in Russell’s eyes when they spoke. 
“You could have just come up to me and said Russell I think I like guys...” He shrugged. “or you could have just kissed me then I would have known.” He bit his lip at the thought of their lips touching. He ran his hand down Alex’s back urging him to turn around. “They might well be under your nose, I mean I have see Larry from Apartment 3 checking you out.” He let out a light laugh.
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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“At least they’ll know I accept them wholeheartedly,” Ebru retorted half-jokingly. “Even if they weren’t interested to begin with?” She was finding it hard to shake off the sense that her coworker just wasn’t interested in her. After all, it wasn’t entirely unthinkable that he’d never feel the same way. It wouldn’t be the first time someone was unable to think of a coworker as anything more than a coworker. “I know, and you’re a good friend for it,” she smiled softly as he nudged her. “I just don’t want you to end up regretting this. I mean, it could get a little weird. I mean, we’re going to have to do a lot of lying to pull it off.”
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“I am pretty sure that if you went on date with a guy and you told them that you knew their live history, I think they would run a mile.” He laughed. He knew that this guy may not be interested in Ebru but there was no harm in trying. She was always one to give up at the first hurdle and he had learnt that if you keep trying it always pays of in the end. “Thank you, I like to think I am a great friend.” He flicked his hair and smiled. “I will not end up regretting it, we have been friends for years, I am sure we can do this with out making it awkward.” 
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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                  she can tell she’s not going to win this fight by the way he quickly dismantles her lies. frustration falls upon her – lower lip jutted out with her arms crossed over her chest. she’s grown accustomed to getting her way and easily manipulating every situation that she didn’t want to be in. he just so happens to be a lot less malleable compared to others in her life. her eyes roll, now adamant on keeping up with her lies. her eyes narrow towards him, uncrossing her arms from her chest. “you’re fucking joking, right?” she inquires with a sordid laugh. she takes a few steps closer to him, her gaze fixated up towards him. her tiny frame is nothing in comparison to his own. she’s not sure why she’s so confident – thinking she can trick him into believing she’s not tampering with the same thing that almost brought him to his downfall. “i told you, it’s not mine. it’s my brother’s. you might think he’s a sweet, innocent angel but he’s not. i’ve been saving his ass for years now,” she hisses. 
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russell wanted to laugh as she crossed her arms huffing like a little child who had been caught out or one that could not get their own way. she was so used to being able to manipulating others but russell could see through it all. it’s why they worked so well together. he always brought her down a notch when she thought she could get everything her way. “do i look like i am joking?” he huffed as he watched her walk up to him. he looked down at her tiny frame, a small smirk falling on his face that quickly disappeared as she lied again. “oh really? well i am sure if that’s the case then he would not mind if i just disposed of this down the toilet then?” he shrugged. “i mean i would be doing him a favour.” the smirk forming on his lips once more. 
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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Elijah assumed this was just a dream. An awful dream, and he’d wake up and he’d still be in the situation that led him to this conversation. He hated that he assumed everything good couldn’t be real. None of it was real, right? Maybe? He felt Russell’s touch, and while it felt foreign, it was welcomed for once. To know someone was still around; that he didn’t ruin another friendship or relationship, or anything, really. He slowly nodded his head as the other spoke, his words not coming to his lips, but he was listening. He was accepting the words, and he was surprised he hadn’t tried to back out already. Russell’s question is what caught him off guard, but he should have expected it. Maybe he just wasn’t expecting it so soon. Elijah slowly moved away from Russell and his touch, almost feeling like he didn’t deserve the kindness he was giving him. “It doesn’t hurt to try once, right?” He suggested with a small chuckle. “I mean, I’ve been through these conversations before, and no one stuck around longer than necessary until they realize they need to give up. And… I don’t want to lose you, too, so I guess trying to get sober is my only option now.” The fact that he didn’t want to lose Russell played a big part, and maybe deep down Elijah wanted to get sober and be healthier than he was. He didn’t know.
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Russell slumped his hands down to his side as Elijah moved away. He was worried that maybe the other male was having second thoughts about accepting his help. He hoped this was not the cause, he had spend so long trying to get Elijah to accept his help that if he changed his mind Russell would be broken. Russell shook his and let out a small chuckle. “Once is all it took with me.” That one time was hard and he had thought about giving up but he kept going with the help of people close to him so he knew how important it was to have some their to hold you hand while you fighting this battle because it was a hard one. The older male cared for the younger a lot so he wanted to be there in case he ever felt like giving up. He smiled up at Elijah, he wanted to hold him and tell him that even if he struggles and feels like giving up, Russell would be there for him but he decided it would best to give him space for now. “You won’t lose me, I promise I will be here as long as you need me to be.”
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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          Elle let out a long drawn-out sigh as eyes narrowed at him. “So this is how it’s going to go down?” She couldn’t threaten him with violence, he was too valuable an asset. Currently, The Company didn’t have a shapeshifter, so it was of the utmost importance she got this guy on their side. “I’m Elle Bishop, and…” She had never run into this kind of situation before. How to resolve without violence? “And if you’re really not the guy we’re looking for, you won’t mind me hanging out with you today, just to make sure, would you?”
