sabrgirl · 1 day
:) jumu'ah mubarak <3
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sabrgirl · 14 days
post-ramadan blues :(
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sabrgirl · 18 days
eid mubarak my loves ♡ may Allah accept and answer all of our du'as during ramadan, accept all of our good deeds and help us adopt them all as habits for the rest of our lives, Allahumma Ameen. sending so much love and have a wonderful celebration ♡ you should be really proud of yourself. Allah is.
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sabrgirl · 20 days
if it's not too personal, may i ask where you're from (what country you live in)?
london, uk
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sabrgirl · 20 days
i really like this new one, it's ab all the people and things i love in life :') you can give it a read if you like... 🥹
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sabrgirl · 21 days
Below, I have a list of very VERY good videos and it just did WONDERS to clear my doubts about Islam and what I was supposed to be doing. I highly, highly recommend you (and anyone else, especially those who feel purposeless or clueless or doubtful) watch this. Even if it's a bit long.
Purpose of life - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpGRZ_6WKFcrWXh9gKFGT_PV2GganGZxV
Mathematical miracles in the Quran - https://youtu.be/--L_tQDQdcc?feature=shared
Real proof of how we know God exists - https://youtu.be/Y1ZtNSMiPlU?feature=shared (its in the latter part of the video)
Another proof of how we know God exists - https://youtu.be/Q9jKGjX0dMc?feature=shared (this one's short)
How a Muslim's attitude should be on LGBTQ+ community -https://youtu.be/WgFTMIZ9fPE?feature=shared
Why Quran is so amazing - https://youtu.be/ab0dx_mu9_0?feature=shared
Is Jesus God? - https://youtu.be/8rgZVuiWBw8?feature=shared
Is the Bible the Word of God? - https://youtu.be/prrOYVBg9KU?feature=shared
jazakallah ♡
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sabrgirl · 23 days
if you've sent me a question in my inbox that i haven't answered yet, i'm not ignoring you!! i just haven't had time to fully answer it with dedication yet, i will do so when i have the time Insha’Allah.
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sabrgirl · 23 days
day 24: pray (at least) 2 rakaats of taraweeh (either at the mosque or at home by yourself/with family) ❌
same reason as above
ramadan challenge tracker
tracking my progress for the 30 day ramadan challenge ♡ click here to look at the full challenge
day 1: recite surah ikhlas 3 times ✅
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sabrgirl · 25 days
aah sister me and you both! i had worked out that my period would probably come in the last 10 days and for once it was right on time 😔 i was telling my mum about it though and she said not to worry though because its in allah's control not ours, and its our intentions that count :) inshaAllah these next few days of ramadhan can be fruitful for us both ❣
awwww thank you for this kind message 🥹🥹. making me feel less alone ♡ yeah, last year i prayed for it to be delayed during the last 10 days and alhamdulilah it was answered and i wasn’t even on for the whole of ramadan. this year, i prayed for the same but, alhamdulillah, it’s Allah’s Will that i’m on. surrendering to His will while still being sad about it :( 😔😣
my mum said the exact same thing! and she was telling me that it’s not only in salah where your prayers get answered so you’re right, the nights still can be fruitful! i sat where i usually pray and made some dua’s :) at least i had one odd night this year, who knows, maybe it was laylatul qadr!
may Allah accept all our duas, ameen ♡ ♡ ♡
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sabrgirl · 26 days
Hello everybody.
Please share resources and don’t keep silent about Palestine. Dedicate your day for them today. Do not ignore them, do not let their voices go unheard.
Here are some resources you can share around:
daily click
esims for Gaza
call for a ceasefire
donate feminine hygiene kits
learn about Palestine
Education, sources, donations
Shut it down for Palestine
Please do not ignore this post, share as much information and resources as you can for Palestine.
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sabrgirl · 27 days
I appreciate it so much that you are honest. I've seen your Ramadan tracker progress and you are so honest about what you've done and what you haven't done, and besides that, you also don't mention the good thing you did, keeping it to yourself so as not to lose yourself to pide or riya.
