sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Final Chime Design.
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Updated Version of Plaque. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Minor tweaks to fix. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
Brand Outline
Topics we are going to cover inside the manual:
- Story
- Visual language
- Type
- Signs (Maps/ Plaques/ Chimes)
- Council Logo
- Koru Design
- Function
- Colours
- Conclusion
This list of topics seems appropriate without getting too complex and confusing. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Few pages from our style guide (still in development - hence placeholder text).
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Since we are approaching the end of this project, we need to file all our ideas into one brand outline. I started looking at existing examples out there and their are a lot of promising examples. In particular I find the ‘New York City Transit Authority’ to be the most effective and thus our influence for the guide. We want to keep it clean, easy to read and operate. Overall, the extensive experimenting process we have been on has payed off as our potential final ideas are very strong. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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We want to integrate the Auckland Council logo on our maps and plaques. Because at the end of the day its a New Zealand natural beauty and they will help in protecting this gorgeous environment. Also allows for future development in the future if need be. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Ideal measurements Matthew and I worked out in relation to scale and effective viewing. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Wind chime design - now rectangle sheets of metal instead of cylindrical. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Experimenting where is the most effective location to place the header text for the map board. Personally top right appeals to me the most as its more in your face. Also it enables the viewer to read from top to bottom due to location of elements and size. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Quick sketch up of plaques. maps and chimes. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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The font we are wanting to use for text on the plaques and maps is Lydian Std Bold. We chose this particular font as it has that traditional feel. The Maori culture started off primitive, therefore we wanted something that showcases that ancient feeling. This is displayed in the typeface, through its calligraphy letter strokes of varying lengths. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Critique with Sheahan:
1. He suggested we zoom in on the Maori design as currently the designs are becoming too complex and hard on the viewer. Therefore cropping out areas of the pattern and abstracting them will be a more effective approach visually. From here other elements such as title and body text can then be positioned around the form of the pattern. 
2. Instead of having the chimes in the shape of a normal cylindrical pipe, he advised we have them in the form of the Maori pattern. Since the function of the chime is two objects being in contact - this refined decision seems more playful and creative. It will also express that Maori cultural significance we are trying to integrate into our design.  
Apart from these improvements, he likes the direction we are heading in and the reasoning behind these decisions. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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I did some prior research before diving into designing our wayfinding. I looked at the Auckland council style guide which displayed the scale in terms of the user. This is very important in giving an idea around the proportions of the signage, in which other elements such as text and decorative can be scaled to match these dimensions. 
The most important thing we want for the user when interacting with our wayfinding is for it to be easy to communicate as well as to have cultural meaning. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Integrating the Paua colour palette into the the koru design. Using a gradient best displays the diverse range of colours. Since this will be the only illustrative component of our design, we want this to have significance in our designs - which is achieved through the colour. 
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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sachin-mercerbay · 7 years
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Colour Palette: 
Influence from a Paua Shell. This is because the village at mercer bay is the furtherest west of Auckland and they were their reliant on the sea as food resources were scarce inland. Hence, we have decided to integrate these following colours. 
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