safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
Cheers, everything’s gone to hell.
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
          ❝ i wish i could protect you from everything. ❞
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
Why, Universe, did you decide I was strong enough to handle this?
skipthisvoid  (via alleyspat)
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
flexing muscles sit-ups abs lifting weights push-ups physical activity running football biceps
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
safeguardiian: okay but when I saw the burn scars on Ironwood I imagined Winter tracing her fingertips across them.
Me: oooh like on a lazy morning and she wakes up first and it's peaceful and --
safeguardiian: bonus points if it's with her mouth ;)
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
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    Her responsibility to her military was clear as day. To ( SERVE & PROTECT ). Two simple words that were engraved in her mind the moment she vowed her loyalty to a higher cause. Winter vowed her LIFE. She knew full well of this. HE should know full well of this..
    Her words were forced, attempting to get her anger across without pouring out all which boiled inside her.
    “ I believe I’ve proven enough, sir. I’ve earned my place. ”
    There was only one person Winter had to HERSELF. It wasn’t Ironwood, and it definitely wasn’t her father. Of course, Ironwood was responsible for promoting her, but titles — albeit small — aren’t earned because people just happen to like you. Titles are exchanged through the currency of devotion and the sweat off your brow, along with natural talents of course.
    To be denied this mission was a slap to the face. Why now?
What changed?
      Ironwood’s expression fractures with an obvious concern. His       authority meeting her in opposition twisting her patience into a       unmistakable frustration. How it bothers him. For THIS was the       precise concern ( amongst many ) he dreaded. 
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      “ Proven and earned you HAVE, Schnee-- ”
     Ironwood pauses, his breath regaining home in his lungs, aged      with years of passing and struggle. He holds merely the right to      her as a superior within the Atlesian military. As a person, as his      self, he cannot dictate the limits she herself should know. Still,      he cannot simply stand idle and let his paranoia remain poor      thoughts haunting the rim of his perceptions. He is haunted.      Purposely by fears he’d rather die than have confirmed.
      “ But this is beyond mere position and name.         This is about how YOU are as a person. ”
     He knows that this is a confrontation, and he knows that its time      should NOT have been now. However, with the concern of Grimm      encroaching upon the capital, it was all the more required. James      cannot merely send her forth, not without voicing that which has      bothered him about her for a while now. The way she is effected      by her perception, by her emotions. The way she changes in her      intensity, and so suddenly too.
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      “ I need you Schnee, I need you in this military, and I above         all else NEED you breathing as a member of my command. ”
     Ironwood’s features, previously hardened with ferocious intensity      now sat with balance. His tone was soft, despite how serious he      currently was. His voice carrying great concern behind its words.
      “ But, I’m afraid I cannot send you before such a horde with          how you let your emotions temper you negatively. Schn--          Winter. Grimm are but beasts, yes, they cannot speak          to us. Yet, they feed from the inner us that we attempt to          keep caged. When I look at you, I see one so courageous,          and so dutiful to the last of her Aura. But I also see the          raging blizzard waiting in you to be released. You cannot          do this if you can’t recognize that in yourself; I cannot          afford you feeding your own possible demise. ”
     Ironwood grants Winter the space of her own standing. He begins      to retract from the previous closeness of their shapes. His arms to      assume the posture he’d almost always struck as a member of the      Atlesian military. As a man of strict abidance.
      “ I cannot say THIS as James Ironwood, the Atlesian         general but instead solely as James Ironwood, the         human: I... have fallen for you, and am now a man in         battle with the fear of LOSING you. ”
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
           &. continued from here. @safeguardiian
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         staff is removed from her back as soon as he gets to his feet          once more. she would waste no time in sending these seemingly          Voidsent creatures back where they came from – wherever that          happened to be. one glance is cast back in his direction before her          stance shifts to that of a mage; one about to engage in battle. 
                                          ‘ ‘tis my pleasure. ‘
         her hand raises and begins to channel her magic through the head          of the staff, a Holy erupting on top of the group of Voidsent attempting          to overtake them. various others are casted, but every few moments she          turns to ensure her companion is not lacking in health. it would not do to          see him fall as soon as she’s brought him back again. 
         after a few minutes, the tide hadn’t receded – the waves and waves of dead          were quickly replaced by more, and Y’shtola began to wrack her brain for          a convenient way for the both of them to get out of this alive. perhaps a less          ethical way would have to do; and the addition of a shield. 
                        ‘ I don’t suppose, by any chance, you have some semblance                                   of a plan? they do not seem to be relenting. ‘ 
                There’s something James finds reminiscent to the stranger’s                 posture as she stood at the ready for battle. A brief FLASH                 served to remind the general of the maiden, fallen to Death’s                 nearing presence. Still, LIKE Amber or not, they were not the                 same. But, perhaps her presence could provide the familiar                 comfort of an ally yet? He admittedly pondered this.
