s-ourtangerines · 2 years
namjoon from BTS is narrating the audio guide for ten pieces featured in the los angeles museum of art’s new korean exhibition. he got to choose which pieces he narrated, and for one he chose to talk about rha hye-seok, the pioneer of korean feminism — and he specifically did this during south korea’s current rising incel/anti-feminism movement
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link to all the narrations namjoon did for LACMA; other artists he chose include liberation activists, as well as north koreans who were blacklisted in south korea during the anti-communist regime
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s-ourtangerines · 2 years
…𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙪𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩…
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━ type: bts x gn! reader ━ masterlist
━ about: slight angst but mostly fluff, maybe even crackish at times ━ pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: listened to Chimmy's relaxing song while writing so if you wanna set the atmosphere you can listen to it as well
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NAMJOON: The streets are lonely this time of night. Not empty but lonely still. Lonelier even.
It's easy to leave. And that's what's scary. Not the words he said, not the anger but that you thought this was the love of your life. And it was easy to leave. Well...not easy per se but you could. You could if you have to.
Which meant that there is a possibility Namjoon could feel the same.
And then...then is this really the love of both your lives?
Is...love even a thing?
When you were alone you wished for a perfect dream, when you had your perfect dream you wished to be alone. What sense did it make?
You breathed a weary sigh, coming to sit on a lone bench in the middle of nowhere, light streaming, cold and pale, upon your head, hung low and facing the pavement.
Did you...did you perhaps just love the idea of love?
Or maybe, he did. He - the chaser of normalcy due to his own abnormality. He - the enjoyer of small things because all he got was grand. You sank deeper into the bench, gazing into the lantern like the light of God or whoever knew the greater meaning of the universe. Should there even be any.
What were you to him? A love of his life, as he said? But those are just...words. You said words. And some of it was lies. Did this mean other people did not lie as well?
"Do they even know about me?"
The sound of the rushing cars is almost overpowering. The wind. The silence between two people.
"No," deftly, you mutter after enough time has passed. "No, they do not."
"You're hiding me away?" he cries out. "Like some dirty secret?"
You raise your head and cooly meet his gaze.
"And what are you doing?"
Namjoon's fist closes around the rose stems and they prick his skin.
"It's different," he hisses.
"Of course, it is," you nod and he can't understand that feeling in your eyes. It's bitter all the same. "You get to hide me behind safety and documents and if we ever split up you get to breeze forth - neutral, untarnished. I get to be the fool, the ditzy dreamer thinking I can be loved by someone..." you toss him a pointed glare. "Of far greater stature."
"This is not what this is about!"
So what was this all about? What did all those fights mean? You hid him, he hid you and no one was happy. Looking at it logically the situation was nothing but a self-fulfilling fallacy. But maybe that was love - being illogical in the face of clear reasoning. How many had ignored signs due to love? How many deluded themselves into a living illogical daydream?
But then how many dared? How many had bore the strength to overcome obstacles and prejudice? How many had made the world a better place only because they loved one person?
This time you grunted, partially even screaming aloud, hoping all that frustration would find a place somewhere but as someone's weight settled upon the bench, you flushed, uncovering quick embarrassment in acting like this in public. You peek at the figure and stumble upon tired shoulders, head much like yours hung low and heavy and hands clasped around each other with all the worlds ponder. The figure of your partner.
"Wanted to know you're safe," he mumbles underneath his nose just barely enough above a whisper.
You don't know what to say so you say nothing. And so does he. But when his hand cautiously reaches to tap yours, you end up holding it anyway.
YOONGI: This is what you wanted. This is your doing. No one else's.
Of course, he left. He left because he has to.
You can't leave if he leaves you first.
But does that truly make it better?
He twirls the wires between his fingers trying to ground himself but as expectedly it fails. A soft knock raps at the doors of his studio and he whips round, nearly yanking the equipment off the desk.
Namjoon pokes his head through.
"Have you been crying?"
He turns to face the monitor.
"Why would I cry?" with some rekindled sense of spite, he sneers, hearing Namjoon sigh behind him.
"Just wanted to check in on you since you're usually over at ____________'s place this time around."
At first, he opens his mouth to toss a derisive comment, vomit up all the bitterness that he kept in the lining of his stomach, to be regurgitated as a defence but then he closes it and sags against the desk.
"Yeah, I'd like to be there now as well," he mutters.
