I hope everyone in the C*rs and Doctor Who fandoms ends up un-aliving themselves.
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I'm disgusted with everything. I vowed to myself recently that I was not going to work for a company that valued diversity, equity and inclusion. It is poison. Not only that, it is a polite way of saying that the company is racist. Racist towards single, white, childless females age 40 and over. People like me. They are only interested in hiring you if you have kids, are ASIAN, Hispanic, or Black. Of course, they cannot say that you must be ASIAN, Hispanic or Black on the job description, because then they would get SUED, with a LAWSUIT filed for discrimination. Diversity is a big fat joke. It destroys people’s lives. It prevents possible talent from ever finding employment. It discriminates. I don't care if all the minorities in this country were “born here;” I want them OUT. There is too much favoritism towards them, and the only reason I'm stuck working a minimum-wage peasant’s job in retail services is because I got rejected from every job I actually cared about and had the skillset for. I'm working in a minimum-wage retail job while some ASIAN kid is earning a living doing library and museum work. They got hired over me because they are young and ASIAN. I hate them all. In the words of Elon Musk, “DEI must DIE.”
And just as a side note: not being hired has nothing to do with my attitude. I have this attitude BECAUSE no one wants to hire me! So don’t even go there. The only people that want to hire me are all the damn scammers in f’cking India.
Rant over.
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To all the anons out there
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Controversial take maybe but those fandom polls telling folks to choose the best ship are just another more invalidating form of shipping wars
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“I used to like Snape. Then I grew up!” No, you were most likely just pressured to change your mind on him based on the fandom’s overwhelming consensus that if you like Snape you’re at best stupid and at worst a horrible abuse apologist. If it was popular to like Snape you probably still would.
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If you bully someone off a platform, and into deleting a fanfiction, because it's something you don't like and find problematic I hope you take a good look at yourself and realize what you did is far worse than anything that writer could ever possibly write.
And also you're an asshole.
Fuck you.
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Yep. The little TenRose fangirls screaming about my friend’s shipping TenElsa
Hey fellow writers, you know that feeling when you write a thing that you know people are going to scream at you for when they read it? You know how you giggle to yourself like a gleeful supervillain when you finish typing it, how you cackle as you picture the pending pain and outrage of your readers?
Here’s to that feeling. I wish you all many fruitful and productive hours of writing specifically to find that feeling waiting for you on the other side of your brilliant, terrible words.
And I wish you many, MANY incoherent comments in response.
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great day for the reminder that fandoms are ruined by those who comment hateful things on fanfic
writers don’t owe you anything
writers make fics for free
there is a back button for a reason
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People somehow feel like they have a NEED to keep trackers on their blogs. I've been going through some posts on here and I've been extremely annoyed at the outcome. They are literally threatening to stalk certain individuals by publishing their IP addresses publicly simply as a way to get back at them for sending a message that they didn't like. Unless you work for law enforcement or the government, which you don't, it is ILLEGAL to keep ANY kind of tracker on your blog and use it to threaten someone. That is abuse of power. You are putting people's lives in danger by posting their location all over the internet. Turn anon off if you are that uncomfortable. It's not harming anyone. And it won't harm those that are legit and want to feel safe to send you messages, either. They can live with it. They need to toughen up and stop being so shy. If they were truly legit, they wouldn't be hiding behind a grey face to send a message. They'd send the message as themselves, with their screen name. Anonymous message-sending is just proof that those people are cowards and too scared to use Tumblr. You do not need a tracker on your blog for ANY reason. You are just making yourself look like a horrible person.
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i’d never be anon, never, i mean it’s soo ridiculous 
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All the anon hate stops when I turn anon off.
Anyone who sends anon hate is a coward. An insecure little bitch who is so pissed with her own life she brings other people down.
She’s so un-happy with herself she tells other people they are ugly and useless. When in reality, she’s talking about herself.
Fuck anons. 
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What the FUCK?
Fuck off. 
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i'm really sick and tired of seeing nothing but hate in people's messages. who the FUCK are you to tell anyone things like, "go kill yourself" "you're not worth anything" "i'll help you kill yourself if you want" it's really not cool to say those things. you're a low soul if you say that and i hope there's a special place in hell for people who say that.
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I wish anons would actually show who they really are, prove to me you hate me, tell me everything i’ve ever done to you to make you hate me, prove to me you have a reason not to care if i killed myself….oh thats right you have no reason.
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I honestly dont understand fucking anything anymore. Why would you even send hate anonymously and make peopole feel like total shit. Why send something horrible to someone like a rumor just to make them feel crap like, whats the point, you have every fucking right to send anon’s but not if their fucking like that. Anon’s are meant to be fun, sending them to your friend saying they’re gay, or asking nice questions to people ITS NOT FOR HATE. I dont understand it.
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I hate when I post stuff on here that makes sense to me and then anons are like no, that’s stupid. And I’m just like… It made sense to me you little shit.
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