rxdism · 10 years
\ His mind was temporarily relieved from all his worries when the cat was there, but now that the cat was gone, he had returned to his tense disposition. Red really wanted to follow the cat, but right now he had to deal with this lady. If he was lucky, maybe she would leave him alone.
Apparently that wasn't happened. The woman was apparently looking after the cat, but to be honest, if Red had to just, this woman wasn't doing a very good job. And even worse? She even asked if the cat was hers! If she was supposed to be taking care of it, it was technically hers, so why is she asking if he owned the cat? In Red's opinion, this woman didn't really care about the cat, she just needed to look after it.
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".....It isn't mine. And if you're here to look after the cat, you shouldn't let it run off just like that." When it came to animals, Red was very protective of them, so the following statement was said in a very stern tone.
cat's play // isabel x red
She had lost track of the cat as it ran away from her. Isabel had been told about a stray cat that had sighted around Brieves and should be taken into the animal shelter for care and treatment. The cat that had been sighted seemed a little on the skinny side and was clearly the runt of the litter. The moment Isabel had heard about it she pulled on her work jacket and headed out to catch the animal.
It wasn’t long before she saw the cat in question, it was rubbing against a small young boy whom she didn’t recognize. She didn’t want to say anything that would startle the animal or the boy in front of her, so instead she took a step closer. This in turn caused the cat to run away. 
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Isabel looked at the boy, suddenly fearful. She hadn’t even spoken a word yet and this boy seemed to know that she was behind him. “I ain’t got business wit’cha buddy. I’m here to look afta’ the cat.” She smiled as politely as she could. She didn’t want to cause any more distress than she had to. “Are they yours?”
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rxdism · 10 years
- Oh, look what he found. Some ignorant student who could care less about the school's environment. If some inspector had stumbled across the campus, this school would probably be closed down for all the junk that had accumulated across the campus. However, as long as the school remained prestigious thanks to a select amount of students. The other students had the finances to enter here, but did some of them care about education? Guess not.
Elaborating from before, this was probably one of those cases. No one else was around the campus, and he noticed everyone else was in their classes, so it seemed as if this guy was just slacking off.  Walking twenty meters to the closest trash bin was a bother? Yep, it's confirmed, this guy is a douchebag.
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"What's more of a bother, walking to the trash bin, or walking through a junkyard?"
overhaul // kouha x red
Kouha had never been one on time, he usually found himself being late when it came to everything. Even the special family dinners that had been planned for months was him walking in the door thirty minutes lates like ‘Oh, that dinner was today?'  Then proceed to walk to his room, he really had no clue over time at all.
That was why he currently found himself walking through the campus twenty minutes late to his history class. Seeing someone picking up the trash scattered around on the campus, he found himself stopping for a moment, just to take a peek. It wasn’t that hard to overhear him as he found himself nearing the dark haired male.
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"Because walking twenty meters to the closest trash bin is a bother."
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rxdism · 10 years
Kanda/Eru~ (=ↀωↀ=)
uhhhHHHHHHHHH idk???? i dont even follow a lot of things here
Pro: They can make babies
Con: They can make babies
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rxdism · 10 years
Pro: Red will eat anything Nako cooks. And Nako will give Red a home uwu
Con: Everyone’s going to be suspicious when they see Nako taking a homeless guy in.
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rxdism · 10 years
yata x skateboard {mourns}
//mourns along with you
Pro: Skateboard is eternal and will stay with Yata 5ever until the day he dies uwu
Con: you cant frick frack a skateboard…. or can you
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rxdism · 10 years
Give me a ship and I'll tell you a pro and a con to that ship.
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rxdism · 10 years
\\ This person, or Otoya to be exact, was pretty upbeat to be exact. He was just so cheerful, always wearing a smile on his face. It sort of reminded him of a childhood friend.... but he looked completely different than the person standing in front of him. Otherwise, Red could kind of see a resemblance.
However, his childhood friend wasn't as chatty as Otoya. He was currently barraging Red with questions, and although he knew this person had good intentions, it was kind of getting a bit irritating.. Maybe he should try to inch his way from this person, however that would be a bit rude. For now, he should answer as many questions as possible.
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"I go to school at St. Jerome's. As for the offer; sorry, but I have to go to work after school. I'm used to scavenging for food, and I need to save my money if I want to try and get an apartment in the near future." However, upon Otoya mentioning his scent, Red's face turned a slight shade of red. "Do I really smell bad....?"