This is perhaps what he wanted, have a partner who'd keep him at arm's length to absolve him of any kind of blame for doing it first but it doesn't matter who does what first, what matters is that it's done and Yoongi was never one to grumble about things without trying to change them.
Namjoon doesn't say anything but he understands, taking a step away from the doors and then keeping them open so Yoongi could rush out.
"Listen, I know people do this whole thing of meeting each other's parents and I'm cool with that but," you cough, clearly nervous but he didn't notice. Having been drowning in all the rose tints of the world at the time all he saw was how beautiful your hair looked, partly annoying by constantly sticking in your eyes.
He brushes the strand aside, tucking it behind your ear and you flush. The warmth of your skin dizzies him to the point where he hadn't heard, hadn't cared because he was ready to have you for anything in the world.
It's not that you don't love him. You just can't explain him.
But maybe, just maybe, he could help you to explain and vice versa. And no one had to leave.
When he busts through the doors of the apartment like a bat out of hell with its ass still on fire, you yelp by the dinner table, sitting in front of two steaming mugs.
"Made two out of habit," you mutter before resting your head on your arms, peering up at him with a soulful gaze. "Strange isn't it."
Yoongi takes a seat by the table, gripping his mug and finding his hands quite clammy.
"We've made a habit of each other," he hums.
"That we have," you hum. "I guess the plan of keeping each other at distance is not really working."
He reaches to put a hand over yours and you try to suppress the smile growing on your face by hiding it in the corner of your sleeve.
"Guess not. But isn't it better this way?"
The chair screeches as you pull it closer to his. He smells of outside air and cold and the cologne you gifted him on a whim on a random Tuesday.
"It is."
JIN: Everyone gives him a wide berth during this time. His favourite stylist hurriedly swerves into a different hallway upon hearing the decisive thud of his shoes. Even Jungkook avoids his infuriated gaze.
Fine, he doesn't need them anyway. Going to bed, he attests he doesn't need anyone anyway.
And if he has to lock his phone into a protected safe whose combination was only known to Bang PD who was vowed in blood to never reveal, it just goes to show that he's perfectly fine by himself.
But ultimately and regrettably when he goes to sleep home, pulls the duvet over his body with an angered tantrum, in due time, the wrinkle in his forehead mellows out and he can't help but stare at the neat and untouched side of the bed.
He might just be dreaming, but he thinks faint snowflakes fall from the sky, briefly glimmering underneath the street light. It's an innocuous thought, one he doesn't really think hard on. It's the thought that comes out of nowhere and disappears into nowhere, easy like breathing.
Were you cold? You never had any appropriate clothing. He always had to give you his scarves, gloves, coats, and socks.
He really loved giving you his scarves, gloves, coats and socks.
"Just five minutes, please," Jin feels an odd sort of deja-vu. But he thinks instead of Bang PD it was his mother who gave him the same acrid, judgemental stare over the top of his glasses.
"Forget it, kid, you bribed me with a whole car. You're not getting this phone back."
"I'll tattoo the number on my ribs," he warns but it doesn't deter Bang PD in the slightest.
"Go ahead," he snorts. "Jungkook wants to have nipple piercings. I've given up on you, punks. And first, you'd have to get it which is impossible as I'm not giving you the phone."
Dejectedly, Jin can only shuffle away, a cloud of persistent gloom hanging above his head. How exactly he ends up in front of a small cafe at the very corner of the city, he doesn't quite know but it had to probably do with the fact that it's Monday evening.
Monday evenings were date days.
He comes to a standstill in front of the inviting doors and being a dumbass he stares unseeing at the menu hung outside, pretending he's pondering on the food choices and not the choices of his life.
"Excuse me, grandpa, move it. Your big ass shoulders are covering the entire real estate."
He blooms into a wide smile before forcing it down and turning to glower at you, though failing miserably halfway. But at least he wasn't the only one. Despite the derisive hand on your hip, you were clearly biting the inside of the cheek - all to win the stupid game of who could show they were bothered the least by the whole ordeal.
"Hey, respect your elders!"
"So you admit you're the elderly?" you smirk at him deviously and Jin can hardly keep the laughter in.
An employee gives them a questioning frown and delicately places an ad on the door.
"-20% to couples."
You and Jin briefly stand mute before uttering all at once.
"We must."
"This is simply frugal."
The argument doesn't continue over the course of the meal as you've both well forgotten it by now.
