sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Lena: *holding a salt packet* It’s just a little sodium chloride
Violet: Actually Lena, it’s salt
Lena: That’s what I said, sodium chloride
Violet: Uh Lena, that would be salt
Violet: *takes salt packer from Lena* This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
W h a t d o y o u m e a n i t s V i o l e t w e e k
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Violet: Yesterday I overheard Webby asking, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" And Lena replied, "Trust me."
Violet: I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
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💞💞💞               HAPPY LESBIAN VISIBILITY DAY                 💞💞💞
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Lena: The next person to say "weird flex but okay" is going to loose their kneecaps
Violet: Preposterous boast but alas
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Lena: You can just be a bit... judgemental sometimes
Violet: Thats a stupid thing to say, name one time I've been judgemental
Violet: Thats a stupid thing to say
(Flashback End)
Violet: Oh, I see. Mere seconds ago
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Lena: I learned some very valuable lessons from this
Violet: I'm guessing they're all just horrible distortions of what you actually should've taken away
Lena: Death isn't real, and I'm basically god
Violet: There it is
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Violet: In these trying times, we need to appreciate the little things
Lena: Of course I appreciate you Vi!
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Violet: Jellyfish have survived 600,000 years without brains
Violet: A ray of hope for my dear sister, Lena
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Lena, texting: Who is this? Webby changed all my contacts to mythical creatures
Violet: What's mine?
Lena: "Dwarf"
Lena: Oh, hey Vi
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Lena, walking in: Do you know where Webby is?
Violet: Playing hide and seek with Huey, Dewey and Louie
Lena: Where?
Violet: I don't think you get how this game works
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Lena: Webby,if you're reading this-
Violet: Can Webby read?
Lena: Dewey if you're reading-
Violet: Can Dewey read?
Lena: Huey-
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Violet: How does one turn their emotions off?
Lena: Okay first go to settings
Lena: Wait I'm an idiot I thought this said emojis
Violet: No, no, I'm willing to try this. I'm at settings, what next?
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Violet: You often use humor to deflect trauma
Lena: Thank you
Violet: That wasn't a compliment
Lena: What I'm hearing is you think I'm funny
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Lena: When you're wearing all black and someone asks you who's funeral it is, looking around the room and saying, "Haven't decided yet" is typically a good response
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
Lena: Listen, I've been going for a while now, but I think you might need therapy as well
Violet: What makes you say that?
Lena: Gosalyn hugged you yesterday and you said, and I quote, "Oh no, I am feeling"
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sabresisters-quoted · 3 years
I'm sorta thriving off AUs at the moment so take a Ducktales Hunger Games au
So I guess take Duckburg as District uhhhh idk.... let's say 7
So obviously, there will only be two cannon characters taking part in the hunger games
After careful consideration I choose Violet and Louie because one, they are an awesome duo, and two, Louie with a sword and Violet rocking a bow?
The rest of the fam (Huey, Dewey, Lena, Webby, Gos, Boyd ect.) p a n i c
However they can't volunteer as there were rules put against that
Scrooge is friends with a sponsor, so he gets his boatloads of money ready to bribe her
Louie had no idea how to use a sword but before they left, Dewey and Webby gave him a list of tips
Again, before she and Louie left, Violet and Lena spoke to each other (bc you know... sabresisters)
Lena promised to bring down the leader of the operation if anything happened to her
Because you know guys... its Lena
Huey gave Violet and Louie his JWG to help them
Then they had to leave
Its like the normal hunger games, except they're given no instructor, they need to figure things out themselves
They don't get to try out for sponsors, they just get chosen depending on how they look on the battlefield
Violet was practicing her aim and this random tiger guy (Lets call him.... Ben) kept standing in front of the target so she pinned him to it by shooting an arrow through his clothes
Cornucopia now
Standing on the platforms, Violet plans to just run away, but Louie didn't train with sword for nothing
Louie runs headfirst into the battlefield grabbing a sword and a backpack full of medical supplies and a rope, he then legs it
Violet runs away, grabbing nothing and almost immediately gets stabbed but pushes the person off her and grabs their dagger
Louie and Violet meet up about ten minutes later
There are 19 tributes left
Meanwhile everyone watching at home is nervous
Scrooge has no reason to bargain yet, but he's ready
Lena is trying to keep her dads from having a mental breakdown while having one herself
Della is terrified, she just got her kids back, now she could loose one of them, she doesn't want that
Donald is in a similar state
Remember the tiger Ben? He is the evil guy. No one can even breathe in his direction without getting cut in half, which is weird because his chosen weapon is a warhammer
It must be their lucky day because Louie and Violet find a fallen tribute, with lots of gear, supplies and a bow and a ton of arrows
So Violet now has her primary weapon
First night has almost came, Louie and Violet still don't have food
Which is a problem really
They decided daylight is safer, and go hungry for the night
They find an abandoned cave, and after making sure it was empty, took camp there for the night
Ben kills five tributes in one night
14 left
Next day Louie and Violet find a river, they fish, cook, and enjoy some food for once
Unfortunately, other tributes found the river as well (two, two tributes)
Louie and Violet don't want to kill people, why would they? They're children
Couple of days pass nothing exciting happens, but Louie and Violet get into an arguement
Violet thinks they should try find the edge of the arena, away from everyone else
Louie thinks its too much of a risk and they shouldn't go
They split up
Bad choice
Louie ends up having to kill someone
Baby boy is traumatised
Violet gets to close the the edge
Operators start a forest fires where she is
Turns out she was being followed, another tribute was there as well
So Violet is now outrunning the tribute and the fire
She climbs a tree
Bad choice
Turns out other tribute also has a bow and shoots Violet in the leg
Violet falls from tree
Luckily, earlier, Louie saw smoke in the distance and realised holy fuck that's where Violet is
He is a smart boy and goes in that direction
He knocks out the other tribute and manages to help Violet out
However the tribute didnt come to in times and died in the fire
12 tributes left
Louie tried to treat Violets leg but, ohbno, medical supplies where stolen!
Opportunity for so many things here
If people at home where panicking then... imagine now
The Sabrewing family are all having a mental breakdown
Webby, Gosalyn and Lena force Scrooge to bribe the sponsor even though he was on his way to do that
Sponsor accepts send medical supplies
This is good
Violet will be fine
Forest fire spreads, killing five more people
7 tributes left
Louie goes to Cornucopia while Violet rests her leg
While he's gone, two people find the cave forcing Violet to have to shoot them
One tribute kills another, but then succumbs to injuries
Only 3 tributes left
Violet, Louie and Ben
Louoe and Violet realise they can win, and go off to find Ben
They find each other at Cornucopia
There's an epic battle, eventually Violet shoots him in the neck
They win the hunger games
When they get home Louie constantly has nightmares and keeps thinking he sees blood on his hands
Violet just doesn't sleep
They eventually get therapy, thank god
Thats uh, all I can think of for now
I might post some edits of their designs for this
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