                “ I should say the same from ME to YOU, Miss. ”
                Fingers tightening around the shape of his weapon’s grip, he                 can see the stalking Grimm encroaching closer. How many                 were there? One, two, three... A lot. There were A LOT near.                 Near and more, near and closer... Driven back in instances                 of James’s aide and her spells at work. Grimm thrown to an                 timely end, only for more to replace those that had fallen.
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                What were THEY to do?
                “ Admittedly, I’m short on ideas. Their numbers won’t                   wane anytime soon. Not with the stage we’re on. ”
                An audible click of the tongue sounds from the general. He                 isn’t precisely favoring these odds, yet his chances stood                 greater at least. So long as he had at least this one ally.
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
I made a robutt because why not.
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
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      The Tin Cannon is Ironwood’s Multi-Action Dust Revolver (MADR).        It’s kept hidden within the interior of his coat in a bulky brick-like form        for easier portability. When retrieved, it takes its true from as a LARGE        revolver bearing resemblances to hand cannons of recent games, the        most notable example being Bungie’s Destiny.
       The weapon internally bears a cylinder with six chambers, which in the        terms of a realistic gun would allow the storage of six rounds without        requiring reloading. This, however, is rendered moot with the weapon’s        incorporation of Dust into its six chambers. Thus, ammunition is NOT a        limitation to Ironwood, at least so long as his weapon is carrying Dust.
       The applications of Dust in Ironwood’s rounds take varying forms; Each        of them capable of being cycled through via a secondary trigger located        closer to the weapon’s grip. Each squeeze rotates the gun’s cylinder in a        clockwise manner. The primary trigger, located above the secondary one,        is quite obviously the means for which Ironwood to fire Dust as rounds.
      Possibly incorporated Dust bullets could consist as follows:
      First Chamber: Steam Dust; Compressed shots of colorless steam                                that hit hard despite one’s possible assumptions. The                                shots channeled by this Dust are reminiscent to basic                                rounds. This is Ironwood’s most often used chamber.
      Second Chamber: Fire Dust; Shots that concentrate the Fire Dust of this                                     chamber into bursts reminiscent to a cross between                                     incendiary and explosive rounds. This chamber is the                                     one momentarily used by Ironwood to knock up the                                     greater Beowolf into the air for him to finish.
      Third Chamber: Ice Dust; Shots of concentrated Ice Dust that come out                                 as soaring glacial shards. Shots of this chamber are cold                                 to the very collision; They burst on contact and spread a                                 thin, frosty sheet in radius of where they hit. Accumulate                                 enough of these to one area, and it would be possible to                                 freeze solid a targeted, abused area. This chamber is a                                 reference to Mega Man (NES) and its Ice Slasher weapon,                                 as well as Resident Evil and its freeze grenade rounds.
      Fourth Chamber: Lighting Dust; Concentrated jolts of electrical rounds,                                   channeled thoroughly of the stored Lighting Dust. The                                   application of this chamber is normally for non-lethal,                                   or detainment purposes. These shots fly fast, and are                                   meant to shock the target with a lingering paralysis. A                                   appropriate reference to better describe this would be                                   tasers and the basic concept behind their usage.
      Fifth Chamber: Wind Dust; Shots that make use of the Wind Dust in                                this chamber to produce sharp bursts of wind shots.                                Similar to the first chamber, shots fired from here are                                applying a concentrated, pressurized element. These                                shots hit truly hard, and actually boast a frightening                                aspect of penetration. These shots are reminiscent to                                sniper rounds, particularly with their piercing ability.
      Sixth Chamber: Earth Dust; The last chamber that makes usage of                                 the Earth Dust housed within. This chamber takes                                 and applies Earth Dust into a molded, bullet shape.                                 These elemental bullets cannot hold their form for                                 too long after leaving Ironwood’s weapon, thus they                                 eventually break apart mid-flight. When they START                                 to break apart, the pieces begin to burst outwards.                                 Thus, these shots are meant to portray an effect                                 similar to a shotgun’s scatter shot.
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
Love doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes And we keep loving anyway We laugh and we cry and we break and we make our mistakes And if there’s a reason I’m by her side When so many have tried Then I’m willing to wait for it I’m willing to wait for it
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
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    Winter’s jaw locked into place, her general’s voice commanding authority. He wasn’t going to let her leave, was he? Why couldn’t Ironwood just allow her do her JOB? She was assigned to control the surge of Grimm near the mountains surrounding the Altas capital. Although this was larger in scale than usual Grimm regulation missions, the specialist believed she could handle herself. And now - seemingly OUT OF THE BLUE- Ironwood changes his mind on the matter.
    Had she done something wrong?             Did he not trust her?              Trust her loyalty?           Her ability, perhaps?