"I locked my phone into Bang PD's safe and now he won't give it back to me," Jin informs, pushing a coffee he ordered your way. This was your favourite.
"That sounds like something you'd do," you nod along, putting a piece of your cake on his dish.
HOSEOK: When you come home it's deathly silent. Has been like that for three days now. You've gotten quite good at ignoring Hoseok's entire existence and so has he. For now, you're content on treating him as invisible, still brewing in remnants of anger.
You take off your coat and slide in the slippers. He's in the doorway holding the laundry basket and blocking your way. You glare at each other for a worryingly long time before stomping in your own, illogical directions. He takes the laundry to the kitchen, and you end up in the bedroom in hopes of washing your hands.
This is stupid, you realize, absolutely moronic but the intense need to be spitefully petty places you far away from the realm of logic.
"FUCK!" A sudden shout trembles the apartment and your heart immediately falls to the pit of your stomach. Crashing into the kitchen walls, you come to slide to a scene of the crime, already imagining the worst - he broke his leg, there's blood, oh my god, Hoseok's hurt!
You find him in great emotional distress though physically unharmed and water spouting like a whale from the broken sink.
"Oh, shit," you yelp as well, throwing a haphazard towel on the disaster, then promptly slipping on the floor and collapsing on top of Hoseok, not unlike a vengeful sack of potatoes. He groaned in pain, attempting to get up and then falling ass over tits once more.
"I'll turn off the water!" you yelled. "Just try to stop the leak!"
"Give me your shirt!" he yells back.
"My shirt?! It's no time for sexual endeavours, stupid!"
"It's not for sex, dumbasss, I don't want to spoil the washed laundry!"
You blinked the water out of your eyes. His hair might be soaked, sticking flat to his forehead and there might be heavy bags clinging to his eyes, professing lacklustre nights of sleep but if anything he's even more handsome than ever. Your Hoseok.
"I'm sorry too," you confessed, scooching over to him and your clothes flop with a distinct sound as puddles begin gathering all around. "I shouldn't have said what I said."
"You had your reasons," he assures, gently laying a palm on your shoulder, squeezing the flesh as a gesture a sign of comfort. "I've been thinking a lot."
"No, no, I've been thinking and you're...you were right, I admit that."
His eyes soften and the smile on his face feels the most genuine you've seen in a month.
"Let's just not fight, okay?" he grasps your face in his hands, hopeful and optimistic.
"Okay," you affirm and lean to kiss him. You've always wanted to kiss in rain. Something akin to rain will do just fine, you reason happily, as Hoseok wraps his arms around your waist.
JIMIN: You stormed away, your bag flinging left and right from the sheer anger that drummed through your veins. If wrath had a face, you'd look into the mirror image. You'd told him for weeks - no! No! But what had he done?! Not listened!
Because he never listened! He always did what he wanted! You ripped at your credit card hidden within your purse and Chimmy's face comes into your view as for a year now he'd hung neatly by the side of your favourite purse.
"Chimmy had a scary dream last night and was afraid of being left alone again."
"Just please, please don't leave," Jimin muttered, hands awkwardly nibbling with each other as he stood by your side. "Yell at me but please don't leave."
You glimpsed back where you left him. He was still standing in the middle of the street, unmoving and shocked into a stupor, it didn't even seem like he was present enough to register all the people brushing past, occasionally bumping into him as though he was a mere lamp post.
"Why are you scared?" he asked gently as you lay on his stomach, passively watching clips of BT21.
"Dunno," you shrugged. "I'm bad with people as you know it."
He caressed your hair and you felt yourself drift peacefully off eased into sleep by the soft, rhythmic movements.
"You're not so bad! You managed to hook me, didn't you?" he mumbles with a smile and you reply with one as well, though a bit more cynical.
"Cause you're a weirdo, a statistical outlier."
He laughs. Jimin was always quick to laugh.
As you watched Chimmy rummage through the trash, you couldn't help but tear up.
"Do you have to write such sad stories?" you accused and he cooed.
"It's a happier story now."
"Taxi for _____________!" a guy leaned out of the car and you stared at him numbly, then at Chimmy then back at Jimin who still had not moved. It appeared he would remain there for the rest of the time.
"Chimmy was determined to try ten times harder than usual so that Chimmy won't need to be alone."
"Taxi for ________! Are you getting in or not?!"
"But was Chimmy just much too eager?"