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Russell could not help but laugh. “I am sorry but I have no idea who you are and the only thing that is going to down is my hoover when I hoover under the table.” He had wanted one day of quiet where he could get on with his chores and have a relaxing day to himself, that was not going to happen now. “It’s nice to meet you and I am the wrong guy.” He rolled his eyes. “I was hoping for a quiet day today so if you don’t mind leaving that would be great.” 
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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A slight shiver of want ran down her back. This was definitely not the time for those kinds of thoughts to be beating around in her brain. Instead she focused on how happy Russell was that she’d agreed to his terms. “Sounds like I need to start packing so we can go home.” The redhead pulled him down for a kiss. “Give me like, ten minutes then I’ll run out that door with you and never look back.” 
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He smiled and smacked the redhead playfully on the bum. “Well, hurry up then, I don’t want to wait around much longer.” He could not wait to get out this house and away from anyone who was keeping them apart. A thought popped into his head and he shouted up the stairs as she was packing. “Why don’t we move far away from her?”
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
Santana watched the way the other halted, almost choked on his drink even. At least that was what it looked like. He didn’t blame Russell, he probably would’ve had the same reaction. Surely neither of them expected this at all.
“I’d hope so. To my understanding neither of us knew about this.” At least, he hoped so. There was really no way either of them knew. That was the point of a blind date.
“I don’t suppose you want to go through with this?” He wondered. They could either try, or leave. There was no preference.
Russell coughed, the water had gone down the wrong way, it was shock of staring at the man in once loved stood opposite him. He could not believe his date turned out to be his ex, this is why he never agreed to blind date.
“Of course I did not know about this, I don’t know many people that would agree to go on a date with an ex.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t mind, I am going to stay because my friend is paying for the food so it’s up to you if you want to stay or not.”
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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Markus had been using before he’d known about Russell’s past with it. It was just by that time, he was too afraid to tell him considering what he’d been through. But Markus’ circumstance was different or so he’d convinced himself. He wasn’t addicted and he’d never done more than two lines at once. He felt very in control of it because he had so many rules that came with his use, rules that he’d never strayed from. He somehow told himself that if he was functioning then it wasn’t as big of a deal. He’d been at the shop all day and honestly itching to do one, hoping that Russell wasn’t home. He’d added him to the list of rules; never do it whenever they’d be together. Nonetheless, he was still happy to see him when he walked through the door. He’d hardly had a chance to greet him before he took notice of his aura and his gaze followed his to the powder laying on the table. He took a deep breath, rubbing a hand across his mouth. There was no use lying, he was perfectly aware that Russell knew what it was. “Does it really matter what I say?” He asked softly, knowing the other was going to scold him. He didn’t want to say it but he didn’t have an addictive personality. That wasn’t him. 
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Russell was staring at the bag of powder on the table in front of him, memories of him being wired up to machines, his family being told to say their goodbyes. He thoughts then went to thoughts of if it was Markus lying there, he could not imagine how he would cope if that was the case. Part of Russell wanted to never have found this, he wished her had not come home early to surprise Markus and take him out for dinner, because in this moment part of him hated the man he loved. The other part of him was glad he had come home, he was glad that he had found this bag, he knew the effect that it could have one people. One sniff and that was it, you would not know how it stop, well that was the case for Russell, he was hoping that it would not be the same for Markus. Russell hoped he had caught it in time. He spoke gently, tears forming in his eye as he looked at the man he loved. “No, it does not matter what you say because nothing could excuse this.” He nodded down at the bag. “I just want to know why?” He raised his head to look in the another’s eye.
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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She brushed her hair that had fallen into her lips, her eyes looking up at him. “Uhm.. I live across the street too.” she muttered with a blush. Did they really live so close this whole time, and never knew it? “I get off in ten minutes.” she spat out, shock that she’d said it so quickly and surprisingly easy.
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He narrowed his eyes at her trying to see if he recognised her. He nodded his head when he finally figured it out. “Ah yes, I think you live on the third floor, right? I think I saw you on the stairs at some point.” His eyes went wide and he laughed slightly at her bluntness. “Wow, well I would say did you want to grab a coffee but, I think you might be bored of that by now.” 
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
gwen laughed softly. “im guessing it was a whole thing wasn’t it?” her mouth soon began to water as she watched the male take the bacon out of the fridge and began to prepare it. it was a relief to hear she wasn’t as bad as she thought in terms of what came out of her mouth or what her actions were. typically they were a bit awful and she was low key happy that she never really remembered what she said to people the night before unless they tell her. she smiled brightly at his compliment towards her. “the taxi driver, huh? if that’s the case how come i didn’t end up going home with him instead?” she grinned at russell. 
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russell laughed and shrugged. “yeah, it was the whole thing.” he placed the bacon in the pan listening to it sizzle as he got some plates out the cupboard. he turned to her and grabbed her mug, refilling it for her. he smirked to himself, he could not wait to tell her that she started to flirt with a man that was old enough to be her grandad. he took a sip of the coffee from his mug. “well if you fancy men in their sixty’s then sure you could have gone home with him.” he shrugged. “i don’t think he was your type though.”