I appreciate that about you. Keep being humble and honest and doing this for the sake of Allah SWT, sister. May Allah reward you and us and keep us humble and keep the Shaiytan's whispers away from our heart. Ameen.
this is such a sweet message :) jazakallah khairyan and Allahumma Ameen for the dua :) i'm glad you think that bc, even while i'm tracking the challenge itself, i get scared that i'm not hiding the deeds. but i thought that since i made the challenge, if i track it then maybe it can encourage other people to do it as well, if they want to participate.
you're very kind, may Allah bless you and bring you closer to Him and His mercy and accept all your fasts, duas and good deeds, Ameen ♡
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sabrgirl · 27 days
Assalamualaikum sister
Just wanted to share this because I've listened to this four times on average for the past three nights and each time it has made me cry. These passages of the Qur'an hold information about who a Muslim should be and how they should act and then the punishment there is for the ones who do not and for the non-believers of Allah. The recitation is so so beautiful and heart-moving, please give it a listen and have it that others may listen too.
wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah ♡
jazakallah khairyan x1000 for sharing this. i just listened to it and was reading the english translation too as I was following along. and oh my goodness. subhanallah. i cried towards the end of the recitation from surah fatir, 36-39. it was beautiful and chilling. alhamdulillah for His Mercy. may Allah protect us all from the torment of the fire, aameen
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sabrgirl · 28 days
in the last 10 nights of ramadan, please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in palestine. please say some of these prayers in your salah.
dua's for palestine 🇵🇸
O Allah, help and protect the people of Palestine. O Allah, ease their pain and suffering. O Allah, bestower of Mercy, bestow your mercy on them. O Allah, open people's hearts to give in this time of crisis. O Allah! help the state of the Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ O Allah! Grant ease to the Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ O Allah! Have mercy on the Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ O Allah, fortify their hearts and calm them like you granted Yusuf’s heart peace in the well. O Allah, Bestower of Mercy, bestow Your mercy on them. O Allah, You are the Giver of victory, O Al-Fattah, You are the Opener of doors, please grant them freedom and victory. O Allah! Grant victory to Islam and the Muslims everywhere. O Allah, give strength to our brothers and sisters in Palestine to defend the truth. Protect them, help them and send your angels to be with them as you sent your angels to be with the companions when they were defending the truth. Send the angels to support them, O Most Merciful! O Allah, give the people of Palestine the ability to defend their rights and their blessed land. O Allah, support us, support them and be with them.
Ya Allah, be with the widows and those who lost their parents and whose houses were destroyed. Ya Allah, elevate their ranks and remove their pain and suffering, the emotional the physical and the mental, and increase their reward. Give them the power to stand on their feet again. Ya Allah, help us to always be with the right people and on the right side, and to support the truth and justice. Ya Allah, you have promised to respond to the call of those who call on you. As You have commanded us. You said, ‘Call on me and I will respond to you’. We have responded to Your command and we have responded to You. Accept it from us and grant what you have promised. Ya Allah, we raise our hands towards You and ask You to be with our brothers and sisters and all those who are suffering. Give them victory, cure them, and put tranquility and patience in their hearts. Give them peace, increase their provision. Ya Allah, place light in our hearts and in the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Strengthen our ranks.
Allahumma Ameen.
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sabrgirl · 28 days
Salam alaikum sabrgirl. I just read your substack post about your chronic illness and fasting and Fajr and it resonated so so deeply with me because I am in a very similar situation, even down to the symptoms you mentioned. Jazakillah khair for being vulnerable and sharing this because it has helped me immensely, and I'm sure others as well. Even the ayah you included which led you to conclude that it would be sinful to fast when sick...I have been feeling so guilty about not fasting and people around me have (maybe unintentionally) made me feel guilty by mentioning other sick people they know who are fasting. I also haven't been waking up for Fajr every day (I have to skip some days) due to the effects of waking up early on my health but I really want to for the rest of Ramadan and your words about how you did it and how it became easier for me gave me a lot of encouragement. May Allah reward you, and grant us both 3aafiyah and shifaa and make our illness a means of expiation and attaining the great reward for patience
wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah! ♡
jazakallah khair for reading my post and for sending me this message !! 🥹 i honestly never knew the post would resonate with and touch so many people. it makes my heart full knowing that i can make people feel less alone with my words, and the responses also makes me feel less alone too. i grew up reading so much and having people's writing resonate with me, so it makes me so overjoyed now that my writing does the same for others :') alhamdulillah !!!