Yes, he had been too eager but he loved you so, of course, he'd come to your work gathering and naturally it had made the atmosphere awkward and strained but he thought you were scared. And he'd promised to never not be by your side when you're scared, and if anything was love it was a promise kept.
"No," you muttered to the cab driver. "No, I'm not getting in."
"Well, thanks for nothing! Made me drive all the way here for nothing, you little - !"
But you don't hear any of the hurled insults in your direction, you simply dash back to Jimin's side, wrapping your arms around him as tight as though he was on the brink of crumpling into little unmendable pieces.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for losing my temper! I'm sorry for not being patient! I'm sorry!"
At first, he continued to be a statue and you fear the damage done is too great but as he tentatively returns the gesture, you realize it's not because he's angry it's because he's surprised. Surprised that you would run back to him even though there wasn't a universe in your mind where you wouldn't.
"It's been all of two minutes," he laughs breathily, unshed tears lingering in his voice.
"Two minutes too many. I don't want you to be Chimmy."
This time his entire body shakes as he laughs and a deep sense of relief washes through your bones.
"Chimmy did learn in the end that being alone is okay sometimes cause true friends don't leave your side," he patted your back and if feasible you pushed yourself even deeper into his hold.
"And I won't as well."
"I know," he affirmed. "Let's go eat, it was so awkward in there my stomach hurt. And also..." he added demurely. "I promise not to crash any of your work parties."
"I'll just invite you next time. Now let's go eat! I'll pay."
"Good, I'll make sure to take a lot."
"...you know not everyone is as rich as you, right?"
TAEHYUNG: When you open the door, you're met with Taehyung's scowling face.
"I forgot to take my vest," he huffs.
You glance at him in your astonished state not even glaring like you promised yourself.
"You were supposed to be in France."
"Yes and I just said I forgot my vest," he hisses and then arches a deeply judgmental brow. "Can I come in to get it?"
"Be my guest."
For half an hour, he wrecks his entire closet, trying to find it as you sat on the bed, alternating before glowering at his back and being happy at his unexpected arrival.
"It's not here," he grumbles over the shoulder. "Have you taken it?"
"I've not touched your things," you scoff. "You're just blind. Move over!"
Together you turn upside down every single shelf there is, his underwear drawer, your underwear drawer, the laundry, both clean and dirty, and it's not here.
"It's gone," at last you give up, sitting on the floor in defeat.
"I won't go back until I find it," obstinately Taehyung utters and you squint at him.
"Are you really such a Dumbo to miss your schedule over a vest you can get at any shop on the Earth?!"
"And are you really such a Dumbo to think this has anything to do with a vest of all things?"
When you glimpse at him, the scowl is exactly where it was but there's also that same glint in his eye. The one that made you first fall in love with him. Something kind and revered shines through him like a candle behind a paper.
"Do you really think I would not travel all the way from France to be here for an hour just because I missed you so much I was clawing at the walls?"
Your cheeks flush on their own and you tighten your fists.
"I'm still angry at you," you pout.
"Great, be angry at me but still say you miss me."
He dropped to his knees on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor.
"You have missed me, right?" he asks much more vulnerable and you waste no time pressing your forehead against his.
"Of course I missed you. Despite the fact you've been gone only for one day."
Taehyung laughs, his dark curls tickling your face.
"When do you have to leave?"
"In like five minutes," he whined and you groaned in reply.
"All that for five minutes?"
"Better five minutes with you than an hour of no you."
You had a working theory that you could never really be mad at him. And neither could he at you.
JUNGKOOK: As Yoongi had warned you just before you officially had gotten together with Jungkook, he was one of if not the weirdest guys anyone could ever meet.
At first, you thought surely he was not that bad. Then he sprained his ankle on your first date. Your first date in such a dangerous place as a pastry shop with the average age of customers being 65.
On second thought, you assumed, well he wasn't dead already so there must be at least a smidge, a sliver of a survival instinct in his brain but then you had to grab at the back of his jumper so he wouldn't jump into a tiger enclosure to "pet the kitties".
What went through his brain you did not know though you tried to understand, especially now, standing over his hospital bed.
"Is he still sleeping?" the main overseeing doctor stepped into a room with a hushed whisper.
"Yes," you replied quietly, walking over to greet her in gratitude. "Thank you so much."