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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“I’ve climbed out my window before, mind you.” The Brit told him as she pushed the window open and looked over at the ivy she was about to become acquainted with. Moving to grab the vine, the female took hold and moved to slowly start climbing  after he had started his decent down. Carefully as she could, she moved down the wall. “I won’t die, come now, have a little faith in me.” 
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“You may have climbed down your window before but have you ever tried it in the pouring rain? I would not recommended it.” He laughed as he pushed himself down the ivy vine which was slippery slightly form the rain the night before. He climbed to the bottom and jumped the rest of the way. He looked up as Tessa finished the last bit. “Don’t worry I will be here to catch you if you fall.”
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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She was.. kind of pissed. She’d got that far without hurting anyone. Hurting people, that wasn’t who she was. “Yeah exactly! You killed someone! You knew how I’d react to knowing and that’s exactly why you didn’t tell me, so who’s the selfish one now.” 
“Yeah because he made a mistake, he was in debt anyway he was trying to pay it off!” she was enraged, and she wasn’t the argumentative type. It actually made her feel sick, the knowledge that someone had been murdered, on her behalf.. and she was meant to be grateful for that death. “Don’t dare say I’ve not been there for you, I’ve been there for you.  I was the only one there for you.” she hissed. Grabbing her bag and sliding her jacket on. “You don’t get to talk about him like that, to try and tarnish the memory of him like that, make him in to a bad person.” 
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“Whatever.” He mumbled to himself, he was fed up of arguing with her, he did not enjoy arguing with her however Russell was not one to back down, he was too stubborn to do that. He laid on the bed and waited for her to leave, the door slammed shut. It would be the last time that he would see Eden for weeks.
Russell was relaxing in his living room, it had been a month since he had seen Eden, he had tried to contact her but to no avail. He would be lying if he did not say he missed her, they spent many days together during the week and being without for a week was difficult let alone weeks. His phone went off and he grabbed it, hoping it was her. He nearly collapsed when he saw who the message was from. ‘It was her debt to pay, you can’t pay for someone else’s debt. She will pay for this.’ He jumped up and ran out the door, not even thinking about locking it, he needed to get to Eden and fast. He ran to her apartment, it was not far from his. He rang the doorbell to her apartment, hoping she would answer. 
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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Russell had been heartbroken since his ex had left. They left with no explantion and no physical goodbye, they just left a note on Russell’s bedside table saying goodbye. Today was the first time he had been out in a while apart from work, he hardly left the house. He was at his local coffee shop, he heard someone cough and he looked up. His ex was standing there. “What are you doing here?”
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
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eyebrows furrowed together it was a little hurtful that the other thought he could just get over him, move on. that had never been how elliot was, too overcritical of himself to have regular one night stands, they were very occasional. “again, you did leave me.. if i want to date or fuck someone then i will but most of the time i have been replaying our relationship, trying to work out what i did so wrong that you would leave.. suppose you just realised that you could do better than me,” shoulders tugged up into a shrug, a sigh coming past his lips. “none of the new stuff is quite ready for release, older songs still give off the same message that i turn feelings into words.”
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russell shook his head and sighed. elliot would never know the know the reason why the older male broke it off with him. he was too stubborn to admit that the reason was because he felt that he would never be good enough to be with the younger male. he was just a car salesman. elliot was a worldwide success. “i know i left you. you can fuck who you want i don’t care but don’t you think its difficult for me to hear all those stories whether they are true or not?” he mumbled under his breath. “it’s more like i will never be enough for you.” russell rolled his eyes. “so i take it a lot of the songs will be about how much of a dickhead your ex is?”
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russellwoodsten · 5 years
Cont from russellwoodsten
Alex’s eyes followed Russell as he walked across the room, admiring the sway of his hips that caused the towel to be dangerously close to falling. The man was beautiful, and his heart almost skipped a beat as he observed him closely. 
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“Yeah, I mean, I couldn’t af-” He stuttered as Russell dropped the towel, swallowing hard as he forced his gaze away, ignoring the way his heart rate seemed to spike. “Couldn’t afford a new car right now at all.” Alex ran his hand through his hair and waited for his roommate to pull on his pants before turning back to smile at Russell. “Ah, yeah. That, uh… Hasn’t really come up yet. But yeah. Probably would have been good for me to tell you that, but you were trying so hard to find me a girl I felt bad.”
Russell moved to sit next the other male. He sat dangerously close to Alex, their bodies touching. Russell gazed over at Alex, licking his lips gently. He always found Alex attractive, so seeing him now, it made Russell just want to turn his head towards the other and kiss him but he retrained himself.
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 “So when were you planning on telling me?” Russell wondered how long Alex had been into guy’s. Alex was the first person to know about Russell being bi. The only thing Alex did not know was that is was the reason Russell knew in the first place. He laughed at his next comment. “Well thanks for that mate, I have spent the last few years trying to find you a nice girl and wondering where I was going wrong.” He tapped his finger on Alex’s chest. “I guess I should start finding you guy’s to date now instead.”
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