The Morning Routine // open
“You’re welcome!" Otoya beamed, watching as the boy unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite. If there was one thing the redhead loved more than music, it was helping people out. It was probably some psychological thing to do with his upbringing, but he never really felt the need to question it. Helping people was good, so there was no need to.
”Red-kun, then! I’m Otoya! Otoya Ittoki." Hearing that the boy was sixteen, Otoya brightened up even more, "wow! That’s young to be living… aha—nevermind! I’m nineteen. I go to Harpwood U!" 
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“Where do you go to school? If you’re worried about being late, maybe I could meet you afterwards and we could go to the grocery store~? You look like you could use some food and stuff!" Otoya suggested, "I could let you use the showers at my dorm too, if you want! Not that you smell that bad, Red-kun.”
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rxdism · 10 years
\\ He didn't get what this man meant by having somewhere to sleep tonight. Of course he had somewhere to sleep tonight, this spot right here. Otherwise, if this person was talking about a home, he had none.
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"....It is safe, I've slept here for a year and nothing major has happened to me. And I do have somewhere to sleep tonight, right here. However, if you're talking about a home or a bed, then I have none. Not that it's any of your business."
The comfiest spot he could find…? Did that mean this boy was homeless?
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"I’m not attempting to steal your spot. It’s not safe out here. Do you not have somewhere to sleep tonight?"
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rxdism · 10 years
overhaul // kouha x red
Honestly, what was wrong with some of the Harpwood University students? It was supposed to be a prestigious campus, yet they just leave their trash lying around for some maid to pick up. If they didn’t have to be such slobs, Red would have less work to do. But no, they just leave their junk all over the place, resulting in Red having to meander around campus holding trash bags, picking up wrappers, bottles, just anything lying on the floor. If some kid lost his term paper somewhere on the floor, Red wouldn’t be sorry. Their fault for just throwing it on the floor and not caring about it.
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“Gosh, why can’t people pick up after themselves?” he uttered out loud, not caring if anyone was there. If anything, those stupid university students should hear what he said as a PSA to pick up their trash.
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rxdism · 10 years
rain soaked // makoto x red
\\ Nightfall. It was summer, so it was exceedingly hot in Brieves, the heat still lingering throughout the night. Even worse, it was raining. Raining on a humid night, and guess what Red was doing. He was looking for a place to sleep. The rain had caused quite a bit of following, making it hard for Red to find a dry place to sleep. Everything was closed by now due to the rain, and Red was already soaked, exhausted, and just miserable. It was just too hot for him to continue on like this.
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"Dammit, where's a bus shelter when you need one?" Red muttered under his breath as he dashed through the rain. He didn't know where he was, he was just running through various streets, looking for somewhere to sleep without being kicked out or shooed away. So far, he was having no luck.
And karma's a bitch. Already drowning in misfortune, Red wasn't looking where he was going, slipped on something, and ended up plunging into a river. "...Fuck." Now Red was soaked, exhausted, sticky, and 10 times more miserable than before.
"At least there's a bus shelter here..." Red finally found a place to sleep after what felt like hell. It was in front of an apartment, but who would be heartless enough to shoo him away from there? Hopefully he wouldn't meet someone like that tonight. For now, he'll just rest. Tomorrow he'll assess the damage made to his body and the damage to his knapsack.
He was just about ready to doze off when he heard the sound of footsteps. Quickly, he woke up, just ready to be kicked out of his place.
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rxdism · 10 years
those arm muscles though // g/kou x red
“I feel so sore today…” after getting ready for the day, Red assumed that the aching in his joints would go away. However, the pain didn’t fade away, and it just irritated Red. “Maybe I should stretch…” With that, Red started doing some basic stretches, ranging from stretching his arms to doing the splits.
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“What are you looking at?” he sensed the presence of someone’s eyes, and he turned around to view whoever was looking at him.
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rxdism · 10 years
tracker : 25 Jul 2014
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alright here's my tracker lmao
Waiting on: Lovino (pricey pasta - starter); Isabel (cat's play - starter); Guy (raging waters - starter); Snow (unconventional - starter); Erza (cake run - reply)
Queued: Kouha (starter); Gou (starter) 
Owing: Makoto (starter); Otoya (morning routine - reply); Koujaku (reply); Nako (somewhere safe - reply)
Family's coming into town tomorrow so i have to spend time with them yeesh so I might knock the things I owe on Saturday night. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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rxdism · 10 years
unconventional // snow x red
\\ Red knew it was pretty risky. To fall asleep in an empty field was only an invitation for animals or for muggers to attack. Furthermore, the grass would stain his clothes, and he would smell like nature. However, the grass was the closest thing to a bed he had felt recently. It was just so comfortable… he’d probably regret it later, but for the moment, he felt utter bliss.