"Eh, Hippocratic oath," she threw a hand though her eyebrows remained knitted. "He will need some extensive TLC. We'll prescribe him oral antihistamines to improve sleep, as well as calamine lotion to apply for the rash. I also strongly suggest placing wet, cool compresses for about 15 to 30 minutes several times a day."
You bit on your lips. The last thing you wanted after making sure Jungkook was awake and well, was to cling all over him. You glowered, wondering whether this was his plan all along, immediately then muting into echoes of concern. Seeing him sleep not peacefully in his home but in a hospital bed was unsettling despite how idiotic the action was that got him here.
After an argument, many would walk out, take a drive, slumber in a drink, or maybe visit a friend to vent away some anger, and while Jungkook walked out after an argument that is where the normalcy ended.
He had driven to the very depths of the countryside and guided by a romantic whim decided to pick some wildflowers on an unowned piece of land. Chief among them, a bounty growing of poison ivy. Considering it wasn't even possible to misconstrue poison ivy as a flower, you wondered what could have possibly happened in that skull of his that made sense picking it up.
Long story short, calls were made late at night and he was now riddled with a heavy rash and exhaustion as he'd driven himself, scratchy and blistered, all the way to the hospital. Hospital at the one he knew mind you not the one that was nearest.
"Okay," you agreed politely, coming to sit by him when the doctor walked out.
After a moment of silence, you dared to speak.
"You're such an idiot, you know that. I hate your stupid face."
"That's a bit mean," a low, raspy reply sounded across the room, making you recoil.
Jungkook had cracked one mischievous eye open and stared with what could only be described as a softly amused smile.
"It's true though!" you yelped, smacking his chest, immediately making him groan in pain.
"Oh, shit, love truly does hurt," he whined and you sagged in the hospital seat, feeling the fumes rush out of your ears.
"Do you have to be such a - ! Such a - !"
"Dumbass?" he offered impishly before laying his head down on the pillow. "I don't have to but I find doing it very often."
"Very funny Jungkook, extremely comedic," you barbed at him dryly. "Making me worried is just -"
"I'm sorry," he abruptly confessed. "I'm sorry we ever fought. I'm sorry I have these dumb ideas and I'm sorry for not doing what you asked. I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me just know that I bow my head down."
You sighed and brushed out the tiredness from your sleep-lidded eyes.
"Why didn't you just drive to the nearest hospital?! Why all the way here?"
He swallowed and gazed up at the ceiling. You'd never seen him physically gather his thoughts, think carefully of the words spoken though you knew he was not at all stupid. He was just...Jungkook.
"Because...because I thought...I don't know, I just got it into my head that I was dying there for a second and I knew I wouldn't want to die in a hospital with you far away, maybe even thinking I could ever hate you, that I meant the things I said. I didn't mean them and I just...felt like I had to make things right. Honestly," he chuckled, attempting to scratch behind his ear only to wince as his arm was the most affected. "If not for Namjoon I wouldn't have driven to the hospital at all. Would just yowl on our doorstep."
Explains why Namjoon had rushed in and out like a bull seeing red.
"What am I supposed to do with you?" you breathed in misery, laying your head down on the very edge of the white duvet that kept him covered.
"Please treat me gently," he patted your head with a laugh before it morphed into a sharp hiss of pain. "I'll treat you gently as well and we can live happily ever after."
"With our three children?" you raised your head and he glided a thumb over your cheek, a gesture the sly bastard knew you were weak for. "That the good doctor thinks we have?"
"She didn't ask how many legs or tails they had," he grinned, continuing to leisurely caress your face to (successfully) dissipate your anger. "And don't worry about me so much, I'll find my way home. Itchy or not."
© soraviii, 2022
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tagging: @introlxv; @pinkcherrybombs; @devilsbooksworld; @btsiguess-kpop; @mwitsmejk; @belladaises; @halesandy; @seok-jinnies; @themochiverse; @cuteipat; @ratherbefangirling; @manchuria; @chimchimmarie; @smalliechelle; @koostarcandy; @personaarmy; @flitzerj; @love-bug121; @bloodline1632;
926 notes · View notes
s-ourtangerines · 2 years
...𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚...
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━ type: bts x gn! reader ━ masterlist ━ pictures taken from Pinterest
━ about: fluff!
━ a/n: goes out for all my fellow ARMY's who grew up in the countryside and or really small towns
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NAMJOON: "Stop pretending like I'm kidnapping you," you growled as the car swerved down the familiar road leading up to the family house situated at the far reach of the country.