    These questions only fed her frustrations. For years had she trained to be a soldier, ( a HUNTRESS .) She turned her back on living in the lap of luxury. She stood toe-to-toe against her FATHER, something she didn’t think possible.
    And Ironwood was going to deny her the duty of a lifetime. Well – not if she had anything to say about it.
    The woman was so close to the general in this moment, she could bite his nose off if given the right opportunity. (If she was backed further into this metaphorical corner the general had placed her, that is.) Instead of taking physical measures, she inhaled sharply through her nose before answering him through gritted teeth.
       Ironwood’s features are as cold as STEEL. To which he already        stains his place at the head of the Atlesian military by allowing        EMOTION to move his actions and words like so. To the others        of the military’s upper body, what would they think if they knew?        A leader is to lead, to inspire, and to represent the very BEST of        an acting body. And while Ironwood feels no doubt in his ability        to do just that, LOOMING is his doubt for allowing an emotional        weakness to begin spreading roots through his flesh and steel.
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           “ I am aware you have FULL understanding of your orders,               Schnee, but I did NOT give you my consent to carry out               your dispatch. This is a CONTAINMENT mission we               are talking about, and the requirements needed-- ”
       What requirements? Was she to be dispatched into the capital        borders in an environment against her? What of the data? Was        she to be out-gunned or out-manned? Grimm were beasts. All        that awaited the able, eager Schnee was that ENCROACHING        horde of pitch black and bone bodies. She’s a huntress, and a        proud soldier to the Atlesian standard.
      So, why does the general NOW need an excuse? Why NOW be       hesitant? A frustrated sigh escapes the general, but it’s not at       the likes of Winter. Rather, and more obviously, does he AIM at       himself. ( Finally, with opened eyes, Ironwood greets her again. )
           “ Atlesian specialist Winter Schnee; Before I can give               my consent to your participation in this operation, I need               to ask this: Do you FEEL like you have something YOU               need to prove? You are young, and extremely talented,               but our common enemy here... is the GRIMM. ”
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
she extends a hand to the man lying among the wreckage. he's awake, at the very least, but this is hardly the time to be recovering when all these... monsters roamed the land. ' be swift, it seems you have a situation on your hands. '
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          With the AIDE of an unlikely stranger, Ironwood discovers          himself upon his feet once again. The true surprise in all of          this being how soon he’s able to recover from the wreckage          of his ( previously ) personally piloted dropship. To which          he would NEVER want to go through again.
          “ I assure you, it’s HARDLY a recent development. ”
          With enough strength in him to strain a chuckle, even in the          face of Grimm adversity, Ironwood rises to a stand. His grip          upon his revolver tight, reloaded whilst he and his aide are          surely encircled upon by remaining Grimm.
          “ Miss, if you could, take the ones on the RIGHT.             right. I’ll take the ones on the LEFT. ”
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
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     “I’m aware, General,” she replied, “It’s unfortunate, indeed.”
     Her coffee was by far the sweeter of the two. If it wasn’t morning coffee with a desk between them, it was morning coffee before a run in the early hours of the morning. She could sense the stress in his voice, the specialist growing sympathetic. He didn’t have the luxury of turning away from mass medias. Ironwood was forced to not only look at this ugly event in the face, but also smooth out all issues to sprout from it.
     “I can’t imagine what my sister must be thinking..” 
     She trailed off, her eyes falling to the mug wrapped in her gloved hands.
      It’s with that mention to her younger sister that Ironwood’s expression       hardens. So it was that the younger Schnee was in the same team as       Yang Xiao Long. To whom, whether she denied the occurrence or not,       was likely by the sight of her own teammate performing such an act.       His gaze FALLS to the mug he holds, and again is James left to sigh.       What a mess this was, surely not the worst he’s been forced to tend       to, but one nonetheless. ( One IMPOSSIBLE to simply turn from. )
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      How could he? The reality of it was plain as day: Being who HE was,       he was naked to that luxury. Of THIS and so, so much more.
      “ I worry for those girls; While I understand their faith in each         other as teammates... What the masses are feeling? WHAT         they saw? I can’t change that. Though I wish I could .”
      A heavier sigh leaves James. The general feels his endurance waning       under the weight of his responsibility to the masses. The masses saw       what they saw, and from it do they now feel a torrent of emotion. One       strong enough to arouse darker forces. He’s powerless, save to what       is surely an automated process of him now, routine to the attendance       of case and scenario both. ( His EXHAUSTION grows. )
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
"You didn't get my parts so you're a horrible father" 8I
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         But telemarketing called–
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
Congratulations. You have survived the war. Now live with the trauma.
(via wnq-writers)
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safeguardiian-blog · 9 years
We are made of flesh, but we must live as if we were of iron.
Sigmund Freud (via silveritewings)
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