sailingseals · 42 minutes
hihi hehe found alot of incorrect qoutes wohh
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sailingseals · 3 hours
SPECIAL game reccomendation!
Just play the game. Just do it(if you can deal with the content warnings ofc). Trust me, it is a deeply personal experience that tackles a whole RANGE of themes where there is atleast one that you are bound to relate to in some aspect, probably more! I really cannot do it justice by my word alone, no matter how hard I tried. All I can say is that I would wholeheartedly reccomend it to anyone in their late teens/early adulthood, as it is really a transformative experience; it's like a coming of age story, but executed perfectly for that age demographic instead. It is so extremely cinematic in both the sheer amount of deeply emotive cutscenes and the ost that backs the game so immensely(seriously, cheers to the people behind orchestrating original music and cheers to Carrot for picking pre-existing pieces that match the game's moments so well!). Truly, one of the most memorable experience I have had with a game. What else can I say...oh! It's extremely aspec friendly! Not to spoil anything but if you're aspec I think this game would resonate with you even deeper than with me. Lot's of other representation, too, and not just the LGBTQ+ type. 
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sailingseals · 6 hours
Brother pls eat your food... I'm gonna have to tie you up to the chair
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sailingseals · 16 hours
HIHI just found out about a JPOP group and HAHHH I LOVELOVELOVE their music ehhehe so I drew a little something for one of their songs "Just Wanna xxxx With You"...and I did.not.plan. where to put them so its..looking sucky and that blank space has been irritating me HHH WHATEVER hehe
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Phantom Siitaaaaa!!!!
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sailingseals · 18 hours
On the quest to find a way to mute things irl 😊
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sailingseals · 2 days
Just a silly question Iggy
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sailingseals · 2 days
because i know this is everyone's favorite scene, i thought i'd give it some love 😃✨
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sailingseals · 2 days
So I decided to redo one of my first pieces of fanart I made after playing Our Wonderland...
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Wow has my art improved in a few months
Original Version+Extra Thoughts under cut
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The Difference between my art now and when I first joined the fandom is wild.I can't believe it, but I don't think I would have improved my art so much if it wasn't for Our Wonderland. Drawing the characters nearly daily has given me a much needed opportunity to focus my art and figure out my style. I also think being active in a fandom had helped me out as well. God I love this scene so much and I love the spin I put on it I think it really captures what I had liked and what stood out to me in this moment. I put so many little extra details in the new version teehee. lots of love to anyone reading heehee <3
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sailingseals · 2 days
Round 1 Part 3
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sailingseals · 3 days
I was bored in class 🤷 soooo hehehe
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Many many outfit doods gah kskdkmmss
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sailingseals · 3 days
⚠️Characters are @boxxie-does-art and @sailingseals !!⚠️
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The last time that I had been working, ⛵️had drawn something for me and I was really happy 🥺🥺 so…I wanted to draw something for them since they had been trying to work on their own today😭😭😭 but I didn’t know what they would like so……I just drew something very very random ahah😭 I also remember that 📦 was trying hard to finish a THREE-PAGE WORKSHEET and so I just had to draw them as well 😭😭😭😭 idk if it looks like I put less effort into their piece but I SWEAR I WANTED THEIRS TO LOOK AS GOOD AS ⛵️ FORGIVE ME HAH😭😭 anyways uhh hope you enjoy the random drawing!!!! Keep working hard because I need an excuse to draw you guys 😭😭😭 jdjdjddhd I’m tired and need to work but glad I got this done today hehe!!!!!!
Lots of love to ⛵️and 📦 and anyone else who may be reading!! 💕💕
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sailingseals · 4 days
TW:SPOILERS??,bloody lookin stuff
He remembers
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Well this sorta matches my recent Iggy doodle posted 🤯
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sailingseals · 4 days
Drawing dresses are so cool 🤯
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sailingseals · 4 days
@pankakeperformer and I have come together to create the best (worst) thing ever.
I present to you:
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why have you inflicted this upon me my gosh
now I can't unsee it fhdhdh
he went to hot topic I guess
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sailingseals · 5 days
@pankakeperformer and I have come together to create the best (worst) thing ever.
