ryojinbo · 3 years
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Joey Nux and Scrappy. Cowboy wrestling
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ryojinbo · 3 years
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ryojinbo · 3 years
How to fully control Your sub in 9 steps
1:  You  need to get into his head.
-Learn his fantasies and what turns him on.  Use this information against him and to Your advantage.
-Find out what humiliates him, and to what level.
-Make him show his loyalty to You regularly.  Reward him, even if it’s just with positive attention when he does.
- Aside from family, close friends and work, give him 0% privacy.  Don’t hide this process from him, make him partake in handing it over to you in ways that demonstrate how he is “losing the privacy.”  
-Make him need You for everything.  Point out how You help him, how You guide him, and how You accept the negative things about him that others may not.
- Hypnosis, especially while they are sleeping can help transfer messages, ideas and ideals about You deep into their faggot head.
2:  Punish him often for everything, no exceptions!
- Don’t let him get away with anything!  When You let your sub get away with something. You are telling him that You don’t care for him and that what he did was ok.
- You can Spank, paddle, or whip him.
- Humiliate him past what is easy for him.
- Long term bondage
- Corner time
- Food restrictions
- Writing standards/lines\
- Write a book report or essay.
- Ground him/take away privileges.
- Wash his mouth out with soap.
- Make him do anything he hates.
- Get creative and make the punishment match the crime.
- Never use separation or the threat of leaving/ending Your control over him as a punishment.  That is counterproductive to the end goal (trust and service) and is detrimental to the faggot.
3:  Routinely discipline him.  This is different than punishment.
- Spank him once a week, just because You can, not too hard, not too soft.
-Humiliate him often.
- 5-10 minuets of corner time a day can do wonders for him, like a sub’s meditation.
- If he is stressed, give him a break and put him in some comfy bondage for a while.  You may or may not want to integrate impact play with this.  For lots of subs, some pain can really help elevate their mode for the rest of the day or longer.
- Routine discipline will save You time and energy in the long run.  You will have to punish him less as a result.
- Taking care of You can be part of his discipline.  Have him do Your laundry, cleaning, etc.
4:  On some level, even if it’s small, keep Your sub horny for You.
- Talk sexy to him.
-Sexualize non sexual things/activities You are interested in. He will see whatever it is You’ve sexualized as such and be more interested/eager to engage.
- Have Your sub do some or all of Your body grooming. This can be Your baths, Your nails, shaving, trimming, waxing, etc.
- Scare him by telling him when and what You’re going to do to him in the near future.
- Send him text messages with orders to do something sexual.
- Make him give You orgasms.  This is different from sex.  This is a service.
- Let him rest on You to smell You as You watch TV or read.
- Give him underwear/items of Yours to smell as he sleeps.
- Hypnosis, especially while Your sub sleeps can help with this too.
5:  Control Your own feelings of guilt.
-      Your sub needs You to be strong “with” him.  You may show vulnerabilities in Yourself for other aspects of Your life. When it comes to him and Your control over him, be firm!
-      Some meanness and cruelty will be needed from time to time to help break Your sub down.
-      Your sub may not want everything You give him/ do to him, but he needs it.
-      Letting Your sub get away with insubordinate behavior because You feel guilty adequately and severely addressing it is weak.  You need to control that shit.
-      Sub faggots need a real man who is close to them to guide them.  Sometimes real men need to show the fag that they are inferior.  This can’t always be done by talking.  And if it is done my talking, the talking can’t be politically correct/kind.
-      Humiliation/breaking him down, teaching him to serve long term, these are all things he needs.  You are filling his needs.
-      Remember, You both need to be happy.  But happiness comes from different places for different people.  If there is communication, and Your sub has communicated that he needs this life to be happy, then You are doing him a service and loving him by breaking him down and controlling him.
-      A good sub is hard to find. Don’t let the guilt of giving him what he needs stop You from doing so. What he needs may be overwhelming for him and he may break. If he does be there for him.
6: Humiliate/degrade/break him down on some level daily, some days more than others.
- Have him wear a small butt-plug for a time, wifi enabled if possible.
- Have him be naked or close to it, around You and or Your friends.
- Make him wear a collar or other symbol of inferiority.
- Make him wear a chastity device sometimes.
- Teach them “tricks” like sit, drop to their knees to kiss Your crotch, etc.  In public or with friends randomly call out a trick every now then. Make sure Your sub does this flawlessly without hesitation.