"I can't help it. It's so...quiet. Are you sure this is not an elaborate plot to get to meet your parents?" he counteracted nervously, throwing flighty glances to the bushy fields and the clear, limitless sky stretching above his head.
For what felt like the last time before your corneas would simply detach themselves, you rolled your eyes.
"And I keep telling you - no. They're leaving to travel and need someone to watch the house. You had some free time and I thought a bit of a country air would do both of us good. But if it's too much, city boy-"
Hearing the now everyday nickname he immediately rushed to disagree.
"No, no, it's wonderful!" he assured perhaps with a hysterical tint to his voice. "I'm just freaked out about what to say if your parents spring from the bush."
You shook your head at his antics, climbing out and stretching out the soreness of the drive only to soon discover Namjoon completely enamoured with his surroundings. The trees, the wind and the warmth of the sun - it all called to him, like a hot shower called to some after a long day of work. With a small smile, you watched him wander around, observing any insects he could find, the growing flowers, and the paths you had traipsed long before him. Already by the evening, it was a struggle to drag him inside, he had gone to lie down by the afternoon at first watching the clouds pass, then the stars twinkling in the night sky.
"This is idyllic," he sighed as you stood over his chair, then a mosquito landed in the middle of his forehead and in his neverending wisdom he smacked himself right in the face.
"If not for these bastards," he added with a self-conscious chuckle.
YOONGI: "I'll marry an old guy. A geezer!" you whined dramatically, watching Yoongi come back across the field, in his hand there swayed a bag of apples from one of the neighbouring ladies.
"Laugh some more and I won't cook for you anymore," he waved off
Life on this side of the country was quiet enough but with Yoongi, it was somehow quieter still. Except for the first night when he got drunk and belted to your horror to all the few residents in the nearby radius.
You think someone had replied that their niece listens to them but that could also be a hallucination inspired by the second-hand embarrassment.
But it was healing in a way to watch Yoongi sit outside and simply drift off into the horizon. From the way, his shoulders bore less tension to the unhurried way he cooked meals, taking his time to do things properly, you knew it had been just the right time to rip him away from the city, away from his worries and rushes for deadlines.
"We still need to trim the grass before leaving," he hummed whilst cutting the melon. Sun would set soon and he had been enjoying watching sunsets with you. "Maybe I'll do that tomorrow."
"I'll hook you up in a group chat with the family," you snorted watching him work. "You can give your input on the flower selection."
"Don't laugh," he reprimanded with a faint lilt of playfulness. "Those hydrangeas in the corner are wilting too fast. They should be moved to a different spot."
"Dear lord," you rolled your eyes, though you couldn't stop smiling.
For the first time, perhaps ever, Yoongi was dragging his legs as you packed to leave. He paused by the open car door, inspecting the property with a longing, faraway look in the eye, lips tightened into a stern line.
"We can always return here. It's quite the trip but say the word and we can be here to rest," you assured him and he bit his lip.
"It's not even that, it's just... I just had thought how nice it would be to have a place like this of our own someday."
"It's the flower selection, isn't it," you nudged him with a hip and he laughed, shoulder shaking in mute amusement.
"Yes, I'm a tyrant when it comes to hydrangeas."
JIN: "Ow, goddamnit Jin!" you whined as his fishing tools poked you in the back of the head for the tenth time.
"Please, think of your love for me as you endure this torment," he said in all seriousness before glowering down to the GPS. "Are we going the right way? This is the middle of nowhere."
"Yes, we're going the right way," you assured, leaning out of the way his heinous fishing rod had decided to take. The familiar outlines of the neighbouring properties had breezed past in the corner of your eye.
"Wow, this place is seriously desolate. Did you have sheep as pets when you were a kid?"
You levelled him down with an unimpressed glare.
"Really? Sheep?"
"What, bears then?" he spread his eyes in comical terror. "Please don't tell me you have pet bears, ___________, that is horrifying!"
"The nearest neighbour has a chihuahua, does that terrify you?"
"Absolutely. Please, don't let that thing eat me! It should be a basic requirement for a partner," he added with a pout.
At the sight of the old country home, you began to squirm with joy. A bed, a kitchen with a meal and a rest, an inviting sight. The same couldn't be said about the trunk of the car, thrust to the brim with food and Jin's precious fishing supplies. No amount of explanation that there was a store available nearby, Jin had been convinced if not bringing half the town with him, he'd be left eating a mouldy piece of bread for the rest of the stay.
