saddaysofmax · 6 years
@ mutuals
so in light of everything that has been happening in tumblr recently.. we can say this website is rapidly killing its userbase
so DM me your twitter, instagram, snapchat, and every other social media if you wanna stay mutuals 
feel free to reblog this so you can @ your own mutuals!
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
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Bob Ross gets it.
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
A queen
Mumbo Jumbo - Tierra Whack
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
skinny penis
Who doesn’t Love Eva Angels? We have:
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Giant Lightbulb
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Fat Jesus
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Dr Birdyll and Mr Birdye
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Spaghetti Penis
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Surreal Meme
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Rotten Sea Pancake
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Bowling Face Twins
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Rotten Lava Pancake
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I Cry Myself to Sleep Spider
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Flying FBI guy
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Someone has been watching Porn on NERV
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Shadow what-the-serious-fuck Zebra
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Cum on a Robot
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Origami Hands
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Giant Flying Lightbulb
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Giant Spaghetti Lightbulb
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
I wanted to be excited about Annihilation because it looks awesome and that’s exactly the kind of movie i like…. but they whitewashed two of the main characters, one of them being the main protagonist. In the book she’s asian, and they cast Natalie Portman. The other character is native american, but they cast a white woman to play her as well. Is it so fucking hard to not whitewash characters?? How many times will I have to watch stories told from white women’s point of view, even when the story is originally told from a woc’s point of view?
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
God i didn’t realize how terribly unstable some of you are on tumblr
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
the condescending tone people on tumblr have when staring they’re opinions is so disgusting to me
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
1. All of my levels are completely normal, that doesn’t mean i’m not depressed. Most people go about their lives thinking that they’re normal cause they’re levels are, but it’s not true. Memories are stored in chemicals, trauma can have no apparent signs, Suicide can appear to have no reasoning. I don’t wanna be sensitive but my grandma had a completely normal body, yet couldn’t remember my name, nor my face. My own grandma considered me a stranger, the one person most people thought she loved the most was completely wiped from her memory. She had basically been brain for 5 years, and i took care of her, her levels were all normal, yet everyday she sat and stared at the wall until we put her back down to bed, when she would then stare off into the darkness. The day she died was completely numb to me, because for years i was taking care of a shell. Anyways, my point is your body can be regulated and become “normal” and chemically you can be “normal” that doesn’t stop suicidal tendencies, it could. But in most cases it doesn’t. Not to mention, you have no real consensus that serotonin= no suicidal tendencies, because serotonin is still for the most part a mystery.
2. Lean has been popular by the media, you really shouldn’t compare it to antidepressants because there is no comparison. Antidepressants cause a depressed person to feel normal as you said, I’d be pretty addicted to that shit if i was on it. Some illegal drugs, are literally the same thing as SSRIs, addiction is usually why they’re outlawed, but most don’t have any addictive chemicals. Antidepressant addiction is a psychological dependency, you need those pill to make you happy. They make you feel good like you’ll just keep taking and taking.
3. Idk what you told your psychiatrist but i told my doctor i was bulimic and she said you’re going on antidepressants
4. the point i was getting at is the opium problem
5. Flu medication comparison is literally so inaccurate, but whatever. I basically said that the chemicals in your brain are only the part that can be measured. there are other aspects of emotion that just can’t be, and most of the chemicals affecting mood are understood to the fullest degree.
6. I never shamed anyone for taking antidepressants.
7. the hypocrisy, you say the world is black and white then try to show that addiction to the antidepressants doesn’t exist, and disregard my experiences with it. Just because you think it’s okay doesn’t mean it is.
“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
Maybe i should tell the whole story of my friend. She anorexic, and the antidepressants are supposed to help as well as the therapy. But it hasn’t, now she thinks of herself as getting the help she once needed but that’s far from the truth. She doesn’t trust me cause when she was going through the worse time of her anorexia, i was bulimic, so i didn’t really stop her. Until now, when i developed a hyperthyroid, I didn’t really care. But i’ve been trying to help for like the past year. Therapy is whatever, the antidepressants is what’s making a change in her. She’s become attached to this girl in our friend group that isn’t gay and doesn’t like her, but she’s ATTACHED. She hasn’t left her alone in months, literally. Our friend group keeps our locations for one another on, and my friend will literally beg to come with us anywhere once she sees the girl there. It was fine in the beginning, but when she attempted to fuck up her relationship with her bf and continues to, the line was drawn for me. SOOOOO yeah i’m pretty fucked up, but what any one who reads this and doesn’t understand my point already needs to understand is that i’ve been helping her out for the past 2 or 3 years or so, now i need to focus on myself, And in the couple of months i’ve been away from her life, she has literally turned the entire school against her, from thinking she’s just the quiet kid, to the one they literally can’t stand
“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
My mom’s a mc bitch too shister
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
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so like i should know this already but apparently this site doesn’t condone freedom of speech but like whatever it’s not like my points were backed but evidence
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
I could go for hours talking about the negatives of antidepressants but i’m just say this
Why are you taking something meant to stop you from being depressed but can cause suicidal tendencies?
Why are you being prescribed antidepressants if you are already in a depressive cycle, you can literally become addicted?
Why are so many young people resorting to antidepressants before the alternatives, antidepressants should be the last option?
not to be a conspiracy theorists but why are some many people being prescribed antidepressants? it’s almost as if a market depends on the sales of this prescription drug. Oh yeah, the health industry receives a lot of money from these drugs. It’s like with opiums, they get you addicted and start cashing that check. why are you still falling for this, it’s happened before?
You should evaluate your options on your own and decide the severity of your situation or depression. The human mind is capable of overcoming depression, and taking a magic little pill isn’t gonna magically cure it without some side effects. Once you have the will to better yourself, the path is set, don’t go running to your psychiatrist for the pill cause you don’t wanna face your problems.
Also, I’ve seen the horrible effects it has on my friend. yeah, she’s better with her depression, but she has no filter. she’s overly outgoing, meaning she’s doing too much and it’s affecting her socially without her even realizing. She becomes obsessed with anything that gives her attention cause she has so much love to give that she isn’t using on herself, cause she believes the pill will help her. She’s changed because of it, in some ways it help but for the most part, it’s destroying her and she doesn’t realize. It’s the classic case of addiction, as well, she refuses to believe that she doesn’t need it.
“But antidepressants changes your brain chemistry!”
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
Every person who likes and reblogs this post will be enrolled in witness protection
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
Needed this to cheer up–
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saddaysofmax · 6 years
Do you remember this little girl? 😂
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(Source: 1•2 )
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