- Make him masturbate for You.
- Slap him in the face.
- Spit on him.
- Treat him as an inferior in public.  (Ex: he carries all bags, opens doors, eats Your leftovers, holds Your drinks, tie Your shoes  etc.)
- Make him eat his own cum sometimes.
- Talk down to him in front of others
7: Rearrange his life/time to better serve/please You.  Make sure this does not interfere with his time with loved ones or work.
- If You want to change his body to Your liking, do so.  Control his workouts, diet etc.  Make sure and be realistic with this one.
- Make sure he is available during some of Your leisure time each week so he will be able to serve You during those times.
- Put him on a sleeping schedule.  Lots of fags are not able to adequately manage their sleep times.  The better rested he is, the better he will serve You.
- Go through his closet/things and throw away/put away any clothing You don’t like him to be wearing.
- Sign him up to learn new tasks or prefect tasks/skills that will help You.  (Ex: massage classes, cooking classes, pet care, etc.)
- Change their grooming habits to Your liking.
8: Help Your sub be grateful for everything he has.  Make sure You are at the top of that list.  One great way to do this is to deny him things.  Yep, it’s time to say “No.”  Subs need boundaries, and saying “No” is a great way to help them with those boundaries.
- You can take away certain foods, comforts, leisure time, sex, masturbation, etc.
- Make him show his gratitude to You often.  Faggots will show this to You in their own way. Most faggots will need some help/instruction on exactly how to show their gratitude to You.
- Make him explain why he deserves something. If he can’t explain why well enough. Then take it from him.
- You can take things/items from him that You know he does not need, but likes.  (Make sure he can afford for You to take them and that they are not of an additional value such as sentimental etc.)  Let him know from time to time that You enjoy something that You took from him.
- Offer him a reward of getting to have something back. Make what you give him back relevant to what You make him do. This could be sort or long term.  
9:  None of these actions will work without real trust.
- If Your sub is Your partner, let him know how much his sub-ass completes You and Your power.
-  If Your sub is not Your partner, make sure You two are real friends. That You appreciate how his inferiority completes you.  The more You two know about and do with each other. The more thoroughly You can control him.
-Part of trust on the subs part is trusting that You will follow through when You say You are going to do something to him or are going to make him do something.  Follow through always.
-  When a sub fully trusts You. He can submit to You his mind and privacy. Letting You go in and re-arrange/manage his life.
- Subs need constant reassurance.  Let him know that no matter what, he is Yours.  If a serious sub feels disposable. He will look for another Dom who appreciates his surrender.
- If Your life is getting too hard for a bit or You need help with something. Trust that Your sub will be able to take over for You and act in your best interest until You are back in shape.  Giving  sub this responsibility will either make him feel trusted and good, or upset that You are not actively controlling him 100% of the time.  If he gets upset and does not step up and take over for You. Then drop him like a hot potato.
-Talk to Your sub often.  Ask him how he is feeling, and let him honestly know how You are feeling on anything and everything.
- By taking things away from him, You are in a sense rewarding him when You give them back.  Also, nothing he has is his forever.  You need to re-take things and privileges away from him periodically so he knows they are a privilege and not a right.  Think of it like taking a food bowl away from a dog.  Your sub needs be docile enough that You can take his food bowl away from him as he is eating. He will not make a fuss and patiently wait until the food is returned
-Please note: Do not ever deny him from being with Friends or family.  Make him realize that the only reason You allow him to have constant contact/interaction with good friends and family is because he “helps” them by being a good friend or family member.  Make sure the he understands that the happiness that comes from being with them is “second” to the happiness that he brings them.  Basically, he needs to understand that if he pulls away from loved ones. While he is under Your control his loved ones will suffer. That is why he is allowed (and encouraged) to keep and/or strengthen the bonds he has with them.
Please note: The following is a list of things to control a sub only. Please do not implement these ideas if You do not care about and are not committed to Your sub.  This list is not all inclusive of how to treat Your sub.  This list leaves out the important kind necessities that Your sub needs such as reassurance, love, respect, being protected, allowed to be protective of You etc.  These ideas are for a long term 24/7 arrangements, not a scene.  Not everything will apply in every case, and there may be things on the list that will work for You.
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ryojinbo · 3 years
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I decided to create a masterpost that would help you with what you are struggling with. Hopefully any of the links below will help you! Reminder; You’re going to be okay. What you are going through will pass, just remember to breathe. 