"______________! Hello!" a neighbour rushed forth. "Your mom said you'll be stopping by so here are some fresh vegetables, straight from the garden!"
"Thank you! You really shouldn't have," politely, you bid her whilst accepting the bag with eager arms.
"Say, weren't you supposed to have a boyfriend with you?"
You frowned, turning round to where Jin had just been standing only to of course find an empty spot.
"Oh, what a lionheart," you grumbled under your breath.
Jin had bounded through the house with great enthusiasm, enjoying the feel of it and some childhood pictures only for that joy to be promptly squashed when stumbling upon the entrance to the basement.
For a second, he stared into the damp darkness of it, completely frozen.
"Yeah, I'm never going down there," he nodded to himself, shutting the door tightly behind himself.
HOSEOK: When you felt his arm encircle your waist again, you didn't bother opening your eyes anymore and simply growled in a warning:
"I swear this place is haunted," he whispered back, trying to discreetly scooch closer.
For a while peace of a sleepful night had taken root again but it was then promptly torn out when Hoseok whimpered at the sound of the tree hitting the window.
"Hoseok, It's just a branch," you grunted. "I love you but please just sleep."
You don't know what sort of reality he saw at night but the house which he'd been enamoured with during the day was now his personal carousel of horrors. It creaked and groaned as any old country house did but to Hoseok they were omens of misfortune, tales of ghosts and whatnot.
"It's too quiet," he complained in your ear. "There's no one around. No one to hear us scream if anything happens."
"I'll be your knight in the shining armour should any murderers come this way," you assured him, tiredly. "And if you don't accept that I'll kill you myself if you keep waking me up. Now go. To. Sleep!"
He grumbled something about you being heartless but kept quiet for the remaining night.
"You know, _______, I think it's not that bad," lightly, he exclaimed stretching in the morning sun as you inspected the deep circles underneath your eyes. Soon it will look like someone had punched you.
"I think I'm starting to like this place," he added, joyously. This was what he had said three nights before already.
JIMIN: "You know there is a shop here, right?" you panted unloading his seventh suitcase from the car. Fetching his numerous tonnes of clothes and "what if's" in the sweltering heat of the midday sun was not something you envisioned when planning to bring him here.
"Yes, but...better to be safe, right," he pouted and you sighed, taking in your hands suitcase no. 9.
"Is this your great grandmother?" he asked in a hush, once inside. Eyes wide and respectful he took everything in, inspecting and commiting to memory every bit of what had once been a great part of your life.
You glanced at the old picture he was pointing at, dragging the suitcases into the bedroom.
"Yes. That's my grandfather and grandmother in the smaller picture to the left."
Jimin bowed politely towards them.
"Hello! Thank you for bringing into the world the love of my life," he bid them earnestly and you smiled.
"Your love would appreciate you dragging your own pants. How many did you pack?!"
He lingered in the doorway, suddenly appearing deceptively demure.
"Maybe ten or more... Anything can happen!"
You sighed and it too was promptly interrupted by a curious:
"Are there any animals here? Like something you see on a farm?"
"There are a lot of stray cats," you explained, lying on the bed exhausted. "But don't you go sticking your face into every cat you meet! It doesn't matter how cute they are, you're still allergic!"
As only silence followed your suspicion surged and upon cracking open your eyes, you saw him already halfway into the field outside, hand stretched and inviting coos falling from his mouth, eagerly welcoming the tabby cat sitting and minding his business at the edge of the property.
"Oh, fucking hell, Jimin," you cursed, ripping open one of the smaller bags. Well at least in between the hundred skincare products, lotions and three - three! - whole bottles of lube, he at least had the foresight to chuck his medication in there as well. You grabbed it before hauling your ass outside like a devil possessed.
"Sir! Put the cat down! Jimin, no!"
TAEHYUNG: "This reminds me of my childhood," he sighed wistfully, watching the road rush past by, holding drowsing Yeontan in his arms.
"It's nice, isn't it," you hummed. "Just a little bit left."
Taehyung took to the country quickly though Yeontan? Not so much.
"He's a real city boy my Tan," Taehyung laughed, watching Yeontan sleep yet another hour away in the middle of the bed like a small, tyrannical prince.
"Hey, ___________," you got any more spare cash?" he called out amidst the relative bustle of farming vendors.
