ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 19 days
thank god anything at all useful is being torn down and made illegal so that the computer can just be a box you turn on to watch ads for fake phone games
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 29 days
i love you USPS I love you NASA i love you taxpayer funded services that actually contribute positively to society i love you libraries i love you public transport
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 2 months
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 2 months
In which I'm angry about intersexism from trans people. Again.
"AFABs don't experience [thing experienced by intersex people of all assigned genders]!" is getting really fucking old. People re-inventing the sex and gender binary through their weird fucking fixation on "are you AMAB or AFAB? Are you TMA or TME?" is exhausting.
I'm tired of existing in trans spaces as a trans person, only to realize how actively hostile those spaces are to intersex people. I don't bother to go to the local trans support group, because my experiences there when I first tried to attend were fucking rancid. Trans people of all assigned sexes and all genders act like I don't belong there, and I hit my limit on that shit real fast. It's exhausting, it's alienating, and it's fucking miserable!
Trans people, you have got to fucking stop acting like intersex people don't exist. You have got to fucking stop acting like you own the concept of sex and gender based violence. You have got to fucking stop acting like transfem and transmasc are a set, incorruptible binary. You have got to fucking stop acting like your fucking bullshit in-fighting isn't affecting people who aren't you.
I'm tired of intersex people discussing our own experiences only to get shit all over by perisex trans people who want to put everyone in a binary.
I'm tired of watching intersex people get treated like shit by terfs and transphobes, only for perisex trans people to accuse us of "appropriating trans struggle" when we talk about it.
I'm tired of talking about my experiences as an intersex trans person only to get constantly hit with endless variations on "shut up, theyfab" or "um, you're TME."
I'm tired of talking to my transfem friends and partners, us relating to each other on our similar experience, and then having random other trans people on the internet decide that, actually, I'm a raging transmisogynist who doesn't value trans women and is trying to "appropriate" their struggle. Never mind how many of my own experiences I've been able to articulate thanks to the support of trans women in my life.
Perisex trans people, do better. Y'all fucking suck! Y'all fucking treat intersex people like total shit! Fuck you for using us as rhetorical devices against transphobes and then ignoring our actual needs and struggles!
I go outside and people call me a tranny with a freak ugly beard. I get targeted by all the same bathroom bills and public policy trying to force trans people out of the public. I get people asking me if I have a dick. I get people aggressively calling me "sir" in public. I started getting called a "he-she" when I was a child. When I started developing breasts, a family member told me they weren't "real titties, just extra fat." I have had total strangers tell me I "look like a fat man" when I got upset at being misgendered. I get "helpful advice" from strangers about how to shave "properly," even though I didn't fucking ask, nor do I intend to shave my beard. I've had people tell me I have "tranny feet" and tell me to "try the drag queen shoe store" when I talk about how hard it is to find women's shoes that fit me. I have been the subject of nasty rumors about what's between my legs and why I "try to look like a woman." I'm not a woman, mind you, but I still get treated as a "wrong woman" by society.
But when I talk about all these things? When I seek support? Trans people of all genders call me a TME theyfab who is appropriating transfem struggles.
I still don't understand how I'm the one "appropriating" when it's the outside world calling me a tranny he-she freak.
But whatever. I guess I just have to accept that intersex people are subhuman to perisex people, even the trans ones. 🤷‍♂️
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 2 months
So my friend @toiletpotato suggested this TEDTalk on another post where I suggested reading some KimberlĂŠ Crenshaw, and frankly.... You all need to watch it. If you want to understand the frustrations, fears, and the perspectives of being Black women and how and why our needs are different, and you want a place to start? Watch this video. If you really want to be that intersectional, true feminist and ally? Watch this video. If you want to be better, it's time to do better, and I think this is a very good introduction.
The Urgency of Intersectionality- KimberlĂŠ Crenshaw (version w/transcript)
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 5 months
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Jordana LeSesne (1.8.7) is a Black trans woman. She is widely regarded as the top drum and bass producer in the world. Without her, we wouldn’t have electronic music as we know it today. 
She came out in 1998 and went on to get a contract with the Syfy Channel, be profiled in Rolling Stone, and have several albums chart in the Top 25.
She also mixed the original music for the FREE Cece documentary!
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 6 months
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 6 months
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 6 months
wanting to talk to people is so fucking embarrassing. literally hi it's me again I wanted to have a conversation with you because I think you're fun to talk to. oh god you can just fucking kill me if you want sorry
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 7 months
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 8 months
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u are all so so loved by me
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 8 months
hearing people moan about minors getting hrt is insane because. i was a minor who got hrt lol. and the cruelest thing the doctor did to me was not giving me more hrt
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 8 months
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 8 months
all a trans guy has to do is say “hey masculinity and manhood is so enforced and policed it’s suffocating to live within but we’re violently punished when we step outside of those expectations. maybe we should talk a out what it’s like to live as a man under patriarchy so we can imagine a future that tears down all aspects of the way gender and sex are oppressed with women” and someone on here will say you’re antifeminist and this is privilege talking and all men have it easy so shut up and listen to some other group
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 8 months
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 8 months
Why do people under any circumstance think it’s justified to compare transmascs’ oppression to any other group’s oppression? It would be like going around to random AAPI people to tell them they have it better than Black people in the U.S. when it comes to racism just because the racism they’ve experienced functions differently.
In the “trans women have it worse” case people are so staunch about believing men & women are opposites they have to believe trans men & trans women are opposites & that their experiences must be opposites as well. Newsflash trans men experiencing something doesn’t inherently mean trans women don’t & vice versa. You don’t need to throw trans men under the bus to talk about transmisogyny, & you don’t need to compare it to transmisogyny every time a transmasc talks about their experiences.
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ryebreadtimemachine ¡ 8 months
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New Crow Time 🐦‍⬛🦊🌟
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