Here are some distractions to help keep your mind occupied so you aren’t too focused on your thoughts. 
-Draw something
-This website translates the time into colours.
-Create your own galaxy.
-Play flowing.
-Make a 3D line travel where ever you like. 
-Listen to music.
-Ocean mood, do nothing for two minutes.
Sleep issues; 
- 8 hour sleep music.
-Rainy mood. 
-Coping with nightmares.
-How to cope with nightmares, 11 steps.
-Foods that can affect your sleeping, both positive and negatively. 
 Uncomfortable with silence; 
-Rainy mood.
-10 hours of rain and thunder.
-3 hours of rain and thunder.
-Human heartbeat.
-Sound of rain on a tin roof.
-Autumn wind.
-Rain on a tent
-Traffic in the rain.
-Soft traffic. 
-Simply noise.
-My noise.
-Rainy cafe.
-How to stop worrying. 
-Tips to manage anxiety and stress.
-The 10 best ever anxiety management techniques. 
-Self-help strategies for anxiety. 
-Helping a friend with anxiety. 
-All about worrying.
-8 myths about anxiety. 
Sad, angry and depressed/depression; 
-“I’m always sad”
-Feeling sad.
-Going through trauma.
-“I’m always angry”.
-Anger management. 
-All about anger.
-National helplines and websites.
-Self-help strategies for depression.
-Dealing with depression at work.
-Dealing with depression at school.
Isolation and loneliness; 
-Pets and mental health.
-All about loneliness. 
-“I feel so alone”
-10 more ideas to help with loneliness. 
-How to deal with loneliness.
-Alternatives to self-harm and distraction techniques.
-146 things to do besides self-harm.
-More alternatives to self-harm.
-Self-harm alternatives.
-How to take care of self-harm wounds/injuries.
-Getting rid of scars.  
-How to help a friend with a drug addiction.
-What is addiction?
-All about alcohol and addiction.
-The facts about drug addiction.
 Eating disorders; 
-Helping a friend with an eating disorder.
-Eating disorder treatments. 
-Support services for eating disorders. 
-Self-help tips with eating disorders.
-Eating disorder recovery. 
-Recovering from an eating disorder. 
-100+ reasons to recover. 
-Understanding and managing eating disorders. 
 Dealing with self-hatred;  
-3 ways to ease self-loathing. 
-How to turn self-hatred into self-compassion.
-Self-hatred resources.
-10 step plan to deal with self-hate. 
-International suicide hotlines (1)  (2)
-Preventing suicide. 
-Reasons to stay alive.
-Dealing with suicidal thoughts and feelings.
-Coping with suicidal ideation.  
-All about schizophrenia.  
-Helping a person with schizophrenia.  
-Understanding and dealing with schizophrenia.  
-Delusions and hallucinations.  
-Managing your OCD at home. 
-Overcoming OCD.
-How to cope with OCD. 
-Strategies for dealing with the anxious moments. 
Borderline personality disorder; 
-Helping someone with BPD. 
-All about personality disorders.
-Treatment for BPD.
-Healthy relationships VS abusive relationships. 
-Emotional abuse
-Overcoming sexual abuse. 
-Hotlines services. 
-5 ways to escape an abusive relationship. 
-Domestic violence support. 
-Signs of an abusive relationship. 
-What do to if you’re in an abusive relationship. 
-Surviving abuse. 
-What you can do if you’re sexual harassed. 
-Sexual assault support.
-What to do if you’ve been sexually assaulted or abused. 
-How to stand up against bullying.
-How to protect yourself when it comes to cyber bullying.
-How to help stop people bullying you. 
 Loss and grief; 
-How to cope with a suicide of a loved one.
-Grieving for a stranger. 
-Common reactions to death. 
-Working through grief.
(Other loss and grief)
-Moving away from friends and family. 
-Coping with a breakup.
 Getting help; 
-Seeking help early. 
-All about psychological treatments. 
-Types of help.
-All about age and confidentiality. 
Things you need to remember; 
- Don’t stress about being fixed because you’re not broken.
-Remember to remind yourself of your accomplishments. Tell yourself that you’re proud of yourself, even if you’re not. 
- This is temporary. You won’t always feel like this. 
-You are not alone. 
-You are enough. 
-You are important. 
-You are worth it. 
-You are strong. 
-You are not a failure, 
-Good people exist. 
-Reaching out shows strength. 
-Don’t listen to the thoughts that are not helping you. 