"Goat cheese?!" you called out, reading the display sign of a slyly grinning seller, clearly having smelt an eager purchase. "Do you even like goat cheese?"
"It's got walnuts in it!" he eagerly pointed at a fairly large chunk weighing on the scales.
"Yes, I can see it's got walnuts but will you eat it is the question?"
"Oh, I can't get things like this in the city. Please?"
You threw what was meant to be an assertive look over the many bags he was dragging with, all under the pretence of rarity and impossibility of finding in the city. He was being quite thoroughly scammed but the wet, sopping eyes worked their wonders all the same.
"We'll get a half of that piece," tiredly, you piped up. The cut was decidedly of the proverbial bigger half and with a deep sigh, you gave the money away. It had flown like sand grains in a storm. Homemade marmalade and marshmallows, apple cider and something that had neither markings nor colour sat at the very top of one of his bags, there was no small chance he had actually bought something from every stall but it made him happy so begrudgingly you trailed after Taehyung as he skipped back home with all of his bags and a bright smile etched on his face.
The goat cheese, however, remained quite untouched, despite the walnuts.
JUNGKOOK: "I'm not telling him that," you replied, eyeing the rain pour down the side of the window and deep puddles forming into the indents of the grass. Jungkook was definitely caught in the midst of the downpour.
"He's there, isn't he?" your mother grumbled on the phone. "A young and capable son-in-law should help out."
"Mom, we're not married yet."
"Eh, few years give or take. Technicalities."
You sighed again.
"Mom, we're here to rest, both of us are, stop exploiting my boyfriend for manual labour."
Just then the doors opened and Bam ran in, leaving behind him wet paw prints. Jungkook too was dripping like he had just taken a shower though the weather had not lessened a bit of that smile.
"Bam! Come here. Don't go in all wet!"
Once sufficiently dry, both of them, he quickly found his way to your side, one hand aggressively brushing a towel over his wet hair, the other reaching to grab you by the waist.
"Is it your mother?" he asked in a whisper and you nodded. In a flash, the phone was yanked out of your hands.
"Hello, ma'am. Yes. You too. Firewood? Sure. Oh, the grass. Yes I can do that. The flowers? Yes. Wait let me write it down."
Unimpressed, you sat by the kitchen table, watching him scribble down a progressively more expansive list of chores, ranging from trimming the grass to hauling down a chair from the attic.
"Yes, I got it. Yes, thank you, ma'am. It's really no trouble. Yes, you too. Goodbye."
Silence followed the end of that conversation.
"What?" he questioned innocently and with some offence.
"You know why I brought you here, right?" you grunted. "It was to bounce on your dick without worrying about the noise."
Jungkook's ears immediately sweltered and a pout formed on his lips.
"I can be a great upcoming son-in-law, help your parents out and still give the best dick in your life. I'm a man of great capability."
At the end of the day, you found both him and Bam promptly passed out with no sign of ever waking up as they both snored to their absolute content.
"Man of great capability, my ass," you growled.
© soraviii, 2022
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tagging: @introlxv; @pinkcherrybombs; @devilsbooksworld; @btsiguess-kpop; @mwitsmejk; @belladaises; @halesandy; @seok-jinnies; @themochiverse; @cuteipat; @ratherbefangirling; @manchuria; @chimchimmarie; @smalliechelle; @koostarcandy; @personaarmy;
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s-ourtangerines · 2 years
even if i were given nine lives, im not sure if i can even live one perfectly.
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s-ourtangerines · 2 years
asa is so cute– she's my girlfriend now.
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s-ourtangerines · 2 years
mostly, i want to be kind
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i thought i saw you in the battleship,
but it was only a look alike.
he was nothing but a vision trick,
under the warning light.
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s-ourtangerines · 2 years
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s-ourtangerines · 3 years
blue side
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happy birthday j-hope !! our biggest sweetheart and our sunshine ♡♡
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our sunshine and our miracle, i wish you all the happiness in the world !! thank you for making us always so happy ^♡^
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s-ourtangerines · 3 years
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back when i was younger.
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s-ourtangerines · 3 years
your hands gonna turn yellow, yoongi.
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"i want to eat tangerines at a warm place this winter" - min yoongi on his plans during the winter.
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s-ourtangerines · 3 years
grey and warmth that you gave
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bloom like a rose, flutter like a cherry blossom.
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