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The first thing Red woke up to was the sound of buzzing insects. The grass no longer felt comfortable, and now it was just itchy. His clothes were stained with a yellow-greenish color, and he had a major headache. Plus, he had gotten the attention of a certain blond man.
I should have found somewhere else to sleep for the night.
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rxdism · 10 years
raging waters // guy x red
\\ So why exactly was Red Takahashi walking around Harpwood University completely soaked from head to toe?
Some sink in a classroom was broken, and Red had to go and fix it. It was an easy fix, but it didn’t come without its problems. The sink was spewing water everywhere when Red initially checked it out, and when he tried to get close to it, a torrent of water decided to barrage him. After a few minutes of fighting with the water (strange, isn’t it?) he eventually managed to get it under control. However, it didn’t come without damage to Red. He got drenched while trying to calm the mad faucet down, and he was probably going to catch a cold if he didn’t hurry back to the storage room.
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“…..Don’t look.” he gave an icy stare to an oncoming student in an effort to scare them away.
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rxdism · 10 years
cat's play // isabel x red
\\ If Red did have a favorite pastime other than doing homework, doing his job, or looking for food, it was making friends with cats. Mostly just stray cats, but who cares about rabies anyway? Red didn’t.
He meets cats all the time, at least one cat every day. Today, he stumbled across a ginger tabby after getting off from work. Red looked around, making sure no one else was there before kneeling down to start communicating with the cat.
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“You’re a cute one, aren’t you…” Red extended his hand out to the cat as a request to pet the cat. The cat nuzzled his hand, and Red started scratching its ears. “So….. do you have a name?” his childish side started to rear its head, whenever he was around cats he would act less like a 16 year old and more like a 5 year old. However, soon after, the cat suddenly ran away, appearing to be startled.
“Ah? Why are you running away?” Red reached out for the cat, but the cat was already gone. Putting two and two together, he deduced that someone had come out of nowhere and bothered the cat.
“……What is your business with me?” he assumed that someone was indeed behind him, and called out to someone… whether a person was there or not.
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rxdism · 10 years
pricey pasta // lovino x red
\\ Being almost entirely broke had its pros and cons.
Today was one of those days where Red regretted leaving Tokyo with almost nothing. Looking for dinner was probably the hardest task of the day, especially when all the cheap restaurants had subpar quality food, and all the expensive restaurants had the great meals. Red knew he had to be frugal, but still, eating fast food pretty much every day was bad for his health. It wasn’t his fault that all the healthy foods were way out of his budget. He suddenly stopped in front of an Italian restaurant, intrigued by the scent of the shop. Pasta really sounded good right now….. but when Red took a look at the price, he cringed. Those were… some pretty pricey plates. Just a bowl of pasta was 49 euro. Nevertheless, he might have enough spare money. Red pulled out his funds to see if he had enough to buy it.
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101 euro. Nope. He wasn’t going to waste half of his funds on a plate of pasta. Sighing in disappointment, Red turned to another direction to resume his search, only to swerve right into a certain brown haired man.
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rxdism · 10 years
\\ Red had always looked rough ever since he started living the thug life at the age of ten. He had red marks on his arms, old bruises on his elbows, and a distinct cut on his cheek, covered by a bandage. Otherwise, his face looked completely clear, and the rest of his battle scars were covered by clothes. For one reason or another, the girl had this certain aura that was similar to one of cornered prey. She was most likely a bit edgy talking to Red, especially with the way he looked.
He could obviously tell that this girl was feeling antsy, as she turned to the side, looking away from Red. His demeanor had always frightened off people, and the person in front of him was probably just using up her courage to talk to him. Maybe he should tell this person not to bother talking to him, but it would rude to just tell her just out of the blue. If Red informed the girl that he was homeless, that would probably scare her away.
Red looked at the girl with a dull expression, adjusting his hat before speaking up. "....I don't have a home...." he stood up and took one last glance at the girl before walking away. "......Sorry, but I'm leaving now. I need to find another place to sleep..."
Somewhere Safe | Red & Nako
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