-Give yourself credit. 
-Don’t be ashamed of your emotions, for the good or bad ones. 
-Treat yourself the same way as you would treat a good friend. 
-Focus on the things you can change. 
-Let go of toxic people. 
-You don’t need to hide, you’re allowed to feel the way you do. 
-Try not to beat yourself up. 
-Something is always happening, you don’t want to miss out on what’s going to happen next. 
-You are not a bother.
-Your existence is more than your appearance. 
-You are smart. 
-You are loved. 
-You are wanted. 
-You are needed. 
-Better days are coming. 
-Just because your past is dark, doesn’t mean your future isn’t bright. 
-You have more potential than you think. 
- Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.
Please remember to look after yourself and know that you are more than worth it and you deserve to be happy. Keep smiling butterflies x
980K notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
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383 notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
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297 notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
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115 notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
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Out of the blue my husband, Chris, suggested we go to a local gay bar for dinner and drinks. It was totally unlike him, he usually made dinner or wanted to go somewhere much more low key. I was excited for something new and wore a tight pair of dress pants, a button down and tie. Chris wore jeans and a t-shirt.
As soon as we arrived I could tell that Chris felt uncomfortable, out of his element. I sat sort of half facing the bar while Chris had a full view. He chuckled nervously during dinner and told me to look to my 10 o’clock, that some dude had been checking me out all evening.
I turned and that was the first time I saw HIM. Andrew. He had sort of long, wavy black hair and a light beard and mustache. He was wearing dress pants and an untucked, patterned button down. Average height, average build, probably a few years younger than me. Something about him and the way he looked at me made my pussy wet instantly. He smiled at me broadly, I smiled back.
Chris clanged silverware into a glass and my attention was back on him. We had been together 11 years and I knew him well, I knew that clanging was because he was uncomfortable, it wasn’t an accident. I had found his jealousy charming at first, but now it was frustrating. I couldn’t so much as look at a guy without him getting weird. 11 years of total monogamy and the dude just didn’t get it.
I smiled at Chris and made small talk. He hinted he would like to leave after we finished eating but I told him I wanted to have a few drinks and maybe dance. It started to turn into an argument and I ended it by saying “if you don’t want to stay then go, I’ll Uber home.” His face turned white and he said “I’ll just stay” with a giant pout.
Chris interrupted the silence with “he’s still looking at you.” I turned to see Andrew very blatantly looking right at me. I smiled at him again, he smiled back and I felt my ass wiggle. Something about this dude just got me. I wanted him. Chris could tell.
“Babe lets please go home. You’ve had 6 drinks and I’m tired.” “But I’m not tired. And I want to dance. I told you. I can get an Uber.” “No, I’ll stay.” “Then don’t pout. It’s ugly.” And with that I got out of my chair and moved toward the dance floor. Chris remained seated.
I hadn’t realized how tipsy I was until I was dancing, I probably looked like a moron but I was having fun. And that’s when I noticed Chris get up to go the restroom, and Andrew made his way to me.
“I’m Andrew” he whispered in my ear as he pulled my body close to his, our bodies immediately finding a rhythm. “I’m Robbie” I said as I ran a hand down his shoulder, his chest. I surprised myself doing that. But now especially, with him on me, he was driving me crazy.
“I have a husband.” “So? That mean you can’t dance with me?” “He’s gonna get really jealous when he sees us.” Clearly Andrew liked that, he put an arm around my waist and pulled me into him. He pulled his face close to mine. All I could see or think about his big brown eyes, they were making me melt. And making me horny.
“See, I like it when they get jealous. It tells me they know I can have what I want.” And he leaned in for a long, slow kiss. One of those kisses that makes you hard, makes your pussy twitch. I hadn’t been kissed like that since college. Chris really wasn’t a great kisser…
“Hey! What the fuck?!” Chris yelled but his voice got caught in his throat, he was trying to hold back how upset he was. “Calm down, dude. We’re just dancing.” Andrew teased. Chris looked at me and firmly said “babe, it’s time to go home.” “But I’m having fun!”
Andrew pulled me in close again, Chris’s body went rigid. Andrew nibbled my earlobe and whispered “I wanna fuck you.” More hard dick, more pussy twitches. “And I don’t care what your cuck husband thinks. I can tell how badly you need this.”
