rwolfy51-blog · 7 years
Don't spend your entire life just watching the clocks...instead, do what it does, keep going.
R. Wolfy
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rwolfy51-blog · 7 years
Reality check
Me:Why do i just fuck up everything?
My thoughts:Because you are useless!
Me:But what can i do to stop it?
My thoughts:Nothing...
Reality:There is no possible way that you could mess up everything. Yes, granted, we all make some stupid mistakes throughout our lives...BECAUSE WE ARE HUMAN! If we all lived perfectly, never did anything wrong than nothing would be right. Some mistakes are the reasons that we are able to grow and develop. Its up to you to try hard, to try your hardest. That is the best thing that you can possibly do.
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rwolfy51-blog · 7 years
My First Ever Tumblr Post
I’m gonna keep this post short and sweet. i don’t want to blab or start typing too much, that’s not my sorta thing. I’m looking to use this tumblr account both as a way of self-expression and also as a way to not only motivate myself, but also others. oh and by the way my name is Wolfy... well for now at least...or R if yo want to mention my name at all. My one goal in life is not to achieve for myself, but to purely inspire others. I hope that you enjoy this account and follow for more updates.
Kind regards,
R. Wolfy
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