i understand about feeling guilty. at the beginning of this ramadan, when i was at uni in class or in the library, and there was a muslim nearby, i'd hide my water bottle in my bag or eat secretly, hoping that they wouldn't see and think i'm a bad muslim. it's quite silly now that i think back to it, i quickly told myself that fasting isn't for other people or for show. even if i was able to fast, it would only be for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ's sake. some people who are sick can tolerate fasting, other people can't. not everyone is the same. so, it's easier said than done, but don't listen to other people saying xyz. you know your condition, not them. they're not you. and Allah knows your intentions, condition and heart. and yes, the ayah does conclude that it would be a sin for someone to force themselves to fast if they are unable to, because they are being disobedient. Allah doesn't want you to punish yourself and self harm, which is a sin. if you know you can't fast, your fidya is an expiation, it's a substitute for the fast, He says. you're feeding the poor, just like how fasting is to remember the poor.
may Allah make it easier for you to wake up, Ameen! Allahumma ameen to your kind dua's. keep going, you've got this! you're doing really well. try your very best, no matter what that looks like and Allah will reward you for striving for his sake ♡ sending love.
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sabrgirl · 29 days
ramadan series: dua ideas to make during laylatul qadr ♡
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for forgiveness
for forgiveness for your parents
for a lofty station in jannah
for a righteous spouse
for your marriage to be a blessing rather than a trial
for righteous children
for school/exams
for work
to not die until Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ is happy with you
for strength through hardship and trials
for strength to continue doing good deeds after ramadan ends
for strength in continuing to stop bad habits after ramadan ends
to not be led astray
for sabr
for tawakkul
to succeed in this life and the next
for guidance on the right path
to bring you closer to Him
to be free from anxiety/depression
to be reunited with your family in jannah
to not expose your sins on the day of judgement
for forgiveness over sins you don't remember/have forgotten
for increase in knowledge
for an increase in imaan
to accept your prayers
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sabrgirl · 1 month
Hello, so I have a question regarding the last 10 days of Ramadan, during that is it better to sleep and then wake up to take use of the night or should we stay awake the full night and make use of it?
salam, it's generally better to stay awake the whole night and make full use of it
however, there's no set rule in place and people have different circumstances and things that work for them. if staying awake the whole night is difficult, then you can sleep for a bit after ishaa and wake up for the remaining part of the night.
or, you can do a mix of both - pray a lot in the evening and night, sleep for a bit, wake up for tahajjud - which is what i personally like doing and is easier for me.
but if you are able to and can, it is better to make use of the whole night and some people sleep after asr to make it easier for them to do this too.
either way, whatever you do, you'll be making use of the nights Insha'Allah and I pray that Allah makes it easy for you and accepts your du'as, Ameen ♡
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sabrgirl · 1 month
ramadan series: the last 10 nights (laylatul qadr)
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the last 10 days of ramadan are among us in which one of the odd nights will be Laylatul Qadr - "the night of destiny is better than a thousand months" (97:4)
it is important to maximise as much of these nights as possible as: 1000 months = 83 years 1 hour is better than 9.8 years 1 minute is better than 58 days 1 second is better than 23 hours, subhanallah.
here are some tips on how to maximise Laylatul Qadr:
pray voluntary prayers every night pray taraweeh and tahajjud every night. do not just pray on the odd nights, try and pray on all of the 10 nights to reap the full rewards
recite this du'a: Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibbul afwa, fa'fu anni (O Allah, You are forgiving, and You love forgiveness, so forgive me) (narrated by Aisha RA - Sunan Ibn Majah 3850)
prepare a list of du'as you intend to make sometimes we can forget to make specific du'as when it is time to pray so having a list that you can look at before each prayer can help
give charity and recite the Qur'an every night good deeds are rewarded as though you have done it for 83 years
wake up your family the Holy Prophet ﷺ would make sure that his family is awake to participate to reap the rewards too - follow the sunnah
limit distractions get off of social media/tv/games etc and make use of the night. we do not know if we will make it to the next ramadan so maximise these 10 nights to the best of your ability and remain in worship.
dhikr and du'as outside of prayers remain in the remembrance of Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ even when your prayers and voluntary prayers are done to please Him. recite istighfar and send blessings upon the Holy Prophet ﷺ too.
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