He wasn’t wrong. Chris and I had never had an amazing sex life, I’m all bottom and Chris is all boring. So vanilla, can’t always keep it up. He never ate me out. I had been so frustrated and we’d talked about it so many times, but nothing happened. And now this stud was blatantly trying to bed me…
I pulled away from Andrew and handed him my phone. He put his number into my phone and I sent him a quick text: “I’m gonna head home with him but I want you to come over after he’s passed out.” His response was quick: “😏😏😏”
The entire car ride home Chris went on about what an ass I’d made of myself, kept asking what if one of our friends had shown up and seen that. I played the good husband, apologizing, swearing it was just the booze talking. But truthfully my buzz was wearing off and all I could think of was Andrew.
We showered and climbed into bed. True to form Chris was passed out and snoring in just a few minutes. I pulled out my phone and sent Andrew a text: “Husband is passed out. Wanna come over?” “From now on you call him cuck and you call me Daddy, understood? If so, shoot me your address.” I couldn’t remember the last time my pussy was so consistently wet. I sent him my address, told him not to ring the bell and I’d watch for him.
The minute he came through the door our bodies intertwined, his kisses were life changing. His hands were possessive. He ordered me to strip and then pushed me to my knees. He shoved my face into his clothed crotch and ordered me to lick. He didn’t have to give that order.
And that’s when I first felt his cock. He was easily 8” of solid, thick cock. The kind of cock a man slaps on your face and bruises you with. I couldn’t contain my excitement and he smirked. Chris was maybe 4.5” on a good day and not very thick.
Andrew began unbuttoning his shirt and I ran a hand up his chest and began playing with his nipples. He pulled off his shirt and then undid his belt, pulling it out of the loops. “We’ll have some fun with this in a bit” he laughed.
He ordered me to crawl behind him as he made his way to the couch. He sat back, undid his pants and let his massive Daddy cock out. My eyes must have sparkled and he crooned “show Daddy what a good boy you are.”
I spent the next hour in heaven. First I had to adjust to his size, once I was used to it, I let my mouth and throat edge that big cock. I took my mouth off only to play with his balls and for the few times he pulled me in for a kiss.
“Daddy likes you, fag. Such a shame you’re married.” He put his hands behind his back. “If you were single Daddy would collar you right now. You’d belong to me. And judging by how hungry you are for that cock, I bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” I pulled off of his cock for a quick “yes, Daddy.”
“CUCK!” he called out loudly. “Oohhh cuck!!” I panicked, “please don’t do that” I pleaded. “Ooohhhh cucky! C’mere lil cucky and see what a real man can do for your husband.” And I could hear Chris rumbling around in our room.
That’s when Andrew pulled out the belt and used it like a makeshift collar, putting it quickly around my neck. First he pulled me in for a quick kiss and then he pulled my head down and his cock went down my throat right as Chris walked out of our bedroom.
“What the fuck is going on? Babe. Baby. What are you doing?” I could hear Chris’s voice trembling. “Please look at me, Robbie.” But Andrew now had a hand firmly on my head, keeping me in place, bobbing happily on his cock.
Andrew grunted and then looked at Chris. “For starters, what’s going on is your husband is finally getting fed a real cock. He’s so hungry for a real cock he’s been on mine for at least an hour now. And you are no longer to call him babe or baby. Those are just some of the many pet names I now get to use for him.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Andrew was claiming me. And even more surprising, I wasn’t resisting. Something about this dude told me if I lost my husband I’d be ok.
“From now on he’s all mine. And guess what….Chris? Is it Chris? Actually it doesn’t matter. Because, as long as you want to remain legally married to him, you belong to me too. And you’ve got a new name: Cuck.”
I heard Chris try to protest but I couldn’t tell you what he said. He was hammering on and on, his voice weak and I could tell, even without looking at him, that he was crying. I was annoyed. I pulled off Andrew’s cock and turned to Chris, “hey cuck. Either shut the fuck up and let me enjoy Daddy’s cock, or get out.”
I went back to Andrew’s cock. Chris went quiet. Andrew grunted and then chuckled.
To be continued…
750 notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
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Get back down on your knees fag! I didn’t allow you to stand up, boy!
546 notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
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206 notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
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206 notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
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14K notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
— littletinytimbennett (via littletimbennett)
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ryojinbo · 3 years
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349 notes · View notes
ryojinbo · 3 years
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I GIF’d myself 😬
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ryojinbo · 3 years
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fag point of view before i spit on ur face
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ryojinbo · 4 years
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Malika Favre 
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