I present to you:
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why have you inflicted this upon me my gosh
now I can't unsee it fhdhdh
he went to hot topic I guess
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sailingseals · 6 days
omg!! Iggy look behind you!!!😧😧
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sailingseals · 6 days
⚠️Characters belong to @just-a-carrot 🥕⚠️
I wish it wasn’t so, but everyone is probably going to have an obstacle once in their life. Some may be bigger than others, but I believe that you’re a good person. 🫵 There must be a reason that you’re suffering, even if you ARE a good person. I don’t have a say in this, but I can only wish for the best with you and your life. If you don’t believe you’re a good person, then I believe you will be. This is a complete stranger who’s talking to you, but this is also a stranger who has encountered her own problems. You don’t have to take my words to heart, I’m no therapist or anything 😭😭😭 but all the same…I hope life gives you what you deserve 💕💕
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I would feel a bit guilty if I didn’t say this, so I’ll just give an honorable mention to @sailingseals ⛵️!! I’ve been really inspired by their art and I never actually looked at it when I was creating this but I do vaguely remember how they shade so….yeah this shading was kinda inspired by them 😭😭😭
Lots of love to anyone who may be reading!! 💕💕
I…CANT BELIEVE I FINISHED THIS IN LESS THAN A DAY!!!! LESS THAN TWENTY FOUR HOURS WOOHOOOOOOO LETS GOOOOOO!!!!! Ekekjedkdk I really enjoyed drawing this!!!! It was always a vague idea stuck in the back of my mind but finally it’s been brought out on my phone!! (Yes I drew on my phone again where the freak is my iPad 😭😭😭) Bro when I was drawing, I had been using that one picture where Iggy was tied up with ribbons and all three of the love interests had like locks on him and stuff and that brought SO MANY MEMORIES FROM OW 😭😭😭😭😭 I loved it sm heheh
About…what….like two or three hours ago???? Maybe more but around that time frame. Anyways, at that time I was doing some work while playing a sad song while ALSO crying (for the second time today what 😭😭) and when I cry, I want to draw people crying 😃😃 but like I’ve always adored the thought of like someone kissing someone else’s tears 🥰🥰🥰 idk where I’ve seen that from but…like…idk it just seems like a cute idea 😭😭😭 so I was like “wait why don’t I just draw that it seems like a cute idea” so…yeah HAHA as you can see I gave GIDGET the honor of doing that 😋😋😋 I was thinking of how to do this and I was first going to do just Iggy sitting and crying all sad and just disappointed and THEN do all the extras but I decided that was like a waste of time and so I just decided against that 😭😭😭😭😭 I still like how it turned out anyway, even if I didn’t do that!!!! I mean like obviously I’m not the best at drawing but since I’m my biggest uhhh enemy (it think that’s what people say) ???? I say that it looks better than most of my other works!!! I knew I wanted to do all of the love interests so I was deciding how I should have each of them comforting Iggy, and uhhh…well you see obviously 😭😭😭 if you need help differentiating how I drew each character doing that then: it’s like just Orlam touching up on Iggy trying to make him feel better with cuddles or smth of the like. Gidgets cutely kissing his tears because why not😆😆😆 and Genzou is just crying along with him 😭😭😭😭 idk I thought they fit but whatever it sounds dumb when I say it out loud but I’ve already drawn it 😭😭😭 uhmmmmm….if I were to claim this as any firsts…I’d say it’s like my first time properly drawing Orlam?! And also GIDGET with their normal hair down!!!
JDFDJDJ if any of these hit a deep spot in your heart then I’d really like to know!!! I hope that if you’re sad or not that you have a very blessed life and the universe gives you the treatment that you deserve, which I can only assume is the best treatment!!!! OF COURSE WE JUST NEED A MENTION TO 🥕 WHO IS THE CREATOR OF THESE AMMAAAAAAAZZINGGGG CHARACTERSSSSS!!! THANK YOU FOR CREATING THESE CHARACTERS AND SUCH A LOVING COMMUNITY FOR US!!!! WE ENJOY EVERYTHING YOU MAKE AND WILL ALWAYS BE THRILLED IF YOU WERE TO MAKE ANY MORE!!!!!
Lots of love to anyone who may be reading once again!! 💕💕
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